Los Angeles Herald, Volume 33, Number 48, 18 November 1905 — SAYS WELLS SPOILED RANCH [ARTICLE]


Old Resident of Vtlley 6ayf the PI.C<

Wat Once a Grain Para. dls*

Special to The HerAld.

SAN BRRNAIIDINO, Nov. 17.— 0n« of the best arguments for the plaintiff's due In the watef HUH ndw On In the superior court between the ranchers of this valley and the Klverslde Water company ha« been furnished In the case of the city wells east of the city. Ten days n go, when the rain cam« f the well* of the Wverslne" companies were capped. Before that took plac* th« flow of the city wells was 210 Inches. With the Riverside wells capped the flow In ten days has Incfeased to GO6 Inches, or more than 160 per cent In* crensp. William Shfly, who has been a resident of the vnlley all his life, told of how the valley was a green paradise until the advent of the Riverside pumping companies about ten years ago, since which the ranches owned by his family have become worthless except as Irrigated and It Is hard to get water for that purpose. Warm creek wna formerly two feet deep and nearly twenty feet wide lri places." Now it Is dry nearly the year round.

Los Angeles Girl Marries

John J. Crnwford of Pomona and Mlas Alvlssa Louise Wilson of Log An* geles were married In this city la« night by Rev. J. B. Crutchfleld. Thd bride Is a nurse who had come out frorri Los Angeles to attend a patient at Pomona. "• '„ .