Daily Alta California, Volume 7, Number 149, 8 June 1856 — KaraillrJif'nl in 11nrai dn I'aanlt ill fir. •p«a>r (• «Jo»«in»r'> l'rorlrim*li«n ! [ARTICLE]

KaraillrJif'nl in 1 1nrai dn I'aanlt ill fir. •p«a>r (• «Jo» « in»r'> l'rorlrim*li«n !

llKitiirx Alt a :— lt may l« interentiag to Ban Franciacaiisto know tbat a militia roll ban been • i»nH at Kao l^earjdm, and that tin- name It headed Iv fonr r.i/nnr atir.i'ii«,one an • x ( ..i.«i. — nun. and another aa ex rVaalur ; lioa- rainy more will come fn ward i> uiain* to be w li, tor tin' tilth Mgner became so tick uf it tbat the name in <»'uiit« mini ; and I predict that forty nainca cannot be obuiued in tbe county to ana tain the fcxecutire imbe preaeot Issue. Oothetitber hand, I apeak adria*d!y. when I aawrt that oue ilmu «t» 1 mm can >*■ rallied in tbirtj-six hoora n<>tl«-e to —aUta the Vigilance Committee In mmiinz Ike buunda and all their t«>k<r» either Into th* I> ir or out of the SUle. V-mm, A<"., BSKTIKKL.

Kits which WirnTitnti.. -A|iaper»Mread by Profpwor A . P. n»che, Baperinteodent of the U. BCjoA BiirTey, brtore tbe American Rcieatiflc Aasodatina.ateting tbat at nibe u'dock <m Ibe morning of December Md, 1^54, »d narthquake occurred at Simoda. oolite bland of &*ipbou, Japan, and occasioned the wreck of the Ru.«iau frieate I>iana, which waa ibaa ia that fr-n. uewdea arv,-r») juulu.uid nearly the atttirt town. The harbor waa flrat emptied by the recoding of the waters, aad llm « ame in an enurtnoiu ware, wlsi.-h a^ain receded aoii left th* hartmr dry or Dearly »■•. Tlii* rnxuned Kviral time*.

Tbe aaaat ».ini) baa atlf-regiaiering tide piagea at CJuuibia river, at Kan Prtaciaco, and at Ban Diegp, » I,K b record tbe ri«e and time of th* tide opou long cni.t ; iiu<«i- flm-!« <if |M|*r "' m< - • forward uiuf ■iinlv l.v ctock'Wwrk ;J and at 6au Franc!" ■■<>, 4.H00 mCea fitmi tb» fixun of the earthquake, the Hnrt ware srriTfd twrlra li.r.nt and «)xtr«n minates after 11 bad receded fr -in tbe harliur uf * ru tU. It la 1 trareled across tbe bmajd 1. •>■* of tbe PaeiSo Uaasn at tie rate of ail and a half milt* la • minute, aad arrived on the abore* of California to aatoaiah the acientiflc obaenrara of taa oaaat aanrry by to* apparently abnormal action of oar tldaa. 1 li.- tin* save at Baa I rau.ia.-o waa « ri !■;<!;! ! i- "f *IM ia MfU, tad lifted for abuat hail an truur. It waa futluvad by a aeries of aeven other wav«a 0/ bna laicuitude, at Icterra!* of about an Uvji <»■!•. Ati4anl»iego,aJraUar pbrnomena were (■Uartred, miUf»th "•■ accouat of tbe greater distance from Kii..«l«, (• i 'tit V*i mile* (nater than to Han r r*n- iv .) . tit wave* did oat arrive au aiioo. and were not quit* mi l;i*h.

r«ii.if T. Huuit, Kruma r«lU))'«|itrtf of tll!» city, we have a »ii- r. t'^ooat uf P. T. Herbert's «- raerinCallfufnia, from wbicb It ia 1 a at allaurprii big tut be abooM be guilty of th« murder uf a waiter, •b . aaw Miv reject a btactguard iunuii. That Her tart wa* kaeara a* a prufcaaed icambler, and look tn paiMaa tn beltrf 1,.. rtiaditloa. m not dented, and it. m«'j* hi-i i'iu-tr.-.tl'ia of atiJTcd offirtala, foi-ui upon tbe people uf Caiiloram < j>ioaA tbeir will. , Wh«t aball Califurnla be regeeeraUid ? U't eferj % nod CiUztO »-k bioveif tlie if<ii*iu x*i.

Bdr>UiT or rur. Kt. I»mii Hooc *m> I,»hm Ciwro v — A i«twiir a !tl b» jrin-u W tin- M. Fraodb Dauk »i"3 l.< Ui r l'«.i]ui,) at the UetropoßUn Tb*. ate* to-nunvw ewrtifug. , it/s. Jud«h, Mi» Caroline Ctupuua, tiw M^«i.i.r, ami oii.<i», it*** kindly r<iltu.t*«i. iJ, «<ml as • nnßint l/i'l will l«> yiaaaiilalL Tb« Hi. Kuiitla Uoui of o.i uJ<l<-*t mi lax am l»ui*«. aud MM W^, Ja »t»*T» <» Iml>4 <frb«B WMV **. We hv^ fiwjr w Jt h«t» • In4iii|»r. i :"

r*ucatrronr Hai*. or Hj,^ Kir.jj^-AUeßttoa :^ U» aala v .S M bn.Ji « wrl |ia« aud lot «• I>^-H,t •««*, „! d a UUmm* ...M.e,* (3 W. Mart** FU«*, ot CjraM ai»M,b* lAi**.* *fW •W> ««*•«"« << por«l»»tr.. lb« aai. %ni aa?l '2 ■-••■<•* f.ui,u fr«« rjuSLT^