Daily Alta California, Volume 12, Number 104, 14 April 1860 — Page 4

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Daily Alta California. SAN FRANCISCO, SATURDAY, APRIL 14.

;FjrtheAluCalifomiA. A S«w eoh| for »he Da.b.waja. BY A IIW HEamEB. W< mar aot aar It ia a crime, We dean it Bore a folly. Skat whea we might kan Joy rabtSSM, We cbaoar grim nielancbole : Thai wbeu we mignt ban blla. drrma, ; M"U:if.-U>'k •■rcetiniliD.rrry, WedraUrt-U™in«uewithwin«, U pate arttk g m or aherry . W. can bat know diatreaa aad can, AcrompuT ram'! indulftora, That hop it .r» -he. la leap «lr, lile l.»ea IB effulg^oe; Tkat noble nature., and the beat Of beam. kae. prond in power, Tkat m* nr a one it paaaed to rat We mifU hare lo.ed thii hoar. T« not to adf we ahoold bow down, There are «u'ie. now otbera, | W. .boQld nut oa God a preoepta frown, Bat ttunk all m-a are brothera. And balp the weak to fral t '.at lon Guide, n. In word and action, That w. will Balk* rlat aton. And turn to praiaa, oetractloo. Each g- ncr»Oon bu it. work, L-t our*, b' done aiarerely. Let noae of ut Li. 4ki|r ahtlnk, But try to read il ciearlT And let oar law be that of aim Wlu arm ehunned the lowly. Whoa. eye. of lore were never dim. But anoae with radiance holy. Left win them Iron tke mtddentat cap. By trvt wordt I mdly tpokn. Well try to build their ruin up. To heal their poor batrta br»kan; We'll let M> paltry, eeUah thought, De er oa frean oor duty. But make our muaion plearare fraaght — Our work — ■' a thing of beauty."


FBIDAV, April IS, IS6O. Fonrth Dl.trlr l Co«rt— Uaio, J. MOKE Of TBE EJCCrMEM (CITS. J J McKeaaoan Wai.O»ano»*tal.— lOOnralotaol J. L Baßo.4 <tiln X A. to«bi»y «t al — Aa ltn«ater lot. lgu 'oat bj S! f«t. an lb» aootk-we* cunir of rr.D»»Jp.n F.r.CcrHatal— Atof MOfcat b» 375 led, on U» ■ ntb-out c^met of TUlord and CimaiOD* Jobn H Kuaaen t«- W. J. Sba« t*aL— Tbe •oata-viat half at biork'Ko. T. in 'I-- Ml^too addl K>ti. Win t »••" < nI ». t(»rti at aL— 6O nra lot IC-5. Touaos C.irjrll ta. 1. G-nr:i« at al.— A 10l 30 fact t ■» IST i«-i- oa lit <aat Bd« of MoslcoaMlT «n»*, 76 km Kxukaf Ja*«>a TnniM.. Correll «. C. Manf lot « aL— A W 25 »« bj M ml ..o tbt'vatt l.nc of baiuumt KM. 1U feet »mb afjMBMB. saaiacl Ottm »« Tkomai DoriiDd — k lot 60 nn* bj 100 «mt»«.por-a imi of fc ß*ao»T i *C«Tai." B. B- Woo«i«»nl t». Anhor Qotnn « «I— Xasoo Block So. 1.7, bvuna»i bj Val^da, lUafcy, Tra<7 and Miauoa b.iiu'l Criw «a! « RO. PffUaa— A tnct of tea mall iln amrh ail mrn-r nf rnrtitn'fin. Twrlflt Dtatrlct Camrt— NiTCCX. J. H'lnliT.fn J'bnll McDoea'iL— >Mlb; C2feat aa i«c mat •>*> of Jotn attan 71 bat aanh of noe. Gn«tßT« K»indii- r* J.C- IWiitnuD «■!•: — Lota No*. 6. t, 2 aoc 3of a ock No. «, wa«t cf Lartu itrMtKdaio TtMßiioaoii n. Joha Doe et ai. — L lot eS br 137 VI nk tU aouto-aaat corner of Kesn; asd BroadnT airartt. J«hr CralcretalM B.C. Mercbast ct at— Fractional e-nion 31 la lownitm I »outh. of rmai^ 6 •*--!. cootaia)mf 417 acraa; fr<c a. 36, T- t. S, B. 6 w., conuiouip <M acre.; IkK.', ut t I.ItS. E 6 V . conumit.* .IJ' Km. Ui-llk ', ..f !•» N. t < at. ', nfaic. 2. In T 2 (.tt w .. c „iun .kg ■ 'i mm; Uk-E. £ >4 •«-. S6. la T 1 £_ B. B W.. ooetMfilng I" Km: tb* N. *• Wof arc tf. T.I 6. Hi ».and i~ !• S»tlb.S X ' 4 of ««. «. T 2 ■> . h r. tt" , aa n.n«> ia Ibc C. 6. nur»«-ja. All aaid bad l«tnc i" ••"• ouaatT. Oiarl.- > L Fi « J C I Hlemai et al — Firtj «ar« <n\<:iDd«« block No 134. 1 Km TaompKM. Jr., ri. J. i .;BiJ«T«n»l a'.-Fif t nra \M No S, in bio k 62. tfrw ™ 1< No 4. iv hi rt M : tf y ran lot 4. in biock 131 : fifi j.rara lot i, is bloc* IS; 3 tj «.r. Li- N... t it 1.-ocl 82. M.iiM. Bllei S Bias et al —4 lot of bj 137 bat aa «k# ••rtta c dc of P» ific Rtrw*, 66 fart weet of Ihipo t. Ella *c~ (vrt ■ rj. Jonaa Call «t al — The Uo • claimrd bT tfa • ti iwl Dtatoa aa a reeerve, on aihlch the Preajdio ia aitqatrd. Jitji Briowe Cc Hiruda ri. Obad CLal et aL— A lot SOO «w«a t qoai c, «•-'. of la » Preaidra fceacrva. CHARGE Of FRAUD. jo k r H Still «r John Mm ro»n — fbie ia a volt to TVc. .«-r bM MII ao<l HI *m m arer* partoer* ia *eo"toi( a»t«e «para and p r ofic*'e m ttaw nit end on th» 4't • f 2»oreeiber, lbj a , *i > d a-vlved [Atoprthip. An.nnp thf aaacb of tbe hoot ■ w~* a *»tt-ipt pf* ■ I y Frvesaa 4 Co . lor a package of f v^' *■ fold c «c abippM br •tr.tKAa. fjr :he h .o»t" of "till 1 Slrm man. «o J« i. G Feeaa. nvwapaper «a .aer. ia rm Vor la iftvidin; tne propcrt • . Ui'. receipt, arita tke rwbta lacidvnt t It. area £ ««■ to fr.i.:. wko B ■• a*rr- tkat tbia p«cfcag« of - f .v] rm D r laraee* oat t . t» n- .d oc ocber tj«et metal fraadsleat y afclaf) d, aa -t.ii a«-n. b* b(r«uaaa. ao that Ibe furaer w»- t Lua cbfatad oat of (6UU, wfc cb be new eaea to receew. Ceurl of S«aale>Ba— BiAXl, J. «. tLCanoton im>l of malldoo* mitcbi.f, nl (Ind^rß^d anoer a noil* prvtequL Blckard Perkin* era* ir ;■ j and amricfed for as aaaault vltn ade.di, artapuo. F. 0 J>l n-ur. »aa trtrd far p»i:y larceny, and oonTided ttrurce Hart aUai O-irfT FiSeid. vaa tried (or aa atieisM to coaißil araod hrnij, and coarirted.

— 11 — — — . i Banking and <Srcl)angc ■<■•■■ ftrawm j. w. mv.v 9IABK Kite T1.K.11! A. CO.. EETaBUSBED is 1(50. on BAXK OF COMMERCE BOiTOI. BICHT AND TIME BILLS on American Eichange Bank, ■kw tosk, AfmOabl* ta tk« prlactpal Oltiaa of tt. Dtlo» arc tt. Oanadaa. Alaa, Tiaae BUI. as JOHN W. BRCM AGLM, New Tork. OKaVHALF per oast, per month iatenat aUow^d ob owr Cm.tu« of It^ioatt, wbw i^oed payable at In •Jayr" ■•*«». Oertiu^atea of Depo.lt with Baatern Banka, and other ■Khange parchaaaL feU THOS. S. FISKE & CO. BAIQTLSRS, SACRAJCEBTO. : KECETTE f I'tCIAL AM) c, EN EK AL DEPOUTB, Par tke Highest Pric«s Tor told DaU, MAKE ASTANCES OaOoU Daattor Aaaay or Ooiaage attneC.BtaM Mint. Sen Checki at PAR drawn on JOBS SIMX * CO ___8a» Franciaco BATHER * CHtRCU h, Frandaoo Draw Eirbasfce at Carrent Rate, om TBETOk A COLSATX KCTr Torm WM H. BARES DALE * OO gt Lo^, Anl other priaelpa cttia. of tke Cnitad Btatea. A ttead I o Collect loa. . B d traaaael ,c... enl Baakl.g Ba.lacn. trevob at Colgate; 33AKTHLERS, A>l> BEAUES IX BtLLlox & KICHISGI CO). «T Wall HrtM, ej«. w Vwrk. CAUrORMA COBBEEPOKDEXTS: *££*' "* Miltlc co ~ •ackmesto. PIOCnE & BAYERQUE AGENTS AND BANKERS, **— '— —«ry atreet, cerur of Juka... DRAWO" ICmCHAKDT A. OESBAAS, DBAFTX OS &. C. OPPSRMAjj^ X'f.rim. rV»b»» la tbe principal dtta. at ****«, HALT, SS9LAKD. ntCSSIA, BiLGIU*, HOLLAND, rWTREBXAKS, BPAIS, •EKMAKT. AVc Tmo w •1 *o raeel re, am <■ epe.lt, t h. aa. all. •* "»■»*. aod fcr a aaooeraaa oaeaajueriao, remit them .ad ♦art/ orotkarwkn, to Ibe fcmUJaa ofoapoaitor. in the fßunaPAxcmm of Karopa. M PRETZ & RALSTON SKI.L BXCBaISEOB KCOBEBK mjl »«W WOJUC by >k, p wk Bmmk EtOKI'K. l.«a TTaV""^ ••»«». A. Heat'ie. C KijeimLT^lk"" —^ "—",0.0 c. Ai>der«. . &. rRKTI*.aAMTO«, OAr-r-W-kmgv.^^^.^ »"** "armncMco. BABK.IBU or pick or J. T. V^JST VLECK »O. • ÜBOAO ITREET, ««» DOOB. tBOM WAW. fTKEXT, KTW TOBX. * CCOt'ITI Or BAIKKBI KECETVCII aMßU^rColo. * 711 I. llMuil *rriir*lll What » V 1?!*V 1 ?!** B '^'-*' *^*« «Cfc«n* •onVrueV*.w tST^ »~ »- '«* ""^i^ OK LOSDOS-liT SUM TO BUI »or«.by '•liKSIK, BELL «. CO. **■»» UJ Oalttbnat •traat.

Attc»4t*» i

AMERICAN THEATRE. Ss3J^==^ tT^^mMr^tec^i^of^P^T^ allen wb.wl^^ip^^Bu^M. lttr«Uon, F«., SoTcltTwd Kidtemtnt Aod al. the .l«»enta of mirth combined iv the pr-a» V>c, rB.( _pr.«o-f Ur.k.^a«- ta cifocnw, Tkr..r«.M.-.r.a-rr.«,.«. l OBTH. .EhIALEKO^SONCKCSOES. Nellie Brown. Mr. Tbofn.n. Hra Woodw.rd. Mr. B. Bootk Gw-Ryor. Uwi. Baker. J.W. Thoman Harry Urown. and the .hole of thi (j-.at comp.L &at,ir_LOV PRICES «. - «oo^» Tici,.t.: ,MITB*»"tCH K^. rißlßin ODrerllTATinM PnHirrQT GRAND rKtSLIII AllUn uUnbtrt I BIW Tucker's lendemy of Music TC«DATKVK«r« ,». „. GIFTS amounting tO $30,506. will be di«ribut»d to the holder. oleuchtickeUM wil beentiUedtotherreaentt. 11V.UMI Ho^aa^ Bacnunento _! .1,000 i~ Gold ooia» The Second Preeent. Thebal^cT^^of „,__ tiTHSrTSSSrp?* MACJS^WATC^" WiaJIT> 9nnVriL IH-kmt A rt J! BF »KEY AT .PtlKKl'll CJJ Bl JULJAI jmiini ». IL FOB FUli LIST OF PBESESTS, BEE SMALL BILLS TICKETS. •I— For aale at th. Principal BoteU, Hud Sure, aad Baok Stona. TICKETS RAFFLED FOR NIGHTLY g ,M». K.-.rw.tre<t. TUCKER'S ACADEMY OF MUSIC, M—-r^— WiU be elhibited for. few ereniog..commencing on TCEIDiY EVESIXQ APRIL 17th GKOPITJS 1 MAMMOTH o,™ CEBISCPBEST pRopBrETOBpRop8rET 1 «l,icb bare been laTi.bednpc.nlhl.trilii.ut.crk>, utbytbew-.~dp~pl.of tbet..|d morld. «-.U .««»., th.d-U«ruuhedtr.Trl«. Bayard T.jlnr, ha »oluntarily»ie»Bthet4l.w.ngop.ui-ti.nl-jfc»-™": -H.rlK*intharaooramaofiheTOC*<lFEChOPE Itake p—urei. «,if,ir.g „ ,b. oorrecln... . f-b views with all of wbich lam familiar. 1 woul ■Wail y O^iiD.l. London. r*i%. MarwUle^ Ounala. Soop^!kp.Mr.b.rg«dH.mbor e ,«oem)[r»pr«ent« -ithr«-.-k*bl.«v«ry-=RSA«T«.r~. BeadlalngaiahedAmeiicaaAnin. The nrat of theM I •TTrP KT«R.88cHrRCH.ATRo»B. AndU.o^i.ac.^p^-.e.orU^no couwca. ADMI««I0NS0 oENTi~ChTldren2ar, SECOND CONCERT ChUdrenof the Public Schoo Tobecrrenc .o^AVKv^rr^APßii.,.,., AT TUCKER'S APcDtMY nF M..RIP TUCKERS ACADLMY OF MUSIC F.K.M.TCUELL^T^OfM I.aldni« to th. Pi^ ««« by the School^ O,« wtub.a.arirryof ■OSCI DCIIIIIDIiniTETTEi *O>G», DlfcTS ASDtH.ARTk.TTts, Performed by aer.nl writ kn<wnait»u of thn dry. TICKET? He.,h;OhUdienh«l'prlre— til* obtain oft«l.u«cctor..:,dutbeP«blKS: h.xi.. Oo..ra«pe.«7ocl-rt.p-r»m,a«e locoi.«>enc.atBIocoi.«>enc.a t,^r^l^ vlb"i 'Uo"'^'- ~ ■Ul flntfA UamfQ> T C*«>Sl afkrttfk WAHTIB-TWEI ££&%*£&- a"SSTfJZ^' «.rramou,h,y. Addx^ X. P., Uxk box ,U, KO. apt» B^tRD-VIROIXU BLOCK-t F» > enit. of room, to l-t wi;h hard. In Vir<ini. Bloc* w*ln.e« corw, of etnekum and r-acillc ttreet. H« beeo occo(ted by tke lav tananu for nr. year, cootinu oualy. Appy at the premie IM. 'Vl&™?££r-A t£?£Z£'ZZt?Z£ - r^f IrJAgrr-.tPy '"rougb r»n Francis ill f| returnee, bo. .v. irlif AT^IUHK M.KtKI W," ANT kin a» r-r ISuS^Fw^^H \yv»TED-To c,v X i Xr-OORWA KM'iSlSSf^Si?? kg^dr^ toc4ca^t3 te^d,BoxW,Ben,c>. i P; o BUTTER AND CHEESE. vxxj^oii. _,_,_,_ GUSHEE & ELDER LlU> w- nan. »•. I 3» \V..hHaa;ton alrrel, Commianlnn 1-»^. 1 Commission DOalor B t _ W _....-_ CALIFORNIA BUTTER AND CHEESE. \ITE ARE E.\O»CKD EJCLI SIVKLV »» l,.r««wi B<:T-,«.^ toaCOUHlcSlo»BCfl.\EBS,andl,rtngl.con *Mt and direct receipt of Bolter aad Cbeeae, ftvm th UrpMandbealD.ne.intbei'ta^ _.«ir . T »Z*£^JiZZ£ZZ^T'VT P "n:bM<!r V.ll^^^^ from fim hand.. *• ban the Urgeat and choiceatatock of Butter an <^r£i~«'* bi*>'****°*>>«*'>>™«*y oauy«pplfc». ParUcularattenOwicr™. to the election aad Pekin of Boner and Cb«ae fcr Shipping. 77 GC9HEEA ELDER, J^ "W-MKfHH. »T«4£ nRIFTCTMIiniI -*f Cg^-> DRAFT STALLION (TTTk — , „ Afco-*-Young England's Glory, " *'' wm««dfcr »ur-*..««, Atw«.B~d..B«k,,. M«.c 0.,,y,o.,,y, T-w-uiKA";^^^^^ mar. ar.uk....... <H.. mootk „«««r.«. tM; rf,.° tb.m<,nth,attk.rauoff.pnßOßU leHurac. will U cbarp*. All prop-oar. will be taken if ««i; ». B—All«.«.«tk,..Uo(lh..«««r^ ISS I* ?T'i,'~^V 0<* ***""•'"»'•«»•'£ rr^>.t«ta»fai»Bl»n«Tb!rh^dll'^ ' '°>Mrlcl ' •lr».llr KU-wart >.oot!ak™l.M . 1718| *n"'mm*r *: SSS^^ lr^h."Un!uii«?olo7.^Jk°S>if.ii t*"'r'" L kri^H-^^rr"^-^-S^^ittJLTjTD^tillh S*Vi.^ biM-£lTfv7fyk?^rs-S^ t 'y>'rW"Od '<C<H '« f>«W. O'~»,<*!— p«» «tl» Boyal Agrt s^^ti^tßiiLiit-'irSS pr-a^ ""'Wi-aniMwulUw^l K»n,t.^l«r.Otoryl-.pro»Hhi m- f...e. M. — rw^f^.s^iSoklr^'" 1"'-1"'-? 1 '- CShLAWYER *t^ IESi <a-VVI-t'«i^h flDlMb.lk*!,,^^,^,^ r/trrr.-^rrr:«.. •»^2i:*^ta bV^WC^, W^SilT'Kr 1" ttirw-.SrHrsis-iK 1""Jaßssaasasr.-—. ;^ tSu»7SSSi!.IS. <ir "r- l! 'k *» l*»»ll«? «,Z^


,""2^™^ s^^,^^^ tiiss HABBIET cordon. **»*• POWERFUL COMPANY. ! ,at™dat kvksiho apiui. i*. l » ill U pr.«:nled the M«cifloent lewndary Bpectaclo - o, th. *"* l-j^ --^^^.^,2^ R& ." . 7 S"^ J. aW>«> Mr.lemaa . -P-ia" Mr. H.Conruu» j Ampbibu. — - Mr. beo. Blmm. jj-j^^^^^.- — —„**« »» — -■„ ..» U to-«r*J2£ZZ?^l. „« = ~-_ J. PrlTaiißox. Ro jr-——. -——— ■ox^ccp.nfro.l.A.M^.P.M. ap, —————————— tllitUßl THEATRE. LKSSS- ASB MAJJAOER MR. B. 0. HAMB >"■» «—- - «»»* - MARSH'S JUVENILE COMEDIANS, ! — l n»W PFRmPMANPr UAI rLnrUnlflAllbt. , »T— —"• SAIAD dTJEEN, ! Ob, the »*». of th. mm. Sir F.pwt, th. F«rnancht Mia. Jennie Grurl.7 ?rr.^^^" ■MSIMSL! A^aSjgaSyariTk,. MITSS '«»"* «VEIU. APR 11.,.. The !«lormam*» ill commune, with d.ama of c JKMIIV TUITriIKII JIJIJIK 1 WITCHKR. j Twllchor Meat. Oeo. W. Marah "t tct , M'-t S . i^^^~h!7wihj " Mina Hamrt miM»,.n, v.. wne a.IM uma c c--,-!-,,.. A.nk) SjSd iTLSLTsSmt , T.^^wlxzzs2ZiZX*. BIUPECRO.M S"^^=zzzzzz^s,.-ia ..XTSilt^r^"—" ADMISSIOS-Diee. Orel, and Orch«rtra Boxea, 1; Children, aceompaeied by their parenta, 60 ceuu; Par- , qwite. Went, l^iratt W., aicomm.>daiin g lire per. aon«,slo. Seau can be eecnr*d at the Box offiue betw.eu r^^f!L"k^^WJ.I^.TiTb. i t£ll^ OE> M *—* gATrjRDAV KOOIB. O8 * c.nu«ch; Oiildren acent^-toaU lart.lf lh.hou.c. . ljr±t±UiVl U" lil IN. T - . -, , . „ ., h ..- „ , Toe IAPgMI «aUI Ul 188 W OrlO I , . WUI commence to hold bU Inn d - ... ti1,,,,, „..,, _ d »»TIESDAV APRIL, 3, T , ™™U>ORO; *O»I.BIOX,..__Z= „CKKXB, . Chlldiw. Half Price, mo,. .EX.TH k.oos.iox. ^ f ga MUMCAI.. Wj *j^ 1^ MiDIMK HECHT ASD DHCHTEIV fc--' A KOULER, •pM- '"^""^ b — g , jfflT tlfllr* tTO>FATCATTLEar7^ HSJki*" 411 l/All-LLfc'*\jiU nT I a»«.e. ... WV "^ F<>L^ LE- *" , GOI.VcS""""— ^ STOCR PATSP.RS . 100 .Mares lor sale. lIUVDKKD BIIFKDIVG tt^SLZ. "AKKS. a-1 rted with »T>ecul refnmiTto Vaji-Ktliein.pro.emeut of Ctlifaral. ibx-k-* r>.'r ed Ooa-».u.«i of them foU blv>ded. ibe ether, hal ».reed^-« cff-i>d for Wle on farorabi. term, lh" t8 "•"• bar. a number <.f Tery no.OULIB. which wUI ala ^ "^ ""-"—"^-AaoooDw,, J^f Ko^Frontatr^. IMPORTED RAMS TOR SALE fc.«*t» . »- PAXOS MFRISO: 1 Z BSSoSSf?* 08 P^Bicod,- , LPC E, TEREHTM^ J E 00. Fc*particnJara amJr a^e SSTo".^.^^ . -Wli^. Rirar, to Umirl CCRTIfiIA OOSOVk^^: e «., or ' WhOTfcK, kI.D- - M. DORE ACO f,*q ,M,M BatWyBtrJi:s« Fri!£.co. -- — ! — . ni ID?ID?N i rF?Icl?^TSP:ii'151I51' rr S 1!II8T -' , aT« D LI NT. I.te of Ifclmont, San Mateo conoly.Bchool Tocher. 35yea«ofa£e. abo.l J feet 7 locbe. ? i. O'Uipleiiou, round fa«. DreM-*bort black ?«S£E^r^3S . "^± !^ DEAPAND DUMB ASYLUM. , hk WA,AC> -— p ■ Inautß-K.nl.»:lh-lie.f MuteaoJ Blind. ha». t»t. i, XXpj^^—x^^^'ZJZ -j^. „ rf «"d It ia hoped that tbe atuem will all take an Intereai '",""" """"o1 "-* »«»• '"« the only «1,, v.l in the the deaf mutand bllod childr.n can be Uuxht, and i> to be permanently located in thi. city. * penoanenwy All donation, of mon.y. furniture, proririona, te, wUI thankfully nreired and a. kaowledged. MR, F A.CI^Tk PwjM.,l. *Pl3l °t MRS. E.T. ODHKHILL, Secy. — THF PnilMTlkiP UfillCr s.JS^SStISXSSI^ ATT AT THE EARXEBT SOLICITATION ■<* of many ofour trienda, wehaTedeternilned to open •roi'plet.coomof inttrucHoo in tbe aoili.h trenjt . s P"°»Muli«n, and 0-nn.n lan,™.™ m well mm Uke e ""•"»' brancheaoT educaUon required for the Couotinr Uo °" "mouni ' „«^"»~ «n the la. touching morl»,«M, neßotlabl. l;yr, mining a.d bn-m~a tranMc". «e»?.UIr d , '°" '''TT " •«••• "»<» • week, by a dtatingulahed ™X*iX&i2tfS2Ll?2'vr r7I£Z?Zr7l£Z?Z ■■ hour, erery erening there-fu.-. ' g DEMPSET A LAFOND. _. , r2r^-.^^e^^ nXa.ir^;^^l U ''M — Rxmrxca- vn *v"u"*MJ.TJSS.JS."* 00 ' I^o..1,-,„.;•£,'.• «d...d viKbtV; h wiiteni, M' 1 -= '^ -j McORPOOTI'S -r, JIeOBEGOKS gst fii-iSTRANSIT OBSERVATOHY.tEuia | h«l'»M'« ««*««J. lha tl», po-«. u..,.J1.d1kc1l- «. J °" vmn> * r^»'rli.g of Chronomefra an 4 I'^T "•m n rea«>naol. term. tha. th a. g^rau, <*ronom-..r. .od wa.chea m crvSrinttto <Sl^^ SaraaSf °* *" worl*- «" <" • trUl ««! md.. by ■■—^..^^ OYSTERS! OYSTFRSt! ' VAOAXIIfcO; U X9X X.8.9 I I A. ™-2"»t2!"™» ■*«■«- ih.~ii Cora Oyron, aow tha not popuUr od^V^ew^ i?ooi ?oo Ult «~. -.--. „, ■ '" ""^ - HIDES, WOOL AND TALLOW ™-««+.m*~"JJr*£ RVC *T^-»j»!L^^ 0f,..c.'° r f" ©. FOCC, O,"" C"r-"« >r D""—«D ""—« «""'«— ■» mere.s, ra.aa^ EXIOOmnT LOOKOUT. 88 °ts^«^ Vc2^ D «*CA"««« sss?,*" H^f^" ' ™* ""•'STOII, "»™*,r, 5™.5..,.»^.L.^..S™.S..,.»^.L.^.. tt^JSil?r*uiS,*'il" tr IU *tte*m~ ldrt^ MI^llW


ibt.jgaie^/fct." j RO?<3 MS ! ps=~ icS-cl^'^v^nr^ndTrn^^^ p, T,LE^»»Tn y tH,T.iASi, .!».7i2^^Wff«lTar£: aouable. Inquire on th. premiaea. aplS2« for .uk^tw kes.dk^cei Rill °f ""* 'üb * rib »r- " »'•»«» Dolore.. . n Ontre 2f^3&t3zrstts:?J£rz »pI2J ...\OitZ .O -"I^OEO PEOER. _i OEO. f EOER. 'Pftr«?alo tt^»OTs™~s^s ■**!■ corner of Kearny and Lombard atreeti comprialng yt^-ffi^L^^l^a^^ «•'■"■« tn«. planomrreve-.ine.. etc. Me. Thrre U a fin. 3^fS«SS£sS!ls^ .taba.galn. Apply to W«. LEFfISOHELU *PlH' 118 Montgomery .treet. _ rp> IIBSfT-THRBB KIRKHHED .^{rSLtfliy<P^n''"»™- ThM room, v, fur- , £«^H/H'a7"l: 'r^"^^^^ s^!^^ »«», near.y JI r.noed In. and mo.t ccn«n»nUy .itu« ted, being only Pj milee, by ™. cf tbe beat natural road SSf SHiSSSwn^lrT.Drtr'SraTrilT.VT^/nv^^,^ 1111 *P^M pq FORBEXT-A Ft»,.,B EB „O,SE K3° n^* cxl'11 *c"c"'Rll">"IIU"IlUm"«"''«l»l"l"K8'™"""">8'™"""" feja^^ritmS^^^Jll^ tp^'M7E:rH"bor~;,ToVdpo.S:Vror,b?.-.y P0..«.i0n Rlren a. *K.n aa require,!. For vm, „,J t.r Ucnlr,,anilyto R. 11. BKHNF.TT * CO., *p*"tf Corner of Eaat and Merchant .Irtett. IT -.r.H aa.g . a,-..,,,. a^ltrinii ii; T7 A BEiIITIWL ftw»l A8U,.11 fcned in, and di.iiied intotwo «S» JT^'.^ ''••(>■«• ». a-d fB.. Etl. riSb;^ « , i'S'S.8."?^ 0^'ln SS *Dt * c\7.\%r% "" on.;^T^°^T^;.^ «%^^^l«rSH Z££lf!l*"°" """f 1 two.torle.and baMment; Iln"hed In beat modern etyle. Apply to A. U. HOUSTON. "o. 4. Second floor, Armcry HalL — 0°"« 8«~n.n«. .nd Mo.tgom.ry rt.. I'OR REST-FIVE SMALL. NKtV . »«^»affiSs A^- a.b.hocsto». =^~ P9 Cfrtr <a «l Tl |1 Pailo-r-Wi EBOlOre alia \jVIIBLTEI *-L i^S. on piroZlt St 3»*T«^» -«-« *i«JXiI OX., JMO. -GLU, S~ond Hou« from Cllfornl. Breet, „„,.„„«. ■H-WK-W-I.taUfc mhcT*" o"*"'"^"l^uplir.0"*"' "^"l^uplir. •-- - ------_-.^; MACHINERY FOR SALE. 11™*,™*™^"™* ««« ido.bi^e^,.Turuiu,La.he,^n g.«tachc.^,uru. l aooMo-goTed Tnrnlng Uthe, awing. 14 inche. aod "" 2,-i M lUo% s icf.7^ mv»;mi»i. Desirable Inve.tmentfor a Country Snt -,_ par.h^TTS.atkococ-.t, ft1-**—'*> "Cie*- niur. or tern, on tbe countr m.d t »^f« Jo«s „„„„„. mi^uth of ~..u^!tef S&S»iS^ea§ 'crpaihculara apply to nhM ""SUSSS* To^^ 0" "•»""» MtV^um^we. .d. doc of Or^nwich. For «?al« nt n B,,M; n I ' ~ xor aaie at a uargain! - A AJ IJIPIIUVEn FARSI, ABfllT S?" ™ ''S111"S 111""C"/"' P".lnmvconUlnlngTOO *TT** C"'; "'" ••''"■J ■ «nJ »« enclo. J At».u: :i il f -i-"c"" «"•ln "'"♦•" on the preiient >e>r. On Ihe V^T"tl' < "^ hl» D"d«»«»»»•"»•<»■-. o r^jt"?. ".^ij111, W^ r ■ »;-*«'W"'a* Alrt, a .mall ?^2£^«SS^^& SB2»l!5T^aSS^? i *•"»•• -=^ .>v»-»^i>A.'. DKBIRABI.Ii: lIOMKBTKAD KOR gO J ale on Nalom. .tn»t, north .id., f .urh .lor frnm .^^p.l^^.^^l'r 6-'11 ' '"^"t'SoTa^ALLAOHER, Oa. F,.t-r. mHM»* >0.172 Clay .treet , — FORItEASE. . A LOT OF OROIISD COXTAIX. Acre., .rfgoodonaUty land, eligibly aitnKrfo" *• B*DjM'8*DjM' ™«. ••»-"• "»~'V ■Soolthree milee from tbe Plata. Would make a itond «t. (nr a Vrp,t«ble Qarden. Apply to W. A. W.WDW ARD, at thia office. "' JaSlCtr VALUABLE FAHM FORSAKE. 3S^ = ai,Sa^AS2WS SS£SZM^Jl£££!T^^£& KiT.-n,airf the r. iu»inil« on time Xt a .mail p«r ceut. f..r "£ZSZZ£Z..».m»«aJl2^ -iS,m h.h.uvv,ll[ . m, DESIRABI.K IKHIKSTKAiI FOR Bfl BALE.-OU J.*n «reet, north aide, al> door, .bore *l!I.Powell. The h««ee iaa well built frame, hard no- (< t,,,^ ,„ omh^i, ,<%h£ •»* otbar oonTenieacea, on th. premuoa. For term, and further partlculara, apply to A. M. GILMAX * CO. M" 8« Front itrept. f »-»• . — tDoob anb (goal. „-,,.- ---- 1y1111..l COAL. _- .-, ,^ *I*>*»l TOSS OK CHILI CO4I, JtIT »3 arrlred, per brig - Crimea." For ula, in lot. »™«po^haaen, by LOWENBRRO A CLEIN, „. H Sana™. Mi»at. *«'M«* between Calllornl.^ Pine. _- ■_ . . COAL! COAL! nOK »LE AT RIDITEO PRICES, f Coal of erery d-ac-lption, al CNIOj OOAL YARD, <»™er Broa<l..y and Sao^me alreeu. mh^ (Wof Br^^Jn^l^oL^U. WTgT TTABTTVV THAT WXIOI JIA&XIj£iX liUAJj. JAA TOII UUnBIN IU 4O(>™m for sale at reduced rates. .OppoaitellioCmtumlloni t>-i*iu™r-ir»rf«w«r^ 7S - aCwM^.andßet^l..t * ™J> M™m'' . nit.l aenni r-na. v.,,.. JSU00*11.!* 811 ' ,-,.« "^ %ti^Vd"5« ««*•• _ T^^Z.^yr.rVmllonrp'^ *-•-*•«*—**-»« -"^SS Clothing, at •itr.melj low price., v th. following lint WflUhow--—BUckF^kCoaU .or*, Orercoau. fromMtot»> nn.BUckD^kinPan^r.lfr:^.'1,, Fine Bl«:k Cloth Veau »2 M Ooodßa*ie-Oo.u fror.|«to»lo 0«d Bn-ln-r»t. taHIMfU "- —-"—"* —'-m-»*m-»* Flue Merino Draw.ra fromMtoT.cte. Fin. Whi» ShirU homWtofi Bllk.»lUo™nandk«chW._from«cu.to« =SEEEE^E S^-Sr ttall«"«ll«" SUST^S: »-*»»»*. *»tm*^*<i*^£Z£U££Z^ g?Kwcssr£=sa ■SBSaiSSr— — OAV« *. BOWmu .•■ "","S"* ra^r*. for tows.nd H.™ ~»«SISS. « TWELVE-MIL- FARM, SANJoTe ^ffrirJtrrttl'r^

gt)c. .toogiioc Olountrß. WASHOE STOCK FOR SALE. <mmmm E^Ant^ilam^'un.y:; Washoe Tents and Bedding *«"_■"« BeaaillKl.^Olt SALE AXD MAOK TUOUDEII BY * , a smith ■■ ' „„„..„ »'„,„„ ■*«"- "^'ns^^t.; Railroad. ~ MOST BIRKCT KOUT* TO THB washob mines. J /■ >» •— ' T^atJlA?.1;,?- "«»««O S^tS^S^^-u- 2^ !^ *»•"«»• "VmUin Towae, Md fur the \^««Hoo Mines, V,A P^A ,Tx^ TIA PLACERVILLB. ivturninr ll« <ll.^ , .»J „a,,i,i,,, traSrArrWu,!.. fcSSSS. 'lllfKl. £ ooTu lear. fu, San Fr.n. l«o. -^^SsSSSr^jr- - Alili lUMlllll rUtt IIAMIWIS . Or any of th. Mountain !•„_*. t« fk. 5.,~. ' '^^ZZStt<%£?%&*, t2^ 135 M.Sjtgomery atreet,or OEa K. BR Jo'(l72i|, Vrul. X 1 C^ h B.ftay ' ' > J-'-B 'BIXSON-Snllt-CAUTION! PERSONS INVESTING IN THE Washoe Silver Mines, are PARTICULARLY CAUTIONED against purchasing interests in what is called the "Billy Chollar ground," between Virginia City and Gold Hill, in Carson County and Utah Territory, as the undersigned (with Moore, Lawrence and others) claims by location, and holds by possession, eight hundred feet upon the Comstock Ledge, immediately westand adjoining the aforesaid Choller claim, and will resist all aggressions or encroachments made by the Choller Company, by every legal and honorable means the Territory or country affords. James G. Dow. ap6-1m* WASHOE AND UTAH TERRITORY MACHINERY FOR SALE. Blankets and Comforters. 15 Bales Blue Blankets; 5 bales Red Blankets; 10 bales 9-4, 11-4 fine White Blankets; 15 bales Grey Blankets; 19 bales etra quality Bed Comforters. For sale by Badger & Lindenberger, 103 and 105 Battery Street. fe22-tf WASHOE AGENCY. J. Ross Browwne, Special Agent of the United States for the Pacific Coast during the past six years, offers his services to the citizens of San Francisco, and the public generally, as an Agent in Washoe to examine and report uponmining claims, inquire into the validity of titles, &c., and transact any other business that may be committed to his charge. Address J. Ross ZBrowne, Carson City, U.T. mh25-1m* Washoe Agency. The undersigned being about to leave for the Silver Mines ofWestern Utah, would look after any business in that section placed in his charge. Being familiar with the mining district, condition of claims, &c., his services might be useful to those not desirous of proceeding thither at present. Investments in mining claims, and other property, could be made through him at any time hereafter, on application at his office, northeast corner Clay and Montgomery streets, up stairs. Entrance outside, on Clay Street. Communications will reach him, if addressed to Carson City, Utah Territory. H. DeGroot mh22 <&^^ AL£ CSS&SV22Z. o »».■"• Frandacj, or at oar.ubln. In Van Anunio. '**« HOLLADAY A RQj.ELL. —ScwDEDmoHOFTHB Ayr ■ OTTAT7 Ar u3 , W JiVO JL"J_O Jli a ss Kco>o ED.l^ op oTcroL ASSSSSSSSSS JJjj^J^^ **"" '"* '""""* "^" *"• '*'"" n"li""° .n. ■ ■ i ■ _. rt (3 11CU1111*« H iTr^rt WUJUIWP VUIUJ. MAZATLAX MEXICO ' vlw ' E"WARD COSSKR ' C°WM BSION MERCHANT, ' MAZATLAN. jj^ QEQ c CICUrD •-& vr. ». r lan CH, Attorne,atlaw4CommlBMonerorSUte S *»• » 8««»d P..or, M..ouU B.ock, »»» Montgomery atnet, San Frmcuco. — «>afma» fEAlhmco. K. >. Bikini, poetlm*. , H.\APP, lIVRRELL, >V CO.. SoccLor. to Hull KnanDicT IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF orecon fruit and produce Jio. SO Waihlnrton .trtVt * ' X , *" .' N"r rront """• *»» '™»ciKO 3^— *^~"*- „ 1!,,!.», , PogetBonndlomber,Bp.r,,A,; r ;*i lmbeF Pr^rie^raof *.-«*, L.neo, M* betwee. -an raoctaoo, Vlrtorl. and Pwet ftmnd. f,.rw»r.ii>,« aod SSST*?T'2 """" ta ""*"**"" r^IKSSRA'^I^ Franciaco, Pier SO, Blenart. 17 —- BIcCABUi * KOI, nnTTWHrTTOTin -r-. t« -^ OOUNBtLLORB AT LAW Oflloe. 101 Merchant itreet, Sao FrancUco, Andln thaConrt Honaa. K^.n^l n» Amtlnth.CowtHon^l^woodClty, j»«n h'caic, OKU.l.roz, BaaPraocfcoo. [myl7] Itadwood City. '**\ Atrt . w,«..K.T" Man^«nr.r.and,mpo,u .1 HapiiPM Surlfllrn Rplrllm Whin. f0i1... HamfSl, baOOltS, UTiaiW, H MIPS, lOliarS RADTITP WABV *-r~, B-A-I ~T. .-^. - * *O"'O "' SO. 62 HATTERY MREET, Bet. Long Wharf and Sacram.nfo Itreet, Ban FrandKO S "• "" m"nKO H. B-IK^Mng prompUy to. flood —or*. ment Concord Stag. Uarnei.. Stage Stock, and Laahea, 01 th.bM,MU,y,oo..uauyM,bM.d. m_ DR. M. B. PIONK-OUPU VTKKD. „.„.«.,„,,.. cl,Drl,,kv .vn .<,..,...,„ riIVSICIAV, SIKUKU.V AND Alt OII'HKK. .t.. Corner 8.« Mm.. A.n.tmiA». r. b»im. i.s.mti. A. «. OILHA. * CO., ii 1..prcrt.r...dD»i.r.i. foreign nnd »ompstlc Wlnr« and liqiiorß —.«-.—^ O>n.tantly recei.l* th. be.t ..-Tied »or.l Ku and d°-««'cQ00d.,n0..r..... _r« monsarrat*.almo*. ---»™=»t^ — San FranclKO. *»-Conaigomenta Solicited.-«» Offlc. In San Frandaco, 8» »RO.VT STREET. ***"•• o.orellet*co., ifiMU, COSttlXCi, WlneS, LlqUOrS, and -hovxsxokb. J^"iIMJ^rt-''1>-I<'"M<>nrF^« ' . ganFrMdw r<annna-..> . nonnrv OAHFBfcII. * BBOW». ATTnDNCVC AMI. pnilUCri ■ fIDO ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS, DISTRICT ATTORSETg OmCl, Ua. 0A«r«Ll. 1 CITY HALL. "T"'-""»»f ±*»* ..«w^ , (t>iaat —- 4. W.UOH, 4. J fan Fr.nclaco, f \ Mt. Plneand Battery BOWLER * CO., rr!lg=r ~ a 'ItIMUIO»D ' CenerilBhl PP|ne4romml,BlonBIon Merchant, 10» Front a.^^rW..M.rto.. Bherry_wlNeB. °ToT oo »^ *™* A.a..ortnwntofthtoCol.brat«l Brand of n.rry wine., „.■■■"■■"—S., J Or.nnl.adJ.ugw. . tierce, or Uoney a.d Ooldrn WHAT CHEER HOUSE

Qj^artmrgtitpg. f^WSSTsSSI^SSSSSSi mw^^^ \ B"Ff"c'^A^7li!L : T^S.^rSL^JLW^^?^ EaV *»DER, will be coniloct«l In future by th. under- •*-•—*-*.—»*•. FRIH)tA!iDEit; San FrancLlo, April 7, 1800. .pg i nl. WM.PTlo, og copa» Twr.u,p S?-^^"™ 5135^^I^'^^ WlgS^" l^'p^haU^e^^L^ oAf^ WU. FttAjiciS ■ 8«. Frand«», April 7th, 1860. -"" yttASCIS3^^"M^J^2=Ss a/R-lm A. 0. WIOQTMAN |), 8S,UT,O!,»FF <,T.KB.,,P^ «V^W& T^ViS^"^ul?,2. day of March, ult. BOOTU A CO, B—-tAii«i«Efc*lfc*-»™«:-. T» X w.a... COS. B. t.noe the WHOLE-ALE UROCEUY BUSINESS .. berftorore, and mpKlfnl.y eolkit from their fri.nda a eoniinuanc. of their i.»trnn»se. »^l°- B^ThTcO., MO and 202 J .treet. — CrZ^VSSSJSEZnZVEi tMSSS? B« F™nctoco, Aprils 18« a . „ ,_, ;1 X^HSSfV^™ HFWQTnM I, r>n KELLOCC« HEWSTON & CO. "»T«™»"■•« «»"»»nnw ta which th. lare, bodnn. r^a"uc«i"k I%S£. I^.*^ llcforUiefuture,.ndwUleoa^>th«maUlK.ralahar.of I-a i c?l.r., ten,, nu.,,,b.p.nu.,,,b.p.dto,h.M^ofOr«, .^^^^ t T,^^. '«»/. without charge. J. O KEU.fKiQ. JOHN IIKW.-<T,,.V, J»., . J. 11. bIKAKNB. ■.« FranciMO, AprlH, 18«. .. I)!l. lIEW-.TOV, who i. an Analrtlrat Che-r.ii.t .cd Mr. tallnrel.t, and who w the nr.l Mailer and Kefin-r in the United diafa Branch Mint In thla city, h» been in ch.r«. ,^U~12J.wt£^h£f^SK«i W*^" AB.™ p,,MiOTro,o-cWW,,Mn,..: ££585325&185& tend to Mttiemint of th-bu.lu.aof th.lalTflrm. San Franclaoo, March >1 1860 mncKO, .i.rcn 31, iwo. OMJ(IMT c* J STKVENH. Tb. Produce Con,ml..lon b^ine. will be conU.n^a. hepeiofor*,«Ma. 15 OLA V SIHEKE bj M. THr CO(.AR:^H^,. SS^wS^™*28""^ t DONVOIIV k kIT o.^ .treet. In J. CaiahM'.bulldin»,oPpo,iteDeKo* EldrUUr.1. auction rooma Aa there I, no 0-nuin. Preminm Yeaat 1" ..wd.r...f lhi.na.» ■ nr.nll,'a now in the murki-T, he will not irnonuitr. any of hia brand nnleaa purchawd from hlir.»lf. «r wh'ch will com. direct from bi. factory. A. bi. California Premium Y*«t Powder ha. heen counterfelted he thewor. cantion. merchanu.Jobber, and groera again.t aoeh Importtlona. a. he will not b. account •"""—^ unle«tb.t with bi...g n.tnre and dat^lM... k*?*™ ** «» '"rj »«.«»*«>*««• »f •>!» V«rt JJ^J^fc-*^ «.«,.. "^ *" - 3ST oP*RT !V X R8 111 P WOTICK.-MR k«r4bT tery -ftgiS£.tt T,^ * A.^.. -/.!.-Sri.^^.^iX^c^S7.-n'? mhlS-lf tur. a ISI^SSSSS&S m.lnal c..Me.t. All bnaiunm avpert»'nli> E to the Ule ~^'^^^^^^!^i:.ba^ JACOB LEMX&JX. Ean Fr^i^o. M^h r, 1S«O. mh.-7-lm KS^'fiffiißKS :f; uV^S VrKjrf^vTt10"^ T""" 117" J BUIt.MIAM k OUOLIDOE, ia, by mutual coo.ent, tbta -""--^^^ .-,«. **SSB3S» J^^SKSKRi'SSiW mWI-lm J. A. COOLIDOE. %sT R- JAIrIKS B. meDONALO IS TIIIB cay ~lm.tt.d«, partuer in our Commi«U,n Bo--ln<«, at ban Joe. de Guatemala. ARKAYOLA *00 December 4th. IBM. ARRAZOI.A * CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS *""""SiZ 1 to K^ r^pner * Co, n,,»0n ,,»oLBT,o, okcopa,t»b.b,p IJ -Th» Cj»rtner.hip beret.*,*, e.utinjTbetwien M—r.. LOCDKKBACK A BALDWIN, Manufvtnring rt^nUnrAKr^p-'irin^tratr^ -!»*.««- „ IJ; Vfei," *"l—d MRS.S. M. LOUDERB*CK, Admlnlrtratrix of tbe Eatote of W.M. L nd.rl,ck,d«ce.«d. n°P^ T!*KRS"1P "» TICB;- TIIK SShlp .K^ni«riS iX™c^LDWwTKt g^^-^ggg.*"^*."! »»#^ mit and lmp«rtiDe of jewelry, at the oH .land of Louderback * ll^whv, 1.1 »aahin»ionrtijet,«p.ijttlr.. M. M. BALDWIN, peter ioriiiaed, SNUFF AND TOBACCO MANUFACIURER »«• » C...U,..,,.., (rn.«ilii ««.U tmimii mm, snr lorn.) \V°J^-cs^T3^^i.*r^S BROWS HHCPFI M^l.,:, Don.lcr.«. Fine B.ppe* Pur. TlrglnU, Coame Rappee, Nachibcbea. American Gentleman, Copeuhacen. YELLOW SSVFCI Scotch, Freeh Scotch, llijUT-rtrVoteh Irl.hllirf.ToMr, Freeh Honey Dew Scotch, or Lundyfoot. TOBACCOI ■*» ri.iiCL-r<:cr«is«. laexnts. S , >d. &iiC«S-, ?» Z?^"^^ TTn^Tcat.^^ t Tu > rk,.h AClrcnlwrfPrkf.wll!b«»nt on •ppllcatioa. N. a_Not. the new .rtlcle of Fre.h iicou-h Bnuff. which will be found a mperlor article for dipping purpaw. J^l-3m Da/Io TlTn4-Aw. fW^ «!,,*«« SOCla Water llVLaCllllie. A PSIAI.L BIZE, SKW AMD COM. Ari'S^pS^r SUch""- * C°°p" te "* ert_A e-rrt»»i^ SODA STOCK, Bottlea. Cork^ Martle Dual. Wbitlnt Twine. Solnhurlc Pipe., wltb fonu and ..r^lg^ by Imr^r.ndlV.Un^.W.l.r'Lck, Vallejo atreet, between Dupont and Eearny. J^l nuMov/Lx.. x^ VU£,CAI¥ FORGES A 0 «^„,„/,„,!; ' MACHINE SHOP, *T UD PKIXIISe MAUBIALMAICIIFACTOBI ..«.,.tr.,t"»do.r.b.i.w-..i,.m.r 7 c°s^s^r^si^ »t.in,r Wort «J Bl«k«nlthing of erery de«ripUo?don. *lberbycootractorday'iwork,udeiecutetlwithproirpt. aea. and dlaprtch. * * All r»»dy.«hand-Steam Engine, from Ito 10 hon. TO QUARTZ MINERS BARDJERSPATBIT ROCK-DBILLING MACHINES n NE MAN ""^ •»•«« ™RK |f of thl»» men with the» nacUnai. tor pwtlctUar. apply to o.™.^^^^^ »P«!Mm In Cba«'a Mill, Sm F«.clko. NOTARY PrjBLIC r«V»A/».r.X rUULiIU mllK IHDERBIOKED HAVIKO MEM Jb^^^^JETi^'JtS.'S^? ??>■ o^a,^Ip?,^h^^^ni'^^taa to require hi. «rloea in tb.to»p«ily. Af^^JESiX^'"^'^cl'o'f'No.'l?.^"'^ +2!2Z£s^?u*£^£22»%£s^ j^^S:^f J-J^* &-. -I* «r«^ ««-» »d ** h- of Real e^ Bt^,««, „.,». me Ildo'n.y ™w.y to tain«, City R-U EauU at low r«». .^z^s-^ Land W-rrauU. Extra pay of "altor. and Aller^ and all StTSMSBSSft.SS.-.'SSl'Jfi; rr -■SSHs.. lOMlii^PStralfcW nx3l- i•'- - * JSrTSfiS^SSf.iSSi 1-

ODrtttn gttttmgl)ipg. PaCificMaUS S Co'sLin Rut^^: im VIA -THE PANAMA RAILROAD «....» .. t.a.».«». AtlantieftPaoifloSteamAMp Company AT ASFMWALL __ _ ' FOR| IVIrW TORK **» »*w oaLBAS.. and PaaamT 1^ »" .tfi** " " ItLS «"»»" X^Tf<L S"^- n"™^ ' ' w^jia.-iua —'^ "^rj^ —— " »"«»« APRH. ,0, ,, 8. TIQTJ TIAWATWA '*t - —»x a. M.,l££fuV, *——•* *"~~«—,« A,tawaa wl th. SMamw MOTITTT „ „ - _, X»J "S> H. T H S T .A. H, JONES , Oomma-I T>AT* «r x. 'M* n—. "iL.* o*"'0*"' »^»>^-^S^mn ».«*,»«....■==,. T-Panam.^ Co, and AUantic Sloanuhlp Ca haw .nth^uT A«n f r the «1. of ticketa. Mwomeo Apn ?^-ta^^«^^ »^loci P J^Aprt lwli, a written ord.r m«t U*i^t. „ __ FORBES A BABOOCK, AgenU, J,,^ ■«—*-—-«——~* —^- «»*" "AIL BT*A« WCKW tC. AfiMCI *^ HOTITaTTs H-REBT GIT tt.t\rran«ment.",« betnenleni I Slajftjl' 1 "- KOYALSIAIL STII nTTFUI IBM PACgrr OOMI-A.NY and th. PACIF MAIL rITEAMSIIIP COM PAN IT, fur the forwarding Uearare to the Bank of England By the .Mamahlp. of two companlea, by mean, of throogh bill, of lading to Kr»»ted by the oummander. of th. .l.ipa of the Ped Mail gteaauhlp Comply, tor the dellrwy to WILLI "RRY. Bao, Agent of th. Roy el Mad SlMm Pack iT»^SpVSLSw"toKa^ <"M"M'to-lo .^MSSaESSr -»—"— .^SSSSSSS" OUPUV, FOIILKK. aY CO,, aul Baltur atra.t, cor. Pacia.. iy atra.t, cor. r-aci»« lIWITFTI 6TITP6 fVT ATT TTHT *>»*■*■*'» *1 A. IJUB 10A11* lAN* *«* EIXRBK^, TKnCXDAT,, CEES e™^. «TW PORT ORFOHD a»d G4RDSTER CIT »?WfgL,T#Bitl PnTmron OOJ_iUiMI3IA, ....... JV mMMAVTir.I M. NOLAN r OOMMAXDE _„„. ». .. '. Will lear. Fohwm .t«et wharf. __^^ *•», _ a v^^^. -Dn_» VOr tiXO A.bOVB Z*Ortal " •■ MO.DAY .APR1L,,,.,,. For or p^ b«rd, or. w F BABOOCK [**"■«»< —*---* **!*—. fi^ =S=i !£ll JL-dT^ SORTH 6KRHAR LI.OV WESXtt. _ . .Out. J ILOaJen. Sp^^TSTS .* mJ"*' »«-—•-* — Flr.t Cabilu 1100- Beco»dO»bia.l«iO- Steeram. E3S. Tb^'^lVoi.^b^, L^do^Sd*Hu^ "aTSS'SSSSo^— «^^° Biu.Tf C3i? g.« tSoLo?^^Smpa., w beaimed vwnpaoy w '-'^oE^ETkr^ABEicnELT. -^J. p T- ««»,»-». „ <g^;«f»fi ProP'U 'r aJrg^*ns. x>i-a.oxrA. ■■» jra., IS READY FOR t«.1.. IraN.! »n.1.a.. ...... I TOwlnß, tipress Business Or EICUMIOII Ot VERT BIASOWABLE TERMI »EASO»ABL« IBMA Docking or Tranapirtiuu Tea»la lw ?2&T»S3S>^B=ZZ^J22g -a^jSJESSSS Z&22L.**- ~ "" /T.TTXTXTV P«/- c GrLJjNNY BAGrS. 30.000 ODV££h? > ' " BAI k/l.T^-.f 26 Md M ForaHeby ,„„.,/»_ f, 4»fJb»«rt. _Z *° °* T Wr *• ti&'SfMfc PKR t BONTH —HOHOR •^•SOLP.bI. buaine—A«.n^ Loc*l;or Tr... en^l^hV" i'.Vs" \n^7^'^';' b^ lit No«i.y. *»^»AdSclr .(4T»UV. oi .tore and manufactory, afl\»rdio|r lirge proßta and qui «le. No humbug or medicine, aad no bonu. for pate riKhL Book, of deecripdonTterma, reference, and n PONY EXPRESS. Xlneß.jsfromS.nrF.nclscotoXewTor - ?11, „«„.... >t*!«%far2?e», "Tk> Orerlund IVny Kip,.« <omt -P?*^*^ rxr^^^nKsS 1:, a.,, .. , «n a «eia»7, in« ja a«jr or April «« t, And upon rr,ry Tne.Uy therealter, at I o'clock P >f. Utter, will U- receired at S. D Fran.-i.oo nntil SJ o'clock each day of departure. OFFICE— Alia Ttltgraph Once, Mont|.mery it Telegraphic D:.,«tthe. will be receirJ« C»,ionC, until 0 o'clock P. M, erery Wedne«Jay. »_~---j »nnitii n» ivn us nuosco Mnw rat' SfflßfiS^^lzSSlS LetW. wll, b. char^d,!^. San FrancUc, and W Uk. City, 13 per half onnc «nd n»der, wd at that ra a^cordm* to weight. To all point, beyond Halt Lake (Sty, ft per half ma and under, and .1 that raw according to Vei«ht. Tele|rrapbieDi.patche«wmb.iubjactnth.iam char.tr. a. letlera. All lett^. m.« be Inclce4l, «.mped eneriop.^ „ WJi. W. FI.I.NKY. *"'* Agent C. 0. P. E. Co. Executor's Notice to Creditors MeCIWi I JIOUW W UeGUOII. ALL PERIODS HAVISO CLMB -™- •K^l'at th. eat«. of CWVIH S. BALLARD. d ■ ai™«la e«™i. v. k « i«sj I^"^ Alam>d. coun.y, March«, l»do. mhmm ■ 1^ ~i l! T j— --Ji II PI ™ „ i FISH*S ! |_#«llfKI- II I n A a. 11118111016 lltlfr KeStOratlV6 I "'-SJE'-."--'*— heoomStolj ;^pE?th^.tS gj» -j^j^ftfefju. ' -^^^^^^e^chefSj I i may b. relied upon to car. all DISRASRS 01 TUE SCALP and Hair; it will «op and keep It ITJSBR2^ — —^B^ PRINCIPAL DEPOT i«.™.-t .'...lTr^.,^ WteMpKlnu. iMpomubem. tUJ IULLg. 0«™l Ag«t. UCU/ PTODC TH Or finrum "^ W STORE TO BE OPENED p^! SS**L, |Jofc« Franci«o, U»t th.y .IU ope. on Mo^E MX" WBW DRY OOODS STORS, ""o^:r."^— ai af-^->--aa. Z j I " ~ O"" 1 Improved Hay Fre... RSVa ~.=.,..a^,U 'W.* T. h.r. .1» fcr aal^ «r.rd other «lu.bl. To Coal JO.al.ri and Fanners.

g|)ipping~Deggtlg tip. e «— «.—»« .»«. 9 w~^ , ■ n ■-— ' *ji ia *-B^" AneUai.d , £& *1?%L« r^x. ThJa Bna. ataußCh, and kaMailtof Te»li.now ready I VSS£SSt. aW£ -—.»-*-«—• , Supermr acoommodatkina for pawengera. Freijht take -2r.5r.55.,.-. vU "AlS,^i^!liw -!? ___ BIOOLAB PACKET. The Sn. newOlppw Bar^o. jIK "»— ji WiU Bnlah loadlnf at Market «reel whart and will aoa * '^F^t J^ 0. ptr^ b'J^.S^W —!- For Humboidt Bay. Ol . a-X»- T««.horror, K+ffV WMUaWBy, HlfL> Wl> iBLET, M«I»r, -, wTrlS™ fr^hl fcr A~ta, Cntai. Eureka «»i Buck port, on MONdTy, l«ih ln«, and «.l with din>.lch. t * . -= «r.t r-TJl"""*"'' . For Humboidt Bay. to mIZ Th. CliuMr BrU ta j£rjj- Th» Ulppar Bag , *^ "iS.^^. U patch tn. th.;bor.p<^ S For Freighter Pa-^harin gg^^—**^ w, y »*. cmau,, . . . . CIIARLE3 McLEAN. J^f A, Piar 3, St.uar. .U^l wh^ . PIOKEER LUE. . —- * M Victoria, V. 1., nto Deli wring Freight for AM p.-* T ._.. . e^.^l O»l IC f°" TOWlliend, Seattle, SteilaCOOm ol 01»mTjia Bud Bellin^ham Bay the "''"f" *a° JeXUJgnam J»ay. be ... _. .. w _,^ ic Tatl ' "-"'•'"» "".ft??'. "P^^ <-■> ">• Friday AM """"*■ et _ . _..-.._. U '- 521J8; me>i Nn4o«, " X tt^ .T^^^U'det^Tn S-f-AWT*- 1—"i"«i"«—— - .„ t.SSS^ —— -— NOIHB LIKE. . ri»ji».e.K fciat.. X* XI HT ttt . » —. -_ . FOrWCW Westminster, B. C Tl. - VICTOniA, V. X. «-«"-•«. a^Ba^T Y. &2i£ O- F- BDNKEB.Com. ii/?c. li'l wi rf ™i , «-__Jr2i^?lEjij1Jh t'J2±. I 'Pll fc"— ' *-"'"■ -b»rf «"l '-to ~»<-l. B, xoRTIIXRt DUPITrn „,r .übibmj uutaiiib kua. — For Oregon. , ° Tb. Clipper Barqu. -g^- Talvß Yankee , £& T^Jo"* W. 001,, — * '"-Tbe^t'hT. CLAKK A CO, 'P10"10 Ptor 4, Sttoart .treet. For Axnoor River via Japan. —»*'"* !L Jff: Orbit, O. tST S> Ckpt J. OOLllsg, Z JS£X2S?JSZS~. * aananaie, conn r jiercnaai aireei. ■ .octhkr- dispatch i.««. - tor s» D«e 6« MTTTten.edi.te poru »r The Iln. «w P«k,«C^Tslhooner tH 2^'S3W. in **^ ,„ , k WM. HcoßEs, Ma^r, ui WUI bar. quick dl^atch (rom Com]n»rcial Itrett Wh«r *-*——*"• fcOTOa « OH Pn^SoUnd. The farwita, fcat^ullag B^» tf*- tj tvt Trait JAX **• «*• «*»U, Stair* Capt. O.BLAKE. Wul h.™ prompt dl^«Uch for th. .bore port, and i S, now r-^ly to receive crito at Cunniniih.ma wharf Fralthte will be take, at urn loweat P««a. >0 TOLLi CBARfiED on foul, -hippedby thi, ,■»,!. oo Fw Fr-ight or PAS^A.JB. h»TinK.uprnor accommwU : &B^SftTiSc««. S c^^ZSHjil^Sr """^!Z£2?S!£**?*% Sd 'gSa^ee «*-»'-"«- For GuaVmaß *Ur "Uaymaa M Th.^nta-.8-^T^- • t^lT Sinaloa, Bii£ Captaia SIWMAS. Will «ul br the abo»e port on the loth tow. F.r Freight or Pa—ieTappl, to - BARROS A CO, !- Or toith.f>»«»i.l on b»rd, UCommerdal «»et w art y J^ K: For Port Townsend and Port Ludlow, ck TKr«/.t nt iHTeCt. o- ,»^ «««-. ffJS^TiS^^^-i^T^rfl^ . A">"° . Or «o U. Cap^ „ o, b^rd. "">O »' **"" gS «- Z| TZ ~ s ForManua. «^ —..-w*-..,-rX»- Tniseo gll*^,, ,v ■ 4' »«k*a»j£ 100 ton. J. >. JE9SE.N, Com, Will bediapatched far the abor. port oa the Itak ApriL For Cabin Faaaa««aa-ITre..,,reoDl». a»ply to HCGHEI * HUNTBR. ., . . Exchast. BuOdhw, t; -!E! Opportt. .be Cu.to- Hw. FOrHonOllllu. "«"» »!!!»» -»■* , £s*»" »"*» w SfK. Taakee, £jj£ C J UTkTT C. n t- J-LOTITT, Co», WUI aaU fcr HOSOLDLO «or .boot . . „ ,_ „-„ April 17, 1860. For Freight or Pw«g,, harlnf wperior^xommodV tkma, applyt. ""*«'• •*"** wperlor McBIKR ,t MERRILL. -» "^^VSSiSEiW _ S For Pucet Sound e- rur rugot DOUna. Oak Hill, W^T. -k^.« k* «"««•««•. «"l bar. ImmrflaU. diapatcb. ^ For Fr*gb. - P— «* apply ->:' _jvri?.^J^,7,-«. wp__ ,»•-_- ___„ To — Z^^ P^ Th. A 1 Clipper .«<hoon«r JffL Sea Witch, *•«* 2 "--cnAFMAs.M-t.,. j-a RBRr^:^ a kTriTincVn^ulonrrifr Vn Brrr^r.rr.Vr^T NOTICE TO SHIPPERS TO RED BLUFFS rtlia ■ v lltU ULUTTO. .^T^ O».»DAFTERT«SDIT, for red bluff. J WHITVET J^. Preakkjnl. -= ISTOTIOT NOTICE. TBaTIAPPOMTKDGnu.A.CRAn M. to act a. «.*-»»«i»a» =l-^tolX »"•• press dispatches Y'A OVERLAND AUD TELEORAPH. """ fteth- »«lor, H. <. Mthorhwd to coU^ all ~=oo.nt.d«t,OT.rtondDi.p.ttl». ' . *~**.^*i*-,j^hSS c i OOc. aA. Or««-'. AdTettHl.gTgWy, U1,50.-^-1 -J'-tV^ "^^ mbll-t Nnrp,pp mspecWfL, Beef J £ *" SALT PROVISIONS. sssss i^^^g^=gg .pTrorrt M-chailWo.-k.rrty rinaok. that h. aa. a'i".^"JK^ffi""»-~rW""^ "rrrJr^r "" «^«taT. txraaSooMUa^, In part rf iff^Sr* „ • . t*?^*^

lot Salt, Jtrigt^ ; • < For Sale. — tL. w-^w-^"ita"^'-^^E£Sor*tSS: 1 ' -^f "^^^-"^ Wanted to Charter. . A MIP roB enliA TIA Kllir j^^S^^f^ A A "*" n Mll fc *"'r*"ir', ,'pM" «P » m 'i^-- -^ »—«»«-,~*—*~* For Sale. ,V.t?i- T>, n iliM,.-. .UK Ida ». »0f eM, **Tt> 517 Toa. E^clrtw, . *CnVldal>. Borer, wi. baUt expreaafr fcr th. Xalaa> =£=5 ie^E^Tli^ "^^ • She wiuM biTldd.UTnabla on retur. from to preSStS&att£yff IttD'-tia .pMUl Batttry «n»»». n.-i-v, «»a-K=^*»» *OT J- Xeigtlt OT CnZLTXer. * -».,,_ I=— r«T»- !»• Iln. Clpp« Bllt safe Boston, """^"^""^ZSlS 1^ BALCH & WEBBER'S aUAiAJWAA u« H AialiiiUk O *£*■'.'"■■ ***" H^arlin.ofPaci.t. f „,,„ -„ „„ TT-^.. -_„ . San Francisco, Victoria and FUget SOQCa. U~Z-*.< th.«.wtt, FIRST CLA'I VISSILIi »J,T 0S E. 30. Ton* Capt A. J.Trli,', W^Vi^ £iiS! liwl" HTt C«l lUr2« And finer Te-« a. tb. lr»a. re^mre.. , Th. T~*4.are comma^de-l by .I?erlriic.i aad g«»tla»»»JT Captarna, w«U ka*w. to Ik. trada, and wUI mi raralarly tatwew »M IVand«», Tlckiu M«l tt. tariona poru'oo Tug* Boojki, W. T, carrjin* trai»ht aad , tmmKLltSi * *^ ' Warahoiusoa th. wharf at9aa Frandaoo, Tloorta aa4 BailMOMn. {■ALCH*s.^SSo. »A. EAX^lk aU U TV^ ^ «•»„»*«. For victori fi_ v- « Di-^ - *,**• TUB CSBERSIUEO BIS*. Jffywltb conataatly grat el««. aailim eianUfcr Hfyt>K... ■...—. .;. »- p. ,— . , , aiawowghuio , FOBT LA.-.OLBT ATO m WXSTMSSTK. Oft rnatuußDlc terns. —«JS^[KES^-«. s^s«^^-»-^.-i«^«w--d.l» B.twMC«tral wharfs Market veM. .V"*" "*OT Or «ErOSD "TPFiT, J*fy betwe* Bino» «!»». ?^rt^ ". tf {fi» tak.u .nt fcr malr. a: Urn, lu.^t -a-^. Apply al tt. yard, or to TICHEJOB at CO. B«^1ti»-t.l-»fcl-tfitzi gtamrt rtreat,a»r Foaauaa. «atwwiwi« na -r ■r-r,^-m-rr-r . ~* COIEMAH'B CAIUOEEIA IIUZ ■» T«k Ud lv FcuiUh, U*™*— ,TABL,,BBED A JBft.SSl.W^ JXTTSSS. (r»oda fcr their aid aad 00-oparaaon la waHitalnrtu lb".^*-SS«S?S*ri!?LS t^'iSrldrf^troi.^ 0 -» WS^SS^',^L>. mm^mm^,^^^^^^^m^^^^,^^mm^ l^fe^^rltr^^ . «™et»Htttaotigttameig r* A «w i »w COlltra GOStS FeiTV. '^ Corner Broadway and Davis street. f _i j^Cte^VS^SaAtf.ffi MBS3-. *».-.•—- C 7*71 At t£^ -tTT *« » »-»■ At 11 AM. AI K>H AJi;; At ' PM ••!'<'■»■ " » ».m. jinran San Ailonlo and Oakiaao. 'JAS. B LARCE. PreMlenU a Steamer. ConrraCoau anj Cllnfcn. . CIIA.-'. MI.NTVB.V, Aj.ct. October S. HSU. ad _ _ — __ - For San Jose, Santa Clara *nd 8«JlU Cm, via Alviso. ff— a^ S^«™«»~* d i^S& ' *. — .-•«— — JVg-^. •opb«>.u-i. (Built .xpre«ly for thi. roato) CHAS. THOX.NB MASTXB, n^lL^iS.AytS'AT-*^"'1'™13'"- "'""" J.T. !^ k *. », A^ retuninc lm<. A;tl«> erery JIO3PAT, WEL3ESDAT a«I FBIBAT, U « »tl«. A. 1. PARK .3 SO. ' Th. <tw coo^c.in."^^ boat. -11 .~re Jand^..\l^aS^?A!y: ttl"k'w>^1 w^ •P3"" '• WHHS«T, JtWFraM. JTL l^Z V/~»T<T •"•TT 1 JC^ wwcAAMu. " mifin " *TOI'KTO.\ FOR I'REK\O And intermediate Uadinp, OS »KD.\KSDAI«.*TSOTLOCK A mh» -. ,T . -.— --. _ CHANGE OF HOUR _ " " Wmw> Tml,.^ T.lu. , MM, A. . jio»wi« jaa»mj, .-»»= -—. ', *> •-.» .i_ ■£ ? . 7* ... JOK&S£3SSb3 S.™"*!' i™^^'"??I'^---* «?nw< with.age. fcr «onom. aod .X. F. City ;lr»iha Kri tt ,'? 1 ,*i^* -, 'V,' 'V^ ,?' B''" >*- Bm^trriU. and Ik. new QuckaiWar kiaea, DMhUtmri. unnm: Learea Xapa City at 1 o'cl<-k,aad Suard «t So>clccX P. M,«« MONDAY. »BDN»?DAT axl F.IDAT. '"'■"*"! or F—^re. apfl, o. b«ri ...y B. J. WEEKS. Agent. CHANGE OF HOURS. T TTg T CmmiVC BTPTDTm UAIi.X IOJI£, fcLfIiJAXS JSiLJtI*TJIXJ f P.ntCA, >C..U, E.VU. ODTII.GET.UIFRnBS. I>mrr«,.r™» Tan.J. ft. W.^. «4 Ear!. «. At i....*.., p. *„ <r-^-»» »»« »ew, swift a«o J^tMSa-M^^fina aitoKSata^ront^ -,th .»«,.». led^comm«U. D^T*TBiplwtSy.^«J^l;S lfr^*FJKli: o««;«KTSSSjr^£?£X££s \?* fc>-tta=Ba-^r^ It BL-Fo^Hor. P»t C-j!?'^'!? **?* B^-TrJl^ »^T * >r '"'*•'• fcd^. Bu»l-, JUrer, and Owywr Spnnp, te... Ira— * l*'«lll*'«ll»lnl»'«"1» ««» « hum*. SALE OF SCHOOL BONDS. r....c- ..... **" »»*»<— *•"' ♦•»- >S»^1» 33^^°^^^^^ Xfetr^^SSSfi Xreajarer of th. Oty and Cooat? of raa Fnaekoa. apIMO.,dp.b^^^ra^ **"* »»od ' "•'»~»"lerert at tk. rMaof^ iaw«a\ KttJttZSS^SS-VZRS d""* . -__ .^ .^M^k^C* P*T *M# """ T~" *~ ** "■^'^"oTl^X.wni-n.nik.B.-d.-o^. Sy^k^rjry^'^pw^rybSSr^s SS"CpwreblSi'l-t. «.^rtorkVaSTroTlifcla. gThe^T^ * I»«-I»h1» , ?h*irTI,^,.ll*.CltL <>'tb# * * ' wllua'^-abSTX * jas.^Td^.'-'a?""" I<^"U twprrtm^U 'sclk^ Eubber Btonketswabbob"^™™. - nf*. p.m. JrT^.II m 4VKKTB. 13OWii"J£i%St!SIK: I", "".Ttf^Wariert Bamat, X». w- c""»to">':°~ " c-"te^ «• — —