Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 53, Number 59, 1 May 1885 — BRIEF NOTES. [ARTICLE]


Four carloads of immigrants arrived this morning. " . The Sacramento river has fallen to IS feet i_ inches.

The pay car has gone to Ogden, after settling with the railroad employes here. Justice Henley yesterday took possession of his new office iii the old City Hall building.

■ The steamer Varuna has been taken to the marine ways on the Yolo side of the river, for repairs.

The Treasurer of Yuba county yesterday settled with the State, and paid into the Treasury $1,207 40.

W. H. Kelley has been appointed a Notary Public for Colusa count}-, to reside at the" town of Willows.

Ladies' Circle, Companions of the Forest, will be instituted this evening at 7:30 by Grand Chief Companion Falconer.

There will be a match game forsso a side at the Park Sunday morning, between the Eureka and Union Reserve Baseball clubs. There was paid into the State Treasury yesterday, as interest on county bonds held in trust for the State University, the sum of §700 75.

Detective John Cofley came up from San Francisco last evening to get N. T. 8. Ohrt, arrested in this city on Wednesday for embezzlement committed in San Francisco.

Members of Red Cloud Tribe. No. -11., Imp. O. Vs. M.and Unity Lodge, No. 2,088, K. of 11., attended yesterday afternoon the funeral of their late fellow member, A. Wojcicchowski.

Street-sprinkling time has come, and it is to be hoped thai the work will be pushed promptly from the start, so that people may drive through the streets without creating a cloud of dost.

Warrants have been drawn on the " Revolving Jute Fund," by the State Controller, to the amount of $7,470, That fund was created at the last Legislature by the appropriation of $40,000.

Mrs. January, daughter of Dr. Tyrrell, was thrown from a phuton at Fifteenth and N streets last evening, in consequence of the horse turning too short, and suffered a scalp wound and bruises.

These arrests were made yesterday : Ah Hoy, by officers Sullivan, Arlington and Xehrbass, for petit larceny; Ah Yet, by officer l-'arrell. tor battery ; < !ai 1 Fisher, by officers Arlington and Farrell, for disturbing the peace.

A specimen strawberry of the Sbarpless variety was received yesterday from the fruit ranch of .lames W". Smyth" of Loomis, which was two inches in diameter one way, an inch and a half the other, and an inch and a quarter in length.

Bill Jones, Harry Morris and Fred. Martin were tried in Justice Post's Court yesterday for petit larceny, in stealing property from a Chinese ranch below the city, and were convicted. Jones was sentenced to thirty days in the county jail, and the others to sixty days each.

James T. Day's fine large building on the soutli side of I Street, between Sixth and Seventh, is nearly ready for occupancy, and is certainly one of the "handsomest structures in the city, the front being especially tasty and ornamental, attracting the attention of all who pass that way. J

Sherburn it Smith sold at auction yesterday, by direction of P. 11. Russel, receiver appointed by the Court in the case of Casey vs. Cronan, the property on the smith side of X street, between Second and Tliird, owned by the late firm of Casey & < ronan. Mr. Cronan became the purchaser for $10,---600.

Yesterday forenoon a milk-wagon beholding to the Ashland Dairy lost a wheel in the vicinity of Third and' J streets, in consequence of a nut coming oil. The driver fell to the pavement, and the horse ran to the corner of Second street, where the wagon was upset and milk cans scattered in every direction.

The California and Oregon freight train. of thirty-five cars, got stalled about a mile from Boseville when coming to tbe city Wednesday night, in consequence of the number of grasshoppers that had collected on the track, It was found necessary to cut the train in two. take part to Roseville and then go back after the remainder.

'! he case of James McMahon, charged with murder in knocking James Brady, with whom He had a fight, from the steamer Dover Wednesday afternoon, Brady being drowned in consequence, was on the Police Court calendar yesterday morning, but was continued until some day in the future, when the witnesses have all been secured.

Last evening officer Farrell heard a disturbance in a cigar store on Second street, near I, and saw the occupants of the place run out upon the sidewalk in great alarm. He went into the store and found a Chinaman bleeding freely from a cut 0:1 the bead, inflicted by another Celestial with a heavy pipe, they having quarreled over some trilling matter.

A large number of Knights Templar, from Sacramento and vicinity, went down to San Francisco yesterday, and many more will go down this morning. About thirty members of Nevada Commandery will also go down this morning. A passenger coach was sent down to Eimira yesterday afternoon to convey the Vacaville Knights to the Bay by this morning's train.

The Boulevard Cigar Store Baseball Club has challenged the Pacific Oyster House and Lodge Baseball Club to play a match came at the Park next Monday at 2 p. a. 'I hi* challenging club is composed of F. Robertson, c; T. P, Gleeson, p.: Todd, s. s.; H. K. Johnson, Ist b.; K. P. Allen, 2d b.: C. Sellinger. 3d 1..; G. Watson, 1. f.; K. Duncan, c. f.; T. Ryan, r. f.; George Dunton, substitute.

Umox SI'KDAY-si mini. Picnic There will be a grand union picnic of ten Sab-bath-schools, comprising those of the Sixth-street Methodist, Seventh-street Methodist, Kingsley Chapel, Ninth-Street Baptist, Calvary Baptist, Westminster Presbyterian, Fourteenth-street Presbyterian, Congregational, United Brethren and Christian churches, at Cothrin's Grove, next Tuesday.. The grove lias been cleared of poison oak, and there will be plenty of water, swings, foot-ball and other games. A brass band will furnish concert music. The Protestant Orphan Asylum children have been invited, and friends of the orphans are requested to contribute provisions for them, leaving litem next Monday at places designated in another column. The train will leave at 8 o'clock.

Festival Notes. — pupils attending the schools at Thirteenth and G, Seventh and G, Sixteenth and N. Ninth and Pi Tenth and P, Fourth and (J, Ungraded No. 1. at Twenty-seventh and .1. and Ungraded No. 2, atO, Ninth and Tenth, are requested to meet at the new Pavilion at 2 P. mJ today -for organization, drill, etc Senator Stanford will arrive from the East this morning on the overland train. A committee of citizens will wait upon him at the depot and try to prevail upon him to be present and take part in the Floral Festival Judge W. H. Beatty has been selected to present the testimonial to Mrs. Crocker on the evening of May Oth, and Hon. 1". D. Ryan will read the poem written by Miss Rebecca Joseph.

New Court Isstitcted. — Sacramento Conclave, No. 12, K. S. I*'., and the members of Court Capital, No. 0,742, Ancient Order of Foresters, met at Armory Hall last evening at ":'-'.o o'clock, and headed by the Hussar Band escorted Club Sutter to the hall of Court Sacramento, in Odd Fellows' Temple, where Court Sutter was instituted. The parade through the streets was quite creditable, both as to numbers and appearance. The attendance at the hall, where the new Court was instituted, was unite large-

Call for Rubstaller's Pilsener Fe'.sen Beer— the best made. r.-fff