Daily Alta California, Volume 15, Number 4901, 29 July 1863 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

MBTROPOEraA^TmATRE. r-t.rtnrtor *^_ ' '..Vn . " Mr. Harold ggyp^^rZl.T —^Sgaor Poneini FIBST OOaCPLIMENTfEY^,.,] irotinoiT ciiauo,. — JVLT . sa, • Ob which occasion wffl b* presented I ,. Verdi* OrandOpersof tV-:'"-.':'- ' f -T: ,- ;,. --,7,^T | BJvira-^l--.:---;--^.—^-' -S'jnora BUn'ehl Erßasl~.~~.~~, — eignor Biaaehi Jarioi™ » i -Bis. Augnsto Fellini 3i[Ta~_- • — ~ s » II S ro ?" ()n»u»_ _ltma Elebb* Itirardo . Mons. Seraubstadter [aga Sig. Hcnco vieri „ „,. ■nr-^^e AfterwhlcW " j , j AEcmttn»ffomllßal!olnMa»CQ*r», „ .-'" I - by Sigoor FalUnL tu rtip***:- T**onoiu4*with, ; ' ! Th* Grand Buffo Aria, — by Signer Gross!. Obrtnmoi ' ■ " ■■■■ ■' *T Mad. Term* ' " . '.. PBICES OV ADMISSION: ReMrVed Beats- ■ One Dollar and Fifty CenU Drwsa Circle and Oreaestr* O*< Do ar Parquette. g. Of* DpUar Oalfery-: —— C*arj Private Boxe. T*b and Fiv* Pollan Door, open at TH o'clock: Curtain to rise at I s'eloek. ■ . -' ' «S- Box OSeeop'B to swan Seats on TUESD AY MORMINQ. Jalyath. -...■■. i>2s ; MAGUIKE'S OPEBA HO U Si. T. MAGTTBW ••■■■ ■ ...PBOPRrKTOB & LT GRAVES Stage Manager W. 6TKV£KfcJM — — ~~ — — TroMure. TBE emZaT bTAB OF TBAGEDT 1 Miss Annette Ince! ' svrr*BTca bt ; MB. Jakes nr. tjl tlor, \ THE r(7-_ COBPS nKAMATIQIE! ran gwrngn*--- ' ' tttt.'T «» PAULINE! Pauliee — ■ Mis* * nnette Inc« Count Hor»ea -Mr. J. H. Tayloi Luaiao "-C R. Thone. Ji Madame da Kerval Mr". Mowbray Qabriella— Mia* Lulu bweat Owing to tbe length of th* Play it will constitute the enure evening* entertainment. Ia Preparation— The Drama of Mary, Queen or Scots

• PRICES OF ADMISSIONS Area* Circle and Orah««tra Seat* ft fln Paraatte - SO ftallery tf Private Boxe* . $10 00 and $5 (0 Box Office open from 10 to 4 o'clock. mhl METROPOLITAN THEATRE. GRAND COMPLIMENTARY DS £3 TST £3 3F 1 I T T* . Mme. Josephine D'Ormy FBIDAT ETETOre. ICI.T SI. On which ooeasion'tk* fallowing dUtisgaiihed talent hay* kindly rolnnteereJ: SIGXOBA BIAKCHI. . * ;- BICSOB BIAS-CHI. M-LLE ACOSTA. . NieSlOß OBOH9I, ■OirS. WIETHOFF, HOXS. SCBACBSTADTEB, 3 ■?■ nexn feiximt. - A "Ji fS AXU THE WHOLJE OPEBA TBOITPE. Whn will be prci«&t«d, br nqsNi. DooiMtti'i Opera ef v . Lucrezia Borgia! ' With the following grand cast: Lucreiia Sirnora Biancbi Urnni -■■■-. . Mme. 1> Orcoy Gennarn ....—. — . — Eig. Biin -hi Poke Alphonso— Sig. Fellini Gubett*. -■ ■ — — - ~Sig. Groasi Grand Pas da Peai from the bow Ballet of Paquft*. by Mile, Aeoate aad Mods. Wiethoff. Together with other Entertainment.. PBICES 0? ADMISSION. Reserved Sea's One Dollar and Fifty Cents Dress Circle .— ... ■ . ... . One Dollar Parquette——— One Dollar Gallery. — .— Twenty-are cents *#- B»x Office open oa THUB£DAT. Doors opea at 7 o'clock ; Performance eommesrea at 8 o'clock. jy29 GRAND EXCURSION! TO HABE ISLAND AXD YAIXEJO Pacific Engine Co., No. 8, WILL CELEBRATE THEIR '■ TKJfTH ANNIVERSARY ' o» •' srxoAT, ___krGrsT a, isss. ,xm THET B ATE CHABTEBED "^-^aJLß^Hfc-o-c»iion. and a>o encared KluD'r BRASS B*NDofriiteen piece*. The tteam«r will l*«va J*cki>on*treet Wharf at 9 o'clock a. v. Every 'Cart will be made bribe nembersot th* Company to make thair guest* comfortable on the eeaasioa. TICKETS. OWE DOLLAR, Te be had from Members nf the Company and at the Boat os morning ef the Excursion. jyf«,-td* ■ ■- - " W.'.'BC. YATEB DEALER, . srx Potatoes, Onions, Beam, Barley, OaU, It For sal* in lot. to rait, at ££*f »Jp SOS OJ v Street. aN-ip ■ - ■■ ■ i. — b ..j ii n Westphalia Ham. <fc Caviar 'HHI OTLT liOT DT It ABKKT IS TO BB 1 "d it BAULXANn'B COFFKE SALOOB 06 Monttemarr (treat. Bmnnrick Sauaagea. -iom* • : iri-ftflHffi^hg?.

Proposal, for Supplying i¥ary Bread. CoKVArßAjrf'a Orricr.. Mm Iblaxd. 1 Jane as. IMS. / SEALED PBOPOSALS WILL BR UK. eeived at thi. efioe until noon of July 31st, 1(163, for snpplyinr for th* next nasal year ending June 3 th, 1*64. one haadred thousand pound* of Biscuit for the JNavy. to b* delivered at this Navy lard, oi on board »ny U 8. vessel of the Navy at San Fran euco. one-half in flour barrels or boxes, the other half ib bags, according to tha sample in the office ol tbe Injector of provision*. Kaeh individual ol a firm must *i«a th* bid and contract. . Bidders are nerexy cautioned and particularly notifiei that their offer* must bain the form herein proscribed, te ba mailed in time to reach their destination n»fore the time expire* fo' renetviDg them. No bid will be considered which shall be revived after th* period stated, and no allowance will be n>«de for failure of th* mail. To guard againit th* probability of offers being opened before the time appointed, bidder, are roSuwted te endorse on the envelope, abave the adresa, " T* the Commandant Navy Yard, Hare Island. California," Proposal* for .applying bread for the Navy. roax or orris. •»**«. tjt.j s. fDate ef offer.J I, there insert the n«me er names of tha firm,] of [name of town.] in the State of [name of State.] hereby offer to furnish, nnder thii advertisement, [date of elverti»emtnt.] aod subject te all th* requirement* of the **m*. the quaotity of bread therein named— one hundred thousand pound*— for — cent* per pound, •mounting la the aggregate [her* name tha amount in word*.] it'. 1 fB-ere the bidder, or bidden, wffl titaj ■ roan or ocia»KT«». The underiirned (gnu of guarantor) «f (name of town) and Stare of < name of State) and (name of second gaarantor) hereby undertake that th* aboy* named tname the bidder or bidden) will, ti hi. (or their) offer a* above b« accer ted, enter inte wWiin *U days liter the date of notice .trough th* Post-omee of th* > aceepteaae ef hi* (or th->ir) of*r belter* mentioned, witness; ((signature* of gaaraaI e'ertify that the above named (her* aame'the guarantor*), are known to be good sad responsible guaraater.iuUii.eaae. (Signature). • Pra »" > » j2£ L e £ii 4 .2 u V° b «. i4 «»r | «»• »«»wct jßdge, Collector, Navy AgaoL or was penon 5Sl W !Lji > i tll lS" 1 5'» d i ult - A« bre<ul »«« »• 4 " d Approvad surauea la th* full amount of tb* contract will be require 3, aaa twenty per eaetuin addiUonal .ecurily shall V* deducted IVora! aaek """■Si H? 11 . *"• •?>•"«» 'hall b* fulallador cancelled. No part ef tbe per centum reserved is. to be. paid until all the bread which ma7be n L'^i mi i t remevaa. The biaeuit shall ba made wholly from tweet snperßne flour, of the manaJactur* of th* year lata, bat shall ia alt ease* he manufactured from the floor mad* of th* crop immediate^ preceding the date* of th* requisitions of the same, and shall be fully equal in quality, and conform in (is* aad .hap* te th* rampi ea which *re deposited at said yard, shall be properly baked, thoroughly tils dried, well packad and delivered 'free of charge te tbe United States, is «ood. nound, well-eeaaoned barrel*, and good and strong bag* or boze*. Th* Chief of the Bureau of Proviaoaa, etc.. or hi* agent, for aad in behalf cf the United States, in centrac ting for Naval supplies, (hall b* at liberty to reject th* offer of any person who, ■as principal or surety, ha* been defaulter in any ■ previous contract with th* Navy Departmect, nor .ball partie* who have failed as principals or sureties on any former contract. be reoeeeived a* ture ties an other contract*: nor ahall the e?partoar* of any arm he received a* sanci** for such firm, nr for each other: nor ia eontraeta with tha trait Bureaa.*a>ll one contractor V* received a* rarely for another, and every contract shall require the delivery of a 'periled qnantity, and no bids having nominal or 6»itiou« price* Aail b« considered. That if more than on* bid be offered by any one party, by or in tb * nam* *f hi* or their clerk, partner or other per■ob, all such bid. may be reteeted: and no penon .hall be received aa a contractor who is not a manufacturer of. ar regular dealer in. the article which ba offen to (apply, wo* ha. aot a license aa such meuafacturer or dealer, and all persons offerng bid* shall have the right to b* preeant whea the bid. are opened, aad iß*p*ot the earn*. It will be sUpaiaud is titeeeafraet that if default. shall ba madeby the parties ef the Int tart ia d.livering tbe bread of the quality aad at th* times and rlaee* hf rein provided, then aad in that caa* th* taU partie* will for I -;it aad pay to th« Unitad State, a .urn ef money set to exceed twieeta* asaemat *mbr*o»l ia the •oatnet: which may b* recovered from time to li me according te the Act *f Coßrrea* ia that can provided, approved March 3d. IS4X . The raretiea nun »i«n tha contract aad thair re.pon«ibiiity b« certified ts by the Navy Agrat. Cullef tor. Distnet Jadge, or *om* other parson •atiafaetorily known to ta* Ommandant- ■ • Penoe. whose offer, are aeeeptas will be BOtitad by letter through the Post Office, which no tice •h *ll b* oon»id«red jufficient, iDd U they do not enler inte en tract for th* supply of th* bread within tftMa day* from th* date of notio* from th* CemBiandant of the aeoeßtaae* of their bid. a **Btr*«t will b* made with some other person er p.rsons. and th. guar.nt.rs of *oeh defanlUng Bidder* will ** held re.pt.ni W . for ail deiinqe m.- c*. AU offer* not made in nriet eo«formity with this adver.ba. £*«j wUljat tha eptica *i U* examining partiea. '^•""If **»» enßrsmay b*aee«>ted willb* Botified.and the crtract will be ready for externbe* as sook thanafter as may b* kraatleabla. > I Irf^;uj> w.i»iaoMAjo.6Wßij)ei. „ ! t«g>-td . flommaadant. fchonil^ihiiptnj't'Tta. Notice, { -ra*.T „«» for'lB63— ft4* ";^ vx r< " tK&StzzTTrZrir.ti **, . S^ 7^ W«in»MIA, CTTX.AVD Coßiir* «f San Fraßaism. M -PabHc notice I. hereby gtvrn. that Btaie, Ci'r.and County I'iih Jane 10th. UM. ar* cow do* aod payable. Ail wxe. ef tin eUai ramaiaißg nnp.il «. the FHt Monday of Aagßst otxt, will then become deiinBSo^^otir^a^.%^^ui: