San Francisco Call, Volume 70, Number 51, 21 July 1891 — CONDENSED XKL.EGKAMS. [ARTICLE]


London. July 20.— A t rovisional liquidator has been appointed to take charge of the affairs of the English Bank ot the Kiver PUtte. Buenos Ayres, July 20.— 1n the Deputies a bill reducing the duli.-s on raw sugar, petroleum, tea, rice aud tally was read for the first time.

St. Petekshuko, July 20.— Another naval corps h.,s been a<lded to the Black Set fleet. The building of four vessels for this corps is to be expedited. Paris, July 20. -The strike of ' roil road employes iv this city has collapsed. Most of the men have already resumed work, although some stations and workshops are still guarded by troops.