San Francisco Call, Volume 87, Number 81, 19 February 1900 — PHILIPPINES MUST BE GARRISONED FOREVER [ARTICLE]


Thus Declares General Shafter in Speaking of the War in the Archipelago. BUFFALO, Feb. I8.— General William R. Shafter was at Fort Porter to-day while returning to San Francisco. Interviewed on the Philippine situation, he said: "I regard the insurrection as broken. So far as the Tagalos are concerned, the insurrection is practically ended. As to what may occur among the other tribes of people over there I cannot say." "How long will a garrison be necessary in the Philippines?" was asked.

"Forever," he replied, "and by forever I mean during your lifetime and mine. Troops must be there for years to come. We have garrisons in this country, and certainly garrisons will be needed there." General Shafter will leave for San Francisco to-morrow.