Daily Alta California, Volume 15, Number 4816, 2 May 1863 — CITY ITEMS. [ARTICLE]

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Duukti -ek* To-dat.— The, followint U a list of tie cabin passengers per steamer CW.tiiution, for New York eta Panama: Mr» DW C Hire. 2 ehU- Mn P L Chamberlain. dren ud servsct, infant and titter. VnWmJ oats. Re» J McCarty and wif*. Mi" Root L . L S» John. wife, child Mrs P A Atkinson, and servant. Jlr« Nathan Soderor ud Cha. Bunbtrtw, * children. I Mansfield Compton. Elisba Pitxgerald. wife. ! Ben j Berry andtervant, daughter and ion. I Sara I sacks. Mn i rederick Smith ud P Merchant, .child. He man Kobit-huk. Mn Francii Cutting- and Nathan S Baehman, child Jimn (jnaill. MrtCapt Win Clark and I MrsJasH Stewart. child. |MnF Low and child. Mrt M D AUbaugh and I Mrs Ann J Sibley and 2 children, dauxbtrr, Wm UeniM*. wife ud 3 Mn J»o»Parkt and chid. children. John P knight, JU.- Anderson. Matter Brody. W F Garkill. Mn U A Foater. . Edwll Parker, wife and MmSujan DunlassAboy. ,„...„. ' Mrs S S Wools »y * boy. Rob7craVto». wife and Mr. Wm N.iUSchild'n. child. Mn Amanda Uarruon SI it Martha B Price and and child. rhild Mn Anreline Birtlett. Mrt Jainci Campbell md Mr» X McComb. * 2 chl n. boy Oto Sylvester, MreJD Fi.-ber. Albert Prifrt. , Mn Bauer and 4 ebild'n. Hegry Mackie. MrsOhaaKeed M Zillrrbach. MnHarerty and child. Mn John C Poetx. ud 4 timon «ircVnw.ld. wife children. ani 2 children. J osepb A Woeber, wile A CU Leonard, wife, child 5 children. and servant. Mrs C B Leland * child, n X Patten and wife, Rc-bt S Xewkiel. Mn James Morcan. in- IIM Stockman. fact and (errant. Sam] H Perry, Ambrose Robinson, wife » m M Bevins, and 2 children. Mrt Chai Boyet * inf 't. HrnrvC Lennox and wfe, Mn B Kernr 1 damh'r, X R Faulkner and wife. Mr. M Bevini, lie. i 0 tiirfe\e uiti.chil- Mn Wn Brody, dren aod servant. Mm V> in Mitchell i 2 eh, Miss Itrdington. Mn S Nichols, Mi»<(>are. Mn Sarah gkillmaa * Joins May. child Judge Munson. iMrs Wm Ron, Jack liitlleui.B, RCLawler. wife a inf't, Alex 11 Kawtdeli, i Mm Kairraie llill. Henry Miarp, (David <i Day, bainuel H liannan. wife! A Peterson. and 3 children. I France* Uagerty, CKEllioii, wife. 2 ehil-|Abram Goldsmith. drert ai>d servant, -IS white,w hite, Mn Mary E Baker. ileo Emery. Jliw Hannah tiray, »reo ISu'n rworth, Mrs BoUm. Petro Betas, Nortuan Kawson. Abrain Maynes, il P iui.iuia. Fied B»ur. S Hen' her. M Isaacs, Wr £ S Van Allen and V Molin, daughter. A X Johnson. MrtPuenos, I James Campbell, Mn CO breeder A niece.! David Meet * son. II X Mitchell, I B C Taylor, John Crooks. Chas U Carry, (colored) Capt Pease and fen-ant. Jusiah F Smith, (colored) Chas E Srranton, M ' onliner. X O Roger*. And ISO othen. Mia. Mary McConnell. ' Crsrov Him t. Park.— The following is a list of the name* of the 111 IK. plants, and shrubs in these grounds, planted by J. L. Sanford, in 1861: 1 Arancaria Exoelsa. Norf.ilk Island I'ine: 1 Araiiciria Luniiinnhamii, Cunningham'. Pine; 1 A«-acia Loi gitijlia. Australian Aca *ia; 1 Acaria Latifolt a, Australian Acacia: 1 AcaWa Vertieilata. Aust ahan Acacia; 1 Acaria I'.uhruin. Aiuiralian Acacia; fi Acacia Kigra. ti;ark Locust: 1 Arbutus Mentieru, California Madrone; 1 A-er Saccharin us. Sugar Maple; 1 Abies ExeeUa, Norway Spruce; 1 Buxns Arbrea, Tree Box ; 11 Cupreeeas Macrocurpa. California (Monterey) C>pres>; * 1 Cupmim Macuabiana. California Cypress: 2 Cupreous I,HWM>nian«. California Cypress; X Ciprcfsus Tyramidalis, Italian Cypress; 1 f-jt-resiiUAf -jt-resiiUA Horiiontdli^, Italian Cypress; 1 Curreraun Fnnebri», Weei ing Cypresi; 1 Ouprrwus Lucitanica, Cedar of «}oa: 1 Cratonia Siliqua, Careb Tre«— Locust of the rVripture*: 1 Chamaropi linniili*. Palm Tree: 1 Cajnarina. Stricta. Leafless Plant: 2 C«4rus I'eaJora. Indian Cedar — Hunalay Mountain?: I Cherimoyer, Peruvian Fruit Tree; 1 Camilha Japonica, Japan CamUlia; A Clyan:hn* Poneciu!>.Climben: 39 Eoocymoas Jaronica, Japan Enonymous; 1 hucalvpm*. Au trali.tn Uum Tree: 1 Vraximn* txcelsa. Furoi<ean Ash; 1 Ficus Elastica; Elaslic Oom— lndia Rubber Tree; 1 Ficti* Lueida. Shininc leaf Ficns; '2 Junipenu Virfrimca. Virginia Janipcr: 1 Laurus NobiUi. iweet Bay: : Launu Keeali*. Califurnia Bay; 3 LaurusTinua.(Vibarnttmlina>>; ■ 1? Libr.cedriu Decurrent, California Arbur-V'iur; 2 \2ajtnoii t tirandiflora: 4 .Viv-iut Ciimuiunix. White Flowering Myrtle: 1 MelalcccaLancifolia; 1 New iluiUiiii Iree: 1 Oleander; 1 Pious li.nicmis. California (M«ntere») Pine: 1 Pinus Penderoaa, California Ilt-avy Pine; 1 Picea Lx-iurari'a. >>lver Fir. Victoria. B. P.: 1 Pitt»«i>urum Ttpbira: 3 S ii.nu* Molle. Pepper Tree: 1 Thuja iiirantea. Oregon Cedar: 1H I'lmus Americana, American Elm; 1 I'luius Compettrii. Kn?li»h Elm; 2 I'lmus (ilabra. Knglish Elm; 2 llmus Kulvia. Slippery Elm: 2 liious >utx>ri'«a, Cork Bark Elm: 1 Varonica And"«nnii : 1 Wwhinttonia <iisantea. Big Tree of California: 1 Yucca Oioriaaa; Iv> trrc. all rigorooi and growing finely. Eorr ArijnTTip.— The trial of James L. Eoff, for the murder of Wm. Chapman, was closed yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock, by a verdict of ae'jmttal. after the jury bad been out about twenty minuter. The homicide was committed at the " Pony Saloon," in the presence of several witDtFse:. on the morning of the 17th January last. There had been a h orse- race that day, and Eoff had lost. Chapman said he wu t»o drank to <iriv«. This offended Eoff. and it appears thst there wa«. or bad been bef re. an unfriendly feeling between the two. ?h*y met a* the saloon ab*>ut 7 o'cl«»ck in the evenioir. and Eoff addressed Chapman, refcrrins: anirrily t<i what th* later had said. Aft" several remarks on both sid's. Chapman asked what he intended to do abunt it. Eoff replied that he wou.d rhout him. This threat was beard by one wniie*« : another, who w** present, says be d d not hear anvsui-h threat. Chnpmnn wect up to toff and took hi 14 of him. Eoff bad a ri-'toi which he snapped at hifadrmsary: taey were then separated, and EotTenr>ed his pbt«l. One witness swears that Chapman had a pistol in bU hand at this time: uri'Hij. r t>f s that when E"ff cursed his pistol, he ■aw Chaiman had a pistol, a.so. Af tr the separation, Euff told Cnaptaan it would be well fur biin to leave: he U'.nflJ was in the habit of making men letve the country. Some one went to Chapman ami aivierd him to leave; rhapman replied that he would not run from anybody, and Euff would not suoot. Ibey w-ie then in different rooms, but within hearing of each other, and Eoff continued Fuetkinr i> Chapman in a loud, taunting and threatening nuiuner; Chapman drew his pistol, a derringer, went into the room where Eoff was, and fir.-'!, ib- ball tuikUig Ihe wall high above Luff's bead. The latter bad a putol like a derricKer in bis coat pip 'kit. and without taking it from the pocket, fired it through the lining, inflicting a fatal wouDd. Thf»e were the main circumstances of the ra-f. as dedurible from tbe evidence, which was puhli*be<l in lull in the Alt a at the time of the Coroners inquest. No important new testimony mi produced on the trial, though some minor points were differently stated. Fim t* CtAT 6T«gr».— At half pastUn o'clock last night, the city was startled by the tre bell, md in a few minutes afterward. Clay street waa illuminated by a bright and vigorous flame ascending from a barber shop at No. 522, in a one-story wubden house next to the building known as Court Block, which adjoint Gilbert's Melodeon. The fire department, or some companies at least, happened to be out at the moment in consequence of tbe fire on Front street, and they ln«t no time in reaching the conflagration in Clay street. They toon had their streams pouring upon it from front sod rear, and the flames want out almost as suddenly a* they Appeared, leaving most of the wood wora of the t>hnp in its plsce, but all charred by the are. which had ftized upon everything, but had time to destroy nothing. The direct h"» to the barbers— a couple of colored men, who di<! not appear at the premises for some time after tbe blaze was extinguished— cannot he more than a few hunilrei dollars. The indirect loss in custim is probablr greatftr than the direct loss of furniture, etc llie building on the went of |tbe bsrber shop is of brick, and waa not injured: rast of the barbershop, in the same one**f>ry 'rainc buildinv, was the boot tnd fhoe f hop of Mr. Staub. His tliep was closed, md nobody waa present to take care of hit stock: t>ot the Police kicked tbe door open and removed fverything to a place of safety. After the fire was ill out, Mr. Staub made his appearance, and stared > little as he entered his .hop. where be saw nothing of his goods. He wat soon reassured by the »mcer« and Uken to where his property had been placed. The injury to the building waj pretty lerio'i*. The city would not lament tbe erection of > three-story brick in its place. Tbe saloon on Merchant street, in the re.r of the barber sho». Fuflered somewhat, fur several companies t«ok Lbeir hose through, and the companies on the other tide ponreJ their water in pretty freely. Mooxmcht MiLTTAmT Pa»aoi.— lTow that the Mite his a splendid Militia law. new life ud spirit have been infused into the various military organization* not only of the ritj but thote in various portion of the State. This evening, the Second Brigade, <<en. Ellis commanding, will parade for bruade drill. Itiseompused of the First Kerimect Infantry. Col. Wood; 6-eond Regiment Infantry, Col Catneau. and First Regiment Artillery. C .I. McKeLiie. A* the wea'har promises to be delightfuL this moonlight march of our citizen suluury will be well worth teeing. frjiiu or FEtDMiri Com.— The obtequie. of tbe lamented Mr. Cook were held at tbe residence of James Street, E*q., on Fremont street, yesterday noon. Hcverendt Lacy and Williamson conducted the funeral exercises, which were of a very appropriate and impressive character. The body was S laced in a metallic burial casket, and temporarily eposited in a receiving vault to await such disposition as the relatives of the deceased may deem proper. The remains will probably be removed to the Atlantic States for final interment. FUNERAL RITES.— The funeral of Captain T. W. Seeley was attended from Trinity Church on Friday noon. A large concourse of the personal friends of the deceased were present. Rev. Mr. Wyatt officiated on the mournful occasion, and read the ritual of the Episcopal Church in a solemn and impressive manner. The pall bearers, all intimate friends of the Captain, were mostly of the same calling with himself. The remains were interred in Lone Mountain Cemetery. RICH QUARTZ.— The Alta's mineralogical cabinet was enriched yesterday by a specimen of auriferous quart* taken from the Nellis claim, eight mile, east «f Columbia. Tuolumne county, which rives indication! that the claim it one of th* most valuable in tbe State. The quart is of a deep red color, partially decomposed, and seem, to be but th. medium of concentrating a large amount of gold in fine scales. Tn« H«Br«mu».—Th» May number of this monthly magazine rurpasses in typographical execution any of its predecetaora. A number of botanical cuts adorn the prefatory page.. Amongst other •rigi~al matter of an inUreWiDg character there atT^n in article or ith. C.thM.e Hitwiu[ofjWifornia. It i» from the pen of Mrt. t. » Miami. Tug Drtartikg 6TiiM«.-Tn. iplendid tUuner OmtiittiM earrie. hence. to-day, many old and prominent Californiant. residenU in »»"«• partt of the State. Ko far a. our *»<>" l J d « e "fJ i n n 'f tio> extends they all contemplate '•"•""'I',""! at an early day. The amount of tJea™rlJllll'l>e<lt J ea ™ r lJ lllI ' I>e<1 by this packet will not be Car from $1,150,000. AireaicAU Finiin- The memben of theerdw •f American Freemen will meet thi.er.ninr at 1M •'clock. in Platf. Upper Hall. Officer, and old Charter members are especially requested to be pr "" ml - . . s ,„- i ■;. lie Tnw»._R, T . Mr. Blaln, of tke Oregon Conference ( MethodUt Episcopal.) v .oionrainf at prelent In this rity. will, his family, lie leaves for the Atlantic Malts to-day. Ro«A*Tir XonrocLATrxr.— On the bay tide, at the foot of Pow«U street, is a public house, on tbe front of which it a >Sm bearing th. romantic ÜB< of "Cottage by the Sea," . To ** Ettkvskb.— The Omnibus Railway tr»-t II about he ing eitn>4ed from tbe present tenuinujut below Park. u» tbe brink of the bank at the foot of Third street. ' F>i« AKr.LiNo.— Two ladies of this rtty. mother and daaghter. eaorfat nearly a hundred brook trout wbiltt on an excursion to the Oe) lers latt wf tk. ' Ntirß»WEi.--A sewer is Wng built «n Btoekten Itreet, between l:nioa and Filbert streeU. I Pl.*Ml!<r..-a«T frtreet, above Powell, Is b.Ui bandicuely rlacked. It needed it.