San Francisco Call, Volume 70, Number 59, 29 July 1891 — RICHMOND DISTRICT. [ARTICLE]


Kesiilents 'Will A«k for : Ilia Opening of Several N«w Streets.. At a meeting of the Point Lnbos Club , held last evening at Virratli's Hall, corner of Point Lobos and Johnson avenues, the Secretary was instructed to address a communication to .Judge Sanderson, asking him to render a derision in the matter of the annullment of the Twenty-seventh avenue and New-street Commission appointed by the old Board of Supervisors. Until this question is settled nothing can be done toward completing the outlet of the Richmond' sewer district • . The Executive Committee was ordered to attend the next meeting of the. Supervisors and protest against the establishment of a, which the H»hn«m»n Association proposes to locate near Mountain Lake In the Richmond district The Secret try was Instructed to address a letter to the Health Office, calling attention to an unhealthy and offensive deposit un Second avenue ntar Lake street, and also tn the condition of drainage noar the Children's Hospital in California * It was decided to send a p.'tiliou to the Board of Supervisors askiug them to grate and rjDuvadnmize Eleventh sml Ninth hv>>iif.e.i, from A to D streets, and Eighteenth and Twenty-fourth avenues, from Point Ix>!)08 avenue to the. park.