Los Angeles Herald, Volume 2, Number 17, 21 April 1874 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

THE CASH STORE! HARRIS & JACOBY, «:> >B A.ITS' ST It 1 SET. rMPORTRIia ART DEALERS IN' Gent's Furnishing* Goods, FANCY GOODS, ><>tio:ss.toy», Musical Instruments, Baby wagons, SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FVohli G?ird<Mi Needs, jESto. Importing our goods direct, we arc prepared to sell cheaper than any olnei house south of Fan Fr&sctsco. THY US. 63 Main Street. HARRIS & JACOBY, Proprietors of the Cash Store. E. H. WORKMAN. \VM. H. WORKMAN. WORKMAN BROS. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OK HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, WHIPS, sat>i>i^iotmt Trcto. A \ I>OD ASSORTMENT OF I.sullen* aud Gentlemen's Traveling; Hn£*aj, Sntoliei* and rnlisew on Hnml. FINE CARRIAGE, BUGGY, STAGE AND TEAM HARNESS AND SADDLES OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. wf: aim: PHEPA-lUCD to OFFER great hyOTJCKMK'JNTS T«s> PURCHASKKS. t&~ REPAIRING PROMPTLY AND CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO Come and see us at tbe siga of the BIG HORSE, Ti\ MAIN STREET, I .OS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. MATTHIAS €^KA.Y, •SS and •ifl CllljMilmt. San Francisco, and 101 First street, Portland, Oregon, AGENT FOR STEINWAY'S GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS For the whole Pacific Coaat. Also Agent for tlio RURDETT ORGAN.the BHONINGER ORGAN, HAINES PIANO, the Treble Bridge Guild, Church Square, KRANICU Si BACH, ERNEST GABLER and KCtCNISCH UPRIGHT PIANO. NgVphe ONLY Music Publishing House on the i'aciic Coast. BRASS AND STRING INSTRUMENTS, of Hie flneil quality and ttme. Musk- mailed ou receipt of marked price.

Farms for Sale! NEAB NIETOS DEPOT 4B* ACRES—FIRST-CLASS FOR *J corn or fruit, with wood und fßft water. Price, 11,800, J%i »)Qi ACRES NEAR THE COL- *) •£ LEGE—not in cultivation—one mile south of the L. N. R. R. »1,000. Q BJ ACRES ALL IN CULTIVAOtJ TION — first-class improved — near Gallatin—one mile south of L. N. R. R. 12,600 t Q/"i ACRES FIRST-CLASS, IN Cj\J cultivation, with the best artesian wel| and reservoir In the county, 4 miles east of N ietos Depot. g. r >,uuo. Apply to ocWtftf J. B. HOLLO WAY, Gallatin, AR ACRES ONE MILE EAST Nietos Depot, on the line of the Railroad. Eighty bushels of corn per acre was raised on the land this year. There is also v good dwelling house, corn crib, etc. noB J. B. HOLLA WAY, Gallatin. LAND FOR SALE. LOCATED ABOUT TWO MILES south of the Los Nietos Depot. A splendid 00-ACRE LOT is offered for JGgg, sale on the most liberal terms. The loca-jf? tiou Is very desirable, and the laud is in good condition. Last year It produced a crop of 115 bushels of corn to the acre. Any one who nitty desire to purchase land in this locality would do well to inspect this lot und examine this year's crop, which has not been gathered. The sole reason for sacrificing this property Is to meet certain obligations immediately. TERMS— one-half cush, und the balance In ene or twe years. ALSO An KO-AOEE TRACT, located on tho line of the railroad going east lo Mud Springs, and embraced in the Sau Jose Runcho. This is a most desirable piece of land, is in a first-rate Afc condition; under fence, and good witterJKrlffht;on which are growing 10,000 grapevines in a full bearing condition; lias a large commodious DWELLING-HOUSE; all to be sold on easy terms. For particulars, apply to P. C. TONNER, Spadra, or at oelß-tl HERALD OFFICE. The biearns Ranchos. A 1.1 It 1.1) ROBINSON, Trastee, 513 Market Street, Sau Fraueisce, < a|. on nnn acres of land «_/ \J•\J\J\J for sale, In lots to suit, suitable for the culture of Oranges, Lemons, Limes, Figs, Almonds, Walnuts, Peaches, Apples, Pears, Alfalfa, Corn, Rye, Barley, Flux, Ramie. Cotton, etc., and also many thousand acres of Natural Evergreen Pastures, Suitable for Dairying. Good water Is abundant at an average depth of six feet from the surface. On almost every acre of this land FLOWING ARTESIAN WELLS can be obtained, and the more elevated portions can be irregated by the water of the Santa Ana river. Most of these lands are naturally m«lst, requiring only good cultivation to produce crops. TEUMS—One-fourth Cash; balance In one, two and three years, with 10 per cent interest. I will take pleasure in showing these lands to parties seeking land, who are Invited t*» come and sec this extensive tract before purchasing elsewhere. WM. R. OLDEN, Agent. Anaheim, Los Angeles county, May 24, 187*. mrt-tf Trees for Sale. Orange, lemon, lime and English Wulnut trees, four and five years old. The five-year old trees are the largest fever Altered for sale in this county. The abovo trees will be sold cheap, and lv quantities al reduced prices. lor particulars, Inquire of the undersign, on ilalu street, two miles fromtUn Court llimse. Also, so aCrSS of lnnd, with house and It acres of alfalin, for rent on corner of Main and Jefferson streets. L.us AngelSt, SuV Oth, 11*74. 10 If MILTON THOMAS.

THE DOLLAR STORE, Main St., opposite Court-house, DUNSMOOR BROS., Proprietors. On and after February I Oth tho following goods will be sold at the following prices: t'IIOCUERT AMI GLASSWAItr.: 12 Tumblers for. il 00 8 Uobletsfor 1 M 13 Teacups and Saucers for 1 00 S Teacups und Saucers (heavy) for 1 00 1 Large Lamp,comp'ete 1 00 12 Large Tea Plates for 1 00 1 Washbowl and Pitcher lor 1 00 *%. We hnve au Immense (Stock ol Goods in tills Line, ol every description, which will be sold at prices to correspond with above. • Also, a complete assortment of # FURNISHING GOODS which we nr« now selling off at prices In proportion to the following: 1 Fine Gent's White Shirt for »1 00 1 All Wool Overshirt 100 1 lair Heavy Cotton Knit Pants 1 00 10 Large Towels 1 "0 6 Pairs Patent Iron Frainf Hose l oo 1 Pairs Gent's British Socks 1 00 1 Good Hat, for Lady or Gent 1 00 Our store is stocked with Good! of Every Description, and we are now sellingofTeheaper than ever. No Charge for Examining Goods. GIVE US A CALL. PICTURES FRAMED AND Frames Made to Order, at the lowest price. We make this business a speciuity, und guarantee Diet-class work at short notice. Hemeuiber THE DOLLAR STORE, M. AIN STREET, Opposite Court-house. ivinrB-tf Dissolution of Partnership. rpHE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXX isting under the name of J. B. SAUNDERS i CO. has been dissolved owing to the death of Dr. J. B. Saunders. All debts due to and owing by J. 11. Saunders A Co. will be collected and paid by the remaining partners, who will continue the DRUG BUSINESS under the name of C. F. HEINZEMAN & CO., and trust by close attention to the business to receive In the future, us in the past, that liberal patronage for which they now return thanks to the public. Eos Angeles, April 1, 1874. apl-lw C. F. HEINZEMAN & CO., successors to J. B. SAUNDERS A CO., DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS, Vt9 Main Stree, LOS ANGELES. The CHOICEST TOILET ARTICLES, the PUREST DRUGS and PATENT MEDICINES of all kinds. *r Prescriptions carefully compounded duy ami night. n«2-Ini2p CITY LAUNDRY, XT INTH STREET, BETWEEN jLN Grasshopper and Griffin streets, LOS ANGELES. < lentlemen's, hotel and restaurant WASHING done on reasonable term*. PEARL BUTI'ONs sewed on. and o.dlnary MEN LING done. Washing culled for «nd delivered, PBEE OF CHARGE. •VOrder slats at Brederlek's Coon st< re. ao'Mmlp J- O'NalL