Daily Alta California, Volume 31, Number 10545, 25 February 1879 — CONGRESS. [ARTICLE]


JAMOoiazKD run DsaraTOHaa to m aj.ta.] Th» Senate Paaaea the Ra4lra%d . Tele snrapfe BUI, Amended - Tho Honae PaaMß the Sundry Civil AnproprUtlaa BUl....Confor«no« on thtj Rtvttut BUI- ... The Senate Without m Quorum- ■•• The Sera;eaat-at-Anna Inatraotett to Compel the Attendance or Member*. ■eastse, ■VA-His.irciN, February utlh.— Tbe Home bill, tuthorUlug tbe Secretary of tbe Nary to accept for voyage of exploration by way of Bebnng Straits, the Jeannittt, tendered by James ttordon Bennett, was pasted. Cameron, of Wisconsin, gave notice that as toon as tbe Army bill should be disposed of, be would call up tbe resolution repotted by the Committee on Privileges and Elections, declaring D. T. Oorbin entitled to the seat aa Senator from South uaroltna, in place of M, 0. Butler, tbe present Incumbent. Hamltn, from tbe Committee on Foreign li;U. Moot,' reported tb» message of the President in regard to Inviting other maritime Powere to accede to the three neutrality articles in tie Treaty of Wash, iogtou, and tbe commute* waa discharged from Its further consideration. ■ Bayard called up the bill reported a few days ago from tbe Committee on Finance, amending the charter of the Freedmen'e Havings acd Trait Company, Passed. Windom, from the Committee on Appropriations, reported, with amendments, the House bill making an appropriation to pay arrears of pension* calendar. . The morning business being dltpoaed of, consideration waa returned of unfinished business. Tbe Army Appropriation bill, and discussion upon the clause in regard to allowing railroad* to ate their telegraph llnet for commercial purpoatt, wai con tinued. Joins, of Florida, again advocate! the measure. Bayard, McDonald, Bill, Conkllng and Boar opposed the ■ clause. Merrlman favored It. Tbe pending question being on tbe amendment of Howe, submitted on Saturday, providing tbal rail, road companies, before utlui; their telegraph lines for commercial purposes, thtll file their written acceptance of the restrictions and obligation* Imposed upon telegraph companies by Title 65 of the Revised Statutes. It wat agreed to — Teat. 39 ; nays. 23. The question then recurred on the amendment of Jones, of Florida, providing that telegrama may be sent by railroad companies, etc , which are hereby authorised to construct, maintain and operate telegraph lines, and to use the linos, or wires, they tut have fcr Ibe general public and the Government, subject to all the provisions of Title 65 of the lit - vised Statutes. Urjeeted— teas, 38 [ na», as. Beck submitted an amendment repealing so much of the BeTited Statutes aa authorized the United stiles to acquire title to or obtain possession of teleirrtph lines wttblu the United Slates, and da. curing all contract* with existing companies, Hiring the United State* tbat authority, null aad void. Beck ■ said •he did not belter* that this was a paternal Government. Be did not believe In the Government controlling railroads or telegraph lines. Tnurman demanded a dlviaion of tbe question, and that a vote should be taken oa the first part of the amendment, in regard to repealing certain part* of tba Bevtsed Statute*. Bo ordered. Tbe amendment was rejected— S3 ; nay*, 35. Beck withdrew the balance of tbe amendment. Oonaling aubmitted an amendment : •• Provided, however, that every snob railroad company char, tered or authorised by Ibe Bute shall have Brat obtained from Ibe State by which It wat created tbe right to do to." Brjeottd, yeas Si, nays »9. Edmunds submitted in lies of the clause of the House bill so amendment directing tb* Postmaster. General to report I > th* next session of Congress on toe practicability and economy of establishing a System of postal telegraph. "-■■-"■"• '

Eaton tb«n moved to strike oat the House clause allowing railroad companies to ute th* telegraph line* for commercial pcrpoeee, as amended by toe Seaate. Rejected— yeas, 38; naya, 31. Mitchell tud Sargent voted aye. Booth aad Umi-r voted nay. The clause, at retained In the bill, readt : •• And telegrama are authorised to be trantmltted by railroad eompanlea which have telegraph Has* and which shall file tu-ir written acceptance of the re. strictlona snd obligations Imposed on telegraph companies by Title 65 of Ihe Bsviasd statute* for the Government and tha general public, at a rate to be fixed by Ihe Government, according to tba provisions ol Till* 65 or the Bevlsrd Statutes." Paddock submitted an amendment appropriating tSO.Ouu for the construction of a military post la Northern Nebraska or Dakota. Agreed to. The bill having been considered In Committee of tbe Whole, wa* reported to tbe Senate, and tbe queatlon being on concurring In tbe ameadmenu mad- in committee. Back demanded a separate vote on the amendment atriking out the House clause forblddlas: tbe use ol troops st the pall* aad punishing efflcer* for violating this section. Th* amendment of tbe oommiilee wat sustained aad the section waa ttruek out -yeas 3t, aayt 33. Katon renewed hit amendment, offered In Committee of tbe Wbole. to strike out theclsßte relating to commercial telegrama by railroad companies. Roieeted, ye as 37, nays M. Jonas, of Florid*, also naswsd his amendment aothorixlag the companies to construct, maintain and epercte telegraph line*, aad to use the llnet, or wires, they now htvs, as above stated. Bejeoted by a rising vote, yeas 10. naya 20. Tb* other amendment* made la Committee of tb* Whola wen ooooarred ia, aad the bill patted. Tba Tlos President laid before tbe Senate Ibe credentials ot Ko*coe t Oonkllng,|nelecl*d from Maw folk. Oa motion ot Bayard, las Swat* insisted upon Its SjßtaadSKOls to th* bill to amend tba Internal Beveaa**, tad a Conference waa ordered. ataatls submitted an amendment to the bill la r*. gard to contagions diseases, so as to continue tha Act la fore* foar years. Sargent presented the credential! of James T. Farley, elected Senator fr*m California. Harris moved to take up the Senate bill to prevent tbe Introduction or ooottglooa or Infectious diseases la tba United StatM. and to establish a Bureau ol Public Health. Some discussion followed at to the order of builaeat, AUleoo urging ths consideration of tha baficleney Appropriation bill, Hamlta tha Gsasva Award bill, and Edwards his proposed eonstltational amendment again*! th* payment of dleloy al claims. Oameroa, of Wisconsin, said be would 00l call up the Oorbla oasa, on account of tbe lateness ol tba hoar.. Be aabmlUed ta amendment to th* resolution already reported from the Committee on Bleo. tions, declaring that Butler waa not sleeted United Senate from Sooth Carullna, snd Is nut, upon tha merits of Ibe case, entitled to a teal in the Senate. Laid on tke table lor the present. The Svaatsthaa proceeded with the bill t> pre. vent the introduction nf contagious disease*, etc. Edwards objected to tbat part of tb* bill charging the Bureau ol Health with tha exr ontlon ol all laws lor tha improvement of th* sanitary condition of the District of Columbia. He moved to strike it sot. Hsjected.

-' Morgan submitted aa amendment requiring memben of the Bareaa of Health to personally visit ail Infested ' places la this country during epldetalo diseases and remain then during the prevalence of the disease. . Bejacttd. ! - ; ■ --» ,-j.; ««.>..» • At eight o'clock it was discover*! that no quorum was artssnt, ■■;-■•*";■ ■; ' : Z°z. ' ~^ " * T"'*; : -: ■: D ''■ - Alter a wearisome dlaoastloa as to a quorum, wbick did not appear attapal, and whloh could sot apparsatly be sasißaOßOd by last than a quorum, the Basgoaal tl drawl was IssHuitil to reqatat ah* attaayitan* of UiTg?**>lgfr&tt»*i-*i e tivi4 Attar aa hoar'e walUag for a report from tb* Straits I swats** oonearaiag tks si*obilbb of the order the Senate, Tooth— | took I tb* floor tad tsvereiy animadverted upoa the relate! of tnoee prasaat to sitaslss tb* caaatitatienal power of tba Beast* to con pel tba attendance of its own stsav ban. * H* said ha wished to notify the soaairy that •bob a question Involving lbs exolaaiea of I pettiIt a** trots the Doited states, las Sanaa* declined to exercise the power conferred upon II by Us UoustlMetaa, aod. Instead of oostpaUlM Members who are sleeping la their bads of eajojla* themselves at tb* Fssilga Mlalaaarr hall to east* ben sal attend to thaw) latllt datkea, had aaarely •• requested " their atlaalis— . Be fait distressed sad humiliated that * aeons* ceaM km he obtained to cenatder a bill of tkHTßartßitaat laapurtaace- ±<! au^'^nytAj^a The Bara.iayl.al Arsts reported thai, IB obtdMßC* tosh* order of the Sanaa*, he had Bottled awaaion rnßillßa Mow*. Ohanee. I McPbenoa. Buroele*. r*arm Walla**, ObssS of Wast Virginia, satauas. »rass.' a -■»--, — yard. 1 Hants, 1 sad leas* iof aaaren. Brae* aad Valka** wen o*t*la*d at tbetr Isasfltnea a* ' tathaesa * teat Aatteay. Bsataa aad Davta an pststd ; r teat Barattde, Joaet of i siavada. aad Heave baa nports* ta ptaoa ; sad that mas. laasirt awSaawaV awaaw other Senators had aot yet returned. -■I Harris tkittaif axved taU th* . Bavßtinl ,tl Anas at) laawnostd to eoaipsl the • attsadaaes of ikstßiiumknn. BBiin'mm as an 111 who. mi dlUea ■ t*» ■ abas* i abate ■ MB*), laolada ; Ssottors ■arasat ana ■taaslph. • ' ■ :i r *■■■£» J£*l - ,V.s i';> :■ TbasaeUea tJaB sirss* to, aal laothat period of .•^.at^Paaksi BUtalHsjsjl ->f-sl awaawft -saafltiatawa awaawawawkxl Oltal aTltfJaU 4StaU*e*JJar* Wb*wMJJSjß| ••■■■ •aWs^'*»w»Wiannßß aaaawjaawavtß , » aaajaw* ttfefaavaatata saaT Sh. M ga^^g^-^LA ak*a ftj^lnV faft aaaVaa iwawawk lwff r u^s^BaWs^ B » •xws*>w»»*ow^aßf i w^B)aaa bbbj , saaaav fv^*aFs* |

Urns in ths history of tbs American senate tbtt such an order haa been made. At IJO tbe Senate Is still waiting for tbe execution of tbe order to obtain a qaorusa, and when one Is obtained an adjournment will probably ba taken without traneaetlsg ray business, except probably tba pataag* of the pending bill. Heaae. Tbt Baveuut bill waa taken up, and tbe House concurred in Ihe Senate amendment to tbe tobacco clause, providing that ihe tax on tobacco snail go into effict May IU, ISIS, uj non-concurred In the Senate amendment which strikes out the clause abolishing the tax on matches. The Senate amendment striking out the provision that rectlnert notifying leea than live hundred barrein of spirit, a year ahall piy a license of one hundred dollar* wa* not concurred In , tleo, an amendment relating to the tut on National Savings Banks. A Committee ot Conference wat then ordered upon dliagr-teloK vole* en the bill. Hooker moved to laspend the rale* and peat tbe bill ippropriattng about a million and a bait for Ihe erection of varloua public buildings throughout tbe country, hall of tha amount to b* Immediately available. The yeaa and naya were called on the motiou, and It waa defeated —yeas, 63 ; nayt, 197 . Bill! introduced aad referred : By Jorgenteo Directing the Pretidenl to Inatitule in Inquiry it lo Ibe disposition of fund* belonging to the to-cilled Confederate atatat remalttlag tt tbe end or the war In tbe Bank or England or In the handa of Kutillah cltisens. In order tbat such fun Is may be used for the relief of citizens of tke Ooufedente slatea who Incurred disabilities during the war. By McQowan — To prevei.l the introduction ol contagious diseases snd establish a National Board of Health. Atkins moved to suspend the rale* tnd piei tbe Bandry Civil Appropriation bill. The reading of the bill, wblcb appropriate* (16.935.000, consumed two hours, snd tt Ihe conclusion of that time Black. burn Inquired of Atkln« II be, at Chairman or the motl Important committee or the House, Intended to past under tutpentlon or tbe rule*, t bill ippropriatlng $l7,oOo,uuii, wllh tbe gag listened In the mouth or every member, and without an opportunity to have It discussed or amended. If ao, he regarded it a* unsafe leglalation. The nsoti-n to Mapend tbe rnlea tnd pats tbe bill wa* agreed to, yea* 181, aayt It. The Speaker appointed a* a conference commltles on the Totiaoco bill, Tockar, Bobbins and Barcbard. Tbe Bepublloana all opposed a auggeatlon for a nigkt session for the Sooth Carolina contested election caae, and the House took a neeta until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning, tbe Brit hour It be devoted to reporti from tbe Committee on Military Affairs.