San Francisco Call, Volume 67, Number 145, 14 April 1890 — Tlih I'nl vcrs tl is: ion vrlltinn. [ARTICLE]

Tlih I'nl vcrs tl is: ion vrlltinn.

The California Unlversalist Convention will meal iv Oakland on the i!:M lnst> and remain in ses 3 iou for three days. The programme of liie session is an interesting one.

lTlsyonr duty to>ourscir to (jet rlil or tbe tool accumulations In your blood Uu-< Bprlng. Bood'a tiuiit is jiiit the medlcUie yim need in purity, vitalize and enrlcn yonr blood.

Advice to Mothers.— Ml;,. Winslow's BOOTH iKoSYBur should alwa>s be used when children in cutting teeth. It relieves tin- little sufferer at «nic : It i n. (luces Datura! quiet Bleep byrellevlns 11.. child ln-ii! pain, and the little cherub awakes as " ir,;i,t;is abntton." it Is very pleasant to tasto. Jin <■: 1 1- the child, softens the Rums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and Is the best known remedy for diarrhea, whether arising from teething «r other causes. Iwent] Bye cents a bottle.

Fob KKLUtVINS and Coi-hhs, "JJrotnt's Jlrtmchiul Trorhrs" have a world-wide reputation. Sold only In boxes. Price2l

Mat styles Butterii k's patterns, i usJogues malleil frei>. 124 Post a re t. >Un Krancisco.