San Francisco Call, Volume 70, Number 113, 21 September 1891 — A CASTLIi ON MXX. [CHAPTER]


Due of the Finest Ducal Palaces in Bavaria Partially Destroyed. Berlin, Sept. 20.— The c.istie of Hohenburg. In Northern Bavaria, one of the finest In Germany, has bean partially destroyed by fire. The Grand Duke Adolf of Luxemburg, the owner, was feasting at the time with many gueMs of huh rank, when a fire started in the southwest wing, the loveliest part of the castle. The Duke and his friends bravely battled with the flames; the laborers on the estate, forming a chain, passed them buckets of water f rora ponds. Help, too, came from the neighboring villages, and at last the engines nrrived, but it was too late. Many rare works of art were destroyed, and the wing was reduced to ashen.