Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 79, Number 122, 16 July 1890 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

POLITICAL. REPUBLICAN PRIMARY AND CONVENTION, I>E OI.VKD. BY TUE tOBVBUOAM iKN \. iral Committee of Sacramento county. 1 that in aceordanca with the proTi«ions of SecI tions IX^7 to IMb, inclusive, of the Political I Code, aud the ••CtKHUOIIaw referred to therein. h RepubUcdD Primary QeotlOD will be held in ; the county of Sacramento on SATUEB^T, JILY if), IS9O, Between the hours of IJ o'clock m. mid 7o'clock r. m . in Sacramento city, aud I'M witn the hours oi Jr. v. and t v. m. iv the preciuctoooWd* cf said city, during which tuneihe jvi'.ls w 11 be kept open; Mid Primary Election being for the purpose oi electing delegate! to a H.-'publiean County Convention, to be held on the -Uh day ol July, IS9O, at 1 P. M., wbU-h i onntT ' tion wilt l« heM tor the pnrpMt •: eeteutlng twenty-five delcgaMt totna Republican -tate. convtfutioii, to meet at to^oal IS, IS3O, :«> stkvt delente* to such K. [Nil MaConKreauoaal aud l)l»triot Convention" •.< may hereafter be eaUed, to nomjimte oi i i .•- tot the various Cotmty. Townihlp an>i , . j office* to U-voted lor at the next ttneral i ' :.>u, to felect a Coun'y OommUU >unl to trasMOl Midi other basinea a* mat c m« lieiore said I'ouuty Convemion. That said Primary Kloction (hall be held under the provisions ol Uw abCM a „ i ried to. Ihat in the precincts m the ciiy . : Sacramento all ballots used at saui r,u. slini: !■.■ printed iv co loriuity • provisions nt the Political Ctnie relating ki ,!:e torm of ballo;>. but this provision need uoi applied to precineiv »v the county <> • ,iy. lliHttiie unaliflcatious required ol .otprsal said Primary Election, In addition lo thoMievitiire<.l t>y lnw. shall be thai the vu .■• ..elongs to the Republican party, that be voted for the Harrison ami Mortou KfeetoißM ihe'iaM Tresioantlal election, or would iikvi m> voted .i ho had beeu permitted to vote, and p'ed«es bl am 11 to vote the KepuMican ticket at the eouiug ftUction. And DO I>ei>on shall bs allow ci to vote iv any precinct unless his name > ou the Precinct Rtgittw for »uch precinct, or on the printed Supplement to the Qreal Register ol said ooonty, but each Republican voter sliall Upermitted to vote iv the precinct where liinime Is found on the printed BtgMei That said Couuty (Convention will be held at s-.n-h place in BseratteotO i iiy .-is will hereafter be d«tignet«d by the Chairman Ol this committee. That notice of the holdinj of said Primary Election and said County CouventioD shall W given by publication of ibis resolution in the Sacramento Dtiis EUoomo-UNIuK, BacnauntO D»ily Ho for at least five days next precedinK su.h Primary Election, and once etich in the Thanit, Liiiitir, Gall BmmH anil r'i'.>.>m TutPraia*. That said Primary. Klection shall be held at the follntniiK places, aud the following -named persons shall constitute Hie Klection Hoards, and the rexptvlivo precincts thai] be entitled to the following number of delegates: Eighteenth An.«emt>ly District. Precinct I—Boundaries: Front to Seventhnorth of K. Polling place, Scriver's stablesFourth, lietween 1 and J Jl delegates. Inspectors. F. P. Tebbew, John Barrett: Judge*, W. H. Sberburn. John Dremau; Clerk \V I) Carmichael. V Gunn. Precinct 2—Boundaries: Seveuth to Twelfth street, north ot K. PoUlog place. Mi-ister s car race ihop, KiaUi street, between l tad J—ji de egate*. 'mpectors, T. H. Berkey.C. Kellon; inogea, p. K. Piatt. Hen Bteinmaa; clerks, Walter Welch, William Larnohrey. Priciuct ::—Bonndaries,: Twelfth to Thirtyhrst sireet. north nl K. Pollliii; place, toutheutoornerG and Fourteenth—23 delegate*, inspectors. <;. W. Hancock. W. H. Luthei. Judge*, W. J Davis. John Kider; Clerks. K. J. l>v\yer. R. A. l->:ms'Hi. Ninetreuth Assrmlilv District. Pri-i inct I—Boundaries: From to BtxUl Hn'et. rrnlhnflf Tl rtnlH||«m Polling place, southwettcomer Fourth aad X etreeu. lu.-pector», Chris Oreen, w. D. stalker; Judge*. Jotenh Hopley, Joseph Wiseman; Cleris. Howard KimbroUßh, 11. Crouch. Pret inct J— Itoundaries: Sixth to Tenth streets somh of K-1.-i delegates. Polling place. 8M X street. Inspectors, S. J. Jackson (. W HallJodgM, H. H. Love, Charles Row.and; Clerks il. W. Johnson. John Cahill. I'n-i'inct o—Boundaries: Tenth lo Thirty-first streets, south of X- ffi delegates. Polllogplaae, New Pavilion. Inspectors, Qeorgj Murray, J. F. Slater: Judges. Charles ulney, B. C. BrierClerks, Martiu Devine, George l'iitmim. Fourth Supervisor District. Precinct I—(iuthrie's-tdelegsUe Inspector J. B. Odbert; Judges. Win. Foot, Alex WiliiamsClerks, . Precinct f—dak Hall—l delegates. Polling place, "MuiiKerV Inapeetor, Gnsttve Kiiwards; Judges. Charles Grondoua, Ainoae Koch. Clerks, . Precinct 7 —North Florin--:! delegate*. Inspector. W. 11. Kol>inson: Jodgea, Cyrus Towle, \V. F. Neely; Clerks. Preciuct S—Pcrkin's—l delegate*. I:i-pcctor, Antone Meuke: Judges, John J. Qlacken, P, 11. Murphy; clerks, . Pn-eiuct 9—l'nttersons— t delegates "nspector. L. (i. Kodman: Julges, Juhn McDormit. Leon Mayhew; Clerks, . Precinct 10—(touch's-3 delegates Inspector, A. s. (iivenlnw; .Indues, David Poorman, H. Kenney: Clerks, . Precinct 11—Antelope—4 de'egatcs. Inspector, John Parsons; Judges, J. F. Cross. S. S.<hiey; Clerks. . rrecinct I.V-Ashland-2 delegates. Inspector, John Lawton: Julges. Heo. Little. 11. V. Lawann. Precinct 16— Kolsom—6 delegates. Inspector, J. H. Sturgis; Judges, Henry tcklon, George Imhoff. Preoiret 17 — Mormon Island—2 delegates. Polling place, school house. Inspector. Oswald Broder; Judges, Frauk Martin, Uerma'i Hoxiet Clerks. Precinct 18-Halfway House—: deieira'es Inspector. J. E. Butler; Judges, J. F. York, James Wardell; Clerks, -. Precinct 34—Lincoln School House—l delegate. Inspector. J. A. ('-nli-man; Judges V F Stranoh, \V. H Basler: Clerks, . Precinct 37—Natoma Station-*! delegates. Inspector. David Pinch: Judges, Charles Nuttall. Geoaje Marvin; Clerk*, . Fifth Supervisor District-ITccinct I:!—Howells—4 delegates. Inspector, WK. Grimshaw Judges, S. b. Moore, Thomas Taveuer: Clerk*, Precinct tB—Michigan Bar—^ delega'es. Inspector. Charles A. Rumau; Judges. Juhn Heith James Jordan Precinct 14—Live Oak—L'delepifcs. Inspector George Atkinson; Judges, A. F. Hayraond Jeflersey Armstrong: Clerks, . Preciaet Hi -Florin- 4 delegates. Inspector Daniel Reese; Judges, John McKee C H Faswtt: Clerk», . PrecinctiX*—Elk Grove—S delegates. Inspector Julius Everson; Judges, James Graham, A Wnodard; Clerks, . Preciuct O—Union House—2 delegates InBPector, Myrou Smith: Judges, Jacob Korn, I. P Harrison. Precinct 23—Freeport—2 delegates. Inspector T. Lufkin; Judges, Phil. Riehl, D. R. Hunt' Clerks. . Precinct 24—Franklin—2 delefrates. Inspector -I. R. Beckley; Judges, 11. Ehrhardt, C. A. Sehlnttae. Precinct 25—Richland—2 delegates. Inspector. Win Johnston; Judges, J. H. Bryan. Myron Green. ' Precinct ;('■—Coortland—4 delegates. Inspector, Dwight Hollister; Judges, Sol. Runyon G A. Smith. Preciuct 27—Walnut Grove—2 delegates. Inspector, Alexander Brown; Judges, H T Lufkin, E. Daun; Clerks, . Precinct 28—Isleton—2 delegates. Inspector, P. H. Gardiner; Judges, H. F. Smith, — VanceClerks, Piecinct 29- Hicksville—2 delegates. Inspector, J. o. Kane; Judges, Judge Donaldson, C. H. Bailey. Precinct 30-Gait—C delegates. Inspector, O. Harvey: Judges, J. H. Bawver. Webster Laing Precinct 31—Clay Station—4 delegates. Inspector, Seymour Carr; Judges, Charles Howard, Isaac Ralph. Precinct 32—Johnsonville—1 delegate. Inspector, Robert Christianson; Judges, Allen Wilder, J. B. Bradford; Clerks, —. If there be two tickets run at any precinct, each ticket shall be allowed a representative upon the Election Board. The Judges above named to give way in such event to Judges Felected, one each, by the supporters of each ticket. The Board of Election of each precinct shall Issue certificates ol e.cctiou to the delegates elected, and make returns of such election to this Commiitee substantially as returns are required for a regular election By order of the Republican County Central Committee. CLINTON L. WHITE, Chairman. I A. Coxkiin, Secretary. jyl3-tci «T. w. Housto 22 , pANDIDATE FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR. SUBVi ject lo the decision of the Republican. Couuty Convention. jyl3-td Joseph. Sims, pANDIDATE FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR, SUBVJ ject to the decision ot the Republican County Convention. jylS-td «rob.n T. Griffitts, pANDIDATE FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR. SUB\J jwt to the decision of the. Republican Couuty Convention. Jyl£td* Lincoln XVlaite, pANDIDATE FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY \J subject to the decision of the Republican I ounty Convention. jy!2-td .A.. 3E3. BCorxxleiaa, pANDIDATE FOR COPNTY TREASURER, \J subject to the decision of the Republican Couuty Convention. jylu-td «T. Xi. Huutoon, pANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER. \j subject to the decision ot the Republican County Convention. jy9-td I'l-anlt 33. Ilyon. pANDIDATK FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY \j subject to the decision of the Rtpubiican County Convention. jytf-td G-eo. ZZ. Cltvrlt, PANDIDATE FOR COUNTY CORONER. SUB\J ject to the decision of the Republican Couuty Convention. jysMd \V. 33. HnmiHou, pANDIDATE FOR COUNTY CLEI'.K. SOBKJ ject to the decision of the Reimblican County Conrenuou. jy3 td