Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 37, Number 5671, 31 May 1869 — BY THE ATLANTIC CABLE. [ARTICLE]


Pajub, May 29th. Americans resldiog in Paris presented a farewell address to General Dix, and the General has invited 800 Americans to a banquet at tbe Grand Hotel on tbe Ist of June. He leaves Havre for home June b'.b. Ministers Buriiugame and Washburn tare a farewell binqaet to General Dix at tbe Grand Hotel to-day Over 260 guests were present. General Dix dines with tbe Emperor on Thursday next. Jules Payre bat been d;ci-ired cot elected, but he wilt contest the election of bis opponent. The official journal denies that there is any foundation for the rumors taut Me French troops are to evacuate Home.

Chicago, May 29tb. A new conspiracy bas been discovered at V'lau and other points in Italy. M uini au'i otberi ire implicated, in' the objects of the conspiracy are Dot definitely known. Private letters from Parij s-iy tbe revolution*™ feeling is increasing rapidly. Toe Goveromeit has increased the police force in the principal cities of tbe empire.

It is reported that the Emperor of Russia is about to transfer the Capital from St. P. tenbarK to I\ief, and a palace in the latter place •- already under "proems of construction. The railway is completed from O.lessi to Kief, and will be finished tn Moscow this Summer. Toe first communication Mot'ey received from Bofluid nfter bis confirmation was a cable dispatch from L?rd Houghton, lnv;tinir him to riit-.n 1 a dtresi dinner in Lonuoa, June fab. Motley promptly declined.

Madrid, Mi» 23th. Serioui disturbances occurred to-iiay at Malaea and Seville. They were directed against the Provisional Government.

Lisbon', May 29' h. The mail steamer from Rio Janeiro arrived yesterday. Tlie war news is quite important, Count D' Eu, General at the allied forces, bai arrived at. Uaiou, an-1 was m*ki:;g preparation to attack tbe P-raguayan's advance puard, within nine miles or L pe*'« army. Reports of the car in I'aragusy are coiiflietine; though it was represented in Rio JTaniero that the Allied forces were about to make an immediate attack, it is said, on the other hand, tbat the Allies have no reliable information as to tlie irbpreaboati of L !•• /.. V, is also slated that nothing B»a been heard from General McMabcn, the American Minister.

London, May 29th. George Pea body sails, per steamer i^cotia, from Liverpool to-day. Toe abolition or the Patent laws was r"iscu;s»d in the '011-e of Commons last night. The Timen editorially sopports the measure.

■•■ • V Madrid, May "di The appointment of General Oabellero Deßuda [as Captain General olj Cuba is Gazetted. It is rumored that a new Provisional Mini-try will be toimed, to regain in oilice until next October, when a plebisclium will be taken to decide the question ol sovereignly. Several officers of the array have b«en arrested at Tortorosa, charged with having been engaged in a conspiracy for tbe "ration of y-ieau Isabella.

New York. May 80tb. A Herald cable dispatch from London statt* that at a meeting of the J-ckey Club, Sir .Joseph {{antey's motion to, tbe racing of lwo<yeaF-oldi »<■ ore the first of July of each year, was lost. Forester's resolution, prohibl'lng such racin.' before the first of May of each year, was cirrieJ. This is re^-ardei a3 the ereatest reform tbe turf has esr>erie.ic»d tor years in regard to too ameliorition of tborough-breds, an<J the morality of the racing community.