Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 31, Number 4755, 23 June 1866 — Greenbacks—The ' MoEarinock and Vanderbilt— ! • Dry Goods In lew Tork—Sales of Sugar—Arrivals— Case ci Buauc-sales of Stocks—Enticing a Soldier to Desert. [ARTICLE]

Greenbacks— The ' MoEarinock and Vanderbilt— ! • Dry Goods In lew Tork— Sales of Sugar—Arrivals— Case ci Buauc -sales of Stocks— Enticing a Soldier to Desert.

'.'■"■' Sax Francisco, June 22d. Greenbacks active and in demand at 71, selling at 72. The Vanderbilt goes up to Mare Island for repainting- next week, and tbe Monadnock is to be placed out of commission until her services are required. The Monadnock came all the way under steam, behaving nobly in the roughest weather. Her officers declare her a perfect sea vessel. They avow her ability to cross the Atlantic at any time. Great numbers of people have visited her to-day and she is to be open to the public to-morrow. Off Point Concepciou they encountered a heavy gale and the Monadnock broke her rudder chain and hove to for repairs in open sea. No other mishap occurred and all her crew came through iv perfect health. One of the Vanderbilt' a crew died at St. Thomas and mate L. A. Ingraham died of consumption last night before reaching port. Private telegrams dated New York, June 18th, quote an advance of 15 to 25 per cent, on staple cotton .goods; Allen's prints quoted at 20; Lonsdale shirtings at 35 cent?. The sale of. sugars at auction to-day — over $1,000 sixty days credit— showed an average decline of* half a cent per pound ; 8,800 kegs light Sandwich Island brought $8 95©510; 400 dark, $7 ..-'-*- 40. Schooner A. J. Wester came into port last evening, having run northward until she found ice, loaded with it, returned to the Straits ol Fuca, caught a cargo of halibut, and brought them here in the ice.

Judge Rix to-day sent the case of John Duane to the County Court on the charge of being accessory before the fact to the murder of Colonel Ross. The other charges will go over until Tuesday. Bala & Not cross advanced strongly to-day, other stocks sympathizing to some extent. Sales of stock this evening were : Chollar, $190; Belcher, $155; Ophir, $285; Savage, 8975 ; Imperial, $108; Lady Bryan, $3 50 ; Confidence, $35 ; Overman, $24 50 ; Bacon (Gold Hill), $20. United States seven-thirties, June issue, 74 an advance. Thomas Boylan was held to answer before United States Commissioner Sullivan to-day, on the charge of enticing a soldier to desert. Bo)*lan is a sailor shipping office runner. ■— : •> — ; — ** from ihe North— Oregon Election— lbe Slate Union— lnteresting from Victoria. j Portland, June 22d. The Orizaba departed this morning, taking a good freight ot flour, wool and hides, and $966,000 in treasure. "v, Parties from the Dalles yesterday report the Columbia again rapidly rising. The water has raised fifteen inches here during the past twenty-four hours. A considerable quantity of rain has fallen within three days. The Oregon ian of this morning gives official returns from every county in the State except Umatilla, Grant and Cob's, the estimates of which are close. Those naurce show the election of Wood (Union) for Governor by *205 majority; and the Union party has elected the balance of the State ticket by majorities running from 350 to 500, with a majority of the Legislature. Victokia, June 22d. The steamer Sierra Nevada arrived here at three o'clock p. m., and will probably leave tomorrow for New Westminister. The Western Union Telegraph Company's new stem-wheel steamer llumford also arrived here this afternoon, where she will be fitted up previous to her departure for the waters ot 'British Columbia. - A serious dispute has arisen here between Governor Kennedy and the Legislative Assembly in regard to the financial condition or this colony. The latter have telegraphed a length! petition to tho home Government asking, with a view to retrenchment, that this colony be united to that of British Columbia, believing that one Government would be sufficient for both colonies.