San Francisco Call, Volume 86, Number 13, 13 June 1899 — CONSPIRACY IS ALLEGED. [ARTICLE]


Suit to Recover Mining Property

Worth Millions.

DENVER, June 12.— A suit was filed in the T'nited States Circuit Court by John T. .Jones of Los Angeles, Cal., administrator of the estate of the late Nicholas C. Creede, founder of the Colorado mining camp which oears his name, against David H. Moffat, Walter S. Cheesman, Sylvester T. Smith and L. E. Campbell, all prominent mining men, and the Amethyst Mining Company, of which they are sole Btockholders, to recover a third interest in the mine, alleged to be worth over $5,000,000, and an accounting of its operation since 1894. In the bill it is charged that the defendants conspired to induce Creede, who is said to have been mentally unbalanced, to give them his stock free of charge. The beneficiary of the suit iB Dorothy Creede, the adopted daughter of the dead miner, about four years of age.