Daily Alta California, Volume 12, Number 76, 17 March 1860 — COURT PROCEEDINGS. [ARTICLE]


V. S. rirrolt Court- McALurm, J. Warrant* were Httwd twUj by U. 9. Cotnariniooer Williams, f r the arrest of tb« captain ao J m *te i>f tbe ship /f^yiuinf. lit*: v arrived from X«w York, on a charge of having inflicted cruel and uun-riji punishment on a sailor. Foarlti District Court — IU*uu J. T*£ FbopU m ni. tkt St.ite MUwnry General t». If. X Gif'M and tthrrs, m>i*txrs of t'tt & f. Dm* aid Wtarf Company — fhi-i it a mi:i to obfaia * i'-V^l decision that tin* lX«k and Wharf Company ban lk» !*-p*l *xt«rer.i'f an'l in not ••n'it!»J to exercise corporated powers uuJt r oar corporation la*. Tii* kUCoto provide* th«t e mpnin maf b* iocorpor»d f >r r*rt to ?«rp ■•«#. a.«l it is alleged that tb« tipirsjcd objreto of th» defaaJact compaoy di««-^ not cth*.© » ithin tho^e parprwra. Tb« *tatu'« 4ocinot i> ention ihebnildio^ u( a balkb«*d as ao ■ndenaktnglbrwhieheompaatramaybe incorporated. T!.« oompIaiDt ailegcathat tbedefMidaatoare itoUw fully u*nrfin,/, hrl.iinp.sn.1 exorcinin^ t'jdi^h^iiiti^;^ *"n 1 fraachi «<ofae >rp«r ition,b*c«n-« t^t-» di-1 oo«.witbiaotwyear from Um d»t»ot inci'rp*u»'kin, or>r»otie eummettca tbe transaction of thtt Xiod if bn-io» n tor thr earrjiDKOn of wo eh tL«corporatiTa power* wcr* gi»*n ; w&errfer* tb« aetsnfineorpont-cn ar« v«kL Twelfth District Court— N'cktu^ J. James Buckley n. Jam*? S> Taylor. — Pnit tor iSOTOdam- •*(•«• for klaader. The >-videnc* »bowed that Taytor ca!!c4 Buil-y" * thiif"* Tbcre wm bo dn>n. ». The jury fuund a vpnik of $110 fur tbe plaintiff. JMtt //rr.-n Tm, JMvtVe K'lsey.—<\ii for $230 rent, lor store on corner of Front and Commercial itrwt*. Tbe dr-fr-n.linr pleaded n-t ■ ff— dmma^M bjwoir io the callar. Verdict of 1^0 for plaint S. K. McClusknf vf. /^iiiku Zyw* ffl— TcnHct of *Sfl:. for ending lot on Braa twiy, vppoatta the Cnaty JaiL Court ot SeiilouB— Blaex, J. Richard Dri cull |.l#a>!od guilty of the off«M« of pttty laroen/. Suprtmr Conrt. De Bary t«. XoMfirrt <f of.— TTie order gTaotiDg a new trUl w«a affirmed oa the authority of Taltauae r*. Umrt. ylianu ts. >Txnf ,t /tiiktil — Opiai. o by Jattica Baldwin. The refusal ef tbe r<-6;ree to allow eleven faundred 4i«I twentj*flevrn dollar* for nooej paid fur recovering bocka of Adanu A Co. wu err jt. Tbe r*c«iv«r was aothorlied to mike tbe » xpeoditara, ft being nrrriw. - t to tb« proMcnt od of init* for th© recovery of t'-.e *i*|t of tbe f^tate. Ca*» le^anded, and decrr* crlervd to be mMiOed in this reepect. I^nnrjfltmnia Mimmff Cbmpany v*. Otctns *M ''a. — Tbe p*>tH'»an* mining companies, ocoupyiD* irppoeit* tdeaof Um kune hill. Plaintint allege that defendant* an» in p**•>*9kion if pn>mi»«a b^'ongint; to them, and praj Ibr rv«rtuuoD and uniDjactiT*. D«ftndaa:i adiatt pj— >— Ion cf tbe deacnbeit, bet d<-oy title of plaintiff*, and •• t np title in th-m«elve». Optnlon by JtuucnCnp* Tee In-truducit-'Q of aa«unrd certtOcam i>y plaint'ff* wax objected to, and tb* otijtcuun shcinld naTe born suattiued i a tbe ah> teK^of proof of th*irex-cntion. Piunliffe' inatroctions should have been rvfawd, Wing in conflict with the trinciple thai in ejectment a plaintifl ina-t recover n^oa the •treDtthof huowa title, *nd not npoa the weak**** of that of hii adversary. Judgment wm nwntil a&d caaa* renMnded. 1'tt.j.U v». HymuH-- Dtfrmi *nt wh convicted of bib*laocbier. Opiama bv Jn*cice Cope. The Court say boo* of the alignments of error ar» well takn. l«t. Tb* tVt that tb* eoavention at whicH the Awociat* Jqs-kc« of tbe Court of SeMicn* were chewee, wm pr -uled •r«r by a per«oB »ctic^ at Cottnty Jadgr, wbti ww *nbee qsent-y dectared not to he the legal incumbent, did not render that person's acts UI*fnl and vtld. Sd. IW«n.t*tit * nUMntentt aa to what be intended to d> with a rbiso) b rrowed by bin were irnprrly exftadrd. a* tbey bad BO apparent wnw'l-B wita th- cow midKtoa <4 the offence cb*rp*d. If «t» h sMtenenU w«re a 1 miMibl'-, a p*t*oD in tendin jr. to commit aa <■(?■*• r* ectiKl tn-«nnlK tureia advance »ny amount uf evidence Inhlsuwn f*vor. Sd. Tbe instruction a>ked it the prreeemioa, I bat the jury thould givx tha d.-fend«nt'a cooP-Mion rach weight as they sboald deem it entitlert to, aed that >hey mlxtt in their diacntioa b U«ve one part aad r-ject aoatb«r, wm prop* ly g.»-n. The other r »iotaare pmn anced ■ooVvoMof merit as to be entitled to no none* at length. The Judgment wm ■rRrmed. — SacramuntoStamdani.