San Francisco Call, Volume 104, Number 2, 2 June 1908 — SHIPPING NEWS OF^COAST [CHAPTER]


Items of Interest to Mariners

of the Pacific

POETIAXD, June 1. — Election day was observed as a holiday on the water front. At Tongue point the steamship Teddo took lumber, was a case of necessity, as that craft Is dee to sail from San Francisco June 6 with United States mail for Australia. The American bark Homeward Bound has been chartered to load general cargo at London for Vancouver, B. 0. From that port It will proceed in. ballast to Portland and will load grain for the United Kingdom for orders. The - American . schooner Willie It. Hume opened . the foreign lumber shipments for June by clearing today for Mollendo, Peru, with $15,303 feet, valued at |12,000. The crew will be shipped tomorrow and the vessel will leave down In the afternoon. Strong northwest winds have been prevailing for more than a week* past and vessels bound up the coast are being held back.

SAN* PEDRO, June 1. — The United Sfates cruisers West Virginia, Maryland and Pennsjrlrania formed in line outside the breakwater and departed at 10 o'clock today for Santa Barbara. The steamer Hanalel, Captain McFarland, from San Francisco, - arrlred at noon. The res-

sel will start on the return trip tomorrow. The steam schooner Santa Barbara, Captain Zaddart, from Grays. Harbor, reached port this morning with 700,000 feet of lumber. The steam schooners Brooklyn, Captain HenrtckbOn and the Alcatrai, Captain EUessen, departed' this evening for Union landing to load lumber. The steamer Santa Rosa, Captain Alexander, from San Francisco via Redondo, arrived tonight. -The steam schooner Samoa, Captain Madseu, from Caspar, arrived today with 400,t*X) feet of lumber. • Off Santa Cruz the deck load shifted during' a northwester, 20,000 feet of lumber beiug lost. The steam schooners Xorae City, Captain Hansen, and the J. B. Stetson. Captain Bonnlficld, will depart north tomorrow, the former .for Portland and the latter for Urays Harbor. The schooner Mindero, Captain L«r»en, six days from Portland, arrived . today with 1,000 tons of wheat. TACOMA, June I.— The British steamer Suveric, which is taking. a general cargo for China and Manila, left tonight for the E«quimalt drydock for cleaning and repairing. In addition to other freight the Suveric is loading about 1.500,000 feet of lumber, most of it for the United States. The British steamer John ' L. Card cleared for Xanalmo, B. C, today with flour, corn, barley and empty "b/er kegs of a total value of $1,832. The American steamer Samson cleared for Vancouver, B. C, ' witli flour and general cargo valued at $2,306. The steamer Governor arrived from San r- Francisco tonight bringing general cargo. ASTORIA, June I.— The steam schooner Shoshone arrived today from San Francisco and went to Portland to load .grain and lumber for that port. Tbe torpedo boats Preble, Fos, Paul Jones. Perry and Farragut arrived tojay . from San Francisco and will leave for ■ Portland tomorrow to participate in the rose festivities. They were compelled to seek shelter in Coos and Huraboiat bays. The steamer Rose City arrived from San Francisco . and proceeded to Portland. The steiiuer Elraore arrived from Tillaruook with a mlJted cargo and proceeded to Portland.

Army. TranaportsTbe Burnslde is at Seattle. • The Buford is In port aad will sail June G for Manila. . ' - The Crook is in port. v The Kilpatrick is at Xewport Xews, Va. „The Dix is at Honolulu. The Logan is in port, undergoing repairs. The Meade is at -New York. The Sherman 6ailed from- Nagasaki May • 21 for this port. - i The Sheridan sailed from Guam May 25 for Manila. i The Thomas 1r in port. ,The Warren is at Manila. The Overdae Ijlut British . birk , Falkenbank, out 208 daya from Port Talbot, for Valparaiso, 90 per cent. American 6hlp Bangalore, out 224 day* from Norfolk, -for Honolulu, 90 per cent. - ' N,"British b«i-k Sureouf, out 161 days from Caleta Colosa, for Hamburg. 25 per cent. British ship Cresslngton, out 163 days- from Barry, for Callao, 15 per cent. • ■ ■ British ship Dumfriesblre, out 160 day? from Vancouver, for Qneenstown, 8 per cent. German bark H. Hackfeld, out 156 days from Seattle, for Queenstown, ,8 per cent. British bark Galgonn ~ Castle, out 136 days from Caleta Colosa, for the channel, 10 per cent.

Norwegian bark Ester, out 179 • days from Amsterdam, for Mocassar, 15 per cent.