Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 62, Number 121, 10 January 1890 — BROTHERS ALL. [ARTICLE]


A SOUND OF FBATEENAL BEUNIOJT3 | AND BANQUETS. Installation of NY« 1 j -i:i«-<-t•-■! Officers ' of Odd Fellow* and Other Fraternal Uodies* On Wednesday evening H. F. G. Wulff District Deputy Grand Master, assisted by Grand Warden, J.J. Neisaon; Grand Master, Alex. Smith; Grand Recording Secretary S. M. Grimes; G. P. S., P. F. Dolan; G. T., J. T. Stoll; G. G., Andrew Carlaw, installed the following officers of Eureka Lodge No. 4. I. 0. O. F.: P. G., W. Gifford; N. G., Geo. L. Hannah; V. G. Charles H. Hoime3; U.S., E. Giover; Treas., M. Miller; Warden, J. R. Shields; Conductor, Geo. G. Davis; X S. N. G.J. B. McCoy; L. S. H. G., J. F. Dahl; R. 8. V. G., E. E. James; L. 3. V. G., M. S. Kaufman; I. G., H. Neilson; D. G., B. H. Chapman; R. S. S.,F. H. Durien; L. 8. 8., J. G. Adams. After the installation ceremonies were ;oncluded, all present were escorted by El wood Bruuer, Past Grand Master, to the banquet hall, where a tine collation was in waiting. After the viands bad been discussed, Mr. Bruner, aciinc as toastmaster, spoke at length of the work of Eureka Lodge, and then called for responses to .oasts, as follows: "The Grand Officers," H. F. G. Wulff; 'The Veterans," P. F. Dolan ; "The General Relief Committee," C. H. Harrison ; 'Sacramento Lodge, No. 2." 0. W. Baker; 'El Dorado, No. 8," E. J. Clark : "Capitol. No. 87," Albert Hart; "Schiller, No. 105," ['eter Newruan ; "Industrial, No. 157," rhomas Warmby; "The Rebekahs," W. F. Wiard ; "The Canton,'' James Ferguson ; 'Union Degree Lodge,' 1 James McCaw; 'Eureka, No. 4, and What Her New Officers Will Do," George L. Hannah. Thus a couple of hours were passed very pleasantly, all remaining until the last »ood-nights were said. From the remarks sf Past Grand Master Bruner it appears ibat Eureka Lodge has greatly prospered luring the past year, now having 175 memhers, an increase of 19. During the year 581'J was expended for relief, and $811 75 for current expenses. Tne sum of $1,000 was invested in hall stock, and there is now 51,200 cash in the treasury. The total assets are upwards of $13,000. During the thirty-seven years of the existence of the iodge it has expended nearly $33,000 for relict, an average of more thau .sI.OOO each year. The present officers are young and zealous, and will undoubtedly keep up the standard of the lodge lor dfective work.