Los Angeles Herald, Volume XXX, Number 3, 4 October 1902 — Y. W. C. A. [ARTICLE]

Y. W. C. A.

Mrs. Leonard >1 t rill wi ; speak at the 4 o'clock Sunday .1 ftrrnoon ser\ oe and Miss M. Leo:. T,mniu:;s will fli p. The regular meeting , f tin hoard uf managers was held Thursday nv.-iii-n; and an tinusualiy '.arge amount of business transacted. Two hundred and forty new members' wet- i . . .\. many of whom have joined to t kf advantage of the educatiot work. The enrollment for the classes which have already opened is unusually lanrNext »«pk the new domestic "scieno* room will be' opened and cooking les sons will be given on morn ins, Thursdaj afternoon and Fri iay < v.-: - ingr. The first of a series of I .-sons m. 11:" life of Paul by Rev. William Hora'e Day was given on Tuesday evening and thirty-five pupils attended. Mrs. Lou V. Okapin's ( lass in current history will hold its first meeting- on

Monday evenlrg and thereafter on the first and third Mondays of each month. The third Thursday evening m earn month has been chosen by the entertainment committee as the special social evening, when all of the rooms w.U be thrown open. A large number of visitors call eveiy day to inspect the new quarters.