Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 15, Number 2312, 25 August 1858 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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GENERAL NOTICES. J. C. McKibben and W. L. Dudley, DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES FOR CONGRESS, will address the citizens of California at the following places: La Porte, Sierra county Wednesday, Aug. 25th. Thursday, Aug. 26th. Marysville, Yuba county Friday, Aug. 27th. Oroville, Butte county Saturday, Aug. 2sth. Red Bluff, Tehama county Monday, Aug. 80th. Shasta, Shasta county Tuesday, Aug. 31st. au18-10* Public Meetings. - Col. Zabriskie will address his fellow-citizens at the following places, in favor of the Anti-Lecompton view of the doctrine of Popular Sovereignty, and he invites any respectable opponent to meet him and discuss the political Issues involved : Stockton August 25th. San Franclsco August 27th. Suisun City August 23th. Napa City August SOth. • Petaluma August Slut. aul3-12* Republican Meeting*.— F. P. Tracy will speak at Auburn Wednesday Evening, Aug. 25th. Placerville Thursday Evaning, Aug. 26th. Jackson Friday Evening, Aug. 21 th. Stockton Saturday Evening, Aug. 25th. au23-6* . Tbe Graefcnberg Dysentery Syrup.— This extraordinary article is a speedy and infallible remedy for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Bloody Flux, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, and the Asiatic Cholera, if taken with the first symptoms of the disease. It Is purely vegetable in its compound. GR—FENBERG CHILDREN'S PANACEA. For Summer Complaint, and most diseases to which children are subject. Its true worth can never be set forth In words, but It can be felt and appreciated by parents whose children have been saved. No mother should be without it. The GRiEFENBERG MEDICINES are for sale by all Druggists and Apothecaries throughout the country. General Agents for California and Oregc n: REDINGTON k CO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 107 Clay street, au24-8 San Francisco, Agents at Sacramento : R. 11. McDONALD _ CO. Wlstar's Balsam of "Wild Cherry— A cure for Consumption, Bronchitas, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Hoarseness, Pains in the Side and Breast, Soreness of the Breast and Lungs, Phthisis, Wasting of the Flesh, Night Sweats, Inflammation of the Lungs and Throat. None genuine without the name of SANFORD _ PARK engraved on the outside wrapper. PARK _ WHITE, are the only Agents, to whom all orders should be addressed. —ALSO— IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENTS OF ALL VALUABLE PATENT MEDICINES, WARRANTED GENUINE. 182 Washington street, opposite the Market, au23lm San Franclsco. Any man who professes to understand all trades or sciences assumes to impose an absurdity upon the public. On the same principle, any one medicine which professes to cure all diseases is unworthy the slightest confidence, and should at once be denounced as a quack-nostrum. The GR.EFENIIERG FAMILY MEDICINES do not assume to cure all diseases with one remedy. They have eleven different medicines, each adapted to its peculiar disease, and time has proved beyond a question the efficacy and certainty of these preparations. Their list comprises the following medicines: GRJEFENBERG VEGETABLE PILLS. MARSHALL'S UTERINE CATHOLICON. GRJEFENBERG SARSAPARILLA. GRJEFENBERG PILE REMEDY. GRJEFENBERG DYSENTERY SYRUP. GREEN MOUNTAIN OINTMENT. GRJEFENBERG CHILDREN'S PANACEA. GRJEFENBERG CONSUMPTIVE'S BALM. GRJEFENBERG EYE LOTION. GRJEFENBERG FEVER AND AGUE REMEDY, GRJEFENBERG HEALTH BITTERS. GRJEFENBERG MANUAL OF HEALTH. For sale by all Druggists throughout the State. General Agents, REDINGTON k CO., Wholesale Druggists, 107 Clay street, aul3-lns San Francisco. Agents at Sacramento : R. U. McDONALD k CO. Fifty-Cent Patent Leather Ambrotypes !— Warranted to be durable, and no expense in sending. To conform with the times, having reduced my prices more than two hundred per cent, for the diferent styles of pictures, no one need hereafter go to second rate establishments. WILLIAM DICKMAN, No. 115 J st., bet. Fourth and Fifth sts., an23-lm Sacramento. It. H. OTc Donald <_ Co., Wholesale DRUGGISTS, Sacramento, Cal.— have just received, per Clipper Ship " Express," the Largest Assortment of DRUGS and MEDICINES ln this State, consisting, in part, as follows : Druggists' Glass Ware, Dental and Surgical Instr'm'ts, Paints and Oils, Large Assortment of Trusses, Brewers' Material, Abdominal Supporters, Soda Material, Shoulder Braces, Marble Dust, Qum Stockings, Plaster Paris, Paint and Hair Brushes, Hydraulic Cement, Teeth and Clothes Brushes, Iron Retorts and Mortars, Perfumery acd Fancy Articles. All of which we offer at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. au2-lm R. H. McDONALD _ CO. Mexican Mustang Liniment.— lntrinsic virtue alone could insure the successwhlch this article has attained— for Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Burns, Bruises, Stiff Joints cr Galdß, Sprains, Pole Evil, and Swellings upon Horses, lt has no equal for man or beast. No person will be without It who has once tested Its value. "And with reference to the general estimation of the MUSTANG LINIMENT, I can cheerfully say that no article ever performed so many cures In our neighborhood as this. L. W. Smith, Rldgefield, Conn." S. Leitch, Esq., Hyde Park, Vt., writes, "that the horse was considered worthless, (his case was spavin) but since the free use of the Mustang Liniment I have sold him for $150. Your Liniment is doing wonders up here." Such testimony is reaching us every day. The half Is not told. Every family should have It. Beware of Imitations. The genuine Mustang Is sold by all respectable dealers throughout the world. BARNES _ PARK, Proprietors, New York. PARK A WHITE, Bole Agents for the Pacific Coast, 182 Washlnirton St., opposite the Market, San Franclco. THU TRADE supplied on the most liberal terms. aul4-lm mustang Liniment. —Constantly on hand, a large supply, by R. H. McDONALD _ CO., au2-lm Sacramento. The Vegetable Life Pills and Phoenix BITTERS, by Increasing the quantity of life and vigor ln every part of the system, enable nature to make Incredible efforts for the expulsion of disease before organic destruction begins. It is thus that in a very short space of time they cure colds, coughs, rheumatism, flatulence, pains in the stomach, cholic, and nervous disorders In all their forms. Bat their superior excellence Is in affections of the stomach, in female complaints and the sufferings of enfeebled youth. For sale by Dr. W. B. MOFFAT, Proprietor, 385 Broadway, New York. Agents for California : R. H. McDONALD _ CO., Wholesale and Importing Druggists, au2-lm Sacramento. Wlstar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.— The following letter from Rev. Hesbt Wood, of Concord, N. H., editor of the Congregational Journal, speaks volumes ln favor of WISTAR'S BALSAM :— Coscoan, N. H., March 2d. — Messrs. Sets W. Fowls k Co. — Gentlemen : Two years ago, a sudden and violent attack upon my lungs confined me to my bed for several weeks, and when I recovered, I was so much oppressed by difficulty in breathing, that I was often unable to sleep or rest upon a bed by night. The suffering was extreme and judging from the lnefficacy of the remedies used, I supposed the disease incurable. Being persuaded to try a bottle of WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, w.thout confidence in its efficacy, I found the difficulty almost entirely removed before one bottle was used up. Sympathy with my fellow sufferers Induces me to make this public statement, and recommend the article to others similarly afflicted. With respect, yours truiy, HENRY WOOD. None genuine unless sigaed I. BUTTS on the wrapper. BETH W. FOWLE k CO., 183 Washington street, Boston, Proprietors. Bold by their Agents everywhere. Bold by HENRY JOHNSON k CO., Wholesale Druggists, 146 Washington street, San Francisco, Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast. Agents, Sacramento, HARNED k DOHERTY, Druggists. R. H. McDONALD k CO., Importers and Wholesale Druggists, 189 J street, Sacramento. aulS-lm Upholstery Depot, No. 11l J Street, BETWEEN FOURTH AND FIFTH. J. OT. JORDAN, (Formerly of and now successor to RIVETT k C 0.,) Importer of. * CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS, DAMASKS, LACK AND MUSLIN CURTAIL. CORNICES, ENGRAVINGS, CURTAIN BANDS, LOOPS, WINDOW SHADES. GILT MOULDINGS, Ac, *c. ' Respectfully offers to his friends and the public his large and well selected stock, at the lowest prices. FOR CASH, with a liberal discount to the trade. All orders carefully and promptly attended to. All kinds of UPHOLSTERY WORK executed by the best workmen, at the lowest rates. a _sB l____H__lfl_____________ .