San Francisco Call, Volume 98, Number 46, 16 July 1905 — Page 30 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LEAEIKO BUSINESS COIi-EGB OF THB WEST. M Peat St.. San Franetaoa. QO. Erttb. 42 rxn. Open eirtlre r*ar. fiay A xdctt. %Vrlt« far circulars (free). PO L YTECM/C BnaiAeaa Collesre and Sebool of Enffinrrrtnir, Oakland, California. Great Business University of the 'West: finest fczHdjr.g tn U. S. i or buslnees ocllece work; 1000 •tndente: ldssi ciJrcate; borne ln£uence«: 100 Trpins M»ch!ise». Pitman or Gregr Shorthand. rtneet Banking Offices In America — Modern. Tuition, board and all expenses loir. Gradual** secur« beet paying petition*. Civil. Electrical. Ecsiaeert&C. YON MEYERINCK g^Bbc EstabUshed IES3. 841 r*nltoj» St^ San FVanctsr© OStam mil the adrantaxea of Buroxseas and I Eaeiern conservatories for a tborocsn tna- ' steal education. Pupils prepared for churdJ asd conoert work and th« operatic stagre. ' f p«*-laJ Summer Oonrao for Teacher*. Prospectus npon appltoatloa. Mills College and Seminary CONFESS DEGREES AND GTIANTS DIPIOMAB. Seminary course accredited to the unlTersltlaa and leadiaa- eastern oollases; rare opportu- . nlt)«« aSered ln music, art and elocution. Thir-ty-ninth year. Pall term opens August 10. ' 1900. 'Write for oatalocue to VTtS. C, T- MlTifi, PRESIDENT. . fcTTT.TA COLLEGE P. P.. CAL. 'I HAMLIN SCHOO, | IKS TAH KESS BEirrXIKX. IMS JaJtajn feU, E. F. Boardlns aad Day Echortl Car Q'.rls. Accredited by the leading <x£leg*a cad nslvendtles. Special attention ptven to tsusle. Reopens Toesday, August s, 1805. EARAH P. HAMLIN'. PrlncipaL THE LYCEUM Aa accredited preparatory school for the mil- • versify, law and medical \ colleeee; is well known for Its careful and thorough work. Come aafl be with us; we prepare you well; referesiees, PresjJect Jordan or aay Stanford profcason Pfaelan bulldmc. L> n. CRAC. Pa. P.. PrtnclpaL fWW^^O'^y^l BUSLVESS COLI.BGE. U llin BEN BhorthsniJ lMtltnW. BtXAKi SOw T23 M*r^« SL. 6. F. fAI6I if llrGa. Tb * hlcb-crads school of I IMP, > W& S. F. Business Train\ff,,lli f\T ■ rSii-a ir.r. Ehorth&nd. Typ«wrlUiig. Positions for graduates. Free eatataro« ) Boone's University Sebool for Boys BERKELET, CAXIF. Oonuneno«B Its twenty-fifth year Monday, August the 7th. MISS HEAD'S SCHOOL Berkeley— Boarfiln» acd Day School for Girls. 2538 Channlng way. Pleaeant home life, large rarden. gymnasium. Accredited to University of California. Stanford. Vaszar, Smith. Wellesiey. Term Opens Awgnat 0. 1905. Western Business College. 12S1 Market: terms JS per month. $40 for « mmUi*; thorough course; ln order to demonstrate our superior method of teaching; will rive one month's tuition free.* Our motto, "Perfection." Success assured. IRVINQ INSTITUTE. Boarding and day school for young ladies and little girls. 2128 California ctreet. 'Will reopen August 7. 1805. Accredited by the universities. MRS. EDWARD B. CHURCH. M.E.L.. Prtnc'l. ANDERSON ACADEMY IRVESGTOX, CALIFORNIA. UNSURPASSED. TERM BEGINS AUOUBT 16. TTTT.T.TAM WALKER ANDERSON. Principal. S. MARGARET'S HALL Fell Acadamlo and College Preparatory Courses, aa well as thorough Primary Instruction. Music tinder the direction cf Masters. Fcr full Illustrated book address Miss ELEAKOR TEBBETTS. Principal. San Mateo, CaL SCHOOL OF ILLUSTRATION PAHTTNQTOirS. 424 PINE ST. Oldest School In America. Hew Term Begins MONDAT. July »L DAY AND EVENING CLASS. Hiss West's School for Girls KJI4 Vaa V*— avenue, opens August 16. 1905. ftaca* ft&d Day School; Kladergarteaj accredited by leading colleges. MART B. WEST, PrlncipaL Hitchcock Military Academy SAJT EAFAEL. Chrt»tma« term will conunenoe August li. HOOn TAMALPAIS MILITARY ACADEMY, SAN RAFAEL. CAL. % School Tsar Begins August 16th. Junior School Separate. AKTHUK CROSBY. D. P.. Head Master. HARKER-HUGHES SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AT PALO ALTO. CoU*r« praparatory. Pleasant home life. Kaeie •docaticn under a pupil of Calvia B. Cady. Accredited to Vasaar and Welleeley. , Op«a« August 2L ICO6. 1121 Bryant Street. ST. MAHHEW'S MILITARY SCHOOL Baa Mateo, Cal. Trinity term will begin Aug. IT, 1SO&. For catalogue address Rev. William X. Brewer. A. B-. Rector and Headmaster. BEAULIEU A boardtcg asd day school for glrla; number ' Halted; 11th year. 2601 College ay«.. Berkeley. COLLEGE OF XOTR.E DAME. SAN JOSE. CAL. Exclusively for hoarding atodect*. Flfty-fourta year. Courses: Classictl. Literary, Edentlflc, Conservatory. College preparatory accredited. Intermediate and Primary Classes. Studies resumed Thursday, August I?. 1&MfrYELL SEMINARY, Berkeley. CaL 2721 CHANNINO WAY. For girls. University preparation and academic courses. Music, art, elocution. Location beautiful. Outdoor life, athletics. 2<Sth year. For catalogue address MRS. EDNA £NELL POULSON or MISS MART E. SNELL. principals. DIXO.V COLLEGE, Oakland, Cal.— "EDUCATE FOR PROFIT." Specialists la Gregg Ehorthand, Touch Typing, Bookkeeping Peomanthip and Prtparatory Studies. Life Scholarship. 160; six months, |50; one month t:0. Individual Instruction; day and sight. . Write for prospectua. THE PAUL GERSO.Y SCHOOL OF ACTIAG— The largrest institution devoted exclusively to dramatic learning ln America. POSITIONS GUARANTEED. Pupil* may ester any time. Send for catalogue. Native eon*" building. ■ ....THE.... Los Angeles Times San Frandtco Office Is located la ROOM 10. CnnOXICLE BUILDING ARTHUR L. FISH. Repreaentntire. If you would do effective advertising ln the Southwest, drop a line to the tbove address or telephone Main 1472 and our representative will: be pleased to call on you with full information as to rates, etc, THB SUNDAY TIME&* with 36-pa*re magazine, J2.EO m, year by mall. I