San Francisco Call, Volume 101, Number 54, 23 January 1907 — OAKLAND MUXICIPAL LEAGUE WILL ENTER COMING COXTEST [ARTICLE]

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Chiefs Decide to Place Fnll Indepen-

dent Ticket In Field nnd Prominent Men Are Anmrd

OAKLAND. Jan. 22. — The Municipal League' decided tonight to place a full independent municipal ticket in the, field and not to indorse candidates on other tickets. The following central committee was appointed by Walter G. Manuel, the president: John T. Bell, L. G. Burpee, A. H. Breed, C. H. Bailey, Oliver Ellsworth, J. E. Farnum, Dr. John Fearn, J. D. Galloway, J. L. McVey. J. K. Moffitt, Cary Howard. Gebrge W. Hunt, L. D. Inskeep, Ben O. Johnson. Irving C. Lewis. J. R. McGregor. H. A. Powell, Dr. A. H. Pratt and Mark Thomas.