Los Angeles Herald, Volume 41, Number 72, 1 January 1894 — TWO SUICIDES. [ARTICLE]


A Drummer and an Oil Man End Their Own l.tves. PiTTSBi;»u, Dec. 31.—Two well-known men committed suicide today, H. H. Hriiton of Sewlckley, a commercial traveler, and W. W. Donohue, an oil man of Mercer. Grafton shot himself in the wash room of tho parlor ear on the Pittsburg and Lake Erie this morning, while coming to tbe city. Before suiciding he wrote his will. He stated in his will hia physician had told him he bad Bright* disease, and he concluded to end bla misery. Donohue had been drinking bard several weeks, and laat night was taken to Mercy hospital. Early this morning be arose and, during the temporary absence of the attendant, took a penknife and cut hia throat. He died in less than an hour.

QLtn TO li«T HACK.

A Disgust*,; California Prospector Returns From South Africa.

Nuw York, Dec. 31—August Lalou, whose home U in San Franclico, arrived today on the La Ponrgoyne from a prospecting trip on tbe Z wnbeai river in Mashonaland. Lalou says the journey was unsuccessful, and he had an

uncomfortable time in South Africa, He found he had to obtain permission of tha British South African company before prospecting, and it successful would have to pay heavy royalties. The natives were very antagonistic and fighting continually. They fear no power and acknowledge no authority bsyond the South Africa company. They make constant raids and are a continual menace to the people within reach.

OUTKAGKIJ AND RIIBBBD. A Young Woman's Brutal Treatment In .Jersey City. Jbrsky City, Deo. 31.—May Barrowcliffe, who was assaulted, robbed and nearly murdered in a vacant lot, was semi-conscious in the hospital this afternoon, and her chance of recovery is fair. It is believed tomorrow ahe will be able to give some intelligent account of tha outrage. "I think there waa only one man concerned," said Superintendent Smith, "and Mies BarrowclihTe is acquainted with that one. Ho probably knew he had been recognized and would have killed her to escape punishment for assault." The examination which demonstrated that an assault had been committed, also showed that the young woman wan of irreproachable character.

OKA/.80 BY OniP.

The Principal «f an Academy Murders Hie Yonng Wire. Media, Pa., Dee. 31,~Swithiu C. Shortlidge, principal of Media academy for boys, while out promenading today w.th his wile, a bride of only a month, shot and instantly killed her. For three weeks Shortlidge had been confined to the house with grip. This morning be took a walk with hia wife on his arm. Soon after they started shots were heard and tha chief of police ran to tbe spot, where ha iound Mrs. Shortlidge dead and her husband clinging to her and calling her to coma back to him. Apparently Shortlidge does not realise wbat he bae done and is continually asking for his wife.


Three Persons Killed on a Kallroad Near ttaltlmore. Baltimore, Dee. 31.—Particulars are received of an accident by which three persons have been instantly killed by the New York express at Patuxent, on the Baltimore & Potomac road, 18 miles from the city, last night. The victims were an aged couple, Thomas P. Varley and wife, of Patuxent, and their 10-yeitr-old grandson. Ail were in a carriage, and evidently did not hear the approach oi the train. The carriage was struck and smashed into kindiing wood. The remains of Mrs. Varley were thrown between the tracks and out to pieces. Valley's head was crushed and the boy'a skull was fractured.


Prenderga't Hays lie Will Mot Commit Suicide. Chioaqo, Dec. 31.—A rumor waa current toauy that Prendergaßt committed suicide, but there was nothing in the etory. Prendergast's actions during tbe morning aroused suspicion and Guard Wallace told the assassin to hold out hie handa until be was searched- "Why do you want to search mo?" demanded Prendergpst, angrily. "If you fellows think 1 aim going to commit suicide you arc fooliMh; if I have to die, lam going to put you to the bother of killing me." Nothing; was found upon the prisoner with whjch-he, could Injure himself.

Secondary Studies.

Washington, Deo. 31.— Tbe report of tbe committee appointed by tbe National Ed noational association at Saratoga, in the summer of 18D2, to make an investigation of secondary school studies in tha United States, has been transmitted to the secretary of the Interior. It ia a lengthy presentation of tbe results of a careful examination of the whole field of secondary education, as conducted in private academies and public high,schools. Bl.imlKtmd In Albania. CutxiNQ't, Dec. SI.—A fierce conflict haa taken (place between the Lome aud Cabooscb' tribes, Albania, and much blood haelbeen shed. Tbe commander at Fpsrend was unable to pacify the tribes and has been ocnpelled to nee. The fs-milv physteiau. Mrs. Heloa R. Slut t«r«, I'JO Walnut street, Heading, Pa., status: "We alwdva use Salvation OU lor what n U recommended lv place of a physician. Jt uevi r falls." The Indian Wheat Crap. Calcutta,, Dee, 31.—The wheat are: of 181)4 is atvinereaee of six per cent ov. that of 18S13. The indications are favor able for a good crop. MlUa' Narva and Llvar Pills Acton a now principle—regulating the llvof. etomach and bowels through ibe nerves. A n :v< discovery. Dr. Mites' pills speedily cure bit luuuneas. bad taaies, torpid liver, piles, eea*-1 patloa. UnaqunleKl furuuu, woukenant eni. Urea. Smallei,'., niildust, surest. Filly d., s; . ■M oants. iiamoles free. 0. M. Hanue. 177 North spclni