California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 36, Number 22, 7 December 1871 — LETTER FROM THE EAST. [ARTICLE]


Boston, November 18th, 1861. Editor California Farmer : Dear Sir—l left your city last July, and came to Sacramento via Stockton, and enjoying the trip very much, as I like traveling in California, being very much in love with that State. Left Sacramento July 21st and was soon traveling owards the summit of the Sierras which we reached about midnight. On through the Desert we reached Ogden, in Utah, July 24th, and witnessed the Celebration ot tbe 24th, the Anniversary of the entrance of tbe Mormons to Salt Like Valley. They made a very good display and showed what may be accomplished by industry and perseverance. I heard the oration after moving once or twice on account of crying babies. It was a laudation and of exhortation for Mormonism. The audience did not appear to me to come very near in appearance and intelligence to the gatherings that I have seen at our Fairs and Cattle Shows in New England. On througn the Desert again and over tbe Rocky Mountains and down into the Prairies into grazing land, soon among farms on the Platte. July 28th, on the Nebraska plains, we came into rain, and was told it had been raining nearly three weeks and this in harvest time. The grain was bound and stacked to shed the water and much of it yet lay in the field. Reached Omaha this night amid a pouring rain and thunder and lightning. Left the next morning, and off through lowa and Illinois, through fields of maize most of the way to Chicago. Spent Sunday, July 30th, in Chicago, since so terribly visited by fire, and then off through Michigan and Canada to Niagara. We see the difference between Province and State as we enter and leave, and hear many remarks made upon it. Canadians are fifty years behind Americans, and no one need wonder that emigrants come from there here. Across the Empire State and from thence via Long Island Sounds to Fall River, in the Old Bay State, and Home. The weather Is intensely hot and unlike California close and sticky, night as well as day. Have been revisiting the scenes of my boyhood and calling upon old friends. There is much interest manifested to know about your State and many here expressed as intention to come and settle in it. Among farmers here there Is a light crop of hay, owing to the dry summer ; of Apples there are very few, and in many places Peach trees have died out entirely. One frlend who bad once a large number of Natural rare-ripe peaches, has none now. He told me they died in spite of all his efforts to prevent it.

Our County Fairs made a good display tbis tbis year, nnd fiere is the same complaint bere as in California, the Rice track is made a too prominent feature. Cold weather is coming upcn us, and Thanksgiving will soon be along. I have bound my Farksiii and aball stu iy them tois winter, as I expect to come to California in the spring an soon as business will permit me, take up some land and become a resident. I think now of settling nei.r Sin Diego, but am not certain, sball look around some when I come on, and then decide. Am colleclng some Tree Seeds, as when I settle down upon a ranch I intend to plant a foiest the first winter and do my sbare towaree altering the climate a little, I shall bring a supply, of chestnut, beach, oak, and hickory seeds that I bave collected this Fall. Enclosed I send you a sample of Silk braid wbicb must at some future day be a great industry in California when ths silk culture gets more tv °y developed. I saw some of the braiders working in Warren, R. 1., and they seemed almost endowed with intelligence, the spools of thread, dodging, and winding in and out, passing each other, and traveling rouad and rouad, making a perfect braid whicu eras reeled as fast as made. But I h'tve made tbis letter lung enoigh and must close. Yours truly, A . M. S. [We are very glad to hear from our friend and correspondent. We received the handsome Braid sent us, and hope soon our Silk Culturis'.s will grow and manufacture all that Is used In oar State. Come on, Friend, we will find a Good Farm SLd Home for you —Ed F.]