San Francisco Call, Volume 111, Number 55, 24 January 1912 — Page 12

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t-r-'JTI V-/I^"ti To THB CALL, 8 a.m. to 1Q P» m. __^^JL___<_r-T_. T%^i X : {i^'\Jr\ k riHr^MH VOURWANTADVERTISEMENTS f^T"? A OTSJX^ _ft_fS f-^lH^ll > Jt_-lf To THE CALL, Ba.m. to IO P. m. _FwJC___,__^rVJs > I

MEE TINGS—LODGES BAN FRANCISCO Chapter No. 1. Royal IBFTF js« Arch Masons, meets THIS EVEN- R__M__F ING, Ist ay. and Clement st. Degree \J4KM 4. H. G. PRINCE. Secretary. &£&§s ' __= f=T* CALIFORNIA Chapter of Rose Croix j—;HTI No. 7. A. & A. S. R.i IB.v> Geary l_Srf_J —Fifteenth degree THIS (WEDNESS- AN DAY) EVENING at 8 o'clock. Visit- C . Lug brethren cordially invited. j* CI lAS. JELL I NEK. Secretary. I~A EXCELSIOR Lodge No. 186, F. & A. M. _■_ Officers and members are respectfully *vyr requested to assemble in Scottish Rite J^^a\ temple. ■ Sutter st. and Van Ness-ay., THURSDAY. January 25, at 1:30 p. m.. to attend the funeral of our late brother. WILLIAM FRANCIS BUSWELU By order of the W. M. H. J.: OWEN. Secretary. MISSION Lodge No. 169, F. & A. M.-?;! M 3 Special meeting THIS (WEDNESDAY! «XV EVENING at 7:30 o'clock. Third de- /^Af\ gree. FRANK W. SMITH. Secretary. '1~. EXCELSIOR Lodge No. 166. F. & A. M; _» Second degree THIS (WEDNESDAY) •Jf~% f , EVENING at 7:30 o'clock. r l,^ -. 11. .T. OWEN. Secretary. .'-^- * CROCKETT Lodge No. 139, F. & A. M..'-Jfc. 2135 Sutler st. —Second degree HIIS — WEDNESDAY EVENING, at 7:30 J^^ o'clock. R. H. Mcpherson, Sec. ./., -w- v MASTER MARINERS* Benevo- "|L___^ lent Association —All -"°"*- I Btj_*__^__ * ' hers are requested to attend 1 B__,_3__l'_^_^* a special meeting at our fa S|U^. hall, '.C, Market st.. on Jan- !j H_B_i__"'g_B_r~ nary 24. at 12 o'clock Boca, Sm^ma^f^y~y-y--for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother. J. C. HANSEN. By order of the president. ALEX BERGMAN. Rec. Sec. ROBERT PIRNS' anniversary will be .j» celebrated by concert and dance un- Or* <ler auspices of Saint Andrew's So- *53f?(_8 eiety and Clan MaeDonald. O. S. C, gSVY at Ebell auditorium, Harrison st. .Js^lp'' near 14th. Oakland. THURSDAY J EVENING, January 2.5.; Oration by John MoNab.. Esq.. San Francisco. Excellent program. dancing. Admission .50c, Children 2."> c. CLAN FRASER. No. 78, Order of Scot- Sjfflji . tish Clans, will celebrate the 153 d __B anniversary of the birth of Robert tsmTrv Burns at Mission Turn Vereln hall. afcV* 18th st. between Guerrero and Va- _^^^ lencla sts. on WEDNESDAY EVEN- ~ ; 3 ?' ING, January: 24, 1912. Excellent program. Dancing. General admission 50c, children 25c. D. H SIM. Chief. JOHN GIBSON, Secretary. " ; AUSTRIAN Military and Benevolent, as- .^n^.. so.'iation -- Regular meeting THIS E_sg__f WEDNESDAY! EVENING, January ?«_»^ 24, 1912. at 8 o'clock, at-- 566 . Fulton'.' m _ m m st. By order P. SAULOVICH, Pros. DAVE F. BERTICH, Rec. Sec. MEMBERS of San Francisco Con- _>* ; sistory No. 1 are requested to at- .rjffilp" tend the funeral services of our AWA late past master, WILLIAM _______{ FRANCIS BUSWELL. 33' honor- HH|H ary. to be held in the lodgeroom W MBfi^B of the Sau Francisco Scottish Rite cy^JSSvjf bodies at Scottish Rite temple, jdfjtmt^ Sutter . st. and Van Ness ay.. on *aH»»* THURSDAY", January 25. 1912, at 2 o'clock p. m. LOUIS BLOCH; K. C. C. 11.. - - Commander in Chief.; INDEPENDENT lied Men's Hall AssociationAnnual meeting of the shareholders of the association on FRIDAY, January 28, 1912. at 8 p. in., at Red Men's hall, 8003 16th st.; for the purpose of electing a board of directors for - the ensuing term and to transact such business as may come before the meeting. H. T. GRIEB, President. C. G. BOLSDORFF. Secretary. ' .» OLD FRIENDS' Grove No. 139. U. A. O. D.— You are requested to attend the funeral of our late lamented brother. HARRY* LA BLANC. Funeral services at Druid "ball, Hayes and Laguna streets, THURSDAY", January 25, at 1. p. m.. By order . HARRY" G. OWEN, Noble An I „ W. PETERSEN. Rec. Sec. P. MEETINGS—LEGAL l NOTICE OF ANNUAL .MEETING OF THE STOCK HOLDERS OF THE M. G AND P. COMPANY. Notice is hereby given, that the annual meeti ing- of the stock holders of the M. G. and P. Company will be held at the offlce of said corporation,' room 633, Merchants' Exchange building, in the city. of San . Francisco, state of California, on Tuesday, the 20th day of February,- 1912. at the hour of -2 o'clock -p.* m;,: for, the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other . business as may properly - come ■ before the , meeting. ,T. M. YOUNG. Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING The regular annual meeting *of the ? stockholders of the Matson Navigation company of Ban Francisco will be held at the office of* the corporation. No. 288 Market street, room : 305, San : Francisco, ; California, on . Thursday, February 8,; 1912, at the hour of j2 J o'clock p. m; of that day, for the purpose of electing a board of directors .to : serve ' for the ensuing year, and - for the transaction .of " such other business as may come before the meeting ' .-;;. .--.;..,; HARRY* B. GREGG. Secretary. AND FOUND IF YOU LOSE ANYTHlNG—Advertise it j here. It will be returned to yon if an honI est person finds it. Remarkable recoveries \ are brought about everyday through these • columns. - IP YOU FIND ANYTHING BRING IT TO THE ? San Francisco Call "^J ? Loat and " Found : Bureau > ' ji Third and Market Streets > : Get a claim check. Have"- It i advertised. Reclaim It If the owner does not. THE LAW— People who find lost articles ; are , interested In knowing that the • state law Is strict in requiring them to seek. the I owners, through advertisement : and otherwise, and that failure to do so, if proof ; I can be shown, involves a. severe penalty.-. LOST— night, diamond nugget pin; inscription on back; liberal reward. Finder please return to-Sunset Photo Supply Company, 895 ; Market st. '"-.: - ■?;■;-' y.y - Zy7.-,-/-. LADY'S gold watch * and fob; monogram : on watch and fob E. H. G. Reward If returned to HAYSELDEN & FARLEY", 449 Bush st. I LOST— lsong - sable stole, vicinity O'Farrell and Stockton sts.; suitable reward. 1087 Monadnoca building. EMPLOYMENT WANTED "- ? : ;;■ ■"' MALE .".* " ' :.. -:'- "..? '; "AN experienced carpenter < wishes work, bnllding or alterations: $3 a day. or contract. Address box 2725. Call office, »• -■*■.. *««f*»» : BOOKKEEPER, cashier arid office man, capable ; of taking entire charge of office; preparing of all statementsi showing comparisons; . weekly, monthly and tnnual; balance sheets. "Address box 2726. Call -.flee. „ « •" BOY,- 18. wants work; city or country. Box ' .* 13-0..-. Call offlcf.. A- - BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPHER "~ wants position at anything, clerical. Address box* 1524, Call office. yy . ; COMPETENT, sober man, with thorough business training and used to handling large numbers of men and teams, desires permanent position in city or country; best of references/Box 1098. „ -: Can-office.* ; „'-:,.;, ; - ; ;■■?. .. ' ■ . -' CIVIL engineer and contractor's superintendent is looking for permanent place with responsible concern; 10 years in charge of all kinds of engineering and construction work. 14148 McAllister st. -y-y y , ■-.■z. yyyy z-.-yy CHAUFFEUR, coachman and equestrian who is thoroughly competent and handles any gasoline car, ,many years of ; experience, wishes situation, private family, city or country. » Address box 1584. Call office. " ? -yy. - ;--;;»; .; CHOREMAN AND GARDENER <. s y - wants >«"• job at ; any ; kind: of» work; good references. Addresa box 1561, Call office. .. ? J CHAUFFEUR, •' can do repairs;' good general all around man, seeks -. position : with ; private am- * ily; J good : references. Box ; 4240, ■■ call; office/ , Oakland.? ~A*;771 tA'- ;--"-■ t:.,-".-' ?--;•:,;„-• - .P ! ? CARPENTER, expert remodeler. and all around .. man, fast "worker, wants work; ; can work - from . and ; make , plans; references; lowest :- terms * Address; box 1525,; Call office. . .?,,-;.; | COOKS, "man and wife, 'experienced,**meat, bread and pastry, for hotel, institution, club or boarding bouse; * best references. ?•- Address box: 1583, ■: _. Call office. ..... ; CARPENTER and, builder, day or contract; plana ' furnished; estimates given; city; or* country. . : Phone Market; 7-68. ■:■ -,'""::-;:.,- -";. ■, yzycy-y, i CAMP COOKS, experienced,man' and wife, want positions; y will - go s anywhere. .Address box : -.- ."tWg.-CaH.'offlcg.":-. . 77 .z.yyj ...;* ■'-' ?;.?,-y -;:-.:;iv.., ? I COOK'S; helper wants i work; - can -do ' short" order . cooking ; and i pantry '.work; v city or ' country. : Address : box , 2727, Call > offlce. ;?: :■- ?.?;.- 43-. ■<..;*.. -;.., , COOK—AII ronnd £ man; 5; economical i and "" clean; will work In restaurant, hotel, camp or private * , family. ? Box 995. Call office.-; ,• . ;• ENTER,"* nonunion, wants ; work \ can do : rough i or > finishing; v wages»s3 * per i"day. *1" •. Phone Pacific 1019. . . -! CARPENTER, good on; finishing and rough work. ;!■" wishes j position; reasons Me; Knew*-' or repair \ "; can work alone.;?#**•,'^79^-*'.Call office.

EMPLOYMENT WANTED " M A —Continued _,^ ,_.„.. „„ CARP-INTER, Al repairman, desires -az position "with' institution .or .orporation; ; city or country. Address box 2728. Call office. z ........ CHIN ESE boy '-. wants a post ion <as cook 'In * private - family or ;■ boarding house. in - city. Address box 1560, Call offlce. '>■' ' CHAUFFEUR. able-to-do. repairing; best of references. Box 2980. Call . office. ;.*,. -' -', CHAUFFEUR wants position in the city or coun- , try; is-a* Christian young j man: cans drive any I car. and make repairs. . Box 996. Call office. * DESIGNER '• and pattern » maker on cloaks and suits: graduate of Jno. J. ; Mitchell School, New York. Address box 1520.? Call office. * - T- •-' DRAFTSMAN.? first class, detailed, desires position in planing. mill or architect's office.. Address box 4539.; Call office, Oakland. ' EXPERT auto mechanic, trouble shooter, chauffeur, Iwants first class position: A\ references for : driving * or sbopwork. • Address box 4241. ?* Call office. Oakland.? ■A;-yZ :yZ y '. ZyAAy 'i ■ i EXPERT showcard . writer and \ window trimmer wants job; willing to go to country; city experience. ; Address box 1562. Call office. : | FIRST CLASS : cook , wishes a ? place in private family,-city *or country, ?or would do second ? ; work; $40 a month.-; Box "3.; Call office, : - GARDENER FLORIST — High class 4 hothouse. greenhouse; landscape.?bedding, and decoration < work; able to take charge large place. .Vddress box 750. Call office. ; >• ;,- -Z-y-'.A GERMAN, middle aged and single, wishes work as houseman,'• bed maker or Janitor. Address box 156*1, Call office. ; ; _____ GOOD short ' order cook wants steady position:in city: married: strictly;sober; reliable; references. *: Box- 1281. Call office. - " y^iyZZ GOOD cook, with wife, wants-situation in city or country hotel, or family or club;. wife good chamber , "maid. : Box : 1571.: Call offlce. z ; ; HOTEL or apartment house, : thoroughly experienced all around man, wants position furniture making, plumb painting, etc.; best * references: energetic - and strictly; sober. — Address box 2706. Call offlce. ? ..-■,.- ?.;. ." . ■.;•■:- ??:»: HOSPITAL snperintendent. age 32, wants position in hospital or sanatorium: best record and , first class references. Address ■ box • 2705. Call. HORBESHOER, Boor and fire man, sober, wants position. ', Box 1124."Ca1l office.;, v INTELLIGENT, middle aged man. not afraid of - work, desires place taking care of property and stock or poultry, or caring for building and firing boiler. Box 1573; Call office. ; JAPANESE wishes a position as cook in small , family, city "or country: has good references. Address bos 1598. Call office. ?; v" MARRIED man. 36 years of' age, i would like to A get; position as watchman or janitor; best of references. Address box 2712; Call offlce. ■' ? MAN and wife-want: work on farm; dairy : and hay farm .♦ experience. H* JOHN BLACK, room 605, Planters' hotel. Second * and Folsom st. MAN :30. years old " wants ? work :' In 7 grocery 7or warehouse. Address box 1080. . Call office. ? ' MINER and tunnel j* man desires . situation on Sharp drills; 10 years' experience with black and giant powder. J. MANNING, 838 Priaaa . st.., San ; Francisco. ; ; * MOVING picture operator wants position of any kind at living wages. Address box 1081. Call. MAN and wife | want * work Jon ranch; man with experience, handy with tools: wife plain| cook; fair wages expected. Box 1280. Call office. ? MAN, 35 years of age. Strictly temperate, wishes , position as collector: can assist; in office. Addres box 1266. Call office. * ? *; ' NICE colored man.; West Indian, cook and butler, wants position in private family; city or! country; best: eastern. and English ".references. Address CIL\S.F. NUNFS, 227 Brannan st, NEAT, intelligent, middle * aged, Christian ? man of business experience -desires permanent:. position of trust. - Address box 2750,* Call office. ; NEAT, intelligent, well; educated young man,32. with good habits,-wants position in hotel, offlce or first class store. -: Address box 2751. Call. : . NEAT young man wants: positions' as clerk, running elevator, timekeeper, salesman or driver; good references. Address box 2752. Call offlce; NURSE, attendant., willing .to travel; ; good city .; references; ,6 years ; last ' place. ;- Address -box 2748, Call of flee. * ';. , - ;. i - „ " - " I, NURSE, attendant or companion; wishes position with invalid '■ gentleman; Al ; local references. Address box 2769. -Call office. ,- •£:* ? NEWSPAPER MAN, from cases . up. sober and industrious, desires ' position on country news- * paper. :• Address box 1526; Call office.- ;•' PRACTICAL Scotch * gardener . wishes position I in private* family; 20 years' ? experience "in , all branches of gardening:»; good reference. '.-'-- Address box 4497,- Call office,! Oakland. PLUMBER,' licensed, wants work;:- owner.'; can : furnish material ;>-, will do labor day or contract; good references: terms reasonable. Address box 2771. Call office. ? POSITION as salesman, or general * office man by an ' experienced - man of good education; can give the best of references. Address box 1527, ■Z Call 'office.?;.". , r ... ? , - POULTRY and wife want positions on ranch: thorough knowledge of poultry business. Box 992. Call office. * POSITION as manager of apartment house, hotel or office building; experienced. „ Address;box 2749. Call office. , . „ ,-.._;?;.. . *""p.; POULTRY'MAN, capable of j managing any size plant, desires" position. 't Address - box - 2770, Call office.'- ;? ' ■ . .;;* y-z.zA,?,*:,; POSITION?. wanted on .country place; 5 care of horses, auto, = general work, by reliable -man with good references. Address box 2747. Call. PRINTER; experienced.; all around, .wants country job. Box 2907. Call office, ;- , PAPER HANGING. 10c;.painting and kalsomin- ~ Ing. cheap: ' best -work; y Box 1278. Call; offlce, POSITION wanted—Young man. with eastern experience, clerical, timekeeping or - otherwise. Address R. M. DWYER.:ISS3 Bth St., Oakland. PRACTICAL* kitchen man and "good dish washer wants, ; work..-.;- Box <; 12*8. Call office. PLUMBER'S helper, • can - wipe : joints, * has tools,' wants work. H. .OI^SEN.*- 789 Howard st. ?„ , RESPECTABLE. colored young | man would like position as ; waiter ,or butler ; In club or private family. Address bo.-2796, Call offlce. STENOGRAPHER * AND CORRESPONDENT, AMERICAN, AGE 31. MARRIED: LOCAL. EASTERN AND LATIN-AMERICAN EXPERIENCE: 1 TRAINED *IN"-ACCOUNTS AND OFFICE WORK: SPEAKS SPANISH. ADDRESS BOX 2925. CALL-OFFICE. .? .' SINGLE ; man;?wants ? position, - city;; or country: can take care .of horses.l carriages,* automobiles and do : general work: I private preferred. Jj? Ad.dress box 2797. Call office.' z-y.T ; . s SITUATION wanted rby middle * aged man as houseman or lied maker; experienced. -Address box 2901., Call: office.. ■':■.;-,.;•,;;:;; SALESMAN,; experienced, j city references, desires U position;" small salary .-'to begin. Address 2909, Call office. : : ; ,: -'-,"-;-':? :._. -.yA..Ay..y S. VARGA,, young " painter, ? wants « work Jby * the :; day: has ; 5 -years'; experience. • Box 1285, Call. STICKER hand, first class, wants a position. Box '--■ 1268. CalLofflce. -Ay. :J zyyy . r-\ :-..; -■■;,■:...:; yy SITUATION wanted' by ' cook J for' short I order "■ or '.waiter;- sober and ■ reliable; reference/^ Bos _ 1548. Call office.v » ;:-, : SECOND Vcook or E cook's-".helper • (Dane) A wants work, city or country.: Address box * 1533, Call. SECOND. cook ;or i cook's • helper (Dane) 5? wants ? work, city, or country. ? Address box 2908. : Call.* THOROUGHLY" experienced, competent book■j keeper and ; office vat", I desires good position In f country town; • capable of ; taking, charge of office; '_, is quick, accurate, : reliable «and■'« well trained. Address box 1592. Call offlce. '^ TRUSTWORTHY? porter houseman wants •• ; : job in hotel, apartment or Institution. i ,'-'? Call up * Douglass " 21971 or J-2510,; .* -z' A Employment ? Department;: S. IF. Hotel . News? jp TWO " young • men want j jobs; * well up in farm work. Apply,« stating wages, to A.*: JAYS, postofflce,.San;Francisco,., VALET." experienced, with first class New-York ;. references, wishes - position ;; in , hotel or: in i private. -,-Address box 1593. Call offlce. WANTED-—Newspaper * man, 19 1 years' a ) reporter, ; paragrapber % and Z editorial , writer, "- wants Z to ■ bear i from | newspaper that wants \ a = topnotcher; world beater on; special **• features; t reputation ??■ splendid; good on city desk;or any department; .. have been ;• successful » everywhere. Write ior z -, wire postofflce; box 781. Pasadena. Cal. WANTED—Steady Ji employment % by _ m an s of i 27, H not. afraid of work: 18 1 years' experience on re- ■ tail milk wagon;[ good milker; strictly ; temper- .?:-*, ate *; and - clean; » want »" good, steady & work * and ? good wages; willing to leave scity.' Address box 1530. Call office. WANT a clerical position In an office; had experience - some -time r\ ago; .| bare y been » notary 'Z public for 116 * years *in ) Nevada; * can \ refer yon* *i to responsible; gentleman •■as sto < respectability. Box 1284. Call office. WHO i will give .a* poor, deserving, . honest 1 young yy- man = with . best *of • references ' a position 'as pony ■ messenger , in flivery; stable for on ; ranch t deliver- >*; ing -i and f- exercising » horses, s etc. Address 1 box ;;2939,, Call offlce. • WANT practical '" experience IJ on salesman -R and ;;j stock keeping end of f merchandise ne;|wllllm ... to ?do ? the ;, porter * work; i* highest * references *or bond. ; Box 2903., Call of flee. *-;<■ • WANTED —Position |by competent, experienced -;» stenographer, bookkeeper, all ts around Sof flee t:« man"; < excellent! references. Address | box! 2910.' Call officss' - - . - -•


i employment"wanted P;P ?■*■/? A\ ;p»lAliE~Contlnn>tl yyz { _y_ WANTED—Position as 1 cashier, or general i office '. '"•; man V with " commercial j: firm; * best references; L : can * furnish guarantee bond In * any amount. '-. Address ; box? 1551; Call offlce. WANTED —Situation ? for a boy 1 16: years old to ■: learn ! engineering or automobile'.;business;-; had some 5 experience; "'handy?with, 'tools. Address box 1521. Call office.?/ '? '-.-. . - WANTED—-By ? young;; man, ? position as J director '; of .-* publicity i for city zor /'community: -western ?' training; , competent and - can > prove it; best of. >: references.? Address box 2708.' ■ Call office. - -> 7 WANTED—By young * married! man. position? as ? ■janitor; 7. steady,?; sober; X, not 7 nraid eof '• work; :t - best of references.;? Address: 2709,1 Call offlce. , - WANTED —By * young ? American.' strong,'; healthy. '■■■■ honest,'? stead v. sober; .* will t work in ;or out of i city, v, Address box 1,552. Call office. ;?;;, : WANTED —By young couple, management of ■ • apartment ibouse: strictly ■ Address ? box lore. Call office. : ;-,? , . ■ '.-"T-'yz- yWANTED— Work by young man 21 years of age;, ■'■ experienced - elevator , operator. • Address ■.; box 7; 2707.: Call office. -■yy/yyi .;?'"?. ?'vv-.': ??*.-•.' '7 WANTED—Position' by young I man, some j expertence :in automobiles.' with chance; to run > auto. ?? Address box 8811. Call offlce. ■ WANTED— Position by engineer."gasoline,;steam ■or traction engine; capahale of. doing all repair ? work. -<:.•' Address; box ' 2012.1 Call office; YOUNG • man. not afraid ,of work, wants i a per?,manent outdoor Job of any kind, farm .work if - possible: | have had j a little experience | in, this *".* line; please "answer.' at -once. I ;am : a stranger and broke. ; Box 8988, Call of fice.'vf->■'■* '"7-7. ..Z YOUNG man with general office experience wants ■-, work of ? any * kind,' city ;or country: - has-com- " ' mercial education. ? typewriterl, operator, * good - penman; lowest wages to begin. ! -Address box yZ 1539, Call office. ,; ■..■.-■■;';.."'■ ■■■?. y.-ZZ -,? yZ\Ay.yz. ' YOUNG man? wants position, machinist j and elec- ; trician; thoroughly understands steam and gas- ■• oline : engines: good ■> references.? Address box 2988. : Call offlce. : '-;' ..?: ,„ Z ' .; ?. ''" * 1 Z'a.z'A YOUNG man of neat appearance wishes'position as chauffeur with private family; experienced: - references: can do repair work. Address .box '-•*' 29l-1. Call of flee. : A ' ?? YOUNG man wants position as electrician's help--Xer; ;2. years' experience. ~Box. 1271, (all office. YOUNG man student,"; American, age 21. wishes - position of any kind requiring but half of each ; day :or part of day I and evening. -: Address box 1528,;; Call office. ' • ; V YOUNG man; who is thoroughly ' acquainted , with - the city desires a position; as collector, having ? had; experience: * can _ furnish * bond ami -, refer- ; ences. \ ; Box; 2754.? Call \ office. L.\ ;■;".", "A - -*?' YOUNG man V (Chinese) .wants, position ?of -l any ■ kind; -speaks-, good English: apply by, letter only. Address 24 Washington alley. ' YOUNG man.- IS years, speaks German and English, -wants --a situation *? doing * any. kind of * work. Box 2775.'Ca1l office. ' , YOUNG, man.;strong and willing, with local experience, wants position as auto truck driver. Box 27X2. Call office. " . YOUNG .roan.? 21 years' of ; age. experiencedJ elevator operator, wants : any kind of light work; city or country.!, Addres s• box 2935.?Ca1l offlce. YOUNG German .couple want : work 'i on .private -v*. place, or small ranch;; wife plain cooking and . general work. Address boa 2888, Call office. • YOUNG man;: employed during ' day; wishes j work -.tlurlng.the evening hours 4 0r.5 nights a'week." Address box-,2937.* Call offlce.?-,;-"?-,:'-.' „.*?* YOUNG;? man. * 34, * carpenter, wishes -a ", place 'In -'-: firm or corp. as handy, man or general worker. .? Address box 1322, Call office. .< : j YOUNG" man \ wants: position? as cashier «or 'col- * lector: best of bond references: also cash secur- .? ity if wanted. Address box 2758. Call office; ? | YOUNG* man* desires position of any kind; can 7. furnish best of references. Address box 2759, Call office. , .?. " -:: *? '*?:.- ; ;.. z . I YOUNG Z man,'? steady,* * seeks re-engagement ■In :-"■■ hotel - as: porter :: or „ houseman.? ? Address box , 1888, Call office. : ■ r YOUNG, honest Japanese boy wants :a.s position - as,schoolboy In a. kindly family; 1445 Baker ZZ St.: phone \ West 7025. •.■'?-.: . YOUNG man would like position as cigar clerk In M retail store or .stand:' experienced and can fur- > - nish ; best. of: reference. ? Box , 1156. Call '-. offlce.* YOUNG i German 5 couple wish situations in V pri,,rate family." Box 1259,",Ca1l office. EMPLOYMENT WAN y{_.\\{''_ "' ' p"FE3.AL.E''p"''pPP"Pp- -.p'>_' AA— I.AUY ?; willow Z worker Z will .' call: willow g plumes and bands made from old feathers and boas;; repairing; small salary or by day. '< Phone 1,, West 221. ■-. 7-.7.y y,y,yy,:.^ -_>»...; ..--- ... '?; COMPETENT; nurse, 5 hospital training, ' desires ? permanent position with invalid, city or conn- - try:?references,*: state particulars. Box 2190, ■'■ Call office, r":'-; CAPABLE, J:trustworthy .woman wishes „position ~y as housekeeper; widower i- with .children pre- ?• ferred: city or country. vjßox: 1208, Call office. 1 DRESS.MAKER,?good?cutter;and fitter,? In families;, evening ;; andf. dinner gowns; remodeling and >- alterations; ■ $2.50 ' per : day." * Box " 1209, : Call office. J;r, ; 7 ,;.,..• .; . /?*'?,-?; EXPERIENCED waitress wants > a situation in city or country hotel. '■■ Call up;'Douglass 2187 or J-2510. ' Employment? Depart ment. -S. ?9. Motel . News.'. 7 EXPERIENCED dress maker by; the day in fain * l iiles; satisfaction 'guaranteed. *" Phone * Douglas -9J12. MISS KINKED. ..?:.;•.. EXPERIENCED h hospital ' n«n»e 5 would. care for "lady:or:gentleman:,and help other work. Box *'1210. J Call office.?' ,?; ... ...?.■".."""-; ■?',? ?- .■? FASHIONABLE dress ; maker; would like engagers, ments by ? ; the day. f Address ; box - 154?,. Call.;-. '? FIRST "CLASS? cook wishes (situation" in private family: city or country;/, Apply 1205 ; Laguna ? st. above; Kills. •.. Zy.y y Z'.zyz " „Az Z ;;- '*: FIRST CLASS laundress wishes work ;by the .-; day;? can do ra * large *" washing and ' ironing in 4?l;day.? Box 12fi4;'Call office. FIRST. CLASS German family cook?: competent In Vi every.*: respect, .with city references, wishes ,-.*5 position in . city ;or [country; c Box i 1388, Call. <yz GOOD* hotel cook *?• desires ? situation, hotel or :' resort; '•< city *or 7 country; - $40' to:-; $50. • Box ,-2785,"; Call office;? .... * --''■ „ ", - > .'? ■'.-.. JAPANESE girl wants work In Oakland or BerkeM ley. family: I good j cook.* P. O. box 7. Oakland.*'- ■ LADY - desires:/ plain:' sewing .. and ? alterations; : $1.75 and meal; or can take home. Box 1205, Call office. „*.,,',;; ■: „A-:ZyzZ A :?..,«,.-; *:■;, ■ . ..-'.■: yyLADY; wishes general housework In a : private family; wages $25. Call 1838 Geary st.; phone : ;i.West,«sl2.. c '-. ■■ -.■■>,;■, yyyyy.y,,y :.yZz.yy-^zry LADY with »■ a daughter? 12 « years ? old • wishes imposition as housekeeper. Box 1204. Call offlce. MIDDLE AGED -i German i woman desires ? situation !'■ In 4 family, •■ city »or ; country. -Box;; 2786, :***. Call * office. NEAT woman wants a position as housekeeper; ■ understands : bouse duties; s kind . to : children; re- ;. liable and sober. Box? 1056,?Ca11-office.:■••-.:; .. RELIABLE, competent woman* desires "washing, * | ironing for 3 cleaning by the day; In - Oakland, if Alameda :or Berkeley; $2 per. day; Box 2788, Call offlce. , ' ' RELIABLE colored : girl ; wishes work of ' any ?, kind from 9: to 4:90 o'clock.; Box 128 a, . Call. RELIABLE 1 German ;?,woman ». wishes a position, cooking and housework, in .private .family; :; wages $25 per month. Box 4493. Call. Oakland.* REFINED I lady with 5 a boy 8 1 years ? old i? would %z 1 Ike j* a * position las? housekeeper; 1 competent 1, to j's take entire charge of la* home; city or country; references. Box; 2787." Call offlce. REFINED, middle aged lady, with daughter, wants situation, as; cook or housekeeper on ? ranch. ;;Box 1206. Call office. - STENOGRAPHER and j assistant | bookkeeper; experienced: $10 per week. Box 1298, Call. TYPEWRITING 'and -j copying work by " young lady; will call for, and deliver all work daily, if?: or *as :! required; s very reasonable.';? 1 * Box 4 2789, "■ z, Call office;- -■ ■ - ;; WANTED—Position %! for Ml half is, day, work ?In office, by young lady, who I has J knowledge sof -. bookkeeping and .:. can use typewriter. Box ' : 1296, Callioffice. _!^_S_f WANTED —By colored I laundress, work |to take |tj home; ladies' and children's! work and table ZZ linens 5 especially; « all | work l guaranteed. m called I for.* and \ delivered: ft Box 1201. Call. WANTED—The Asaocated Charities I has t urgent t?i need *of day | work I or | women: a general » house A~ cleaning J and laundry work. I* Telephone | Franklln 709. * , WANTED—Refined j young 5 lady, former teacher, . ? wishes S position,"^ educational line preferred. ,*;» Would :coach: puplla; best ;references furnished. Zi Box!: 1202.; Call office. WANTED—Young i lady | wishes .position" as 'office M girl; * some experience lln bookkeeping I and type-* writing. Pox a-74.-..Ca11.0ff1ce;,.*;5.,>,,.. ;._,-.,-vj^ WOMAN wishes a place as first class cook. 315! ,3 Austin av.;'phone S-3407.', '■ WANTED —Situation; competent as cook and | housekeeper;|city,'.--; country. «?: Box 2970, Call office. - " *- " WANTED—Position as cooking or general work; «"***"•• without a laundry; f good f references. W Box i 2997," Ig Calls office.' . •'. ..-^b-MBi WANTED—First IS class cook and W experienced M house girl 1 wants position: state wages and number in family. Box 2971, Call offlce.

EMPLOYMENT WANTED ';? ."."-'■"': ; *:^ FEMALE^COT-tlBBfarp;'";; ,* : - : : : - WANTED; situation— A cultured, 'educated lady, 4? with I experience, < will cook for refined, camping : party; or," few men > or: ranch.":; Box ;1207." j Call. WANTED--Position ?-in real estate ; office, ?Of -.;:■; other, business by/ experienced i? .voting ? woman Of ability. Box *1201." Call fife, WANTED— t! experienced * young t, woman -ofibuslness.abilityZto manage rooming house. ,; Box 71202. V Call. office;.?;" ,■ ■■ ZZ'A. a y'- ■-"■?" .WANTED— by x the day: ; willing; to '.'. do .laundry ' work;:-can give best., reference. Box 2881. Call office. *■ '--"■■■■■■? zZ.A-.Ai.-,WANTED —Experienced > housekeeper ? for * apart-? z-t ment ;* house wants z{ position; city ? references.* ■P Box 2096, Call?offlce>"- ?:- v'-"'-'?v"v"."?. AAyA WANTED—Position, light ■ housework or compan- ••' ion, by? refined 1- voting ; lady, for :": apartment. 5 %:■ Box '120!>,?s Call 1 office. ... :■;,",■:- .: ■Zyyz,yy7 ,..:-,:. WANTED—Sewing by the day. $1.50' a day► and y. carfare; ;will' do mending? and make I alterations. I 475120 th. ay.'s bet. 1" Point Lobos and \ Clement. % WANTED—Experienced | baby's' nurse 1 desires ', po- ? sit ion; •• best references: wages '*■ $33 a month. :>.' ASSOCIATED CHARITIES.*. 1500-. Jackson.Bt."**-:S f. WANTED—GirI -' of ■■-' 17 - wishes '". housework >. or «to care ?- for & baby. ? ASSOCIATED CHARITIES, •? 1500*Jackson;st.;-.. _ .?;.;?,?■.'•'-»-"'.?. , ■ WANTED—Two • young '-, ladles .want- work; \ would *"; like '-, to s run * a > rooaiing ; house; be : cashier ;or ex-! ?•..".:change 5; operators. 7y Box 7 2)173. * Call ? office. ??. WANTED—Position ;In '*an 'office iby 1 young neat - : appearing girl; ; doctors * or dentist's -, office - pre;: ? ferred; S have t had * experience. •; Box 1300. { Call. WANTED--Y'oung | woman < would - like place ?. as . : housekeeper; * would;. like - full charge; ? country, : J preferred. Box 2072. Call offlce. ,:?;? , WANTED—German woman?, would j like to - take . care ** of: chl Id ; room :.' and - board; ? $.'{<»; ? ex-' perienced. Box „ 1203. Call: office. •::-. •; A-:y WANTED—position; |manager or housekeeper" for -apartment house; references. Box 1294. Call; WANTED Position *by first class ? pastry>. cook ?■*; with references.":;: Box ' 1297,' 1 Call ; office. -% WANTED—Steady, reliable young men;: light of-%-ifice work; t will ■.pay? good wages; $150 cash re- ;. quired: money secured. 964 Market st.'rtrm. 1". 14.Y'OCNG woman want* chamber work or "general i- housework; city references. Phone West 5553. YOUNG lady,*; 28 years old. with 10 years', expert; ; ence in general offlce work; will be willing to start j with s $60 per 3 month I until I familiar with ? the work; no stenography. Box t 744. Call office. MALE HELP Wj\NTED WANTED — IMMEDIATELY*. SEVERAL MEN UNDER 35 TO FIT GOVERNMENT?RAIL? WAY MAIL CLERKS; SPECIAL ENTRANCE : ■ ";' ' ,'.-' ■Z- ~ ■ ' :'-: ■.-■7 _. - ....... ;_:. .^ ; ..; :„' .- ■ ? EXAMINATION i JUST CALLED; RAILWAY MAIL SALARY $75 PER MONTH; PROMOTION RAPID IF CAPABLE; PERMANENT; MANY APPOINTMENTS THIS . STATE; YEAR'S; RESIDENCE THIS; STATE NECESSARY. SEE a. C: HOFF, ST. -. FRANCIS '•HOTEL',? WEDNESDAY*; _ A.?M. TO 2 P. M, — IMMEDIATE—-' — IMMEDIATE — ." * FEW WELL EDUCATED MEN TO COACH FOR" , GOVERNMENT-.- IMMIGRATION INSPECTORS? SPECIAL ENTRANCE EXAMINATION CALLED FOR; FEBRUARY 99. ■-: SALARY ; STARTING"^,SI..ISO. PREFERENCE THOSE SPEAKING SO.ME FOREIGN LANGUAGE, OR . SKILLED,I AS STENOGRAPHERS. IMMEDIATE ACTION NECESSARY. . SEE A. ('. HOFF, ROOM 3I«. = ST. FRANCIS HOTEL, TODAY OR EVENING'UP: TO 0 O'CLOCK P. M. — IMMEDIATE — .? -7z:,z-Z IMMEDIATE — ' WANTED—BRIGHT BOY'S.OVER l«; RAH. X WAY MAIL . CLERKS: SALARY $05 TO $75 ! -STARTING: PROMOTION; SPECIAL ENffl TRANCE EXAMINATION JUST ."ANNOUNCED FOR "FEBRUARY? 7. WE CAN HAVE You ; WELL COACHED FOR THIS •'*IF, YOU ACT : IMMEDIATELY"; f--MANY*.": NEW APPOINT- ? MENTS WILL BE MA UK: BRING; P.V RENT WITH VOL. SEE A. C. HOFF. ST. FRAN » CIS : HOTEL, WEDNESDAY, Z 8 A. M. To :-• 2*P."-!'M.r.-*; -' ■-:; y ■ ■ --?.- , -■ y : .;,..? .? ! SEVERAL CLERKS OR BRIGHT Y'OCNG MEN OVER 118 TO COACH FOR SPECIAL EXAM I NATION FEBRUARY 7 FOR RAILWAYMAIL CLERKS. THIS STATE; BEGINNING SALARY * $7.". PER MONTH: PROMOTION; I PERMANENT: M ANY.-"APPOINTMENTS; 'IMMEDIATE FACTION* NECESSARY": , YEAR'S RESIDENCE = THIS ; STATE REQUIREDBRING PARENT WITH YOU. SEE. A. IV HOFF. ST. i FRANCIS 1 HOTEL. WEDNESDAY, 8 A. M. TO 2 P. M. :,".• -. «;'.?■■■ ;•■- -WANTED— ant' 1 and :• bookkeeper-; capable ; of/ handling general books and * office; work lof large electric light and power company in large B city; ! must Ibe experienced "in . this line and understand»detailed investment.^ revenuei and ex- > pen accounts. Address >at once, giving expe- ■->- rience ?in full, references as Ho\ ability i, and character, age. salary .'required; and . name; and r address, box 1270, Call- office. : j- -•■.-..'; EE BUSBOY for cafe. Apply cafe, THE EMIT) RUM. " WELL known: eastern . adding machine ?company ! I wants a | competent ■ man |to take charge lof 1 San ;- Francisco, - Cal., territory; ? must have ; best: of ; ,_ referen<-es ?and ? a'; thoroughly *. high - class * offlce ;. specialty?man; commission ♦basis entirely. Ad- ; * dress, and > state! full : particulars? C. E. SPEN/.CER. ;837,Monadnock building. Chicago,; 111.'*.■'. ?? IF you ? are •a' live * real Restate ? salesman, -J either subdivision or acreage, and pan finance yourself until you * get lon your ; feet in a new location, J« the * largest real ; estate firm [ In 1 Central \ Calif or- ??? nia ? has ; . an . opening ? for * yon; i positively mo ' ad-' ;, vances made. Communicate at. once with"C < " MURRAY, THE REAL ESTATE MAN, --'."" Fresno. CaI. AZZ ;;£•;.. "<.•-: ,; -. MEN,wanted.?;age> 18 to 33, to:prepare' for 1 fire- ? ? men and brakemen' on nearby ■ railroads $80 .to .;" $100 '■■';monthly;lnexperience >' unnecessary;f;?no B strike; ? promotion, | engineer or ; conductor; j $150 77 to:$200; monthly; ; good' life: careera; ■ state • age; f send *" stamp. >•• RAILWAY ASSOCIATION, ' box '/,. 356.?;Call > office, J :,?; *.' ." '■ ' 500 MEN, 20 to 40 years 1 old. wanted at "once for *?«! electric « railway j motormen > and | conductors; j $60 Hto $100 a • month; Ino ! experience | necessary; j fine B opportunity; Ino j strike; | write | Immediately * for ii "• application , blank. Address box 252;? Call !offige.*' LIVE I men to sell. watches and diamonds *on j easy, S'; payments;, liberal; commission lor : salary;: no ex- ; perience necessary; references. ■■--'■BRILLIANT g JEWELRY CO.. 704 j Market St.. sixth floor. ? BOY" *to »lenrn the,' gilding *" trade; must bring ..J good ■ referencess regarding honesty - and; character. Apply. S.*; & G. GUMP CO., 208 Post St., „... between :9, and • 10; a. m. FIVE * steady i men &to \ learn cigar making; , pay ;,; while * learning; f one?, to * run * cigar ; stand;; cash ?i; security. * 421 3d st. AUTOMOBILE driving " and repairing. MOTOR "•ENGINEERING SCHOOLS, 57th and Adeline sts.. Oakland. STEADY' man. tend cigar; stand: experience unSj necessary; small \ security; required; \ $60 i month. 10 Folsom st. * ' " HONEST man wanted lin t well * paying business; , 1-ii small I capital required; 1 experience 1 unnecessary.* '.;'. 421 3d st. f* WANTED—Reliable men ;in i real ■ estate' business; . *-. splendid opportunity. 060 Market st.; office, ;-■,;;:■ 2." H. . < ■■ • " < • , , LEARN *' the barber trade: wages while learning. izy Csl. f. Barber] College. 145 J3d St.* below Mission.*; MEN* snd boys wanted. -: ILLINOIS!PACIFIC GLASS CO.. IMb an,', Folsom sis. UNCALLED i for "and \ 2d <■■ handS shoes] cheap; open ? feSunday]forenoon:^ 103,3 d st. *"*v%a^|i BOY'S I wanted;;? good ; wages; f over Ml 5 1 years |of ? age. 357 Pine st. „ * J BOY'S ' 3 wanted* with bicycles; good wages. 1461 ! Polk st. -, --ia^»g^^ai__ia^i^l * , _. WANTED—Tailors on coats. CHARLES LYONS, I 71!, Mrrket st. . t > — GLOVES MADE TO ORDER GLOVES of every description made ', to your measure lat i Old ** Reliable I Dauicheff; ! perfect I fit' guar- j * anteed. Mrs* C. Limousin.*! r. 416 1 Phelan bldg. j FEMALE HELP WANTED AAAAA--Young women i wanted as foperators**'*•, . I the; Pacific Telephone J andi Telegraph !Co -«s«iy;' must be bright, neat In appearance, between '„ the * ages; of ; 17? and 25 years. of fair education -I end unquestionable character. -ts*ww<b P LIGHT t'A ND I WELLI VENTILATED OPERATING <ROOMS.« - • "■**■***(___ PLEASANT I REST AND ' LUNCH > ROOMS. Mm LIBERAL * SALARY! PAH) l WHILE * LEARNING. PERMANENT ! POSITIONS. M OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVANCE. f^ilPor % full ■ particulars ' call «at the Operating school, telephone- office, NW. corner Pine and Steiner sts. GIRL: for general? housework and cooking. 399 Webster st. earner oak. ,- . -..."'.-.. P. r; ".-**?. " . .

FEMALE HELP WANTED :■••■'";•• •- -- '■".-■■-Zl -Z-Z7- Continued -■' ■ -■? _?;?';p -■?.?-?■-_ EXPERIENCED shorthand'-andPtypewritlst: fa- ;- miliar'.with Smith/ Premier -preferred."-"Apply p superintendent's offlce. THE EMPORIUM.. z.-y YOUNG ladies >to I learn hairdressir.g. manicuring f H beauty j culture: I manufacturing hair I goods; Iday' P and night school. MACHETTE INST.'DERMA- . TOLOGY. 133 Geary st.. Whitney building; yy , LEARN".' beauty culture at l the 5 California ) School :? of Hairdresslng; I splendid i opportunity: I constant --.■•'« practice;; individual ' Instructions. j 907% Market I st. near;Empress^theater,? bet. sth! and -th'sta.-; BARBERS AND SUPPLIES MEN and"women learn the barber trade and be A independent; ;we teach: you: in 8' weeks and t pay ■ ?* wages while ?learning.'^ Calls and ■ let ius 1 explain the road to prosperity under tbe system. 234 3d st. BARBER, I first, class mechanic. 35 years old. German, sober,: and .-steady;: wishes position in - ':■ country * town: only; i $18 guarantee. r- Box \ 2710, :?? Call office. . • LEARN the barber trade; make $10 week while ■:■•• learning ,at 10c I shave.* massage ** 2."> c. i CALIFORNIA BARBER COLLEGE. 145 3d below* Mission. BEST? opportunity £to v get:« a "- first "class \4 f '-hair .'shop; 31 working steady; doing good businesses '£ ? years. lease;' $350; ' investigate. ?: 4004,18 th; st. A NE Wo YORK barber, * good, man, wishes'steady ■'■■'' position; J strictly -.temperate: city or .country; ?.. have no .tools, r-; Box •: 12159, J Call [offlce. MEN .'and women. toj learn | bartering; wages while ? ? learning; ' see' us I about" tuition, y International. ; Barber School. 790; Howard St.. PARTNER*"•'wanted in barber . shop and;, $150 required: , 2263 E. '11-h'pst.frOak-' ■ < land. Az-yZl".Aza- ?"?-*..?-?"" \zzs ■■■:'" :" zAyy BARBERS*' Protective Union—Employment secrei;tary. W. ;ARON.I 775 Mkt.: ; phone Krny. 1* 9339 S GOOD; barber 'wanteds to work from 10 aT m. to :Z 8 p.* m.; steady: >: 1909 ' Post st. near - Fillmore. BARBER shop for sale.?? 1256 Missionst. .' PARTNER'wanted'. in 4 chair, shop; Italian preferred. ; Box* 1256. Call of flee. ".--.-- -':*.'.■ c YOUNG « barber wants a steady* position, city or • 'country.. ; 154!) * Stockton■; st. -.Veto."' ■?'■'. .* p FOR ' sale—2 . chair j barber shop."'r' 5526 Telegraph ay. near Mora park. Oakland. ';- : ; s, s WANTED—Hydraulic chair, in good condition; -'.-- must: lie cheap.?; 827 Telegraph ay.. ■ Oakland.', ? BARBER, 1 steady; •? short; hours: 'no - Sunday i work: Z' bring tools. Mills ; Building'; Barber : Shop. ;?>*. ? -■ ■ 2 t 'i CHAIR f; barber ? outfit 4 for '« sale; -cheap: also »".: some tools. IHM'v, ? Buchanan st. near Fulton. IP .TO *! DATE !2. chair barber? shop; '■■ transfer f cor- * - ncr; > for sale. 14, interest; or; all. r 3302 j Mission.* NEARLY' all "" shops w use *" our 1 Talcum ?5 Powder: ,p. there !lsa- reason. i At" BAUER'S. 59 O'Farrell. GOOD I barber I wants | work; I abort J hours: g refer-, ;... eocea. B. MARINO, San A-aeimo. Cat -,;,? : FIR.ST? CLASS 7 manicurist ■ .wishes ?, position ;,. in barber shop,. ; Box 1282. Call office. ", i'_ BARBER shop. 1 -chair'steady; 1 - chair - extra, ? for sale, cheap. fiOlCastnost. * ' : .*„•, BARBER wanted; steady; must be' first class. ???:lCt;2;Devlj»adero St. - ..--. ?' " *'- „ .WANTED— Manicure at ' Plaza barber j shoo, 1477 ;; 14th' st.. Oakland. ?*- • . • ? , BARBER shop rfor, sale; 3' chairs, 2 steady. 522 •*. Railroad ar. South. '•; '-~ : ; * BARBER wanted; steady? job. .410 "i 6th, St., Oakland. "-': "7171 y ....:,.'.'.■ .- ; .??>'.'■," 7.zAy yj.y FOR sale- 1—! chair shop. 4058 Piedmont av..".Oak;land.-.? ; " ....;■ . - \'- z ■??.? , ?;. * va77-.ZZ SALESMEN AND SOLICITORS SALESMAN wanted-- 3 Specialty . salesman for A the' city - trade;'; smut ,be■ a * steady,; sober; work?er ami have a good personal .appearance. Call today, 2 to I only, SOS Pacific building. Al canvasser to sollcit?city,i business;; hours.9; to ? ■. 11. 4.V! Phelan. building. C ;■'.;- «? yaa.s 7 y AGENTS WANTED Al .WOMEN OF? BRAINS USE LACKO.? Sold; by ■ •-. I,ooo' dealers in ■S. F. ; *- out iof '• town ;■' agents, either -sex^LACKOCO.;? 833 MARKET. S. I*. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES \ ASIA -„ EMPLOYMENT ? BUREAU % furnishes Tall kinds competent Japanese. Chinese and Filipino ; help.;; 521; Grant a v.; ; D0ug1a5,3532,: C-4665. y-^ j AAA- PHONE WEST 1731. HOME S-2615. ?A . *- T.„ XAMURA* & CO.. j 1612. Laguna * st.; competent \ft" Japanese-Chinese help at : short ; notice. Azyy i OSCAR H ATS UMI" A : CO. .> West : 5688,- S-4088— • -All: kinds help 'furnished carefully; select; dla- ■-■' patch. 1513 Geary st.-. Ay :■ '" •■."--">"-"■"-■■ ASzAyyy 0. D. KlNNEY—Chinese employment » bureau, r? successor to J. Conn, Phone Douglas 3162. "785 Clay st. STAR :' Emp.j Offlce—Japanese-Chinese . help. *>, YV. ??;?; KOD ATA ;|1610; Geary; i tel. West 167. ■ 8-2706. HoRI & Co.—Best Jap,and;Chinese help >of all j kinds. ; , 1711 Post st.. West j 2803, 8*2803;?;-??: U. W. HONG—Chinese employment office. 307 A . Bth St.. Oakland: phones Oak 2367,; A-3909.'.- : ROOMS TO LET F-RXISHED AND UNFURNISHED BUSH St., 2224, nr. Fillmore— ? furnished tfi sunny room; - running ? water; ;$S per > month. .; COZY* borne for respectable ladles, 1130 .- Market A st. near Bth,* under, the' auspices of the | SALA-,; ; TION "ARM ; | elegantly 1 furnished; I every mod-' ; crn convenience; steam i heat, electric light and , elevator ; service;' spotlessly * clean: t centrally I los-'- cated; thoroughly homelike; telephone Market :'' 1349; prices ? very moderate,* ranging *■ from' 25c 'A per night"'.' up; % special "rates -' by , the i week :or -?: month. See; matron, room 33. '7... A ,y * *> 7 DEVISADERO St., 1114, bet. Turk and Eddy— "it? Newly I furnished; sunny room: use of j bath.*?«.. ELLIS; st., 1 -1156—Newly;; furnished * room,"- $1.50 ~'£ week;:bath,* phone. - . * EI.LIS St.. 1014 —Nicely furnished? front sunny fi room; \ suitable 1 for 1;> or,. 2: ?reasonable. .- EDDY' St., ? 923—Newly ? furn:"": rooms; electric lights, bath: 6 'blocks, from old -city hall. ? FULTON " St., 1541—Elegant bay window room. • modern; electric light; ? grate; ? board If de>:s sired * very reasonable. GROVE st.. 818. near j Fillmore-— large, * sunny Jj rooms, completely; furnished; garden; $10; = references. ■ . HOTEL METROPOLITAN. 9751 Harrisons-Quiet »** place; working people;:hot water; ; $1.50 wk. MCALLISTER 5 at;,** 1478—Newly furnished * house *?;-' keeping {: suite: ;a bath, phone, ?; laundry; * single ;p, roomifor gentleman; reasonable. NEVADA, 825 Van Ness ay. near Eddy St.— Zk .Sunny s furn. rooms. $2' to j $4** t week; transient. O'FARRELL St., 1714—2 or; 3 unfurnished rms.; also f single f and ' double ; furn. room; fori gent. OCTAVIA St.. 1551 nice sunny furnished room; fy. running "water:;! bath, gas, phone; % reasonable, O'FARRELL st., 12*7—Newly i furnished % sunny lyi room, $2 i week; | bath,*! phone, running water. PINE St.. 1753—Newly furnished |sunny | rooms; i4f hot' running water; I modern ; conveniences. POST St.. 17(15—Handsomely furnished^ front S* room; j bath, gas","* phone; % $2.50 1 per | week. PORTOLA, 1048 Larkin cr. Sutter—Large, sun- &*§ ny,f newly * furnished I rooms; t bath 1 and * kitchen : -2, privileges; very convenient. Tel. Franklin 7817. SACRAMENTO "i St., 1589—Furn. rooms.*!! with >or without buffet kitchen: hot water and bath. SINGLE I room or suite in well? furnished, steam heated, modern s downtown i flat: fgbreckf aat Bif 11 desired. Apply; 834; Jones ■ st. near Slitter. , TURK St.. Nicely furnished, clean,*? sunny :i3 rooms , for j 1 or ;2 f gentlemen; j both; § phone. STH B St.. 365 —Furnished Jfl rooms, housekeeping: W and t single; % running water; gas and electric light; free baths. RENT THAT VACANT ROOM SMALL want ad J In! Thai Call I will fdo it I quicker than ; a do*en: signs Ip. astered on your windows. . and which spoil; the t looks of your home be-' m sides. Phone Kearny] 86 for ant adman jto call ;! and see you. * t f^^S^\ OAKLAND ROOMS TO LET m FURJfISHED AND UNFURNISHED FILBERT st., 930. Oakland—For rent, sunny M furnished f| front 8 suite; f running m water ,%bathr phone, washing i and 1 mending; ■ $10 * per I month: Phone Oakland 774. ' , -lh&gB3& f^^W^^MHm^MEEWF^I CLARA St., 164, near I —Two housekeeping . rooms j partly j furnished: | rent j'f&'*^gg_gSJ__swi^3g DEVISADERO st.. WJI—A "i large) furnished room '* and . kitchen; t aunny; every convenience; s $10 a month. ■ •*;,,- --" " " -', :

ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING :_y- ?:??;P^.-"?*-p^(Ut»ntIiniaed-;-; i -"-: P, ,* *■'■-f ?'-;: -< i FILLMORE * Bt,P' r5 Housekeeping rooms.' fur- i nished and unfurnished: back end front, ;, ": | GOUGH St., ? 201, cor. >»Oak—Sunny •■- room, '* $1.50 ; :';week; up: suite , $3: free gas:?..;; -■•.-', -.; :-■-.. -.:■■ ■■"•■ ; GOUGH 1315. near Geary—Housekeeping par-; 7 * lor ! and ? kitchen: * gas i range, bath, * phone ;% $20; j ••":also : 2 rooms, $10, :;*<: * -::"*.-• ~s^rP 7-ZAZ'-A.z\ MONTGOMERY! APTS.. Franklin and? O'Farrell j 11 sts. —House keeping. rooms, quiet,- respectable; j ."•:* strancers* home ; J prices right. . . ":?:-.;v;.? .-V j MONTGOMERY Z apts.. Franklin t and f O'Farrell \ ;.,,: —Hskpg. -► rooms: Sbay *r : windows; *.beautiful? ?? grounds; »quiet, i respectable: si prices; right.: . SCOTT St.. 2040 — 1 large .sunny room, light v. house * keeping: > nicely ' furnished; ?• all convenl- - **,ences;treasonable. *, ' - .* ; ■'"*' SCOTT? st.. 1 2040---2 clean; sunny,shskpg.'; rooms; , ,*'• ba th, ? regular ,i kitchen. Phone; West j 2014.!?* TO • let— '-& * large ] sunny' rooms ■ and bath. *: Call 'at ?: 1108 Valencia st. •** ";.'-; ■ •••' ' BERKELEY HSKPG. ROOMS HOUSEKEPING and other furnished rooms at : New Thought I>m. 2338 (..'banning 'way .'Berkeley. Phone Berkeley 5296. : ; y.yA. • / : ROOMS and BOARD OFFEREb\ AAA—CALIFRONIA 801,"'at? Franklin— First I class family - hotel;; rates = reas.':; fine large rms.; ,; excellent table; refs. MRS. E. R. BATES. AAA—THE 457 Oak at. nr. Buchanan; .H first j class rooms ■ and board. % Phone. Park; 5092. . CALIFORNIA St.. 1541— Margarets club for I a girls;; teachers:,; students, ,bus.?. women, tourists; H sunny rms.: fine bd. : reas. ;• Fk. 3292. H. C 2569." O'FARRELL . st.?. 1144—Finely i furnished rooms with -. board, single tor? en suite;-'reasonable; •• bath.X phone. •-. , - ,"o PIERCE \ St., 815, - nr. McAllister—Large . double ; -rooms;? bath: „ fine ? neighborhood; -excellent ;'; board; '3? or - 4 »people.'* $4.50 week. *' ;-■;?;;;<• PACIFIC; ay.., 1716— Large sunny I room, suitable ? ::for k 2 k people:. excellent table: -i references, ;« •? WASHINGTON st.. 1728. nr. Polk—Beautiful fur:?'n I shed? rooms, sun all day. with board for 1 or 2 ROOMS and BOARD WAN TED SECURE ; roomers « and ;.- boarders ■* through 7 Domo „ Directory. 822 ICrocker. bldg.; 11 a. m. to 2p. m. B^K^^JRO^Sj^O^ARD ENJOY?; the . beauties lof ' Berkeley with i the ad- •., vantages* of the city: engage accommodations ;,* at i: Nortbgate; £ 1809 . Euclid .ar.: | sunny J suites . and single rooms with all modern conveniences; 35 minutes from San Francisco; streetcars pass i ; the door;? rates; reasonable. v:. M. 'M. HENRY", I J manager: j phones 'Berkeley 1615. Home F-2534. i ' APARTMENTS M. FRIEDMAN & CO.. ',: ■- ' - } 250-273 Post at., OPERATE THE LARGEST RENTAL BUREAU ON THE PACIFIC. COAST ; Not just a . few ; houses listed like in the smaller z bureaus,? but hundreds of : the choicest apartments, flats: and houses in the 'city.?, On ac- ? count •of " our enormous ; list ,of 'clients we p are .lironght : the choicest locations ■ first, ; locations .that you could* not possibly get elsewhere. ? Below.are just a few of this week's snaps. Hun- : dreds of others equally as good.: Come In and ? get our lists. Automobiles leave our store all ?■ times of the day. ; Service free.:. : ;' * $18 ;to $20—3 ROOM APARTMENTS, 10 : MIN- : UTES j FROM (BUSINESS CENTER; j light and | I sunny; beamed and paneled;.dome chandeliers; j free I janitor : and scavenger. service; ; . exclusive .■'-'- district; unusually reasonable in price. ' | $20 to $30—BRAND : NEW 2 AND 3? ROOM ! APARTMENTS.' WESTERN, ADDITION; steam | ■ heat: ; portal beds:. well .'appointed r kitchen; J all ! ■ rooms light and sunny; ample closet room; ex- \ ce-ptionally pretty, fixtures. *?_;_; ; - ; '••".;•'.; $25—3 ROOM NOB HILL APARTMENTS CON- j VENIENT TO DOWN TOWN; \ steam heat; B beamed' and. paneled; builtln j buffet j ga. stove; I ?;' large closets. - •* - * " - "-" - $27.50 to 50— BR AND \ NEW 3 ROOM' HYDE *• ST. APARTMENTS; ;steam: heat: hardwood '. floors;" bull tin, buffet; -; cooling closets; all ; mod. em conveniences. ;■ -"- Z.A." ;•'.: ??" ?- $4O: to * $4.5—4 ROOM APARTMENTS. '10 MIN- • UTES FROM BUSINESS CENTER; steam ..' heat; - hot water; builtin buffet; : bookcases; • exceptionally :light and sunny; very airy. ;• Apply .*'■ atP FRIEDMAN'S * RENTAL P BUREAU. '■'- The' Biggest -on ■• the Pacific Coast, ? 259-273 ? POST - ST. NEAR STOCKTON ? ? ? * RIVERSIDE APARTMENTS. 50.Golden r Gate ay. near Market st.',,;-. ; - ! A .Tost •• opened; r newest and - most ■', elegant;' com. ; pletely i furnished;" 3, S2 * and >. 4 . rooms and »bath; i hotel i service; every convenience: t. most . desirable j location for apartment 'homes; half block from ] Market st. ] and lln ; high class ; hotel neighborhood; rents reasonable; references required. , . * . coronadoPapts., ■"{ 'y v Sacto.' and . Larkin ?sts."; * just ; completed; elegant 2-3 : room unfurn. • apts.; | hardwood floors,? linoelum In kitchen and bath; elevator serxlce, steam heat, hot J water; ? centrally located..?-^,- .';•.. ;* *; ".*■? AA—BROOKING APARTMENTS. 315 i St.— M First class except |in price; walking ! distance; y 3 blocks Emporium; elec. lights, running water, B free; baths,' phone' and janitor service; ;1 T and '■ 2 A rooms, i fully furnished t. for housekeeping, $2.50 - ? per .week up: , bedrooms, ' $1.50, week up. , ."» y.. '-» PINE at.*, 1490. east of —.Apartments, 2 rooms :• and bath, ■: unfurnished; just ; finished;: marble ?' entrance, paneled t walls, beam ?ceilings,*1-" wall A beds; modern, sunny, respectable and accessible; r $22.50 to $27.50 per month. >; . v ? t ';, " CENTER*? APARTMENTS, N.W. 16th; and Fol-? som* sts.;;. 1-2-3 rooms with private i baths; ■ steam"'heat,?"' hot t. water ' and «Janitor ? service; « rents »$10;- per > month .. and * up. ?'.- Apply to; CENs TER r&SPADER.' : 66O Market st. AA— DELEO APTS ~f corner Hyde: and O'Farrell; jnst opened: 1 2 rooms: and bath, completely fur- : nished: hotel service; every modern convenience; "•■■ J rates $35; a ' month and up; ; refa:? required. ?:;^ A—LUND APARTMENTS. - ? ■ Stanyan. Frederick 1 and Golden Gate park; not a dark room In the house; up to date in every ?;' respect; ; elevator , service;: etc. v ~ '■; :-*■„.""■ *.;-"'."'• ARGYLB APARTMENTS, 146 MCALLISTER NIL* : LEAVENWORTH—2, 3 and 4 ROOM * APTS.; COSIPLETELY FURNISHED: LARGE LOBBY; HOTEL SERVICE; REFERENTS. BROADWAY APTS., 2048 Polk St.—2 and 3 rm. i. apts., $18 and ; up; furn. single ;rooms, $10; hot fl* and' cold water, baths, phone; I sunny corner.'^ . A—ST. ELMO, 1452 Devisadero st. near '- Gearyg | Take Turk ' and «Eddy I car; J'4l rooms }' and i bath, ■ furnished. $25-$3O! month: »references j required, BROMPTON. ? 1424« Polk nr. California—3" and 4 ; | rooms, P furnished i and *s unfurn.; ? elevator, * •* hot' -^i water, beat: « fine building; s rents slow;;;:?: ;T AA—COLUMBIA APARTMENTS."! cor.*. Ellis " and jn Polk : —Strictly : modern, 1 unfurnished family : ? apartments; references ; required. "., " ■ SACRAMENTO at.* 1625—3 room apts.; sun and ."* light ? strictly * modern: ? $25 per month. . -:* rz~z CLARA St.. 285 near 6th—Short walk down 'if, town ti 2. 3 ; rooms;; furn.. unfurn.; ) apts. $13; up. COLUMBUS Apts., NW. cor. Pacific and i Larkin— Z "S 3-4: room : apts.: * remod.; . unfurn.; • $22.50-$25. - VERBA Apts . 1114 Sutter—2-3 rooms, '■$$ bath: / furn. complete; i hotel 1 service; \ reference*. HENDRICK % HUDSON—Furnished apts.. corner Washington | and 5 Mason j sts.; rent j reasonable. Belie t Apts.'? 761 Turk i nr. Van ] Ness —All I modern; > complete % for hskpg.: f2. 3 1 rooms: $30.1 $37.50.*" BAHIA VISTA,:B4O California St.— Fine location; %% sunny 2-3 |rm.*| apts., fur.*, J unfur.; f. $22.50 up. EUREKA Apts., Mkt. and f 17th Beautiful 1 3 and 4 rm. apts.: {phone.'" janitor, service:, sunn v.*f SEVILLE Apts., 151 Haight—2;l 3. 4 rm.*f "apta.*tl $22.50 to $45: also single; rms.: all modern. ; EAGLISfApts.?! 555 1 Eddy nr. Larkin—New 2 f and '■ lg| 3 rm. sunny ants.: l all | modern: j references. CORONET 9741 Pine St.— 2 ?and f 3 "' rooms; |g furnished: steam heat i'and * hot l water. PLATS S andf apartments—S. F. RENTAL Pij REAU. 755 1 Phelan building. '"-^Q?3ft APA RJJ^NTS^FO^SALE FOR sale—Apartment of 4 light, attractive 9m rooms,"! all newly t furnished: l th, i gas | heater, Hi electric lights, telephone; 1 located sin | best part Mof city, walking ' distance: I reasonable s for cash.*! Ag Addres t box j 1122. Call j office.' ' ... . => =. HOTELS HOTEL EMPIRE. 111 * Taylor cor. Turk—Newly j If renovated; ? shopping i district; close to theaters; < fe' day TSc^up.l week $3inp;» bath, $1 day up; Eddy car at ferry; 3d-Townsend, S. P. car to Taylor.

HOTELS • Continued;.. WINDSOR HOTEL/ 238 Eddy st.—All modern con- ■■■' veniences; 2 * blocks 7 from P. O. and Emporium: ,'rooms; with;private bath. $1 a day, by week $4.50; without t bath. $3.50 ! and up. ?: ''v HOTEL MEMO. 340 O'Farrell st." nr. ' Mason—?> Rooms; with detached bath. * '.50 week? up; . rooms with private hath. $5 week and up; pri- . vate gymnasium,free'totplests.T':': Z'.'"-z ■'■*"■■ ABBEY hotel Opposite." St.? ; Francis .Hotel on , - Post st.; V«fireproof *. building; :«* modern ?in all ; respects:-class "A" service; all outside rooms. "* Rates $4 50 per week up.: ' - ' ?*,;; HOTEL ALEXANDER. Next door to - St. v Francis* hotel. Geary St.; rooms with private bath.*'s6 week and up. /• ".-. II " in. 1 ■ ■ FLATS TO LET y RENT DEPARTMENT ? - * J. W.WRIGHT & CO.. -*'_ REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE v AUCTIONEERS. FULL CHARGE TAKEN OF PROPERTY. ' LEASING A • SPECIALTY. - " 238 Montgomery. St.. Mills .building. Z" Consult our list of stores and'furnished hotels, apartments ami rooming J houses. .; Secure ; a W* of our eight page rent list. Our dally, corrected list of flats? to let can also be "obtained "at the rent department of the Harry J.'?Moore Furniture Co.. 40 O'Farrell st.? Call and list your , vacant apartments,'?flats,? houses and stores with us and we will advertise them for you free. BELLEMORE APARTMENTS. 1440 Sacramento st. nr. Hyde; 2 and r3 rooms. $22.50 and up; steam heat, portal.* beds, - hot water, hardwood floors, gas range, janitor service, jj ?- THE LEXINGTON, v 1653 1 Sacramento nr. Polk: 2 and 3 rooms. $27.50 up; steam: heat, hot* water,"- gas ranges, halls beautifully carpeted; hardwood floors. " , ' * \ FLATS. APARTMENTS AND ? HOUSES. $110.00—7 r.: 1760 Pacific nr. Wan Ness; apt. TO. s $75.00— S r.; 2620 Laguna nr. Vallejo; lower. $U0.00—«. r. ; 1430 * Hyde; middie;: artistic,high class in every respect. $60.00—0r.;906 Devisadero nr. G. G.: res. ? $50.00—7 r.; 1706 Sutter nr. Laguna. upper. ? $50.00-*-8 r.: 1907 Pierce nr. 5 Pine; residence. $45.00— r. > Broadway nr. Scott;, upper. ;$45.00--7 r.; 1688 McAllister nr.' Devis.; mid. $45.00 r.: 2120 Pierce' nr. Clay; lower. *$40.00— r.; 12 Stelner -nr.* Waller.: middle. $40.00—8 r.; 2.359/Fillmore;cor. Wash.;'upper. $40.00—5; .; 450 Webster cor. = Fell; upper. '$32.50—5 r.; 1465 Clay nr. Hyde;, middle. ,$.35.00—0 r-;.l»10 Post nr. Steiue—unper.. $.••.*>.oo—9 .: ; 1834 Ellis nr. Scott; upper. / : $35.00—6 r.; 1173 Union; nr. Hyde: upper: strictly,modern; high class in every; way. $35.00 r.; 2108 Hayes cor. Cole; middle. , : $35.00— 6 r.; 705 Shrader, cor. Waller; upper. $35.01.—6 r.; 20.50 Union nr. Webster: middle. $35.00—1909 Post nr. Stelner; upper. $.32.50—6 r.; 494 Bth ay. nr. A: upper. $32..50--«; r. ; 1809 G. G. nr. * Broderick: middle. : $32.50 r . ; 132 Fillmore nr. > Hermann; upper. $32.50 r.; 1951 Lyon nr. Clay; upper. $32.50—5 r.; 1227 Fulton nr. Scott; upper. $30.00— 7 r.; = 957 Oak nr. Scott: upper. ; $30.00—7- r.; 245 Scott nr. Page; s upper. $30.00 —7 r.; ;2215A Sutter nr. Scott;,upper. 4 528.00— 6 r.; 2262. Filbert nr. Webster; upper. $27.50—6 r.; 1372 Grove nr. Devisadero; upper. $27.50—5r.;;592 sth av.'nr.*"*B;;upper. . $27.50—6 r .; 1347 Webster, nr. Ellis;;lower. $27.50-7-4 r. ;: 23508 Bryant nr. ! 21st;, cottage. $27.505 r. ; 2927 Pierce nr. Union;; lower. '- $27.50—6 r.; .1443 Shrader; nr. -17th; upper. $27.00—5 r.; 2543 D Polk nr. Filbert; upper. - $27.00—6 r.; 10« Park? Hill nr. Buena Vista; upper; half month's rent free; choice. - , $25.00— r.; SIBA Presidio nr. Clay; middle. $25.00 —4 r.;, 322 Parnassus nr. Ist. ar."; 2d :floor. V 825.008 r.: 481 Page nr. Webster;, upper. * $25.00—5 r.; 742 l.ake nr. 9th ay.; middle.? ? $25.00—5r.;:154-Noe cor. Henry; upper. $25.00—5 r.; 2651" Sacramento nr. Pierce; lower. $25.00—6 r.; 1730 Fell nr. Masonic: lower. $25.00—7 r.; 1331 A Valencia nr. 24th: lower. $22.50 —6 r. ;• 2552 Pine nr. Scott: upper. : $22. no— r::**" 118 3d ay. nr. 'Lake; lower. : $22.50—5 r,; 788 Ist ay. nr. G. •'.: middle. . ; $22.50 i r.;?1370A. Pine nr. Hyde Slower. - $22.50—5 * r.; 2134 O'Farrell * nr. Scott; * lower. $22.50— : r.: 1314 Dolores nr. 26th;,upper. ".' $22.504 r.; 445 4th'av. nr. A; lower. - $22.50—4 r. ; - 322 Parnassus nr.- Willard. ; $22.50—7 r.; : 1195,Guerrero cor. 24th: upper. $22.50 —5 r. ;; 124 Rose nr. Cough; upper. ~-^_ -$22.00—6 r.: 22':»"A Market nr. 1 Noe; upper. ;-;>r $21.00-—4 r.: 21"1 Union nr. Webster; middle. $21.50—.-, r.: 2988 Folsom nr. 25th st. " -' i $20.00 —4 r. ;-2548-Noe ;nr.* Market; : upper. * $20.004 r.: 2246 Howard ** nr. ' 19tli; ' upper. $20.00—5 r.: 818 Central, nr. G. G. sv,; lower. I $20.00 r.;' 1969 Eddy. nr. Devisadero; upper. $20.00 — 7 r.: 1919 Greenwich nr. Lacunar upper. *?$20.00~5.'r.: 83: Henry, nr. - Noe; middle. «, ;*■" , $18.00—5 r.: 221 -Stelner nr. Waller: lower. $18.00—6 r. : 756 6th ay. nr. Fulton;*. upper. - % $lB.OO-4. r.: 1154 Clement cor. ,13th ay.: upper; : sunny: marine i view. .'; *—. . ■>- \ ? $18.00 —5 r.: 172 Jersey nr: Sanchez; upper. . $18.00—6 r.; 961 Oak,nr. Scott: lower, r. : $17,50—4,r.;«1708 Devisadero; nr. Bnch.uupptr. $15.00 —4 r.: 2030 Lombard nr. Webster: upper. ? $15.00—^4 r. : . 812 1 st ' av.*: nr.r Fulton: , lower. ■; I $14.00—3 r.; S«!R Illcborv Webster: lower. $12.504 r. ; 1257.. Eddy, nr, Laguna; lower. Fine:? stable proposition;* inquire iat offlce; 40 . -. stalls; nearly self supporting. .'■ \ . ;; ; ' Stable—s3o; 1033 Capp nr. 25th; 12 stalls. J. W. WRIGHT & CO.. 228 Montgomery st.;s Mills building. Iff. FRIEDMAN & CO.. ' - *- 259-273 Post St., OPERATE THE LARGEST RENTAL BUREAU r '- ; ON. THE PACIFIC COAST Not just a few houses listed like "In the smaller bureaus, but- hundreds of the choicest apart- ■ ments, flats , and : bouses 'in z the . city. r. \On ac':count of our enormous'; list of; clients we are ; - brought .ithe choicest locations !, first, ?locations * .*-'-•, that you could not possibly get elsewhere. ; Below are Just a few.of this week's snaps. Hun- f dreds of others equally as good."; Come in;an 1 ■-: gets our • lists. Automobiles leave • our . store ail ?, times of the day. Service, free. $16? to $20—4 AND * 5 ROOM * CORNER - FLAT. WESTERN ADDITION!: NEWLY; RENOVATED THROUGHOUT. • The largest and m^t desirable flats for the least money the market today. .-*' . • ' -• $20—« ROOM r FLAT 1. IN 2 FLAT ? BUILDING. ? . ASHBURY HEIGHTS, DISTRICT; like a pri- }}-z'..vate home. ? "'"■,'■' * * ■ .?■■ .'- -$3O ?to' BRAND NEW 5 ROOM FLAT IN ;EXCLUSIVE • RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT; * modA era in every particular;: garage accommodation: • open- coal grates; good sited yard; beamed and 7 paneled.*- - * , t -yZy.Z *,".*•-.'- ."• " ' $40 .to ? $43—BRAND - NEW s'* AND • 6 BOOM ? FLATS A NEAR LAKE 5 ST.; "i, 21; flat t building; ?, very, private; modern : in . every respect;-massive -? inker brick fireplace; hardwood floors; beamed '■ and paneled high; elegant fixtures; very beautiful brick front building. **-, Apply ? at I FRIEDMAN'S '-,'■ RENTAL Z BUREAU, 5..-■:+■ The? Biggest on .the Pacific Coast, P • 259-273 POST ST. NEAR STOCKTON I MAPLE ST.. MODERN FLAT OF 7 ROOMS : AND BATH: BEAMED CEILINGS, ELECTRIC LIGHTS: RENT,SSO: 2 MONTHS' FREE RENT TO DESIRABLE TENANTS. : " '•;■: ■■'-' BRYANT st. bet:? 22d and ! 23d—Just; completed; -new: 3 room'apts.; $19: something swell; owner '■■■■ on premises 4, to 5. SALA A BA.LA. agents. LARKIN?; St.. 1826. near J Jackson—Up Ito date ' 5 :* room;flat;*; sunny, front and back; .bargain. CLIPPERS st.?" 512"i— Upper! flat, - 6 'rooms; mod- ?;-- ern: : rent $20,W;.--.:" ;--r'--;-;-,:•'-* * NOE ! St., 1090, corner* 24th—6 sunny rooms - and bath. MISSION BRANCH OF THE CALL. BLAKE'S BAZAAR. 1108 VALENCIA ST. --.-,- -Ayz FLATS TO LET : SIX room? newly furnished; flat. 241 ? Lake st. near 4th' ay,; : reasonable. Apply MRS. HIRTH, ; apt. 19, 1152 Eddy St.. or DE WOLF REAL M ESTATE j CO.. 6tb, and l Point i Lobos ? ays. ' .: mi. - : — __ ■ . SUNNY.'f complete and s elegantly »furnished i flat, 4 rooms and bath, $30; Janitor service; refs. 426 Presidio ay. HOW st.. 2752—5 rooms |and| bath; alee location; comfortable: *23. f OAKLAND HOUSES TO LET _____; {yj^yj^i^sj^. ■ .VISIT,BREUNER'S OAKLAND FREE RENTAL " DEPARTMENT. fit Every ,i desirable l house, ; cottage, , flat'"and apartment iis - listed. There :s no charge i whatever for 'anyflnformation i you wish. Mains floor, left <of 13th at. entrance. YVe can save* you many,hours of,house hunting. '. ■ ..y BREL*NER'S..I3Ih and Franklin ata. Zgf'Jf SEND or call for ne v printed catalog. GEO. W. i"^ • AUSTIN, 1212 Broadway; Oakland. "■■ -■• .: -'■.■'. ' '■- . ' .... ■■ "'- ' , ■ ■■■■' '■..'....''.'.■.'