San Francisco Call, Volume 106, Number 43, 13 July 1909 — ACCIDENT TO KEARNS' CHILDREN DELAYS TRIP [ARTICLE]


Young Daughter's Broken Leg

Placed in Cast

[Special Dispatch to The Call]

SANTA iROSA, -'July 12.— Miss Helen Kearns, the young daughter of former Senator and Mrs. Thomas Kearns, whose left leg was broken between the ankle and knee la3t Friday when her pony team ran away, throwing both her and her brother Thomas out of their cart, had, the injured .'member placed in a ; cast Monday by Dr. J. W.Jesse. - - / - • Senator - Kearns and family were on the eve of departure for Salt Lake City- when the accident occurred' and necessarily have been -detained. . Senator, Kearns, however, is .now, forced to leave, as *he has pressing business engagements. : The family expect to follow, as soon as the chlldreri\ recover sufficiently! to stand the .trip., Young Master . Kearns' is rallying I from the concussion of the brain and will soon bo out. ■■■■':-: ■'.., "