Los Angeles Herald, Volume 20, Number 156, 16 February 1884 — Young Men's Republican Club. [ARTICLE]

Young Men's Republican Club.

A meeting of the Young Men's Republican Club was held last night at ths rooms of Justice Ling, in Temple Block. J. W. McKinley, the temporary President, occupied the chair. After reading ths minutes of the previous meeting, an election of permanent officers waa held, resulting in the election of J. W. McKinley, President; George E. Gard, First Vice President; Thos. Wood, Second Vine President; S. Goodfriend, Recording Secretary and J. If. Damron, Corresponding Secretary. Mr. J. D. Howland waa sleeted Treasurer; F. P. Kelly, Captain of the Guard; F. M. Cnrran, Sergeant-et-Arms.

Reglnaldo Venezuela was choeena special committee to assist in obtaining a suitable room for the use of the Club.

The election of an Executive Committee wss deferred to the next regular meeting of the Club.

A vote of thanks waa passed to JusSee Ling for the nss of his room. Adjourned to Friday, February 23d, 1884