California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 20, Number 11, 23 October 1863 — Page 85 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

JUST RECEIVED, A Complete Assortment of every Style and Variety of COAL OIL LAMPS AND LAMP STOCK, ALSO CHANDELIERS! One, Two, Three, Four, and Six Lights. OILS! SPERM OIL, LARD OIL, NEATSFOOT OIL, TANNER'S OIL, MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Comet Illuminating AND OTHER KEROSENE OILS, CAMPHENE, TURPENTINE, FLUID AND ALCOHOL, FOR SALE BY STANFORD BROS., MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS. 121, 123 and 125 California street, 20-5 Harness. Saddles. MAIN & WINCHESTER, MANUFACTURERS * HARNESS, S addles, 23x*lcULoi9 v WHIPS, COLLARS, SADDLE-WARE. Nos. 214 and 216 Battery street, SAX Fit A XC/S' *0. ■ST* T<> correct any erroneous impression which some tn i) have, we wish it understood thnt alth una we keep th-) largest Wholesale Stock in the country, cu;a:i *'nlers and Retail (\:«f itners will receive eve-y affenttosl and b- nefit that they can at smaller ments FARMERS ar, 1 others will do welt in call on us before purchasing, as the rate of Eastern i > . justifies us in offering g ■ ■ U at HEI'IFOBS KAIKa. N B — Wm hay. the Kuludvr aule of HU.I COH« (OKI) II kß\Es>, for Ihe Paellie rowel. NEWMAN BROTHERS^" No 303 Battery street, near Sacramento street, MANUFACTURERS OF re at s >«>iiii :•», AND IHPOKTEIIS OT ALL KIMIS or \J Wood and Willow-ware, RAVI FOR SALfc.... Rsskets of all kinds Frrxrns, Wash boerwa. Tub-, Pail-. CkrtßM L ues, * luihfiPins, Rolling PtsW, Clothes M • Pa-try Hoard*, Feather I>u»ter* Hud l M<m-e nnd Hut Traps, Meanvr C" I ■ a\i r». fluid * n/* ("hairs, Children* WTsgosM, WtMsJea B wis aad Ti-v-Wuty Bnwnn, Faucet-. iltu t MtoMj Cai'dreo'* Olgs, Chopping: Knives, Wu ku:, ■fctft Boards, Churns, MhU, Sh«e arid Move Blacking, Butter Ladles so 1 Mould*, Hru-hf* of every desn iprion, Hemp ami Can B T * tne, Winlewn-h and Window Rru*liea, * l iin an ! Bah l!"i-hee, IaMMMI Scrubbing lliuch-K, Tooth and N 11-u-tie*, And wtosjl other article* gi'n'nllv kept .n * w*OODaM« WAHF, line, which we will well at few rat**. H id w i d nail the attention uf buyers to our SjlMHtaktSn [i>i.. r >j| Henry's Repeating Rifle. * _ » THK rNitKR.-*!ftNKD IS THK AGKNT ON THK PArifle- toe juntly e-iehrattvi fcepeating Rid*, and t* prepare 1 to lurnish (hem singly, ur to fiut.. ■•< t->n <>r more, aad *l-" to Mi it*ry Coinp ntes *t the mi >-i rnaet imtww raie* Military Companies and Clubs ot ten or HOfl cai. be furuuhed at Wholesale Prices. He hai> already furntahed tbem to citi/en* of San Joae, i Santa Clara, C mtra Coata Heald*hurg, and Qtbei paiuoi the State, aud also to tbe Petaluma Guards. Who are highly pleased wttfe theae esYectfva Bie siWse.SjSji, who are now equal in thf ti♦*l ito any all companies with oi • I rimary mtitkets. Fittra X Sea HLVF.R or (MI ,D MOCWTKD The prices ] will aiweya be in eccoidame with Uie tat*** Ka»t, and j eiaht and charse* ' Cartridge*, to nioplT fh» .iemand, always on h«Bw, at the !co roer ut Mam and wasalmitflSj strecu, where IUSMi can ue seen. Addteaa U. R. CODDIRO, 6-tj Agent lor the l'n» ('.«•(• WM. T. CULIHAR. «DW MUTT kOMMI it k.n ay CAaLToN, ja. WM. T. COLEMAN & CO, SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS AMD MALE as IN DOMESTIC EXCHANGES New York and San Franctico North Point Dock Warehouse. BTOIIAQEI C«n be pntcared in this we 11 known Wareh"U>e on the ■net favorable terms Kvery facility is offered for storing W heat, -icier. Flour, and other Domestic Produce. Advances Made on approved Mrrrh«ndi.e WM T COLEMAN A CO, 23 Fro|<rieton.