Los Angeles Herald, Number 200, 18 April 1899 — IN SOCIETY [ARTICLE]

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Airs. B. F. Coulter gave a very delightful luncheon yesterday at her handsome home on Grand avenue in honor of Miss Cora Larimore, of La rim ore, North Dakota, who has been her guest for some week?. The parlors were beautifully decorated i«n large bunches of pink and white carnations in tall glass vases and the long hall in potted plants and ferns. A quantity of Rere d'Or, I>i France and other varieties of roses were effectively arranged in the reception room, while the dining room was wholly in yellow. Delicate jessamine blossoms were hanked on the sideboard and mantel and the centerpiece of the table was a large cutglass bowl of brilliant wild poppies resting on a handsome piece of Battenburg enibroid- j ery over yellow satin. Daylight was excluded, and the electric temps were shaded to harmonize with the flowers. An elaborate menu was served, and beside the guest of honor covers were laid for: Miss Sadie .Johnson, Miss May Newton, Miss Ilattie Kimball, Miss Wellborn, Miss Lillian Wellbom, Miss Birdie Chanslor, Miss Inez Moore, Misses Belle and Frances Coulter, j Mrs. Charles Dick, Mrs. Archibald McCutcheon, Mrs. Lorin I). Sale. One of the jolliest tally ho parties of the season, pupils ard friendts of Mrs. 11. li. Mackenzie, artist, started from the Hotel Cat-aMna at an early hour Saturday morn- j ing, driving first through Orange Grove avenue, Pasadena, then to the poppy fields at ALt a dec a. The remainder ol)the day was spent in Millard's canyon, feasting, gathering ferns arid exploring the canyon, 'ilie party numbered. twenty-four—Mrs. H. B. Mackenzie, Airs. E. M. Faithfull, C. A. Faithful!, Miss I. B. Nelson, Airs. E. N. Nelson, Miss Margaret Nelson, Mrs. E. M. Simmons, Miss K. Brown, Mrs. E. A. Trafford, Miss R. B. Trafford, Miss M. E. Odiorne, Mrs. Battinger, Miss M. MacAllister, Miss M. Kane-en, Mrs. L. E. Mittendorf, Master George Mittendorf, Airs. J. F. Downey, Alisses Blanche arid Ruth Downey, Airs. F. L. Rarsdale, Aliss Rasin, Aliss Alabel Levitt, Miss Clinscalts. Rev. arid Airs. W. Al. Sterling entertained some fifty guests last eventir.g at their home, 1523 West Twenty-eighth street, to celebrate the twenty-filth anniversary of their m'arrfage. Airs. E. B. Grandin assisted in receiving. The Alisses Ellen Sterling, Lillian Siegler, Aluude Thomas. EdithHuft assisted in serving refreshments. Rev. Air. Sterling was formerly pastor of Asburv Al. E. church, East Los Angeles, andl the CemtraL Al. E. church, and is now presiding eMer of the San Diego district. The guests included many- of his former parishioners in this city. The reception hall andistairway were decorated ic» smilax, yellow aea cia blossoms and silver ribbon effectively arranged. Roses ard smilax were used in the parlor and library and scarlet carnations and ferne in the- dicing room. Angeleno Friday Evening club held the last of a series of meetings for the winter at Park Congregational church, corner Temple and Aletcalf streets. There were present r;ver three hundred invited guests, who showed their appreciation of the excellent program by repeated encores. The numbers especially enjoyed were three readings by Aliss Opal AlcGaughey, a paper by Airs. Ziegler and the music by the young men's mandolin club. The members present were Walter A. Bayley, Walter Holdridge and Frank V. Gray. Refreshments were served in the parlors, and after a social hour the guests departed, feeling they had been given a rare treat by the W. C. T. U. and the people and pastor of the church, Rev. Air. Hendry, whose doors and hearts are always open to every good cause. The party given by the Womar.'s alliance of Unity church to the young people Friday evening at the Garvanza hotel, was a most successsful affair. The house was handsomely decorated with a quantity of beautiful roses ard placed at the disposal of the party by the proprietor. Three of th'e rooms, with highly polished, floors and excellent music, were reserved for the dancers, and the remainder of the guests enjoyed the evening playing games. The house is pleasantly located, convenient to the Pasadena car line and is well arranged for merry-makings. About two hundred per-' sons were present and the affair was highly \ enjoyed by both old and young. The marriage of Aliss Anita Pico, daughter! »»f the late General Andreas Pico, to Adolphus Aluller, took place at the residence of the family in San Pedro on Saturday morning. The ceremony was performed by Rt. Rev. Bishop Verdaguer,of Laredo, Tex., formerly of Los Angeles, in the presence of the relatives and a few intimate friends. Mrs. Catal'ina Pico gave tlie bride away, and Paul RomuaMo Pico acted as the groom's best man. The home was beautifully decorated for the occasion, and an elaborate wedding breakfast was served. The Unity' church Thursdays have become a pleasant and profitable factor in the work of the Woman's alliance. Thursday afternoon next the pastor, Rev. C. J. K. .Tones, will give another of his interesting talks on Unitarian ism, to which the public is invited. The second and Eourth Thursdays the current evewts class meets at 2:15 Afrs. Burn ham, leader of tlie Ebell current events section, is in charge on the Gourth Thursdays. Aliss Eva B. Gould of San Francisco was married to Thomas Al. Kendall, U. S. A., of Ulendora,' at the residence of her parents in that city, Saturday, April 15. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. A. B. Wilson, D. D., formerly of this city, now of the Howard Street Alethodist church of San Francisco. The groom will) leave soon for Manilla, and the bride will reside with her parents, Air. and Mrs. Albert K. Gould, until his return. The talk to be given by Robert J. Burdette at the next general meeting of the Kbell has been postponed from the afternoon of April 27th until the evening at 8 oclock, owing to the free "harbor jubilee occurring on that day. Members wil»l be admitted by card only. They are requested to send the names of their escorts immediately to the corresponding secretary, Frances Al. Alaurice, 830 Bonnie Brae street.