Daily Alta California, Volume 31, Number 10596, 17 April 1879 — WASHINGTON. [ARTICLE]


[JMOOIATXD ruaa DHPUDOI to th» ALTJ..J Puiehase of Silver BalliOß Refundiue Operation* •■ Glover* Survey. Rejected ■ ■■■Paolflo Cout Approprlatioaa- • • -Faraaado Wood Snubbed by Hi. Committee Hew Bill.. WASHMoroa, April loth.— Secretary Scbors baa decided tli»i the lantji o( freight townships, in California, made by Deputy Burvejor i. K. (Hover, under contract, dated May 26. b. 1877, were not v. conformity with tba law and Instructions, and that (Hover la not entitled la pay for the work. " . vicuna coin irraorauTioaa. The Boom, In Committee of tha Whole, tr. i«y completed Ita coaelderattoa at tbe Legislative, Executive and Jnd clal Appropriation bill, except as regards tbe political clanwi. Tba debate on them will probably continue until tha Senate dUooaaloD of tkc Army Appropriation bill diaws to a cloae, « bleb !■ not now expected before the end of n«' week. In addition to tbe appropriation* for the Ban Francisco and Carton Mints, alretdj reported, the Honae baa granted, la the Legit. lative, EiecutiTS and Judicial bill, tuts following llama for the Facllo Ooast : Ban Francisco Bub-Treasury — Salaries of Assistant Trtunrer, $5800 ; oaabler, 13000 ; book-keeper, 13900 ; ohlaf clerk, $2410 ; aaalatant cashier and aealstant book, keeper, $2000 eaob ; one clerk, 11800 ; and (our watchmen, at (130 each. Assay Office at Helena, Montani — Salaries, IGOOO ; wages. 1:500 ; Incidental!. 15580. Bolae Oily Assay Offloa— total. $3000. Government of Territorial ßtlerlea of Governora and Jndgef , $2600 eaob ; secretaries, $1800 each. Legislative expenses -U tab. 119.600; Was hi Won, $16,800 ; New Mexico. $18,700 ; and about $2000 each tor the other Territories aa their Leglaltturt* do not meet daring the next fiscal year, urtnrouro oriaixioHS. . If the foar.per-cenU are disposed of as rapidly aa desirable, upon toe new termt. Secretary Bberman will says In tbe tale of the 160,000,000. more than 000,000 to ths Government, wbloh will largely compensate for tbe doable Inlereat whlob be la compelled to par under tbe law, daring the three months which the cells ran. > nder the new arrangement, the bolden of uncalled 10:40' a will receive. in exchange for their bond! at par, four-per-sent. bonds at 99?,. Tba $10 certificates will •till be sold at par. in exchange (or lawful money, by tbe Treaannr and Aaalatant Troaanrara and Foatmatter! who bare been designated Me that pnrpoae, and a oomminion of ono-eUbtn at one per cent, will be allowed, without respect to MM axount sold In any given period. ,■ -•<Vt;"- ;; , SILTia. _" .., . The Treasury Department, for - the . latt two montbi, baa not pnrcbased a* muoh nlver bullion aa uinal, because the amount of bullion on band was la excels of tbe five million limit Died by tbe Aol of february 281 a, 1878, providing (or the coinage of the Standard Dollar, added ' to the amount on band at She passaga of tbs Act. Tba ' excess bad gradually accumulated and purobase* were made at vary favorable rates, ' but It waa deemed best to reduce the amount of oolaaga to the limit fixed by law, which baa been done. Hereafter purobases will be made more freely from tbe sllver-produotas regions. The only purchase of silver bullion made by tbs Treasury to-day, w»i 30,000 ounces for tbs Han Fnnelaoo Mint. WOODjIMflBBB). . ".---• ' - Hiw Yoax, April 17tb — Tuna' Waablngton special says : It seems that Fernando Wood, Ob airman of the Committee on Ways and Means, la not popular ss a leader with bis Democratic aasociatee of the Committee. Col. 1. Hemphlll Joner la Clark of tbe OomrolttM, and It appears that bis removal was contemplated by Wood. Jobs* is an efficient offloar, a man of Integrity, and Justly popular with all the members of the Committee except Wood, who held a private conference to-day, at which they determined that Jones should not be removed. | Having disposed of this question, Us propriety of a movement to elect a Chairman of the Committee was dlaoassed. - Several of the members advocated the election of a Chairman, but II was anally determined that It woald be better to eoaulesoe In the appointment made by the Speaker, and allow Wood to remain at the bead of the Committee. Under lbs rales, tba Committee baa authority, by a majority vote, to elect ana of Its number to she OMbnoeaabip, and can also cboom a clerk. . Wood wa* informed of tbe desire of bis aasooutea la relation to Jones, and that gentleman will continue to act aa oletk of the Committee. •; t -/n; „.■-; fy-.-'^ar*.^*?^ >'•-;.: rj ;: ; carnal. ■*». ■-. ,'-■_- ■ - ■_ ;,: r> Sanator Sargent ' Intends to* leave Washington tot California sex* Monday. w^ ■^*>>- . i «- Meßbata ot tbe House sostlnaad allng peUUons today, eaoomaealed, by bills of all descriptions, foe tbe paraoss of having then referred to appropriate Committees, In order to assats consideration by tba present , oongrees. Ho » flnaaolal ; measures , wan Blassd in Ike petition bos io-aey.i-C.«;iir^.i Sf,^ • ' riiifeaaw i Uyros Thomas. Btate Katomologlst of Illinois, baa aaosptsd the position of Xatontologlst of the Depsitmenl of Agrlcal tare. T ,-« I c s ,^« The Oeacnl of the) aallway Postal tVrvlee kaa found It necessary to make a redaction In the pay of all route agents, In order to come WUhH. iksUatlt of tbe appropriations forth* Meal