Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 60, Number 54, 23 October 1888 — Page 1

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RECEIVED'tYKTHIOIY FROM EASTERN MANDFACTDRERS: 4 Cases Gents' Furnishing Goods—Hosiery, Underwear, Suspenders and Overshirts. 2 Cases Holiday Goods—Plush Toilet Articles in great variety. 1 Package Gold and Plated Jewelry—Gents' Studs, Scarf Pins, Sleeve Buttons, etc. 44-inch-wide Novelty Cloth, in Tan, Seal Brown, Navy Blue and Garnet, sold at 50 cents per yard ; former price, 75 cents. 8 LADIES' JERSEYS. We have most elegant lines of th^e goods now in stock. Handsome New Novelties at low prices. The styles this season embrace many new shapes and colors. Ladies' All-Wool Jerseys in Black Mohair, tailor make, plaits in back —$1 Extra Heavy Ladies' All-wool Black Jerseys, tailor-made, plaited backs $1 50 Ladies' All-wool Black Mohair Jerseys, with ruffled plaited fronts, tailor-mada with plaits in back $2 25 Ladies' Genuine Black Jersey Cloth Jackets, tailor-made $4 50 Ladies' Jersey Blouses, very stylish; tight backs, full fronts, gathered in front with belt; colors, latest shades of Terra Cotta, Gobelin Blue, Gray and Tan $3 Misses' All-wool Jerseys, tailor-made, plaits in back, come in Scarlet and Navy Blue, $1 tt ,inn HOUSE 1 i«**»i Ti nn IT JB__n_i** __&as<______ *^_b__C^ **■_*_<* V*mmeV :t ir ■!__.„■ aa^ Nos. 714 and 716 J Street, V\' 7.;. and 715 OAK AVENUE SACRAMENTO, CAL. JM-t__i_&____~ - '.^, " j3{l l, « nf-'jb I I__i_A_XTC3-H a-n-OL C3-n.O"W FAT* Bat when jou wish a good, serviceable suit of Clothes do not drop into the ftrst store yon come across, but make it your business to call and examine onr big . alues and extensive assortment of Men's Clothing, and then buy wliere you please. +. AND MECHANICS* STORED 922 and 924 J street (opposite the Plaza). MBn Lowest Prices! Latest Styles! liff j 420 J" Street. IlilNicoli, the Tailor! &* fe/ro/^ZYY^Yir- **" HAS JUST DECEIVED A LARGE "» / eyVfaZOJESjertr- t&- AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF -» Foreign and Domestic Woolens FOR THE SEASON OF 188 S. SAMPLES. WITH INSTRUCTIONS FOR SELF-MEASUREMEN f, ______ FREE. PANTS U td°kk), FROM $ST"SU]TS («£&>), FROM $20. IffIOOLL, TBCB TAILOR, 420 J STREET SACRAMENTO Branch of 816 Market Street, San Franclnco. Branchestor the Coa^'Jll^giflS FREE CANDY! GRAND SURPRISE SALE! Ooeio One! Corao nn crl GET A BOX OP CHOICE FRENCH CANDY GIVES' AWAY WITH CUR DELICIOUS TEAS * AND * COFFEES I JW EVERY PERSON WHO COMES DIRECT TO OUR STORES WILL GET-** j -TRA DOUBLK PRKSB*T«! E.TRA IJOUBLK TICKKrS! FXTRA DOUBiG VALUES! KXTKA CHOIOS TKAS! KX.TKA FINK COFFEK*! IXTRA LOW FKIOES! »»-THE MOST LIBERAL OFFER EVER MADETO THE PUKLI^: A BOX OF "S» **-!'_ RE FRENCH CANDY GIVEN AWAY TO EVERY CUSTOMER AT THE-«» GREAT AMERICAN IMPORTING TEA COMPANY'S STORE (The Large.l Importer.. -.vith 40 STORK* io raeceafbl operatiou'. You will positively eavi- JC> ivuis on every dollar \\ hen you go diree. to the GREAT AMERICAS'IMPORTING TEA Co.}t^Tt^s^<^r«e«tot I 1

the: NONPAREIL, 00- COKMCK OF -W Fifth and J streets, SACRAMENTO. *TO-DAY !* t*w jl -m tar £\ -sa B®--___- ______ -^j Special Drive -INUNBLEACHED c A FLANNEL T 0 FLANNEL SOT INFERIOR, BDT GOOD AND SUBSTANTIAL FOI RHHLt USE. StW We have T » 0 AfcES of ifc, and tUf will give a Baneflt to all comers. 8 CENTS A YARD IS THE PEICE. LIMIT, 20 YAEDS. Goods worth 12? cents a Yard. «---. I Embroidery LOOK ST ODR:::: „ „ ' I Materials. / woKHooBßibbons , nn _.. „ { Nonpareil LOOK ST OOE =)„., J;. {Kid Gloyes. LOOK AT OUR ) (JlOakS. I US' WE HAVE NO FEAR OF 'T**\ 93" MISSING THE SALE. "S« THES MANAGEMENT




Hide-Hunters Lynched — Hill Will Xot Meet Cleveland—Another Wheat Deal—Etc.



Blame Addrrsnea a Meeting »t I_u«I"_1g — A Tellinc Speech. tCopyrigh:. l.vv,, otj the California Asaackttad I V-.--.-.• bii'FAi.o, October 2_d.—Mr. Blame S^flWlWCifl a mass meeting at the Rink to-night. He spoke about twenty minutes, criticising the action of the Ways aud Means Committee in the formulation of the Mills tarift bill. He declaeed that one ol the most frequent and repeated arguments of the Democrats in favor of what they teim tariff reform is the necessity for the admission of raw material free of duty. They leave it to be inferred that the Mills bill attains this end. Tht ir failure to explain all the provisions of that bill amounts to ihe suppression of the truth. " l,et me some Democratic speaker or journal," he said, "to toll the public how fur and for what tt asons raw materials are admitted free by the Mtlis bill. In the meantime I will contribute a few facts to the discussion. If I mistake not, the Mills bill combines the most indescribable features of legislation ever attempted in a tariff cieasuie. Let us take the raw materials in detail. Coal is a raw matt rial of unmeasurabic value. The original design was to a'linit coal fiee of duty, but the Democratic Ways and Hearts Ocanmlitee were plainly told that they would thus endanger the supremacy of their party in Virginia, West Virginia anil Maryland. Iron ore Is raw material, it was proclaimed by the Democrats that iron ore waa the basis of all forms of Iron and steel fabrics, and that its price must be lowered, but it fonod Str. Barnum, Chairman of the Democra'ic National Committee, the owner of one of the largest mines of iron ore in the Lake Superior region. Hr. Brice controlled the road that derived a large sum from the transportation of tliis ore. Smith Weed, too, was largely interested, and the Democratic Ways and Means Committee suddenly ahandom-d the idea of putting iron ore on the free list " Blame continued, showing that for similar reasons lime was not put on the free list. Wood pulp was also not made free, on Don U. Dickinson s account. Rlaine devoted himself entirely to such inconsistences as these in the Mills bill. His speech was enthusiastically applauded. More than 1,000 people were present. A WORD To KAKMEIIS. Blame said that when the Democrats of the Ways and Means Committee came to the rawmat.rial, wool, they found no representative Democrats pecuniarily interested in it. The wool interest divided and subdivided among the farmers of the count rv. The entire clip is worth £MO,i;oo.< 'to every year. Subdivided as it is, that vast sum reaches 60..000 or "OO.oou famiUes In the land. 1 here are no big Democra's to protect—no Democratic votes ar. trembling in the balance there. Wool concerns only the farmers away off in the country meu engaged in honest Industry, not in packing cancusc-, nor in controlling Conventionsmen who are not of any particular use to the Democratic party. So wool went ou the free list, and is held there against all protests, notwithstanding the injury iv Hided upon so large a number of families throughout the entire country. Never before iv this country have Such scandalous revenges been attempted in legislation, lt stamps the Mills bill from lieginning to cud, as a measure lull of personal benefits and personal wrongs.


General Harrison Fon-nl to Address One More Delegation. iNiii.ANAi', October SSd.—After addressing the commeicial travelers on Saturday. Ceneial Harrison anuounccd that he would deliver no more speeches during the campaign. The same evening a telegram was tee tved Eton Bpringfieid. 0., sta'.iug that the Plug-Hat Drigade desired to be received to-day. They were nilormcd that General Harrison would probably not »d---dreas tbem, and they replied thst they would come, anyhow. 80 2,000 arrived thi> att'ernoon. Shortly alter 1 o'clock tbey were received at Tomlnison's Hall by General Harrison. Each of the two thousand visitors wore a white plug-hat, and as Ueneral Harrison entered the hall every man jumped up. stood ou his chair and frantically waved his plug hat in one hand and a Hag in the other. About -i." 0 1 co] le were present. The demonstration lasted several minute I*.1*. General A. 8. Bushnell, of Sprtnfield, spoke briefly for the Buckeyes, and General It: responded. AN KNOI.ISH I'HOTK' TIoNI.-r At the conclusion of General Harrison's speech General Bushnell presented him with a highly-polished horseshce mau'actured from American steel by 8. 1 . Thomas, forme:lv au __*,gl___man. Repeated calls for Thomas brought that gen tieman out, and there was another prolonged demon-ration a- General Hanison ' cordially clasped his baud and said : " i accept with pleasuie this product of the skill and industry of one who, out of his own experiences, can speak ofthe benefits ol better wares and better hopes {cheers], and who, in his life here, has tmeii at.le to contrast tho condition of tin- working people In Kngland and America." [Cheers.] The visitors then shook lianas with General Harrison. They returned home to-night.


Prost>ectß of Two Vacancies in the Civil

Service Commission. ' tpyfifiU, 1883, byi '.California ' iaUdPrm.) Wash:-...ion. < >. Lot,, - __d.—Kutnors have re appeared regarding probable changes iv the Civil Service Commission. Mr.' Kdgurton says, on report, tbat he will soon tender his resignation, in order to give his personal attention to his private affairs. In ense this happens, the President will have the appointment of two Democratic members ot the Commission to su-ceed Kdgertou and Oberlr, who has been appointed as Commissioner of Indian Affatis. These places will te likely to remain unfilled until after the election, of course, the truth about theM tilings is shrouded in gloom at the White House and there Is nothing definite to be learned.


The .litrUdlction of Probate Courts In j Certain Cases I plirl.l. ICopyright. ISS£, hyOte California AssoeiaJ'd I'ress.) Wasiiin'.ti'N, October __.!.— The Supreme (V)urt to day atrirmed the decision of the Circuit 1: nirt for the District of California iv the case of Robinson vs. J. «. Fair, involving the title to valuable real estate in San nil in lino The property in question originally belonged la Horace Hawe» and was divided among his heirs by the Probate Court. It was claimed by plaintiff* that the Probate Court had no jurisdiction in suits for a partition. The decision says the Supreme ("out of California baa held that under the Constitution of tlie State the distribution powers of any Court _N U'rt^e.-Clusive, and the Legislature could give su-h jiowers as are contended for in this case to the Probate Court, guided by th>> spirit rather than by the letter ot the law. The Supreme r<vm recogniaea the jurisdiction ofthe Probate Comt aud ailirmsthe decision ot the Court below.


Senator Stanford Thinks They Will Not Soon be Bridged. New York, October 22d. — The managers of the Southern and Central Pacific Railways propose to bridge Carquinez Straits, and thus effect an entrance to San Francisco without a big transport. The exact location has not yet been decided on, but it is believed it will be North Vallejo or Vallejo Junction. Another proposition is to build a bridge at Dumbarton Point. Senator Leland Stanford, one of the Southern Pacific magnates, when seen at the Windsor Hotel last evening, said the proposition of building bridges at those two points has often been considered by the owners of the road, but that as yet no definite action has been taken, he believed, to build a bridge at either place. It would be a good move, but he did not think the time quite ripe for such an undertaking. "It will be done some time, of course," said he, "but certainly not at present. The transfer steamer which runs across the straits of Carquiuez answers our purpose very well, only about twelve minutes being lost on the water. It is doubtful if much of this time could be saved by a bridge, as the trains would have to run slowly, stop before crossing the draw, and, even if a few minutes could be saved, it would not be an important matter just now. The coast line via Templeton is attracting our attention now. We must complete this before we think of undertaking any other radical changes.


Hide Hunters in the West Lynched for Their Lawlessness.

i hf:. kn nf. Oi tober SBNL—F. W. Mttat and a companion known as "Dutch;.'- wri- lynched recently near Snake river. They had beeu killing elk aud deer for their hided, and when warned by a ranchman named Tom Johnson they burned his hoivsc over his head and threatened his life. _ol__s"m's ntigh'aors gathered, pursued and ovenook the vandals aud string them up to a tree. The plainsnen in that section say they are determined ta have thu game laws rape ated.


A Move tc. Slaniyuhite December liVtaeat iv Progre.s. (Coj>yi ; _. . l_s-,. v (A. t:aHf"mia __W*i_W I'rea. Ob tc.iiio, October 298.—CU Hutoh. who manipuiato'l the corner in SVptembcr » heat, which re_ulted so <_ls-as:rou-ly to several member, of 'Ao Board, is preiiaiint; a simi :ir Fti___ze in 1 December wheat, having in au hut- i moos amount iv the past two months. Oil < 'Change whoat soWup !•> Ji IT 1.: for In fvtnYjgt I early auj (Stm&X ti >J I.V-. v,y"m »ol<l 1 'jew

lower and rallied slightly, closing for November I at _2." ' s cents.


Findings of ihe Coronei's Jury iv Ihe Case of a Late Disaster. Maix-h Cii.nk. October __'d.—The for.mer jury, which has been investigating the recent disaster at Mud Run on the Lehigh Valley road, returned a verdict today finding the engineer-! of lioth locomotives ofthe seventh ci i tion guilty of gross carelessness in failing to see the danger signal in time, snd for not approaching the station with their trains under control, as required by the rules. The eugioetr of the second engine could have Mopped tbe train had he at>phed the air brakes and he is censured for not having done so A lookout msin was on each engine, in addition to the engineer and fireman, having been placed there especially to watch for signals. These men are found guilty of gross negligence. The lookout on the first engine claims that hedid not see the red light. 'Ihe other man testified that he saw it when about 1.5U0 feet from the station, and yet he ..ported all right to the engineer, and claims he did not think the red light meant anything, aa nobody used it. These men are guilty of gross negligence, as is also the rear brakeman of the sixth section, for while he had ample time tn go back at least half a mile with his red light, he went less than 100 feet The conductors of both Ecctions failed iv their duty—one iv not conforming to the rule reqniri each conductor to see personally that his bremen protects the rear of hit train, and the other i:i not requiring his train to approach the station under control.


A Cold-blooded Murder Contiuitt.ri by a Sixteen-Year-Old 15oy. Fokt I'.UM.KV illiun.), October 22,1.-Frank Randall's 16-jearold boy has been arretted for the murder of au inoffensive German named Zeigler, who disappeared several days ago. Randall's cousin. John Sumner, confessed that he and Kandad were out bunting, when the latter, who had a grudge against /.iegler, weut to the bank of the river aud called to the Gertcaii. who was on the opposite side, to come across, a>» a man wanted to see him. When Zicgler Was half way across, in a boa;. Raudall shot him with a rule, killing him. The body fell into the river. Sumner kep; quiet uutil yesterday, as he says that Randall' threatened to kill him if he told. Raudall will not talk.


A Californian 1.0. . s His Foreign Vsiluuid. * Throu|f_L Negligence. iCopyrighi, 18S8, hyilte California Associated I'ress.} Nkw Yobk. October 22d.—M. 11. Rosenheim', of San Franelseo, has been on a visit to Europe. Returning by the steamship Trave from Bremen, he brought presents to friends, four in number, but neglected to enter the same on bis declaration. The Customs Inspector lound in his valise four muffs, four boas, four breastpins, four pair earrings, one diamond ring, several scarf pins, poeketbooks, card holders, fancy inkstands and other minor articles, all of n hieh were dutiable. Ihe articles were Seised and Rosenheim's friends on the Pacific Slope will be disappointed. ■


A Dakota Hiiiidiug Fall* anil Fatully Injure.-, Two Men. Yankton. October29d.—The walls of one of the wings to the Insane Hospital in course ot construction paved iv this afternoon on account of the giving way of au arch. Christopher Thompson was iustanily killed, Jacob Lee fatally hurt, Supt. 1). H. Kcane dangerously, aud Michael C. Hurry slightly injured. Nine other arches to the structure also gave way, the intermass of brick, mortar ,:nd limber tailing through to tlie first floor. Several other arches in the building had given way during tlie pas', wee':, but fortunately without injury to anyone. The matter Is vow in the hands of the Coroner.


Three Lives -„<-c Iticed Ity :i lir-.i-.lir iv Nebraska. Hisniwa -Nil... October 23d. —At Aztell, about thirty miles wtsl ol here, two sections "I ti freight train collided curly this morning. George A. Pritehard, of Denver, and Robert Bnen. of White Kiver, 001., were Instantly killed, and S. s. Green, of Ashlaxid, in this Stal T mm- >.i badly scalded Unit he cannot live. David anil Orover. ■ ■ -. Astodalcd I r . .: Xk.'-v York, 22d.-The Mui' and ft. press says that Governor Hill has notified the Democratic National Committee that lv- would not B]M:iar ou the review ing-stand with President Cleveland on tha occasion of the business men's parade next Satmrday. It Is understood that Cleveland insi>t- that the committee make another effort and have Hill reconsider his determination. I'rltlsli A uiericans-. R right, 1888) lytl.e CrJiforuia AstJdattd I'iis.} cago, October22d—The National Conven>f the Hriti-h American Association met to-day, delegates bom several Eastern ami Western .tales being present. The chief Object of the association is to Indoce natives of Great Britain and its colonies residing in this country in become naturalised American citizens. Rolling Mills to be Closed. Bosros, October 22tL—The Norway Steal and Iron Company tuts decided towind upitsaffsiis, Close Ihe \vor_s uml ont oi husiness *ltogether. Fully .iwrnt-n will be thrown out of work. The business of the company consists of Im iron, steel, boiler-plates, etc. The conis w.-H known throughout the country be- : of its extensive dealing in .Swedish iron. Cuclo Sam** Big Army.*;, October 22d,— Moore has submitted to the Secretary of War his annual report for the past fiscal yeir. In the ohipter ob the health of the army and its _ • strength, including ofßceti and both white and colored enlisted men, the total mini ber is stated at 23,841, ol which _I,SUI were white, and 2,240 I w». ra colored. Itailrond Trouble In Colorado. ivi.i'.i.d (OoL), October 2_d.—The switchmen ami yardmen of the Denver and Itio Urande Railroad at this jKiin; -truck tlv.s morning, and the freight business Ls greatly interfered with. Tin- cause is said to be a grievance the men have against the Superintend, nt of Train Sen - ice. lliey ask for bis removal. National Jockey Club.* Races. \Coyyriyhi, 1886, I-W> Cal'f.riiia Asiociate.l 2'eess.\ Washington, October 22d.— The tall meeting of the National Jockey Clnb races will he opened here to-morrow. Anion',' the stables represented I those of Haggin, I'.aidwin. Cassat, Hwjer. ig. Jennings, Morris, Burch, Bowie, CampHarper ami Waldcn. There are *W rivers c track. Nicaragua Canal Company. veig'tt, livis, _ A the California Associated Press. , inti-i;: it.niVt.). October J2d.—A bill n.'norate tbe Maiitime Canal Company of ragoa was introduced iv the Legislature hy arable K. K. Billings to-day. This is bee the bill in Congress, u'tei passing through ■i-na:- , m stranded in the House. The Lead Market. :w Yc_UC, Octob.-r ad.—On the Metal Exlge to-day 21 carloads and ISO tons more of ber lead were sold under the rule, for the lint n| N\ i. rwith .t Co. The market was Prominent bull operators liought the il -siid at 4 cents to :'>'.i.7 Jj. Sunk by a Collision. v»y/.W, 15KS, liy Ihe California Associated I'ress. | :w York, October 22d.—The steamship Koa p.oke. from New York lor Norfolk, Va., collided with and stink the Philadelphia coal bri:; Hyperion, off Absceom light, yesterday loornme in _ dense foe The crew were saved. Tbe Roanoke was uninjured. Prohibition Sustained. Wmiini.ton, October 22d. — The Supremo Dourt to- ay sustained the constitutionality of the prohibition law of lowa. Tha point at issue wits tbe right to manufacture Intoxicating liquors solely for exportation to other States i the Slate law. New York* Italian Thug.. tCop-jrijlJ, IS-sS by Uie Cal If omul Associate* l'ress.\ New VmtK. October 22d.—The Coroner's jury to-day decided to hold Natale Sabatiuo. Frau-L-esco Aita and Cuisseppe Can^jKaro as witnesses to the murder of Antonio 1 laci-lmio. and adjudged Carlo Qt__rte_a_o guilts of the murder. The Cruiser Charleston. .Copyright, Imss, Ojthe California Atsocial*drren.i W v_ uisi.ios, (ictober 22('.—The Navy Department has beeu informed ■ that the" cruiser Uhorieston, now at San Fraaciseo, will he ready for her trial trip .-.ime lim > in December. The Yellow Fever Record. .Copyriyht, 1888. ly OieCal'J»mia Associated Prest.) JACKBOSVCLUt, October 22d.—Forty-three now cases and oue death :ro _ yellow fcvsr occurred during tbe last twenlv-ihur hours. Total cases to date; „*{'.<, death b, S__L A College I'.nrii-.'l. Capyrigid, lsss, Ly 11 California dmadaUtt Z'rest. | CnAKi.i.iTiix ,J. c., f October 22d.—The AJger Presbyterian Co.legs at Waliulla was burned It wa* the property of the town. No Inasiinnti Customs Receipts. [Cffrij/ht, lbef*. -i". _i. California JUttttttet Pmi. \ Wa-hiv.tos. Mctobtr 22i.—For ten days ending Saturday, tbe customs- receipts amounted to 18336,831, as agiinst »,3ZHOOO {<* the same period last yesr. I i.i*l Ga* Explosion. ty.vr. i:t .A.N'.*, m-tober 22d.—A natural gas ex--11—i-.n at tbe Pindlay, 0., Pressed Brick Works to-day wrecked the t Alibiing, aud fatally injured J. M. McLean and W. C. Wilson, Jr. A SIOO.OOO Flre. l.At,lssS, bijthe California. Associated iVeaay TSO!X«N. V ), October 22d.—Robert Keith ,t t ■J.'r fjniiture warehouse wns burned this California Pensions. ICtptjright, ISSN, by the. California Aswtalcil l-r:s\.. *Wj^aij_St»TON o*?*tobt."r "^^d Oftlifom'n n*o


HOUHTIO AM) VALLEY I.AVAUED BY ELAMES. The Stumpers Getting in Their Last liicks— Illegal Registration at the Bay—Etc. 'st'ECI.U. I'lsl-ATCHKSTOTHK SKC'OI!.'-! NION.J

3,6' it J-tMOCIIATS.

Last Night's Karaite ut the Hay Not tt Marked buccest*. B_b» FiiANiisio, October 22d—{Special. j—The Democratic uniformed clubsotthi.1 city paraded this -.veniug, and the show was s disappotetment to many who were led to believe it wou.d excel that of the Kcpublicans a few weeks ago. The procession occupied ouly half an hour *n passing a tixed point ou Montgomery street. '1 he enthusiasm was \erj' weak, but what was lacking iv enthusiasm was made up by the unusually large number of small boys who were in line. Many persons were on the sidewulks on both sides ofthe streets along the line of march. but they did no encourage the procetl ionists to any ext. Nt nor cheer until hoarse. 'ihe tact that the -Examiner's editorial-room did not nake any display of glad ess was the subject of remark. 'J lio general verdict was that, as c. campaign parade In a Presidential year, it was a failure, A count by a Democrat eives the number, including mtn, women, boys aud music,at 2,021. There was but a sraal! display of fireworks, aad at the Bounty Committee-rooms on Market street the only display was occasional flashes of rod-lire.


Candidate D«*ll_ven Address.** an Kntlmsbistic Meeting at Napa. ■Copyright, J. ns, '„, the CdlforiL.i Associated I'rat.Nn a, October 22d.— Hon. J. J. DcHaven. Republican candidate for Congress, uddressed the most emhusiiHtic meeting ofthe campaign here to-night A special train brought clubs from Calistoga and et. Helena. A Democratic meeting held on the street wa« addressed by Kearuev and Maybell.

A 1'.A1.1.V AT BCD CLIFF. iCnpyrighl, 18SR, hy the California Associated Fre'.t.\ BIDDING, October ___.— The Harrison and Morton Club of this place and many other citizens, with a brass band, glee club, drum corp^ •md transparencies will go to Ked Bluff to-mor-row night. There will be speaking by Hon. W. W. Williams, of Indiana, and a grand Republican rally there. TAKING WAtEll wrtlf THK.IP. WHISK V. \Copynjl,t. IS-.-., I„j u.e California Associated I'ress.' Loin, October _.d.— This evening the Democrats and Prohibitionists are holding a large and enthusiastic meeting on the same stamd. The Prohibitionist speaker is Mr. He Mumbrum of Sacramento, and the Democratic speakers exTreasurer of Sau Krauci-co and M. Decries of Woodbridge. tr; .'«)NTji*EY. iCopyright, ',:s*,l.y thr California AssociatedPrtts.\ <it >nz a 1 ks, October 22d.—A large crowd was out to hear Calvin Edgertou's speech lv behalf of the Democrats tonight. The speech was nearly two hours long, and was at.eutively listened to. Aosnt 100 people were ptcsent.

burning; hills.

Destructive Brush Flre. Raging in Santa Cruz and llarln Counties. 'Cttjttjn.jhi, ifcss. hyttte. California Assoiiot.l Proa.) Santa Criv.. October 2_d —A lire is raging noitb ol the city and a dense smoke prevailed this afternoon, causing the atmosphere to be heated. The lire is raging at the following places: Willard Stewarts, at the head of Glen Canyon: Joseph Hendricks, near his Scott's valley place, four miles to the west, and on the Blackbtish Gulch road. Also a small fire near Doughertys mill. The fire ia disastrous. Standing timber and cut wood has been burned to a considerable extent Tlie lire is still raging and the loss will be great. BRUSH .HUE IN MARES. 'fnj.'.rifi!, 1888. />.'/ H : Coiiforaia Associated I'ress. | 8*» Kafaki., October __d —A lire is raging in the hills back of Onto Madera, in what is called Baltimore Gulch. Its origin is unknown.


Sad rule of 11 M«n Who Tried to Stop a

Tule FJre. .' „•..'.:--.'/•-•■ Caßjfonda Assnaaled Tress.l UlO Vjsta. October 290.—There has Icon a heavy north wind for si veral daws, and a lire occurred yesterday in the tides north of town, leaping the sloughs aod passing across Schoolcraft Island, destroying the public school build me, V*i -ons ol hay, a hay press and derrick lorn belonging to J. H. ihoihas. and a barn aud fifty tons of buy forWi nam Johnson. In their efforts to save the school library John Hoi leubeck and simnn feeler were quickly surrounded by the tire, and in their efforts to "make an escape. Houenbech waa burned about the hands amlTeeler having 00 oottas clothing was fatally burned. Se was brought t. town last evening and died dining the night. At last accounts the tire was sill burning and property was In danger. The tire crossed steamboat "slough to Grand Island.


James Dollar. Lonu Wanted for Crime, Finally Turna Cp. 'Copyright, ISt i, by the C jEfomia Assad ■'■•<! I'ress.] MebcbDi October 224.—An important arrest was made here yestrday by oiticer I.cggett. James R. uoilar, c mvfcted of burglary in b reane Saturday and sentenced to live years ia San (Juentin, escaped irom Sheriff Meade early this morning The train sopped at the depot here, the Sheriff having fallen into a doze. While nearing Uyiagst m, Bteade miaaed his prisoner, telegraphing theofikera here Constable Lrggett made a search ami found hismnii two miles from town in a vacant house aod brought him in. Dollar Beared ia the Sk-.rritt murder; also, tbe stage robbery atCatistoga.


City I'liysiulan Kl«ch to be Denied Entrance to tlie County Jail. San Fr*_ns ts-... October __d. — [Siecial.; — Sheriff MoMann stattd to-day that hereafter he will not allow Dr. I'.'.ach to visit the Couuty Jail, he having no coaMwce in the Doctor. The Sheriff further said that he wouid have taken this step some time ago but lor the fact that he understood that the Board of Health intended in.esligatiug the charge that Dr. Blach had furnished Coldvnson with poison, and he did not desire to prejudice the case before that tribunal. The new Older preventing the Doctor from visiting the Co.iuty Jail will be enforced whether the Hector is exonerated by the Hoard oCH.aHh or not.


Last o£ the Testimuuy Regarcltog Captain -fcAlpt-r* Rltle Sees*. Sak Fx'-Ni.Lsfo, October '226.— The testimon--has closed in the Inquiry iv rulation tv th"' shooting by Captain .IcAlpin for the State medal. Policeman Itoss, ot Uis.__aud. testified that he saw Private O'Rourke. :ii fX-poHceraua and a miniber of McAlpin's cut ipany, drunk ia Oakland after tbe abooang.and thatthe private, in a ma'iillin eoodiUon, was joyful tha* Ins c_ptain had made a siKire <il 47. s-t". i:m that if there was anything wrung about the wiuj. no oui -«a.s to blame but he lU'Kourke).


Tha l__g Stoma at an Fri-r.uycottli j bj CTblimaa .Copyright, 1888. hy Ota Calif nua Associated _>»».. IrmailU, October J.'d.— "lie heavy st';ta» of tbe last few days has subsided aud trave'. ia all directions is uninterrupted. Yesterday.s stage from Viescoit arrived ;o-dgy seventeen, hours late. Th* Chinese garden.-* wbo supply 'Jus city with,all the vegetables u_ud. have iusiituted a boyaott acd refuse f.-.selL to .estau.*nt_ who di>«i»y signs of "No Lluuesi* Employe i.i v


V-_b'.ir It>ii lsuns. i.hi uf the l: j-K! i ti< _ of F» s.ilent Diaz. City ot Mt.x.c bOetobW '.'2d.—l s con form 'ty j with Ihe law, th ■ j! and civil anthoritie- | throughout Mexico aje paradinj the striits. ! at each luiner and )>Ksiii « the deotee declaring that Central Diaz h*s bvt-n re-ele jted to thofresidemy. tijetil euihtis.^ism prevsuls.


A ltatcli of Ghii__m.ii Kn Koutn Lasdeil .' IMI KMISt . '.Ccryeight, ??-:-,b±;e Cult font j ilmifM, I J^rtss. ! T\c<.ma .! tobtr'.^J.—Wr'i.'aof habea*corjes. were grauxed b* JiMKe day ii. the cases of twi.ity-uiiic rhimiircu arriving h.__ on tne steamer Ajt_i>ri irom / routotoA.Uria. The Coort heVi that iheso thinamtij were npon AmniMO soi; before nud alter the passage ol the __Echi_ioa Att, and according _> rtctni de-cisions-iu tbe I'nited Circui*. Court of < aT. ifi run similar in lorm *ith this case, ihe i_»s---1 sage oa rotate, even though iv British, walets, does not come within tie meaning of the l»w, iin.i ordered the Chisamen released. Th* decision covers the cas** also of six Ch_aam_>i srriving tMi the steamsr Mexico irom fan Krancisco. This is the irst deci-ion rendered ou i"u■piX -*ound ou the aew Exclusion Act.

Snp)«a-«-(l Qm uf Suicide. tCopyn'gti, ).t«S, tiijUte California AsiocialM I'ress , j Lot \-.».___■!, Oetaket 2-Jd.—The txKly of a man w*s found in R epuqron natx Crew^ntm ftviiail^, a f.-.v (dQh v.'Jrttl OX tins city U-dsr,

1 I dlscmboweied. Tbe man was known as John 1 Queer, a sort of character who Bred in a hut ) like a li.i-rait. His real _ une Is Mot I Itown and . noo ; tssuppoe id to • • a case ofsu Cureless HaradHng of Gsm_. lCop;,i,j:,:,] , .. . . . ..,._..: Basu Asa, October22d.—On Saturday evening David N. Winkigler, ag _ . 1 years, while cleaning a couple of guns at Ims iat'ier's residence iv Santa Ana, accidentally let nsboteun hill ' .'. hic'i discharged th • latter, la tally .booting himself In the abdomen. He died st; ;r. it to-day. Tbey are weU-to- '• pleatm-old settlers here. Ace_d. ut to a Kuilrond Carpenter. iCopyrighi, IS.- ", hyOte. California AsoociCted I'r-ss.' Nkiiiui •, October 300.— Warren Heitman, a bridge carpenter, was fatally Injured to-day by falling under au engine fff the Atlantic and Pacific. His l'.*"t leg was terribly mangled and Us spine injured death cusn'ng in two hours. He leaves a wife in Lawren-ie. Kan., and a moth»« iv Terre Haute, Ind. Opium Smuggler-. Caught. San Fi:anv!:»o, October __.1.--' speeial.l-G. T. Keycs. Purser of the tteain-colHer Wfllming ton, and c. K. Townsend.eaployed mi the same steamer, were arrested this afternoon in an attempt tosmuggl. js'ioo worth ot opium ashore. The steamer came from Tacoma. Th. arresting officer claims that he esn pn ye that the opium was smuggled from: Canada to-Tacoma A Wanderer Returned. Oak umi), October2_d.—Town Truste_ W rigid, of Berkeley, who di.'suppeared a week or two ago. has returned. He claims to have taken an 1 vtrdose of morphtoe hjiiniliimlrnWj'. and while under its influence taks-n passase on a i'ii-i;itwi-e ve-sel. ll* is said to be addicted to morphine on account o* nervous trouble 'rooked Kegl. iratiou. BAJf Ki:-*o 1-1... October ._'!. - y-cial. —The lielieti- sail 10 exist, boi . at the In adquarterstrf the Republican state Committee and tho Bsglatrai IlOfiee, thar. the Great Kegister contains no le-s than two thousand names of persons not entitled to vote. The crooked work-has-been dove through the Democratic Prefeinct Hoards. A Prospective Surplus. San moo, October Bd.—{Spe iai.i-Ihe Supervisors have resolved to apply" the surp'.-is at the end Of the present fiscal year toward paying tin.' teachers for 1886, If not enough surplus, then they will levy a tax to meetthe de.'icicne;'. Another < limes,- Order. s%n kkas. i-... October 22d.—[Special |—Cotlector Hag-r this afternoon received a telegram Irom Acting Secretary of the Treasury Thompson stilling that Chinese laborers in transit csm not land in the United States. !'• ir.. ami liny Horn. v. ■Copyright, 1888, oy '..- California Associated Prats,! lon-, October JJd.—Yesterday a barn an. 1 itscontents, thirty tons of hay. owned by '.'. 11. Carson, were destroyed by lire. The cause Is unknown. Loss, $500. A I ii o In Tehama. Xi iißliT-, October 2id.—A barn and forty tons of hay belonging to < lebbin & lirain, a few miles south of here, were destroyed bj iir-tni' Loss about Sl,ooo. Clara Foil/ Daughter Married. fnyyright, ISSS, hy U.e California ilmu filllil Press.' San Diij-s-, October '.I'd.—Dr. Charles Gri-dlc-v Tolmiiil, of San I raneiseo. on Sunday marriedl M.-s 1 'rella, *atighler of Clara Foltz, here.


McKluley oI Ohio Throws <*ome Hoi Shot Ht the Pt-iit'icr its. [Copyright, 1288) hy the California Associated I'ress.; nkw Vokv.. October SSd.—Major William Me Kinley, of Ohiii had a big audience in Brooklyn to-night. He spoke for nearly two hours. 11. said It coe! » '1 isiio-i a day to run the Government. " if you want to tax your own prodnots, vote the Democratic ticket. Irover Cleveland Ihiasesl says the protective tariff I_just so mucn added to the oost of articles to consumers, if Grovrr Cleveland had read the-his-tory of bis own administration he would have known better tban !•• make sdeh a blunder. You have In ard ol THE BJ___XE_ TUAN'*-.\'TION. The 'iovernmciit advertised in New York and London for 2.00 V army blankets. The ICnglish bid was ;l ■ ■-, free of duty. Supposing the (Joverumcm had to pay any duty, it would have made tli et 13,680. That's what the 'siri:!' would make the price of the blankets in Amer* ica, according 'o Cleveland, but the American bid really was 80.120, but the Government went to England a!', tha same for its suppHei Ibr the American army, In order to save thirty cents on a p ir of blanket.-. Secretary unlicott defendeded it by saying that he was bound to buy where he could get them cheapest. Why talk of a foreign market? We don't possess our own yet. Tile best market in the world-is tbe American marke". Talk about tree raw materials giving us the markets of the world? Why, we have free cotton, yet we still import more cotton fabrics than we export. Let's get the balance of our own market. There is no occasion for any surplus, 'ih_ money -diould have gum- to eanctl the debt The President has the power to so use it.'*


Result ol tho Munst-chiiM'tts Reform Lnw inoui-dii:: into Divorces. [Copyright, ISW, hy Uie I 'alfoniia. Associated P.-_rj.J Boston, October 224.—1n a letter to the Rev. Dr. Samu.l W. Dike, Secretary ofthe National Divorce lleform Leagues, William E. Gladstone says: "My attention had for some tim drawn to ihe 'oniitiou botii of the law and of Uie practice toncbing divorce in some of tbe states ofthe Cnion, aud the tacts hsvecaaaed me some alarm as to the future of your great country, I contemplate with interest your great movement, which may bring tbe subject uearer to a Ch istian standing, even without attaining it, gradual progress being the ouly one possiklo and thcoaaorilaim-d personally, I hoid dv the law ofthe whole Western church, which teaches marriage to be indiaaoluble and regards thi- severance, v mns: et luru as expedient and allowed in cases where the gravest difficulty nisy have ari-en within the murried state." Dr. Dike has been associated with Colonel Carroll D. Wpght so as to bt-t Bother statistics regarding divorce .wbich the Government has authi rized him by special acis to gather. They will be ready for publication in January, and will refer to _,700 Courts in the States and Territories which have 'tirisdiction of di orces. 1 The vompllation will be very exhaustive and add much to the cause cf divorce reform, showing where the WM_t place.-, of our laws a.- atul wh- re the remedy must be applied.

THE W. C. T. U. ■ Day of tlio Wonian's Chrinttuu Ter-

perauc.e Convention. 'Copyright. l.sS. hy th' California ASiocto t Prrss.\ Nkw Ytj';.K.. O-tober '__d.—The fourth, day's session of the Woman's Christian Tetaperance Cnion commenced this morning. The t-tl'ort to resurrect Mrs. Foster's memorial from the lova delegatior., lTidorsin-; tbe Kcpublican platform, lii'iv.d a failure, and it waa referred to tlie Executive Committee without read'ag. >!«. L. It. Harry, representing the KLights ot l.abnr, tendered fraternal 'yeettng to the '-onventioti and offered to co-oi(t rate with the mcthoda of the I'uiou to suppress the vices 01 th 1 cruel rum power. This afternoon '.he electiou of 'lf.iceis iraa held, re-ulting in the re-election -rf President Frances K. Willard, the receiving .IO out of 890 votes. Rev. Joseph Cook dejiicted the evils cf the liquor trailie, aivis'Jre Convention Aiourui-i.


Four Person. J.s'.l,-il and T*wo Ir .ureil J Whi'e Croxniue a Trj»c.k. 0« liA.-Octcb:-.- ."-'d.—Henry Ettfkr, lis sou .J Heniy aud Peiivai. and his i'*pson David, were instantly, lulled by a Iqi eaixilli1 t hiu ' i-rns- in-.; a railroml last a ,va.o_. Tho »as Kowc and A. McLenirei.whc uverc tv the *agon, -Kere probably fatal'j inittriid.

Down on the Floor.

. Yiiksliniiia letter ir ithe M.rii ..-•!. C'Mrunt nfts: The Japanese U'J 19 simnlv a I'ttton spreaxl upon the matti:a;. Tfltoy lie on the. and spread arother Jutou (»ver t.hem, raid r»ist their her-jla Op«_k.wat«U_l pillows and are liapp". A _uton Is a ;hickly -.v;nli_,.l cotton .juilt, like our ct-uforuble, and a rery cice arrru_«-i---jntent such-a bed is fo-jthe InOMdhMper. 'The l«d is easily madr^ and in tha morning the fittwi is folded and ->nt a<*u,v in acloset,. an_t the cha^jberwurk ■ done, The/ mttt no night 'Tkes..!--', bot a., every jierjon, oren in the jjooresuand kumblest .taaon, tokes a hot Taath < iwe, -_nd in the nrj'uritr of cases twice, 1. day, there ta ti'jtliiug uncleanly *.n tho >* 1 ■*} Lag of t'.ie BUSe uress at nigh^wliiiii. is Tutim in the _

TWre are fou? kin<j_ of tobacco--th* ItiuA: rat short colt .fine; cut au«i Con'aecU(.u _.—/'tcuyun*.

I.ENEKAL BefKEft. A Cure 1. _r» wr **iles. Dr. Kirk's icrman Pile- Ointment has cured ' Blind, Mie .tug and _to___tg I'iios when all ; other Ointments have faiileU. It absorbs the tumors, allays the. itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives iuslai:t TeJwf. Dr. X irk's German Pile Uiuirnent is prepared O'aly for Piles a*id Itctung of tb* Private Par's, and nothing else, livery box is warranted, s^iid by drug-gi-ts. 01 sent by mail cai receipt o'. price. 50 cents and S\ per box. _old by KIKK, GEARY A; CO., and jO__.VH HAHN ._ CO. TTSI. Kor a Hrst-claH* Carrlar „ or Htigcv co t'_»ARE.Y U-EJtNARb'... aud L sts. tt I Jobn F.itel,Asnayer And Chemist, corner 1 sevc-nlecuth and J slree'^, Aiso bnysgold. tf ■,r '-«u:uico_iCiiiJ»4»iai_ rJv-TM_-,fir. • .. ■ ' *I- Jo*cVC S CoY <«oJ &_.»jsnarmtix««_

who:.-; jko u,.>7ii



liayti's Xew President -ruuii.maire Floods Oase Hopeless-Kunhiati Troika Again On the Hove.



Opening Statement »f fhe ••Times" Cate Against Farnell. 'CopyrigU. 1888. ty Cte California Associated Pen*. I \j .mkin, October iM.-The Special T_ffl(l_l Commission forth- trial ofthe Hints' charges again, t l'ani-11 andtsixty .c-.rlri h memb-sof Parliament resumed us si.-tiugs iv the Probate Jourt-room this morning before a great audience, .-ir Richard Webswr appeared fer the times ami the Government, and SirCharlea Pus--801 l tor Paniell ao.', his colleagues. Parnell rame in early. He is iv goed health, but was sl.ghtly pale. Webster cautiously opened MM case for the prosecution. He said thi representatives of Uie /. Ms had not the authorities lo Drove ihe truth oi the charges. Ii was absurd for him to declare that when 'he Times made its charges it was in possession of legal proof I 'the wune. The accusa h :is which had been formulated re-sted to a certain extent upon articles, editorial and reI 01 tonal, in the Irish Wo '■'. /.,.'-./ Ireland and. the I teman's Journal. ■', h prosecution is considered very weak The friend»of theJTmra, however, reply they arc not ready to show their haii.l j nt yet:' that it is not the policy of the rimes to pot tbe Paraellite. in possession of its testimony until the proper time. Webster praised the Ifta ' pubße spirit and defended its malicious aceaauhwh. He then IHOC • bed to give un outline of the Fenian mover- mt. From the action ol the Coortj impartial _s it was on the preliminary opening day, both sides feel tne Commission propot is to administer justice. ri is this atmospnere-of impartiality, it is claimed, thst makes tne Tunes people careiui nud the PamelUtes hopefal. \ Mil IE AMI Wl!' K. Londok, October 22d.—When the l'_meil Court oi ba^Biry adjourned for theday Webster was apparently onl} a small way advaoeed in the presentation ol his case. The vagueness snd general character of his statement lett tho impression that the Times has n,; absolute proof of ihe truth of its charges. Instead of producing that l'arnel! an '. bis associates were accomplices before or alter 'he tact with the Phoenix Park murderers, he will attempt lo justify the Tlmtx accusations by rakiug up outrages attributed to members of t'.:e Leagne and tsjtng to connect tbem with the -MtnelutMi


A Monarch who ls Shortening His Jtwys with Tea aud Cigarette RSHE, October J'2d.—lt is a_ic.._ig to read some of the criticisms of Italian journals on Emoeror William. One paper sots : When seated in a carriage, and especiall. when he wests the red uniform of the Hussars of the Cuarf, he is very insignificant looking, not to :.ay antipathetic His legs are too long lor his. body, :;o that when seated he seemsevan -mailer than he really is, but when standing, especially when he wears the white uniform of the coinssitrrs. he becomes animated and better looking, but it is evident that ho suffers physically. The Kmperor, during his visit to Rome, rmfferred from violent headaches. Perhaps this owing i>s the latiguiug joumevs. On ttettirday morning he had such a vick-it hcada.-ibe that tor sometime he was undecided whether be _ ("Id go to the review or not. The Kmperor '.ires himself ont with his constant activity, lie cats very little anil seldom drinks wine, but- be drinks enormous quantities oi te . and is an :u---reterat ■ cigarette smoker. He smokes at nv.vils between the different courses, Se affects a : brand of Hamburg cigarettes, w!:ich at first seems mild and delicious-, but whi ii contain aoonsiderable amount il opinst, and which ::i the lons rv.n mnst prove very injurious.

VVOV.SK. than supposed.

Two Hundred lives Lu<t 111 lln F_lb—J Disaster in Italy. the Caliform . Pnss.t Rom October 22d>—The la the excursion train l.v :: landididi returning _rom tbe Naples festival plae. num'.it of killed at 200. JasiM C. Flood's Cuxe Hope Ie- • He_d_i__k_o, October 2M. —Mr, Flood slightly better to-day, bnt his recovery o le be nope! - . He was i'-sisi. il :r.mi his I ed to-day a. :i sat st an opened v. indow in an easy chair for si i nal hours. Bister Rosins Is with b a day and night* More Troops for ilie Prourie.. Visas*, Oetober22d.—The M.«ta_ss it has been reliably Informed lhat Russia has completed .reparations for the transfer-of a large number of troops from the in snot of Russia toward the Austrian and German irontiers, and that the transits will shortly be IlLlll'C Improved Transatlantic Service. [Copyright, :—■, 1,. _„i /v, . Hambubc, October 22d-—Tbe Pac; *o .Steamship Une has been merged :■■■■'. new company. with an Increased capital New v< stela bave been ordered to enable the rompanylo Ush a ioitniiiitly service. Some Kiij_'ji;l(lii. '.:_••:. October -2d.—K! :e 1 Marghirita sent as .-; present to the Blnppeeso/ Germany, through Bmpezac wiliia-a.a silver casket containing a diad .'i-.._, bssealets aad pear) earrings set iv KonaagoMb] t'e. U' lv:. De fiassepst o__>*l. Pabis, October 2M. — :.t n. meetirg at tessepsdeclared that t a lotiauia OmiuU would be opened for traffic in Italy, It '■■. Ele<saMhe wished lo aorreet the %nrr. that ;-t; opsning would be delayed nut! : Bsytl'S>-vt i*resld<nt. . PARIS, October JL',' - -■'.■ ;.ln■:> I'i-.s'ou, (he Qaytian Sinister hen. cut* nceived Stable dispatch from Port-.-ui-l"; n.e if I .'.-.election by tha National .'.skenbly nt 'jeneral KriMii ois 1/ ■.}. Legiiiaii .-ci President aft the Re pasiie. A New .liulnsnadi r.. Viknv, October id. —It is o:'iyisUly announced thai Count Njyss has b en appointed Anst'_-!l__w:sriiin. •sMessdoral 'jouaoii, vie. Count ivarolyi. Another . «t C.uirtl t'riijjtct. r.'.: i.-s October «d. — a committee of tbe Chainbe: or liep;_.i»„ will iunui • i:-ia> a scheme for a sea canal in n _ Jtinieu to l'_ris. Boulsugei"* Election «. onlirnied. -, Oetobu.- 2d—The CUara'*r of liepu--1.-■1.-■l.-■ has-eonfinru dlbe election .'. Bonlanger tn th« Uepsstmenc 8 ssune.


Ii a_m a Wig> tarifl* ir.«u_ aoil a protoct.miiiHt. r<* the reason lhat I am an. America \ainl a (felrad of AuierI lean 1:i1x.,-. No work i .lonian has ever lYjr ii'iliiriniii !::nl no rcdacliots should he iiic;l' until called !i>»- hy tlie -yxiple. AYe-need no tariff | tinkerif ig. We wait protection from tMieend oT the counfiry to the other. Touch, nos the «ar<B_ Raise the duties so hi ;ii i liii not a single article of f oreiga in an fact are can coaie into tho coui_try.— 7. I. ftomfarfe

Pmaßß Soap Ml urc-_ a beautifui coiiijilexion.

S^IACOBS 01^ _ Wf Inflammatory and Chronic, jl J§^^ Doubles XJp < The Sufferer. TflK«'Sr CI'IIED 2 AFTER 40 YEARS X 'PlPf Standing. * J&&^ Cured Promptly, PeraaneaUy. SJLD BT DStJBOISTS AND _EA_EK_. Ths Stsmrlcn A. Vog«ler Co.. Balto.. Md. Ami all nature saturnes a wintry aspect, these v.ho are prudent sad eeonom j_al will Ixxin to look almut TOU ITU for protection against cold weather, Ilili-li i hum sof temperalii-C and their results. Winter dotbtDg, fuel and I'.kn „s'> l't.i-i! •■■ .ii. rcooan /ed ai mtbe swat important household nceessbiss. .hisplarte* has kwi] i permanent plaos in every minreffolated household ss Ihe bun. IFSVP'. m n .hie external remedy fcui-vi LEiHILI „, ,■ „-_-ii-. ..•..:«■... i i;.->i l•;('•■ ,i- :■ ■,■_- ache, Khcuin .'..*'.. . s<-hii:__. I i:m'..i 'o and a.I eebei _rd petm peota PrflS iiar tn thi --' <>«- Duvil n ,~ to iis .vj'. popnl in'-s Pla/teb has been largely t<il. buy«ri should atwsj -1 -!; lm •TA fjlj IV-ii'-iiu t and refuse all others, thin tv v/ii.ii hro'dirg worthless prodac*a. Ms)- >:■ ' ii ' ..n . . lit >t*mp to Boatm y a,'ii. 11l I'ia-l .-(.. N V . lorn copy of Instruction* fnon ihn Dm tor, aTaisabta bouwboi*) iio-.ii;,