San Francisco Call, Volume 97, Number 6, 6 December 1904 — Funeral of Joseph McAvoy [ARTICLE]

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Funeral of Joseph McAvoy

OAKLAND, Dec. 5. — The funeral of Joseph C. McAvoy was held to-day from his late residence, S5ZM Franklin street. After the service at the home the remains were removed to the church of the Immaculate Conception, where funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Father King. The remains were interred in St. Mary's Cemetery, where a short service was conducted at the grave by the Rev. Father Cranwell. .. The honorary pallbearers were J. E. Henderson, * N. W. Leitch, James P. Taylor. James McManus and C. Miller of Oakland, H. Wever of Alameda, F. W. Durgin and Mr. Jamieson of Berkeley and Robert Morgan of San Lean-, dro.