San Francisco Call, Volume 110, Number 111, 19 September 1911 — Dog Worth $5,000 Lands in Pound Like Any Mongrel [ARTICLE]

Dog Worth $5,000 Lands in Pound Like Any Mongrel

[Special Dispatch to The Call} LOS ANGELES, Sept. 18.—Robert Bruce, the $5,000 Scotch collie that is the pride of Millionaire H. E. Huntington's palatial estate in Pasadena, was gathered in by the pound keeper today like any mongrel. Robert Bruce has a pedigree as long as the Huntington ancestral tree, and that he should be impounded with dogs of low degree caused consternation among the retinue of servants at the Huntington home. After frantic calls had been made on the police to locate the missing collie the pound keeper finally discovered that the canine was in a pen with a dozen vagrant curs, the result of the morning's dragnet. A big automobile sped down from the tauntington mansion and Robert Bruce was returned to the luxurious apartments of his kennel.