Los Angeles Herald, Number 361, 26 September 1899 — FOUGHT A DRAW The Gallagher Thompson Bout Last Night [ARTICLE]

FOUGHT A DRAW The Gallagher Thompson Bout Last Night

The Thompson-Gallagher 20-round contest before the Southern California Social and Athletic club last night was declared a draw. The fight by rights should have been Thompson's as Gallagher fouled him In the fourth round by trying to use his knee, and in the same round Bill De Coursey, one of aGllagher's seconds, entered the ring, running to the center before the bell was run. The club Is said to have netted about $300 out of a $1,000 house, the principals clearing $350 each. The preliminary was a wrestling match, catch-as-catch-can. best three out of five falls, between "Shorty" Gridley of Los Angeles and Frank Hadley of Santa Ana. The bout was won by Gridley, who threw Hadley the three last rounds after being thrown the first two.