Los Angeles Herald, Volume 24, Number 154, 26 February 1886 — INTERESTING ARCHIVES. [ARTICLE]


A NpMiiteh Passport la l.os Angeles. Mop Htepben C. Foster, in bis researches among the Spanish archives of this city, has discovered tbe original manuscript «f a passpoit uiveu in New Mexico in IBM lo a man who afterwards became an inhabitant of I tin Angeles. Following is Ihe document and notes from Mr. Koeter: Ki.itok Hrkai.ii: I Hud this original old passport iv the Hpanisb archives, rat. v, page 164 "Theciltson Mtuiliago Abrceo, Political Chief ad interim nf the Territory of New Mi-xiOti. No. IW: Record iiouk fed. 4. i.i', |'li I'auhling, a citizen of the United Stales of North America, being entitled thereto hy rule .1 of the regulations of passports, In conformity with Art. Hth of ajtd regulations, 1 grant lo btm Ibis provisional passport, that he may go to the interior Statea of Ihe Republic to engage In bis trade of carpentery; said I'aiilding shall solicit from the Supreme Oevarowient, a letter of eeenrity, to remain and travel for one year in tbe Kepilblio. HAttTIAUO A BrU'Kl). "Aaota Ke, 0.-tobnr «, 1H:«." •foseph I'auldmg built the first billiard table ever seen iv this city, which was put up in a building where the S. Klmo Motel now stands. Ho left here lm S. ra in IB.UI, and returned in IH4U and died here about Ihirty years ago, Santiago Ahrceo, then Secretary of New Mexico, wan killed by the tririUled In diaiis of the I'ueido of Sauto I bun logo, al lh< time of a general outbreak of the Imlin ii I'liehlos. provoked by encroach-ntt-nts of the tfextoetll on their lands. Sick nnd bAtOEfl headache enred by Dr. I'ieree's "I'elleti."