San Francisco Call, Volume 106, Number 43, 13 July 1909 — FIRE DESTROYS OLD MENLO PARK LANDMARK [ARTICLE]


Kate Johnson Home, Gift to

Archbishop Riordan, Burned

MENLO PARK, July 12.— The destruction of the old Kate Johnson home in the grounds of St. , Patrick's seminary yesterday by fire removed one more link connecting this district with the pioneer days of the early fifties.

The home was one of the historic buildings of this section of the peninsula, being the first built here after the American occupation. It was brought around the Horn In sections from New York and erected in 1852. The place remained the home of Mrs. Johnson until her death. 15 years ago, and by .her will ■was left, with SO acres of ground, to Archbishop Riordan to. become the site of the present Catholic seminary.

During the last few years the old home had been used as quarters for the seminary workmen,' the fire of yesterday having been caused by the explosion of a lamp which one of the laborers was filling:. ■