Daily Alta California, Volume XIV, Number 4405, 13 March 1862 — The Allied Intervention in Mexico. [ARTICLE]

The Allied Intervention in Mexico.

The following tv the arrangement entered into between the Spanish Admiral and the Eng'dih and French naval commander*, before the taking of Vera Cruz : 1. That the Coaral of France and the superior French Commander ahould preriousl y rec«ire notice of any attack by force against the city, so that measures might be taken for the tecnrity of the French, ai the cue might tequire. 2. That eren after taking possession of Vera Crux in the name of her Catholic Majesty, the Admiral Command«r-in-Chief of the French force* might, after hia arrival, cauae a number of hi* troop*, equal to thote placed then by the Spaniard*, to eater the town and fortre**« 3. That the nmi found in the public treasuries, a* well ai thoee received at the Custom [louse or the different administrations during the Spanish occupation, should be Tended by a mixed commission, appointed ad hoe by the Ministers of the three allied Courts, and placed in reserr* until the arriral of the Commanders-in-Chief, and that it ahould not be disposed of for any purpose whaterer. 4. That do fort, no fortification, no public establishment should be destroyed, unless in ease of absolute necessity, or if required for defence. 6. That the blockade before the port against Mexican Teasels by the Spanish Admiral ahould in no manner concern French Teasels, which should remain free to anchor in the port* of Mexico, and carry on their commerce a* preTiouslr. 6. That the Commander-in-Chief of the Spanish forces, eren when in possession of the city and port* of Vera Crux, ihottld not advance into the interior nor conclude any treaty rtith the Mexican Government, uitheut the participation of the Emperor. 7. In fine, that all right* soeTer belonging to France, should be reserred, the tame a* if the had assisted in taking the place. Captain Yon Donop, commander of the j4ria<ftw,grequired on his own part the same conditions stipulated for by the commander of the Foudre, end, like him, he believed it to be his duty, in the absence of precise instructions from his government, to abstain from joining the Spanish for' ** in their attack upon Vera Cruz. This last erentnality could not, howeTer, be realized, for the Very same day on which the interview took place on board the Foudre, a proclamation from the Mexican General announced the approaching abandonment of the city, and forbade the inhabitant* to furnish provisions to the Spaniard*. A Regan* Gixkil.— General PlaUnoff, an old school Russian officer, is the man to whom much of the rigor exercised by the Russian Government in Poland if owing. Toil Platanoff matt be a terrible fellow, if then stories told about him < by the Warsaw correspondent of the London Star are true : He it is that inspired the policy whose pernicious consequences broke the hearts of the honest men wbo were made the Ciar's tool* in putting it into execution. Prince Oortichakoff, died cursing PlaUnoff; General Gertzeniweig, in the delirious fever resulting from tbe mor tal wound the unfortunate man inflicted on himself, continually ipai in Platanoffi face and called him a merciless traitor, a confounded scoundrel. Count Lambert, on hia deathbed, (aid PlatanolT was a lurking, lying, unprincipled ruffian, whose influence in Alexander ll.'* council* posterity would look on as the result of some dark mysterious secret, a* a .blot in hi* sovereign's character, and the baneful cause of much mischief and dishonor. Archdeacon Bralobraewski pine* in prison for thwarting Platanoff'l plans. Archbishop Fialokowski died a victim of Platanoff'l persecutions. Bishop Deckert, involved in PlatanoiT* meshes, did not survive the Archbishop a fortnight. General Suchosanet found it impossible to serve the Ozar in any capacity that brought him in contact with PlaUnoff. Even the Marquis of Wielopolski, who was thought • match for any man in self-controlled stoicism at well a* in legal chicane, was obliged to admit that he fonnd his master. Platanoff browbeat him and the Marquis withdrew. General Ludert and MM. Hnbe and Dembowtki are limply puppet* in Platanoff't hands. Besides, tome person* lay that General Luden realises tbe dishonor brought on hi* gray hairs ; the fact is that the whole army pities him. Sup»o«id Mcbdbb.— A correspondent write* to the Stocktsn Independent, from Murphy*, that " another horrid murder it supposed to hive been committed, on the ridge ot the Ban Antonio, in Calaveras, about half a mile east of the trail from Murphy* to Car* City. A Mr. Collins, occupying a cabin alone, situate about half a mile from ReUly't ranch, was missed last Wednesday. His boot*, coat and hat were found near hit home, and the ground where these were fonnd was marked with blood. It i* supposed that he has-been murdered and the body secreted. Large Sale.—John D. Winters has sold hi*s one-eighteenth interest in the Ophir mine to Joseph Woodworth, for the snug sum of one hundred thousand dollars. The terms of the sale are as follows: twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars cash in hand, the balance, seventy-seven thousand five hundred dollars, in monthly instalments of four thousand dollars per month.— Silver Age, 7th inst. ————■———— Thunder! —The Mariposa Gazette, of Feb. 26th, says: The first thunder storm for a year occurred on Friday of last week. The lightning was Tivid, and the rrrerberatiocs . awoke the echoes of the mountain* in a style unsurpassed in any regular thunder and lightning country. Bain nil in torrents, and the riret rote Bfttly M kifh M it haj been Uri* winter.