Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 52, Number 111, 3 January 1885 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HALE EROS. £ CO. IE CLOSE OUR STORES AT 6 P. M. (SATURDAY NIGHTS EXCEPTED). WS HAVE A VKKY LARGE LI.NX OF 122. _3l£tC3__. £X__L<_l CoIOX'S. Bfe_rOur Large Corner Show Window will contain a full assortment of these desirable goods. There is nothing so comfortable and convenient to go about the house with, and nothing so tasty and neat for every day as a JERSEY WAIST. We want to sell as many as possible before taking stock. Our necessity is your advantage, and you will do well to profit accordingly. They must be sold. 6 Cotton Jersey Jackets, Mack, _o ceats each. 32 Worsted Jersey Jackets, in colors, $1 each. 47 Worsted Jersey Jackets, in colors, $1 35 eacli. ' 98 Worsted Jersey Jackets, in colors, $i 50 eacli. 109 Braided Worsted Jersey Jackets, black, $1 50 each. 1 1 7 Black Worsted Jersey Jackets i 3S2__S£ } $2 each. WE ARE PLEASED TO NOTE THE NIIIEKOIS SALKS IN* ODR CLOAK DEPARTMENT And tlie satisfaction there seems to be among customers. The quality, style and price combined taken into consideration, . cannot help but please. Often it is remarked by those who know the value of CLOAKS: "I cannot 'understand how such goods can be manufactured, much less be sold at retail, for sueli low prices." Tlie truth is that our present large assortment of WINTER WRAPS were partly manufactured in our own Manufacturing Department, and partly bought of large manufacturers a little late in the season, vrhen they fully anticipated a dull trade, and were very anxious to dispose of their stocks. We took advantage of this, and with the telling effects of READY CASH and a thorough understanding of the market, we no doubt were enabled to place such goods in stock at much less price than any House hereabouts. This make 3 no difference to us. WE ARE DETERMINED TO CLOSE THEM OUT, even at a loss; and if in need of a garment, yen ought to take advantage of this rare opportunity. 4S«- Country tinleiß Receive Prompt and Ct;reii;l Ail«r..*;<iu. "SS flAlilJ DilllO. 01 W.; J Nog. 82f>. -31, SB3. X stroot. anrt 1026 Stnth street, montn. A MOST ACCEPTABLE HOLIDAY GIFT I Mnz nf tliEEIitE/pAA i (^ f urE^nfandEldreJs UNEXCELLEO FCR /V/ V»f7 *' "^ UEUUAEYJFf^ %\. WMK. PURITY . -£k \\ W&' JjRYNESS \Qj WJaLtdani i TABLE l)kD__ W~ th jufoslimumrn ! y^i N ES. WT N 1 A ' j) 1 /tDSr/MFCRrFDjj?A>JIJS „ iL '" |Pj! j r^- OSLY PPOCUCERS OF . 'J -W-ti-^ _ M» O tM_S _ WV <! *\j VxJ^tlipal SfARKLIM&WINES * CiW\>\ t i-VKO\\C. CO'bT . S3OWASHINGTDN ST.SAN FBANCISCO.CAL. *g-If Intended for friends Ka»t. we can <leliv*>r from our x« -w York Agency, where j xvi« have n stork of 1 VMPAONK, and :i llunited Dumber of casts of ASSORTED j >»TII : , winks i>-.i hand for thai purpose. Send your ord early. n25-lptf I _T. 33. "SSJV3E3I3: i _?___, Tiic Grocer, j •fT'EF.P? THE CHOICEST SIEAL. EXTRA WHITE CORS MEAL. EXTRA YKLLOW COP.X ! J\ Meal. Eastern Buckwheat Flour. ■ Ka-sU-m Oat Meal. All iv want of Choice (loods should j give him a trinl lit his new store, . I 720 15^ St.. *oot. Sovontli g»x3LCI 3E3is__tl_. ' ! ■■■•.■M...1-- !■<-.■ ..<-•<.■<■»< I- ll,ll,_*_«.tJ_»_»«--._- -""—-' '■■!• -IK - | _ ..

PACIFIC CANDY FACTORY,' >'o. 317 J fticet, Sacratuento. ; =■: i CANDIES! Fresh, Cheap and Superior Flavo«. \!.-<>, \ VARIETY OF MIS, KTC. Wholes.Ye and Reta'L j. F.ITKL. i a*- Go.d l'rou^lu Mid Assays M ide. ill- 1 pirn THE "BOSS" CANDY STORE. i Pure Home-made Confection* ry, 824 .J STREET, SAi i;A>li.\l(i. rpnE finest stock of CUKISTVAf? AN I BoUtlaT Candied, ltcu-bons, etr. Oim or send the little ones. dS-Iplia WHERE TO BUY! CARVING KNIVES AND FORKS. FINE Cable Knives, Hated Spoons and Fork?, Extra-fine Pocket Knives, R&sors, i.iifiios' Hcisfors, .M;ita!>!e fur CHRISTMAS I'KESENTd Cheap, at the HAKDWARE STORE, >'o. 512 J »lre«'l, SHrr:iin«Tito. dIS-lplm CHAS. 2EITLER. .

JOHNT.STOLL Direct Importer and Wholesale Dealer iv Saddlery Hardware, Etc. ASD -M VSCrACTfRER OP HARNESS, SADDLES, CGLLA" «3» The attention p^ of tli c 1 is J n \ yt*i directed to my /;s^.^ s^_ w /^*T7rf\ recent importalioi:s/;?T|i >?-ih.v . /!J>r.>iwA\ of a Full i.nd Kl«--|Ki. ; jf"' '.-.•^^•^Sd\l gant Aawrtmeat "fuliT-^SSSS^raU plush %ll|gii\ -and- iSfjiii Woolen Robes, pffj Iloritc Itlankets, /qi'^i -ASD-- j^fe/ Oiled Horse /gi^*^ LAP COVERS, t^) Which lam offering at ''■'•' FIGCUES.. IvKpeetion invited before ordering elsewhere. >:... CIO X STKKKT, SACRAMENTO. Dl l i^if HOLIDAY GOODS. MRS KATZENSTF.IN. THE LEADING MlLliner, Is receiving daily all tin- NovelUoa in her line. The Styles nru New and Novel, and nutted for the Uolid .-• aw>n x> rapidly npproacbing. Ladj you are specinily invited to call and examine, as it is no trouble to show the goodt Remember. CO5 .T strut. »>-lplm ATTENTIOHJHOKERS ! CAI.t, AND BEE THE ELEGANT rKESEXTS \j to be given away to fen of oui Lai-pest Retail Pitreha^ere of "TAJISILL'S PUSCU'! Cc. CIQABB. ior the uiontti of mber, LBS4,«t Gr. 08. CORTKriN'S, 1»23 SeOHtd at., Ul " * to "Wells, fargo & Co. dIC-lplm

The Best and Cheapest Natural Aperient Water. «A NATURAL LAXATIVE, SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS." Prof. MACNAMARA, M.D. of Dublin. "SPEEDY, SURE, and GENTLE." Prof. ROBERTS, F.R.C.P. London. ''Relieves the kidneys, unloads the liver, and opens the bowels? LONDON MEDICAL RECORD. Ordinary Dose, a Wiiuglassful before breakfast. Of a!! Druggists r.nd Mineral Water Dialers. NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BLUE LABEL