Los Angeles Herald, Volume 22, Number 11, 12 September 1884 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Crescenta Oanyada! A HEALTHFUL AND BEAUTIFUL SPOT! FINE CLIMATE, FINE SOIL I Pure Water and Plenty ot It! ONLY 11 MILES NORTH OF LOS ANGELES. CRESCENTA CANYADA Is a Tract of 25(10 Acres of Land, mtnated near tbe Bue of tha Siamt Madre Mountains, above tha Verdugo Cation, .nd known aa FrostleaS, Warm Brush Land. It >» »* being .übdivided nto 10-aore lota, aaoh of which will have a water right from a aenet of reaorvoira iow being made on the tract. THE LAND WILL BE SOLD ON EASY TERMS, .Villi one quarter cash down. A tract of 40 aerea haa been laid out aa a TownIte, with a Park and Fountain. Aa a situation for invalid, it ii one of tha Bneat n the world. Mount San Franoleoo Maria protects it from wind, from the aea tnd tbe Sierra Madre from the north wind. Special induoementa will be given to partial who will put up a Hotel for Tourists and Invalids on the Tract. A good hotel would be tilled all the year. Inquire at the office of T. E. ROWAN, 114 North Spring Street, Mr. A. E. Brittp. will take pleasure in ehowing the land and giving all inform. r tir.nahniitth.aama. mavlStf

LAWYERS, J. R. DUPOX LAW OFFICE, No. Hi TEMPLE BLOCK. Re.ld.DC., No. tOli OUT. Street, Oetween Eleven!,.ndTw.lfth. Jil;i 2m r. o. flourwoy, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, Bonn .No. IP, Tempi. Blank, L Angelee, OU. tilt. . 0. W. MORTIMER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 7* Temple Block, Los Angeles. Legal agents in England and Canada. snvl a v. BSJmav. /. a. llcmm. son wicu. WICKS. LUCAS a BBNTIiEV, ATTORNBYB-AT-LAW, m AND 87 TEMPLE BLOCK, LOS ANGELES. eeSOtf J. G. HowaaD. Jon. Uoeenn. HOWARD a KOBARTS, Attorneys snd Counsellors st Law WUooi Block, 40 Sprang St., Loe Angele. w. r. uuin w. B- mniiu. Qardiaer a Stephenson, Attorneys so Counselors at Law Omca-Roomi 1,1 end S, Alba Black, 1 CORNER OF IPRINO AMD TEMPLE STS. • ~' ' •'' ' f ( * m ' ÜBORCUB J. CLARK, ' NOTARY PUBLIC, ■' W*4 /Sn* etreet Ack»eWeege«n»r t te' no. in, ol .11 kind. v. TflP**

A. O. Ho. NOTARY PURL.. Room 37, Temple Block. (stein street side , mmm GRIFFIN JOHNSTON, Attorney-at-Law and Examiner of Titles. Room 4 Allen Block, comer Spring nnd Temple etreete, Loe Angelee, Cel. m ,6 It D. M. ADAMS, ATTORNEY.AT. LAW, Room 77 Temple Bock. Isnllll J. Brouseeau, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. AeTNOe. aj AMP IT, BARER BLOCK, mrllll JNO. ■. CHAPMAN. J. A ORjVKS. Oravee & Chapman, Attorneys and Counselors at Law ROOM NO. « BAKER BLOCK. -.lit GRIFFIN JOHNSTON, ATTORNBY-AT-LiAW Aad Examiner of Titles. Room tt, Bomlller Block, Spring etreet, Loe Angelee, Cel. eugSltf

Dm..C. A Frank Stevens, DBSTIWFB.I Best net erTeeth, Laaee Isnpeea ■ion tot Math la the roomlet;, aaa hare team earned.,. Teeth without • plate. Flee fUHnge • specialty. All operation, guaranteed. Kooaaa 18 end Is Sohnraeenerllloca.opposite P tl until BARBER SHOP FOR SALE, CHEAP. FIRST-CLASS CHAIRS And ell the ttsturee ln food condition. Abo eJI tlte EouseMd Furniture. A KM Black w.lnnt parlor set. Carvels, Bed eteede, end Kitchen Furniture; everything to he eotd lauusdletsly. Inquire at 41? 9. Spring St ■ept la