California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 22, Number 14, 28 October 1864 — Page 110 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

1 cordially recommend alt afflicted to patronise this Initdhat ' for it is truly a blessing to the afflicted, and the operation W very pleasant. I wish to thui publicly thank Dr. Josmjfor hla cure aud sympathy. '* JOSEPH BEUER, of Botlnas R*. September 1», 1860. * State of CaltforniajiJity and County of Ban "| Subacrlbed and twom to before me, this 19th day ot H m ,'t A.D. 1860. P. BARRY, Notary PuidicT. I H ACH A M bnto, Oct. 10, 1810. Dm. JossELYW—Dear and Honored Sir; You requested mo to let you know how I fool a 1 tor being at homo three weeka. Well, air, I have been bore a tittle over two weeks and there Uno return ot that very unpleasant trouble. M f aleep ii auund. and there ia no disturbance ol the regular i. t . T of nature. I feel as strong an I erar did before bad habits had weakened my system. Not Only is the general dehiltt v entirely disappeared, but the loMl trouble bat gone. 1 fao ao atrong that there la no fear uf its return. Considering that you only took one month to on re a disorder ot seven yeara standing, I think your system aim est miraculous. Accept my sincere thanks, and publish this if you plena, t buy* sworn to it, as you will see. C. UOWAtAN State r ICalifornla, C tunty of Saenumnto—is. Subscribed aud sworn, to hofor - m >. tun tenth day of Out A. D , 1860. Oil AS. HART, Notary Public. HoRTVI r* v Nov. Ist., 1860. Well, Doctor, I am at horn", and havo been to work in tha water for aeveral days, and titere is no return of tho K>i,. j. mailenn, at I call It; and d pilot as you state tticra to bo. I feel as gay as a lark, n » pain or bad lo rllngs, no stnfneas, but perfectly well, and all done by you in three week* without one drop of medicine. You htd Bard work to mika m i believe before you eon) noncud that you wmU cure dm but now I find it very easy to believe. Although my trieuda look rather incredulous, but they cannot doubt my eober earnestness. Doctor, you have my thanks, audi will beuetit you all I can, by spreading your fame up in theso parts. Respectfully yours, GEO. PERKdNSON Ja. To J. H. Josselyn, M D., Rosldout Phwfiolaa, at the Electro pathic Inalitute Nevada, Nov. 8,186 a Dear Doc Ton : Pursuant to agree mint, up mmy arrival \ sit down to pen you a lew lines in acknowledgement of tho great service you have rendered mo, in relieving me of that painful ease of neuralgia aud rheumatism. When I look buck and see the gallons nt medicines I havo swallow*! to no pur. pose, and then to think how soon you eurel mo, I am asion. {shed. You were only twelve days performing a cure of tha trouble, for which 1 had taken medicine over six montht Dear Doctor, tt' you could sew the wondor exhibited by my friends, who can hardly believe Unit n cut c waa perform >j without medicines, but here I havo been cured, and I have not taken a drop of medicine from you, nor from any one else, while being treated by your splendid Instrument | shall try to show my gratitude by sending every aick man I como across tv you. Yours, till death, KRANCI9 GARLAND, To J. H. Josselyn, M. D , Resident Physmiau, Electropathic Inalitute. State/)! Calif irnla, County of Nevada—sa. Subscribed and sworn to bolura me, this eighth day of Nov A. D. iB6O. F. SPAIILDING, Notary Public. Yrkka, Nov. 10th, 186 a Dm. Josseltw—Dear Sir: Your letter, Uted October 16th,U before me. You wish to know how mv bronchial troubles are. Now, Doctor, that looks ■ great deal like a joke. I onco had such an affection of several years' standing, but thanks tv your natural m >de of treating disease, it haa gone to be numbered with the thinga of tho past. Since my return I have not felt the slightest trouble from it. Winn ymi pronounced me well I did not expect lo ever hear from it again. Any one who sits under treatment ot that /m/ir rtti Instrument of yours will have tha same feelings. It imparts vitality to the system so rapidly that tnaajrtnnnn is at once established ; have to thank you tbat you did not refuse to treat rae b«. cause I coull not pay you the whe c of your reaaouatna charge; inclosed is the balance due you, and God bless yuu for the kind treatment 1 received at your hands. Yours, ever grateful, WM. GARDNER. State ot California, County of Siskiyou— **. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this tenth day of No» A.D, 1860. B. F. WELLITH, Notary Public. This is to certify that I, the undersigned, waa troubled with dumb ague accompanied with rheum itisrn, very badly. My disease was taken in Washoe. After having exhausted medicine* without benefit, I applied to Dr. Josselyn, at the Electropathic Institute, on the first day of November. Alter taking twenty treatments with his Improved Electropathic Instrument I am perfectly cured, having DOflfl entirely relieve*! of all pain or inconvenience. 1 In*] as strong a* I ever did when In the best of health. 1 cheerfully recommend al! afflicted to his care, as being the bust physician I ever became acquainted with. One great advantage, lie uses no medicines, but cures by a pntfoss which is perfectly uatural. The tiiuo occupied in my case waa thirteen days. D.O. HARRA, November 14th, 1860. State of California, City and County of San Francisco—as. Personally appeared before me, D.O Hurra, and subscribed and awurn tv the above certificate, on ttiia fourteenth day o November, A. D., iB6O. P. BARRY, Notary Public, Saw Francisco, Aug. 3d, 186!. To the Directors and RtsUUm Vhysumn of the EUUrupathie Institute. Sim: You requested of me a eerrltVate of the cure yoo performed In my case. Below I append it: This Is to certify that 1 was troubled with a swelling which commenced In my ankles, arid gradually extended upward until it effected my whole body. I sought the boat medical aid in New York and Boston, and they all pronounced It dropsy. Hoping to retrieve my heilth. I vi-dted California In February last. 1 consulted the Resident Physician at tha Electropathic Institute; and now, after five m >uthe of treatment, and waiting to see its etf 'ct«, I am pronounced well by competent judge*. It did not take but three mouths of treatment to cure me, but f waited to soo that It did not return. I feel perfectly assured from what I suw while under treatment that Electricity aa applied at the Institute will euro uny disease to which the human family is liable. Now, gentlemen, you can ni tke what n*a you please of tula certificate. With my thanks to the Rusidont Phy.ician fur hi* kind attention, 1 aubscrtbe myself, Your tiiHiikt'ul patient, MKS.U. A. CARLTON Oplnlona or the fVeaa, The advantage* of electricity as a remedial agent, *re universally admitted by the medical an I scientific world. It rf, quiree, however, experienced skill tv apply this rem-dy* efficiently, and thia akill of application ia poaaeaeod tuna eminent degree by Dr. J II Josselyn, of the San Francisco Electropathic Institute. Particulars of his method of practice can be obtained by rehire net to hia advertisement ia another column. The Doctor is wall known to uses a scientific gentleman, and an ardent devotee to hia profession. Bl ia no pretender, but haa coutei r ed incalculable benefit on these who weie ao fortunate as to seek reliel at his band*. Fur those who desire speedy and permanent relief from the rheumatic pains, so prevalent in tnU region, we can recomraeiiil no aurer remedy, than a visit to Or, J.wselyu at his room- m San Francisco, No. 645 Washington street.—iPlacerville Republican. Ann you SicVt—We wish to say a word to those that are sick. We have in thia city an institution known as the Electropathic Institute, situated at 645 Washington street. Tne establishment is under the charge of Dr. J. H. Josselyn,a physician who ha* no superior iv the city. He ha* been in charge of the Electropathic Institute for several years, sud ha* been uniformly successful In his treatment of tbe nuraer ou* patients that nave placed themselves under his rhaue. The Electric treatment will cure many diseases that cannot be reached by any other mode. Dr. Josselyn gives his personal attention to all of hla patient-, and la always ready to give advice to those that may call upon him Ilia charges are very moderate, and we cannot do the sick a greater hvaf than to recommend them to c »!lon him hetore placing theft* selve* In charge ot another.—[Sao Francisco Daily Juurusi. Wo call the attention of unr readers to the advertisement of Dr. Josselyn's Electropathic ln»titut<-. Voluntary and uaaollcttedwemakethe following -u-ifem Mit, proving ita hen-a-cent effects, particularly in rheumatic rases. Some months since we were on an editorial tup, visiting the mountains. The upaet, and latidiil ail the paacengera, iuclud* ing the writer, below In the valley, where the Deer Creek overflowed by receiving the additional material, estrenieu* to ita usual content*. For some hours exposed In our wet clothes, to night wind and weather, we soon lelt the effect'the accident in the mountains — pain* in tbe hack, hip, and legs; ao mifth so, that lor weeka we hardly could walk Treatments of all kinds were applied but without avail U our attention waa called to the Electro galvanic Baths and appliance* of the above Institute. Thank God, after two weeks we have been fully restored, and enjoy now the free use of our limbs and body, a* fully as previous to ike involuntary bath in Deer Creek.���[Dr. U. Binif .—Ed I'm* Pacific Messenger. ElectaopATHY —Electricity haa long been classed amen? the must effective medical agents. It po»aeaees great advantage* over the *yatems of theapeutlr.a heretofore relied up*" l as it reaches more certainty the seat of disease, especial'J In nervous or rheumatic complaint*. The El«4ropathic In* l *' tute, No. 643 Washington street, under the charge uf Its abl» Resident Physician, Dr. J. H. Josselyn, ha* attained a w"U merited celebrity for the many i ase* which bare rasa!.™ favorably from the skillful application of this Invaluable remedy.—(Daily Morning Star. A Good Institution for thu Sick.—One of the very I *' rt place* tn the city for the care of the sick is at the Electropathy Institute, 645 Washington street. The establishment fa •"' der the charge ol Dr. J. U. Josselyn, a physician of great experience, and no one can do the sick no greater favor than W recommend them tv give the Electropathic Institutes trial.— [Weekly JournaL » All Letters answeredl with promptness and pleasure, Office open from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Advice gratis. J. 11. V, M. IK. 13 Realileiit.PlavnloU"*