Daily Alta California, Volume 27, Number 9327, 17 October 1875 — OAKLAND. [ARTICLE]


Death of Judge O. M. Blake Church Items— Death of John C. Qninn— University Boat Club — Madam* Fabbri Elder James Whlto will apeak this evening at the Heveiil)»y Advent Hall, corner of Broadway and Twelfth streets, upon the subject of "Tho Babbath, from the New Testament." . Deitz Hall will bo opened to tbe public on next Wednesday evening, upon which occasion Madame Fabbri will Inaugurate a seanoii of operatic concerts. The hall has boen elaborately fitted up for public entertainments, and It present* a marvel lon a contrast with its former appearance when known as lirnyton Hall. It is Madame Fabbrl's intention to give a concert here every Thursday evening. The txix-Hiieet will be open at Sanford, Eelsey & Co.'s drug store, to-morrow morning. The educational sormon before the Han Francisco I'aptlst Association at Hun Jose on Wednesday last, by Rev. B 8. McLafferty, Pastor of the baptist Church Ip this city, seems to be causing no little commotion. Mr. McL»rTerty has, we learn, taken the broad position that sects, as ruoli, have no duties in the matter of advanced education- they have neither the right nor the ability to do such work. This discourse will bo repeated to his own congregation this morning. Mr. John O. ijiiinn, for some time past a clerk in the Union Having* Bauk, died yesterday of consump. tion. Deceased WM 24 yoars of age, and was an up* right anil much rerpected young man. The much talked of University Boat Club Is now jin a fair wny to neoet d. It has In its treasury $160, which amount the Directors are confident of aug. wonting largely, very soon. A boat-huuwi> will be built duritif.' this vacation week, and it is the Inten- : tion of the Club to send a Freshman crew Lint, uext year, to take a hand in the Inter-Uollegtate Regatta at Saratoga . The final religious services of the First Methodist 1 Episcopal congregation will be held in their old church, on the corner of >inth and Washington streets, this morning. Ttiis ancient house of worship ban been sold to the German Methodist Society, and will be transported this week to their lot on Seventeenth street. After t •day, and until their new I'd nice on Fourteenth street is completed, the flr»t named Woetety will worship in I'ielz Hall, opposite the Grand Central Hotel. A telegram was received la Oakland at nine o'clock la»t evening, announcing the death of Judge O. M. Blake, at Davis' ranch, sixty miles north of Shasta. It has boen but several weeks since we noted in the«e items the departure from this city of Judge Blake Mini party, on a recreation and hunting < edition, and but a few days thereafter that we noted the substance of a telegram annouueitg the sudden and alarming illness of the Judge. It is understood that pneumonia was the cause of death. Ttie deceased was widely known in Oakland and San Francisco ; and when ti.in sad news it< m Is noted this Sitbbath morning, we predict that there will be many to say : •> How true it Is that • in the midst of life we are in death.' "