San Francisco Call, Volume 102, Number 85, 24 August 1907 — TWELVE THOUSAND MOTOR CARS OWNED IN THIS STATE [ARTICLE]


California Ranks High in the Statistics, Having an Automobile for Every 123 Persons One indication of California's prosperity is seen in the automobile statistics gathered by the California Promotion committee. By long odds this state ranks first In Its number of automobiles, considered in ratio to the population. Naturally. New York heads the list among the states, with 46,120 automobiles. Pennsylvania comes second, with 16,981, and California has 12,073. Missouri falls In considerably farther down the line, with 1,716. The number of. autos, considered with regard to the population, shows the following per capita ratios in six states: California has one automobile for every 123 people, New York one for every 167, Washington one for every 345, Pennsylvania one for every 371, Oregon one for every 765, Missouri one for every 1,810. In so far as the use of automobiles bears, a relation to the prosperity of a commonwealth it will be seen that California ranks high among the states in the matter of per capita wealth.

A. H. Elliott, a member of the Oakland city council, has just returned from a,. trip to Earita Cruz In his new "Wnlte steamer. Mrs/Elliott ran the car during a considerable portion of the trip.