Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 86, Number 2, 23 August 1893 — NOT TOO SOON. [ARTICLE]


People Who Visit tho Capital Want Good Water. From the Modesto Dally News.] Sacramento city is agitating fora sui.ply of cleaner and better water. Her ■ present and past water supply has been taken from the Saeeanienlo Kiver. At certain seasons of the year the water is of a rich, yellow color from mining detritus. When the river is running flush in tho spring season from melting snow the water is cold and not unpleasant, and is then perhaps healthy. At a low however, and especially wh< n tho great hydraulic mines are In full blast, it is anything but palatable. The proposed new water supply is to come from driven or bored wells east of the city limits, a company agreeing to supply water to the cit> at specified rates, the oity then to furnish, as it now dees, to the citizens. The supply, of coui -■•. must be ample and of good quality. Sacramento's water supply has long been a .subject of ridicule and a source of annoyance to visitors at the State Capital. Tho Sacramento people are not making the preseut movement any too soon. It is to be hoped that if tho State Capitaljis to remain where it is that the good people of Sacramento will see that the proposition is successful.