Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 26, Number 4051, 16 March 1864 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

WANTED. PATTERN MAKERS. WANTED, B¥ TBE VULCAN IRON WORKS COMPANY, First street, San Francisco, A FEW GOOD PATTERN MAKERS. Constant employment and good wages guaranteed. ' m2-lmlp WANTED."" AT HOUSTON & COOK'S PIONEER EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, Fourth street, one door south of X— ALL KINDS OF HELP, Male and Female. Particular attention paid to supplying Families, Hotels and Farmers with HELP, FREE OF CHARGE. Orders from the country promptly attended to. QUADRILLE MUSIC furnished parties for the city or country, at the shortest notice. mls-lm* ANTBM DAILY— HELP OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.— HoteIs and Families furnished at the shortest notice. Houses, Ranches, etc., ■old and rented. Money loaned. Kent a collected. JAMES ROWAN, People's Employment Office, Tukey's Brick Building, Fifth street, between J and K. MR. ROWAN also REMITS MONEY and ISSUE 3 PASSAGE CERTIFICATES to and from all parts of the Eastern States and Europe. P. S. — Country orders promptly attended to. [fe22-lm IN*OR3IAT«€»N WANTED. — THE undersigned is most anxious to hear of her bro'ber, JOHN J. lle9OVßKtr, who left his father's ranch on the Sanislaus river in the Fall of 1553. Any one furnishing the desire! information wili receive the lasting gratitude of his sister. MARY A. KI&WAN. ml 4-1 ml p* ■ I INFORMATION WAN TED.— ANT ISformation concerning GEORGE F. FOLSOM, directed to the What Cheer House, Sacramento, will be thankfully received by hi* anxious parents. Direct letters to Mr. JOHN PEASLY. as above. mll-l-n OF. TON RUBIN *c CO., 105 • Montgomery street, near gutter. San France furnish all kieds of MALE AND FEMALE HELP, Sell REAL ESTATE ana BUSINESS PLACE?, procure Partner*, etc. . jal3-3ailp LOST AID FOUKD. "" Z3^^ 9400 REWARD.-I HERE' 2^ST^by offer a reward of $50 each for the recov/X AA_,ery of two BAY MARES, about seven years ! old, Dran.!<-d B «n the left shoulder mares pace ; also, one DAPPLE GRAY MARE COLT, branded B on the left shoulder, three years old next Spring; one SOSREL MARE, small scar on wither and scars en both sides of tail, running toward the hock — mares ail heavy with foal. The above strayed or were stolen fr«m the ranch of the undersigned, about twelve miles east of Sacramento, between the upper and lower Stockton r»ads, absut the 27th of December. I will also give 9200 for the arrest and conviction of the thief who took said mares . JOSEPH BAUQUIER. Sacramento, January 7, 1864. fe29 ~~~ $100 REWARD. >v STRiIEo OR STOLEN ON ImrA or about the 15th of February, ISO*, from »*« Tom Dean's ran. i, fcouth Butte, THREE *»U»nfl» MULES. One a SORREL HORSE MULE. wi'h II and California Stage Co.'s brand on left hip and left shouHer, and marks of a thistelow. One BUCK MARE MULE, with letter H on left hip (hair brand). One BAY MARE MULE, with H on left hip, with a white <nark about three or four inches from the roots of the tail. The Hon both are hair brands. The above reward will be paid for all three, or $35 for any one of them, delivered at the Empire Stable, at Marysville. H. P. CRAFT. Marysville, March 9,1 554. mll-lmlp JACOB ZECffS PIASOS. OPINIONS OF PROFESSORS OF MUSIC. Baa Fbaxci3co, December 29, 1563. JACOB ZECH, Esq.— Dear bir : We, the undersigned, musicians of the city of San Francisco, do hereby give our unbiased opinion as te the workmanship, purity, power and brilliancy of tone, and perfectness and dura bUity of acti in, of the Grand Piano manufactured and exhibited by you. We have no hesitation in pronouncing them far superior to any piano ever placer fore us for inspection. At the late exhibition of the State Agricultural Society, the Committee saw fit to denounce your instrument and award the first prize to an inferior square piano, which we pronounce a great injustice to you, and we do hereby give our names, and warrant your pianos to be superior to any in the State. With ins greatest esteem, and the most fervent desire for your success, and a wish that the people of California may £iv« you justice, and not be controlled by money or the opinion ol any body of men who are not qualified to judge of the merits of a piano, We are truly yours, etc., R. HEROLD, Professor of Music. OEO. T. EVAN'S, Pianist and organist. GEO. r. PETTINOS, Pianist and Organist. LOUI3 SCHMIDT, Pianist and Organist. OHAI SrADERMAN, Pianist. BTEPtIKN W. LEACH, Artist. L. T. PLAN EL, Professor of Music. A LAPFGER, Pianist. ALBERT BTOgR, Musician. JOSEPH B. SCHMirZ, Musician. EM ILE TOUBBIM, Pianist. CHA-. BOHCLTZ, Pianist and Organist. J D KNELL, Pianist, and Organist at CathedraL n. HCLZUACER, Pianist. WM. CROOKER, Pianist. LETTER TO JACOB ZT.CB. [The following notice of my pianos was received by me from the gentlemen named, Professors of Music at Sacramento, and approving, in very flatterirg terms, my instrument. — J. ZECH.J Your Grand.PUno was an excellent and beautiful instrument, full and rich in tone, and with all the excellences that are desired In a Grand Piano. Your Square iixno was one of extraordinary excellence, and beyond question the best on exhibition, having a full and powerful tone, yet with that soft and delicate expression so desirable to an artistic ear. ~\\ c feel gratified >o know of your success in this art, and -'tope your efforts will be duly appreciated. Wishini you all success, we are your friends, CtiARLK9 WINTER, Professor of Music. CHAS. !«TADr.RM\N, Pianist. CHROTIAS STATfIELD, Pianist. GEORGE GREINER, Piano Maker. Sacramento, October 6, 1563. fe2>lmlp ETIAUKAXIIiS INSTANCE OF MEDICAL RELIEF.— CERTIFICATE.— The undersigned, desirous of acquainting those who maybe unfortunate enough to he similarly assisted, where a permanent relief of their sufferings may be obtained, feels li his duty to thus publicly express his most sincere gratitude to Dr. L. J. Czapkay, for the permanent recovery of his health. Borne down by the distressing symptoms Incident to the vicious practice of oncontrollable passion la youth, depressed in body and , mind, unable to perform even the most trifling duty imposed by the daily avocations of life, I sought the advice of many physician?, who at first regarded my disease as of trifling importance, but alas, after a few weeks, and in several instances, months, of their treatment., 1 found to my unutterable horror, that Instead of relief, my symptoms became more alarming in their torture, and being told by one that my disease being principally confined to the brain, medicine would be of little consequence, I despaired of ever regaining my health, strength and energy ; and, as a last resort, I called oc Dr. Ctapkay, who, after examining my case, prescribed some medicine which almost instantly relieved me of the dull pain and dizziness In my head. Encouraged by the result, 1 resalved to place myself under his care, and by a strict obedience to all his directions and advice, my head became clear, my ideas collected, the constant pain In my back and groins, the weakness of my limbs, the nervous reaction of my whole body on the slightest alarm or excitement, the misanthropy and evil forebodings, the self-distrust and want of confidence in others, the incapability to study, and want of resolution ; the frightful, exciting, and, at times, pleasurable dreams by night, followed by Involuntary discharges, have all 'disappeared, and, in fact, in two months after having consulted the Doctor, I felt as if Inspired by a new lifeChat life which, a short time ago, I contemplated to ecd with ray own hand. With a view to guard the unfortunate from falling into the snares of Incompetent quacks, I deem it my duty to offer this testimony to the merits and skill of Dr. C^Kpkay, and recommend him to all who may stand in need of medical advice, being assured by my own experience that, once under bis care, a radical and permanent cure will he effected. B. F. FILLMORE. State of California, county San Francisco. — scribed and sworn to, before me, this 17th day of April, A. D. 1356. Signed [L.B.] JOHN MIDDLETON, Notary Public. DR. £. J. CZAPKAY'S Private Medical and Surgical Institute is on Sacramento street, .below Montgomery street, opposite the Pacific Mail Steamship Co.'s office, Ban Francisco. The Doctor offers free consultations, and asks no remuneration unless he effects a cure. lmlp ~ DR. PERRAULT. ~ /GRADUATE OF UNIVERSITY QUEEN'S COLLEGE. Would respectfully Inform those suffering from all Chronic or Private Diseases, that he may be consulted, TREE OF CHARGE, at his office, 809 Darls street, soar Clay, San Francisco. DR. PERRAULT has cured, within a year, one hundred and fifty cases, pronounced incurable by other physicians. Among diseases successfully treated a few »re Scrofula, RheumatUm, Ulcers, Tumors, Fistula, Fever and Ague, Strictures, Gonorrhea and Syphilis. Any afflicted with Seminal Weakness may be cured in a venr short time. ■■.-". , , References will be furnished to those who desire, to parties of the highest respectability who have been cured, or seen others successfully treated, at bis office. While his charges are so extremely moderate that the poorest can avail themselves of his services, Ittedlclncs are always Furnished Gratuitously to his Patients. CONSULTATIONS FREE, personally or by letter. Box 978, Post Office, San Francisco. • - . t By Inclosing $10 all necessary MedlcUes will be for- 1 yarded to any part of the Bute. f«2B-lmlp