Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 90, Number 130, 20 January 1896 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]


TO-DA V, 9:30 A. M. Dress Goods. iA While there will XfJ] only be four distinct lots of goods in this lfT\t sale eacn l°t will be ,"t—" : 01 " mucn importance. Yjl '<' . ne 2 0 °d s are not A -f only perfect and deI '/! VP sirable butthorough/(A Vk seasonable. There ffi \ M be Boucle SuitJ 1 I H \ ored Cashmeres, „ jSg J Storm Serges and some Handsome Figured Mohair Suitings. Those who can will certainly do well to attend this sale. Following are the particulars: LO*T I—Will1 —Will consist of a special purchase just made of Boucle Suitings— a style of rough goods very popular at present, especially for separate skirts. Colors—navy Mult or black, 37 inches wide. Sale Price, 25c Yard. LOT 2—Six hundred yards double fold Cashmere, 36 inches wide, in black, navy blue, garnet, myrtle, green and cardinal. Sale Price, 18c Yard. LOT 3—Just received, ten patterns in Black Figured Mohair Suitings. These are choice goods, intended for regular stock, but arriving late we have decided to put them in this sale. Rich, lustrous finish, choice designs and 44 inches wide. Sale Price, 49c Yard. LOT 4—All-Wool Storm Serges, in navy blue; width, 37 inches. Sale Price, 36c Yard.

Of Interest to Women. Brown or navy blue Cashmere Gloves for women's wear, 19c. Wool and cotton mixed Union Suits for women's wear, $1 68. Women's Biack Cotton Hosiery, 19c and 23c. Children's School Hoods, 29c. Chenille Dot Veiling, 5c a yard. Figured Dress Goods in various dark colors; were $1 a yard, now 62c a yard. Plaid Silks for waists. Special price, 66c a yard. Much for Little. Seven-piece Hardwood Bedroom suit, $18. Seven-piece Selected Ash Suits. $21' 50. Seven-piece Solid Oak Suits, $25. Dining-room Chairs, cane seats, 75c. Ash Extension Tables, $4 50. Kitchen Safes, screen wire doors, $3. Combination Kitchen Table, $2 50. The standard fashion "Delineator" for February is in. Price, 10c. Besides interesting reading matter, it contains colored costume and millinery plates. Shoes Down. Children's Dongola Button Shoes, patent leather toes, spring heels; sizes, 1 to 8; 67c Men's Dress Boots, hand-sewed, plain toes, and equal to the finest custom work; were $7 50, now $5 a pair. Rubber Boots. First quality short Rubber Boots, dull finish, friction lined. The kind Used by firemen. Sale price, $3. Arctic Socks to wear with rubber boots, 25c. Wednesday, 9:30 A. M. Sale of 30 patterns in Figured Florentine Silks, light, medium and dark colors, at 32c a yard. Also, a sale of Semi-Chinaware, Pitchers, Vegetable Dishes, Cups and Saucers, Plates, Egg Cups, etc. Full particulars of this sale will be given tomorrow.

Here is a chance to buy a SHOTGUN for Ducks, Geese, Quail, etc. We sell them at price that cannot be met: $6 SO, SO, $8 50, $10 and. $12 50. ECKHARDrsH&UN STORE, 6Q9-611 X STREET. 1396. WE INVITE ATTENTION TO OUR NEW STOCK OF 18©c. WALL PAPER, Which is now coming to hand as fast as it can be manufactured, and we have already received hundreds of new patterns in all grades, comprising the best productions of eight leading factories of the National Wall Paper Company. W. P. FULLER & CO., 1016 SECOND STREET. 40404^404^4040^0^40404^ 1 »s, ladies; I 1 $85. $75. J Built and GUARANTEED by the In- Aft diana Bicycle Co. '96 models now on tSj. hand. For BEAUTY, STRENGTH and 3& 4f EASY RUNNING QUALITIES warranted the HIGHEST of all High Grades. Catalogue free. J*: S FRANK M. JONES, Exclusive Agent, J 724 J Street, Sacramento, Ej||SAPOLIO 1 ARE QUICKLY MARRIED. Try it in Your Next House Cleaning.^; I OFFICE, SECOND AND if. * \ard9, Second and M and Front and Q, Sacramento. AM DO U DAVIO, Furniture, Carpets, *J ' UPHOLSTERY GOODS, ETC. Salesroom. 411 and 413 X Street. Ware rooms. 403 to 407 Oak Avenue. FANCY NORTHERN BUTTER. **^SS^^^CREAMERIES. WOOD, CURTIS & CO., Wholesale Dealers and Shippers Oregon Oats, Nevada. Orcron and California Pntatnna Bi 'ECIALTIES-Butter, Egg 8 . Honey, Cheese.-Alfalfa,'Ea.tern bras, andC oVSaSSs* 117 to I_S U Street. BEANS AND VEGETABLES IN CAR LOTs!