Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 48, Number 7352, 27 October 1874 — CITY INTELLIGENCE [ARTICLE]


Where the Point Comes In.— Winter a proposition was advanced by certain citizens for the construction of • read leading from the Capitol grounds to tbe Stockton road, near the CouDty Hof-pital, to be known a-; Capitol avenue. A bill was drafted and introduced in tbe Lesjislature providing tbat tbe right of way for ibis road should be donated by the propertybolder?, aDd the only expense the city and county "-boii'd be at was tb_.t necessary for the surveying, the construction of such extra feDciu_ as should be made necessary, and tbe planting o< shade trees oa eacb side of the avenue. It seemed to be an innocent scheme, a.nd tbe bill was pas-cd by tbe Lenislatuse and became a iaw, though co one felt sanguine tbat ibe propcity-holders would want the avenue bad enough to make tbe necessary doualions of land. Some time siuc. surveys were made, but tbe land was uot donated, aDd there the -matter seemed to rest, with but little barm doDe. It seems, however, ibat the following s?ction was included in Ibe bill, and this 18 where the "point" comes in: "Section 2. Tbe llciaid <•( Trustees of the city of Sacr-rocDto shall, upon petition of adjacent property-holders, declare vacated and closed any section not less than a block of tbe unopened and unused streets and alleys of said city situated south of It street and east of Eleventh street of said city ; provided, bowever, that the streets forro:D_ a straight connection between the avenue mentioned in the first section thereof, and 'lie county roads known as the Lower Stockton and Georgiana Slouch loads, shall not be cosed or vacated, nor sball V stieet of s.. ; d city, within .-ad lim ts. be closed or vacated." It will be observed that Ibis closing of streets is not made contingent upon the avenue bee luring a matter of tact, but is made positive. Yesterday George Ca Iwalader pre-ented tbe Board of City Trustees a petition of Frederick Cox and ether property owners for * in- dosing of tbe said, at present, unused streets and alleys lying south ol 'It aDd east of Eleventh streets, which, if granted, ..ill be tbe means of conveying to tbe owners of laud adjacent scores of acres of valuable property lice gratis. Ibe BoatO, observing the trap laid, referred tbe petition to its President to obtain legril nrlvice thereupon. When John A. Sutter deeded to tbe city tho land for streets uud alievs, public squares, etc., it was in tbe proviso tbat it was to be used lor that and no otber purpose, and it does not apoear tbat Ibe Legislature had tbetantborily to pass a law compelling the ci'y to give auy portion of it away in this manner. Paudoxed. — Governor Booth yesterday issued a pardon to John L. Heed, wbo was convicted at the Jannaiy term, ISM, of ihe County Court of Humboldt county, aud sentenced to three years' imprisonment. The Governor says: •' When the petition for bis pardon i* signed by over 500 names, including most of Iteed's immediate neighbors, aod represents in an unusual degree tbe best public opinion of Humboldt county ; it recites that the prisoner has been a citizen of Humboldt county tor more tban 20 years, and has always been an industrious man and home . good coaracter for trulb and iute_rity, and tnat tbe petitioners believe bim to be innocent of the crime of which he was convicted; I have received letters from tbe County Judge, tbe attorney who was of counsel fortbe prosecoticn; tbe District Attorney, the County Clerk, tbe St -te Senator, and from other count oQicerrs, equesiiog bis pardon ; tbe District Attorney says the prisoner 'has b:en a man at all times possessing a character of spotless integrity,' and that bis cenvic seemed to be on. of those unfortunate ci rci_m stances wbere sufficient evidence was produced to warrant a jury in their verdict o; guilty, and vet tbe party charged be entirely innocent. The Sheriff of tbe connty assures me tbat from his knowledge ol wbat took place on tbe trial, and bis present acquaintance with the character of the witnesses, no believes ibe prisouer to be innocen Cohoneu'slxqcest. — Coroner Counts held an inquest yesterday atternoon upon tbe body ol tbe late D. P. Heath, who committed suicide Saturday nigbt, as mentioned in yesterday's Uxiok. Dr. Fisher, wbo made a post mortem examination^ leuud the heart .lightly diseased and the stomach congested from the use of alcoholic liquors, but neither were sufficient to cause death. A cleik at tbe Boston drug store identified the deceased as the peison to whom he had sold tbe box of arsenic round in his room. It was purchased about 9 o'clock Saturday evening, deceased explaining tbat be desired to poison a do _*, and making inquiry a- to the amount sufficient to cause death. The jury returned as tbeir verdict that death resulted from poison sell -administered. Thought it illegal — At a meeting ol tile Board of City* Trustees a week ago, Jcbn Isaac submitted a proposition to till in SSO yards of earth in the slougb at Fifth and It sireei-. tbe Board in reimburse him after the next collection of city taxes. The matter was referred to Street Commissioner Kaox, who yesterday reported adversely thereupon, on the ground tbut, although it was very desirable to have the work done, yet be deemed it illegal, under ibe city titer, fortbe Board to contract any indebtedness that it did not have funds to pay. The Board adopted bis report. Going to Vali.-cjo. — remains of the late D. P. Heath will be sent to Vallejo tbis morning for interment, a representative of Farrarut Post, No. '.. <•. A. It., of which he had been a member, bavins: come up to the city to attend to tbe matter. From him we learn thai Heath, when be left for Sacraniento, a week ago yesterday, took ICOO with him. and bow tb3t sum melted away to .40 35 in less ihau a week is being inquired into. He may have -sited a portico of it in one of the banks. His wife, who is well advanced in years, is left destitute. Nobody Hurt. — About 10 o'clock last night a man in the City Hotel saloon, wbo thought be bad been imposed upon by somebody, drew a pistol and expressed a belief that he could get away with any one in sight. P. S. laid, proprietor of the establishment, caught bim by the wrist, to prevent his doing irjurv. when the pistol was discharged, and Q .aid bad a narrow escape from being dangerously wounded, as tbe muzz'e of the weapon was very close to his person. The report of the pistol created quite un excitement in the vicinity. Fuel and its Storage— -Yesterday the Chief Engineer of the Water Works reported to tbe Board of City Trustees the result of his experiments to determine which was tbe cheapest fuel lor the works, He tested solid pine wood, pine slabs and Lincoln coal, and found thai to pump a million gallons of water the pine wood consumed cost >__ 83 ; slab*. $17 28; Lincoln coal, ?17 S3 -showing a slight advantage for the slabs. The Trustees propose to erect immediately a large shed to protect the fuel fiom the Winter rains. Shipments Stopped. — The work of loading barges with brick was at a standstill yesterday, owing to the stormy weather. Large numbers of namen who bad been employed at tbe brickyards quit work yesterday morning and repaired to their old quarters on I street. Unless we have a season of dry weather immediately, brickmaking 1 may be considered about at an end for this year, but there are still hundreds of thousands ol brick on hand lor shipment. Close To-n_ght. — Tbe Celestials will close their devil-driving to-night, and to-day the exorcistic ceremonies will be the liveliest of ail. Apparently the devils are not very stubborn this year— judging from tbe fact that the exercises .tve been conducted with much less noise iban on previous occasions. The outside barbarians residing in tbe neighborhood of the temple have been greatly rejoiced thereat. Personal. — Among the passengers who came out from the East yesterday was W. It. Holloway, Postmaster of Indianapolis, and editor of ibe Indianapolis Journal, wtio is en route to join Senator Morton's party, now in tbe lower portion of the State. li. 8. Crocker, of tbis city, returned yesterday tram a visit ot several weeks to the East. Double Wedding. At the Six-mile House on Sunday the silver wedding of Martin Basler and wife was celebrated, in conjunction with the wedding of their daughter, Hiss Mary' Easier, with F. Wetdeman of this city. A large number of friends from Sacramento were present, and everybody had a hue time. Commercial. — There were no arrivals yesterday. Sailed, steamer San Joaquin, for San Francisco, with barge-load of grain and broomcorn; steamer Pioneer, Jr., for the lower Sacramento, light. The steamer flattie Pickett passed through, en route irom the upper Sacramento for San Francisco, with gram. Water Woees Report.— -Mark Foster, Chief Engineer of the Water Works, reported to the Board of City Trustees yesterday that during the week ending October 23th, 9,634,240 gallons ot water were pumped, tbe fuel consumed being 27 cords of pine wood and 7 of pine slabs. The works were run 130 hours.

Untimely Decease.—Mrs. J. O. B. Gunn, formerly Miss Katie E. Crocker, daughter of Judge E. B. Crocker, died suddenly yesterday, although she bad been seriously ill for some time. She was an estimable lady, beloved by all with whom she came in contact, and the grief of her family over her demise is shared by a very large circle of friends. Accident at the Prison Grounds.—One of the workmen employed at the branch State Prison grounds fell from his bunk in the boaid-ing-house, last Saturday night, while asleep, fracturing his left arm, and dislocating his shoulder. He was taken to Folsom for surgical treatment next morning. rain-fall. — The rain-fall this season, as shown by Dr. Logan's pluviometer, bas been as follows : September, 0.050 inch ; October, 1537 inches; total 1.557 inches. lie ratn-lall from 2 a. m. Sunday tD 11 o'ciock a. si. yesterday was 1.45 inches, neatly aD inch and a half. Busglart. — Sunday night the residence of N. H. Hartshorn, at Front and O streets, was visited by thieves and robbed of a pair o" blankets and a beavv coat. The vagrauts appear to be making - Sorts to provide themselves with Winter clothing. Thrown in the Mud. At Sixth and J streets yesterday morning a horse which a Chinaman was riding commenced bucking, and soon landed the Celestial in the mud, frightening him so much that for a long time be declined to remount. Bonds Surrendered. — Yesterday Wells, Fargo & Co. surrendered to the State Controller lor redemption civil bonds of 1857 to the amount of ?s,OS9 25; the Capital Savings Bank also surrendered of sucb bonds ?4,600 57. Freight. — Among the freight forwarded to the East yesteiday were 9 car loads of tea, 3 of given tin! , _ of syrup, _ of mustard seed, 2 of wool, and 1 each of dred fruit, borax, salmon, wine. Sour, canned fruit and bops. Died at the Hospital. — James Hartnett, a native of Irelaud, 40 years of age, died at the county hospital, on Sunday, of scrofula. He was admitted into the institution June 19th. TradeMarks. — Gillespie A Z in of San Francisco, tiled yesterday in the office of the Secretary ol State, their claim to trade-marks for ceitain qualities of brooms.