Los Angeles Herald, Volume 33, Number 258, 15 June 1906 — NARROWL.Y ESCAPE LYNCHING [ARTICLE]


John Gulnn Hurls Glass at Bartender

and Crowd Would Hang Hlm'for It

Because he was refused a drink free of charge John A. Guinn, a stranger In lios Angeles, hurled a glass at the bartender in the Mineral saloon, at the corner of First and South Main streets last night, cutting the bartender In several places. ,

Gulnn immediately ran out of the saloon and was pursued by several persons who were standing at the corner. Cries of "lynch him" were heard and many more persons joined In the pursuit. On New High street the man waa captured and taken back to the vicinity of the Mineral Baloon where he was turned over to Detective Kelley and taken to the police station.

According to the bartender, Gulnn entered the saloon and demanded a glass of beer, saying he was without funds. The bartender refused him the drink. Gulnn secured the money from one of the patrons of the saloon and proceeded to pay for It. As the bartender placed it before Gulnn, the latter seized it and threw the glass and its contents into the bartender's face. .