San Francisco Call, Volume 68, Number 7, 7 June 1890 — FRATERNAL INDEX. [ARTICLE]

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Relief Work by the Catholic Ladies' Aid Society. [In order In secure insertion all matter Intended for this column should be handed lv addressed to the "Fi eternal Editor." All communications must bear the name and address of the sender; if uot, the matter will uot be published.] Official Assessment Table.

ISO ASSESSMENTS. There will be no assessments for June In the Untied Endowment Associates and Champions of the Bed Cross. To the present will none will he levied in the Young Men's Institute, Young Ladies' Institute aud the Older of the Golden Shore. Verba Buena Ledge of lection, No. 6, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Kite of Freein asouiy, beld its regular session last eveuiug aud had work In the ninth degree. Last Wednesday evening Ibe officers of Liberty Lodge, Knights of Honor, visited Eureka Lo dge and by Invitation conferred the degree on two candidates. Memorial Lodge, No. 174, A. O. 0. VY., will celebrate its tenth anniversary with a banquet next Mouday evening. Tne wives and lady Ii lends 01 tbe members ot ibe lodge have been Invited to attend, aud as this lodge is a most sociable one there Is no doubt but tbat the event will he one long to be remembered for lis pleasures and general entertainment. The following Is a combined report or the relief work done by eleven b 1 anches of the Catholic Ladies' Aid Society during the quarter ending April, 18' JO: Amount expended for fuel •Jisi; 30, provisions 5338 or,, clothing (346 35, lent (39, im-diclne £33 55, cash expended in general lellel woik "■3H! 95, tolal expended for relief $1159 20; total number active members 662, honorary 430, contributing 141, visits to sick and needy 708, visits by physicians to the sick 29, pel sous fui uislied employment 82, homes provided destitute cbiklieu 9, por sons us* sisted 403.


Petitions for New Charters Circulated nt Santa Monica and I.os Gatns. J. <;. Swliineiton, G. C, of Stockton, has already begun his active official career. Already he lias visited Modesto Lodge, No. 81, of Modesto, West Side Lodge, No. 118, of Tracy, Duroc Lodge. No. 50, of YVoodbrldgc, and Vesper Lodge. No. 74, of Lockeford, and will continue to visit the lodges lv the San Joaquin Val-

ley. Los Angeles Division, No. 25, Uniform Hank, for a long time dormant, has been revived and now meets regularly on the second and fourth Fridays of each mouth. On the 27 1b lust, an election for officers will be held, when it is expected that Colonel Kief er, formerly of Dayton, Olio, will accept the Captaincy. Triangle Lodge? No. 104, celebrated its sixth nuulveisaiv at Us meeting ball, 9OOVs Market stieet, on Thursday evening by a musical and literary entertainment ol more than oidluaiy merit. " lleliesliineuts weie alterward served and then dancing was indulged until early in the morning. Colonel Van Duptty, commanding the Tenth Ohio Regiment, Uuilorrn Rang, Is in this city. He desires lo settle here, being enamored of our glmiiitts climate. liiveivtew Lodge, No. IGS. of Bio Vista, visited Suistiii Lodge, No. 111, ot sulsini on Thuisday evening last. l'etilluus for chaiters for new lodges have been placid lv cliculatiun at Sauta Mumca aud I.os Gulus. The join of the recent Grand Lodge session will le Issued to the lodges duilug Ihe coming week. Suisun Division of the Unltoim Kank will be in mined lv a short lime now. All Hie uultonus ami equipments have been ordered, and aie now on the way. and sue expected to arrive within a few days. The Brigade Commander will be the Instituting officer. Unity Lodge, No. 61, at its last convention piesciited two of its old-time Past Chancellors— O. F. Peterson and I. V. scbolfleld— with baudsome Past Chancellor's Jewels. Liberty Division, No. 11. Uniform Bank, gave one of Its socials ou Wednesday evening last at Hansen's Hall, West Oakland. As usual, it was a success In every respect. Unity Division, No. 13, Uniform Kank, will heiealter meet at Bed Men's Hall, 320 Post stieet, on the third Tuesday ot each month. I'acilic Division, No. 3, Uniform Bank, Initiated one Sir Knight on Tuesday evenlug last. A3IEUICAN LEGION OF HONOIt. A New Council Instituted at King City, Monterey County. The sixth call for 1890, assessments 179 and 180, contains the following California deaths, the claims for which have all been paid but ilnee: Itosa L. Winn (2000, C. N. Cousens 55000, William Hutchinson 13000, of this city; C. W. Crane (5000, S. C. Chase SIiOOO, of Oagland; William Pyle, Gllroy, $2000; John Kern«, Ilollisier, $3000 ; Laura E. l'uih, Nevada City, $3000. Total (25.000. California Council, No. 250, celebrated Its

teiilb anniversary on Monday evening last. The hall was well lined with members and visitors trom other councils. It was also made the occasion ol the icceptloii of the members of Enterpiise Council, No. T'.'ll, whose membership has been transferred to this council. A new member was initialed, aud under "Cloud uf the Older" lemarks weie made by C. O. llurion, (». S., and, others. At Ibe close of Hie council all repaired to the banquet-hall, wbeie a hue Collation was spiead of which all partook Willi great satisfaction. Short sir eches lollowed by various members, "Aula l.anf*,S}ue" was sung and the compauy dispersed, well pleased with the evening's enjoyment Security, a new council, was Instituted at King Cuy. Monterey County, on the ÜB:h ol last montb lye. O. Burton, G. S., assisted by John N. Hesse, (i. T„ who resides there and was instrumental lv securing tbe charter-list, which contained twenty-live names, most ot which were present at the Institution. The following were elecied officers lor the hist term, viz.: Joseph S. Crouk, C; Eugene Newman, V. C; Catherlna Schroeder, O. ; K. \V. ftchroeder. 1". 0.; John N. Besse. S.; W. J. Worms, Coll.. Edward E. Ellon, X. ; 11. McMillan, Chap.; S. C. Cory, I.; C. O. Conrad, \\ . ; J. 1". Long, Sen.; 11. 1). Livingstone, AI. E. Tills council Is located iv a growing dlstiict and the membership will be increased to thirty by the time tbe charter closes, on July Ist. UNITED ANCIENT OKDER lii: I lii-s. The Order Successfully !•«■- a lied In Orison. . E. L. Wagner, N. O. A., lias succeeded In reestablishing Diuldlsm In Oregon. The start has been made by the Institution of a uew grove In Portland. Mr. Wagner was assisted by John A. Watson ol Elvln Giove, No. 10.

On Honda; evening Templar Grove, No. 19, initiated three new members and received lour applications lor membership. Kuieka drove, No. 4. will celebrate its twentytillli anniversuiy (di Thuisday evening. I'.ili lust., by a grand bauquet. Ilespeilau (Stove. No, 15, leceived two uew members by deposit Card mi Tuesday evening. The ollieeis of l,auiel S. A. Chapter, No. 5, weie in Mailed on Wednesday evening by James J. Donnelly, I). S. A. Aii'itliei new glove was Instituted at Simla Cruz last Sunday by li. L. Wagner. S. U. A., assisted by 1.. (i, Sclioid, S. II.; 11. li. Moilou and L. E. Duiiaiid. I*. N. li. A.'s; Tliomas J. liiauiiau, I*. A. ■>( Hesperian Giuve, No. 15, and A. Thompson, D. 1). G. A., and G. Lanszweert, 1". A. of Madrons Grove, No. 21. Forty-five cliaiter members were initialed. Tne grove will meet ou Ibe second and fouitli Sunday of each month ai 1. O. O. F. Ilall. Ou Wednesday* evening Jacob Wesner, wild was one of the charter iiienibeis of San Francisco Grove, No. 3, and who (or over twenty years lias been Janitor of the Oiuids' Hall, was presented witb au elegant gold-beaded cave by tbe Austrian Benevolent Society. San Francisco Grove, .No. 3, conferred tllfl second and mud ilogices on two members ou iluiisdiiy eveulng last. IMrKOVED Olllil-SK OF KED MEN. Official Visitation by the Great Chiefs. Polionacliee Tribe, No. 10, will receive an official visit from Ibe (.teal Sachem and other great chiefs on Monday evening, 30tb Inst. The visitors may be sure of a beat ty welcome from No. 10's members.

Gray Eagle Tilbe, No. Co, Oakland, bad a largely attended council ou Tuesday evening. '1 be tribe was visited by 8. 11. lioblusou, G. J. 8. of the i .ical Council of Nevada. Tecumseh Tribe, No. 02, Oaklaud, elected Its officiating chiefs on Tuesday evening last. ■ J. J. Id nil, V. 8., No. 4, was pieseul and made au iuleiesilug long talk. "ft****-! At the council of Seminole Tribe, No. 54, on Wednesday evenine, the chiefs were elected and the attendance was the largest toi many councils. Among ihe visitors present were: Fred Brandt, v.. J. S., J. L. Howen, I. $.; No. 10; W. Kotrosky, I*. »., No. '.)_ Paolo SalisOuiy of No. 57. Tahoe Chieftains' League, No. 3, meets this eveuiug for ibe election ol chiefs aud initiation.

LEGION OF TIIE WEST. District No. 1 to Hold a Union Meeting Monriny Evening. - Noe Valley Lodge, No. 24, received an official visit from a delegation of Grand Lodge officers at its last meeting; visitors from other lodges were also pieienL Extended remarks peilalulug to ttio good of the order were made by John Gieenwell, V. G. C; Louis C Knell, V. I). G. C. J. W. Dlsbiow, I). 1). G. C, aud others. After the lodge bad transacted lis business Ihe doors were thrown open ami a good social lime was bad. Untieing was Indulged lv to a late hour. Mizpab Lodge, No. 1, is moving along. , There

is some talk of giving a party in Ihe near future to liven up the members. - District No. 1, composed of Mizpah Lodge, No. 1, Templar, No. 2, and California, No. 15, under the auspices of Edward J. Reynolds. D. 1). G. V., will hold a union meeting at I lie ball of Templar Lodge, No. 2, In the Alcazar Building on O'Farrell street, on Monday eveulng. A good time Is expected. The meeting of Zennbla Lodge, No. 13, last Tuesday was an exceedingly interest ing one; several members ol the Grand Lodge weie present. Remarks of an appropriate character were . made by .Frank E. Webb, D. D. G. C. ; Louis C. Knell, D. D. O. C, ; and others. An original 1 paper entitled " The Duty of a Member of the Legion of the West," written by James E. Wolfe, V. C. of the lodge, was read and listened to with a gieat deal ot attention. One ot the features of this lodge at ihe tlrs.l regular meeting of the month is ibe reading of an original paper by some member. The Grand Commander Is still on the sick list and lined to his room. TBE BOYAL. ARGOSY. Additional District . Deputies Appointed. The S. P., 8. S. and Mrs. Kolm visited the Oaklaud lodges last evening. Tbe S. S. reports ou June Ist 2100 members and over $46,000 In the treasuiy. Assessment 8 will be levied on June 10th, delinquent to members ou July Oth and to lodges July 2-llh. A deputy lias been sent to the no: tbern counties tor work in organizing lodges. Ivy Lodge will meet tv futuie at California Hall on tbe first and third Thursday eveuings of each month. Fidelity Lodge, No. 5, Grove, No. C. and Goldeu Fleece, No. 11, had initiations at their last meetings. The Supreme President has appointed District Deputies as follows: Mrs. J. F. O'Neill, for Lodges Nos. 11, 20 and 21; C. W. Anderson, for Lodges Nos. 0, 12 and 25; P. Petersen, lor Lodges Nos. 0 and 13; W. 11. Harrison, lor Lodges Nos. 6. 22 and 23; Michael 11. Haas, for Lodges Nos. 15, 20 aud 27; Orrln Bailey, for Lodges Nos. 2, 18 and 35; J. B. Sheau, for Lodges Nos. 1, 14 and 10. CHAMPIONS CF TUE RED CROSS. Initiations Taking Place Id the Encampments. The entertainment and social glveu by Templar Eucani) ment, No. 60, last Mouday eveulng was a veiy enjoyable affair. Golden Gate Encampment, No. 20, has moved into bt. George's ilall. where they will meet on their usual night heiealter. They Initialed oue new member at the ist meeting in the new quarters, last Wednesday evening. Orion Encampment, No. 71, was visited by Golden Gale Encampment, which tin tied out lv lull force, un last Wednesday evening. They have several applications vow on llle. Mount lioreb Encampment, No. 09, will soon givu an euleriaiumeut. Eureka Encampment, No. 74. bad initiations last week, and expects more at the meeting this week. They are growiug rapidly. Banner Encampment, No. 73, will be paid an cfllcnl visit by the G. C. at its uext meeting. They have several applications for membership tiled, and will likely Initiate seveial candidates. Islam Temple, A. A. O. N. 'I. S. Islam Temple, Ancient Arabic Order of the No bits of ilie Mystic Shrine, will hold Its regular ses slou at the oasis, 131 Post street, next Wednesday evening, when tin unbelievers, seeking for the tine light, will have lots cast for them. The degiees will also be conferred with unusual splendor. There will be Dervish wonders sublime, stormy deserts, caravans and particularly redhot sands for ibe pilgrims to Head upon. The feast to be observed is thai ot Feseekb Kaliks Fateerehs and tslioorayk, for which festivities and recreations, bouimlul hospitalities, cosily preseuts, procession of the Kisweli and Ihe covering of the Kaabah will form pari of the ceremonies. Ibe whole will conclude with an epl* cuiian tin ale. The occasion will bo made still more uieinurable lv honor of me return of tiie Diyufat, wbuihas beeu to Moonagoogau, hi Arabia, and while there learned the art of concocting a new beverage far superior to ZemZ'm waters, and which Is wanauled to heal l lie patched feet alter treading the hot sands ol the desert. I ..I .-- of lUe G. A. It. Seven Pities CO cie Leld its tegular meeting last Monday evening. Hospital visitors reported live soldieis added to the sick list. Four boxes ot tioweis were reported scut io Nevada City aud Tucson, Ariz., for use on Memorlol day. A committee was appointed to present to the Itev. Dr. Harcourt an cugiossed copy ol the vote of thanks given by I lie circle lor bis address un last Sabb.HU evening in respouse to Ibeir Invitation. Mi. Aiken, C, and a large delegation fioin Liberty Post, together with a lull representation of ihe comrades and sisters of seven Pines circle, weie present. The church was. artistically decorated will, ti.igs, loaned by Raphael Weill, the banners of Libeity Post and Seven Pines Clicle, and an abundance of flowers. An anniversary camp-hie and ball will be held at Saratoga Hall tor the in pose ot replenlsblug the treasury of the clicie, which is now much lv waut Oi funds. ■

II if r c a "2 It o I i? L. of li L. of H O. V. \V orknien's*Juar.F.A'n i lch ts of Hunor June June 1 June [June 15 July 1-15 June ■_'» June 28 June 30 June 30 Juue 30 June 30 July a June 20 June 80 June 30 June 11 July 11 July 1 June 9 July 9 June 15 July 1 J uue 30 of [■ irder Chosen Friends. . O. it. B Arcanum Jucl.lien.h'.l.A.o.K.A. .enl-m Of West, 8. 8.. •aclfic Bud. League... Equitable Ala Union*. Equitable Aid Union.. raiernal (iulld loyal Argosy loyal Ariiosy „.. '. M. Institute inter Hearou Light .. ':uro&u End. Ass'n ] 'Mi lune - 168 May 20 15 June 1 ti .Tune 1 170-171 ! May 1 172-173 June M. 6 June 1 7 1 May 10 8 June 10 I'l I Slay 15 6 June 1 1 June 1 11- -» {.